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H.B. 56






Chief Sponsor: Sheryl L. Allen

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      Committee Note:
             10          The Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee
             11      recommended this bill.
             12      General Description:
             13          This bill modifies the campaign and financial reporting requirements by amending
             14      provisions related to filing an amended financial statement.
             15      Highlighted Provisions:
             16          This bill:
             17          .    provides that an amended financial statement may only be filed by the filing entity
             18      to comply with a notice from a chief election officer;
             19          .    provides that an amended financial statement may only be filed by candidates to
             20      correct an inadvertent omission or an insignificant error or inaccuracy in the
             21      financial statement;
             22          .    provides that an amended financial statement whether filed separately or with the
             23      next scheduled report must:
             24              .    include a brief statement summarizing the amendments;
             25              .    explain the reason for filing an amended financial statement; and
             26              .    clearly show the amendments being made with the amended financial statement;
             27      and

             28          .    makes technical changes.
             29      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             30          None
             31      Other Special Clauses:
             32          None
             33      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             34      AMENDS:
             35          20A-11-206, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 202
             36          20A-11-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 202
             37          20A-11-1305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 14
             38          20A-12-306, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2001, Chapter 166
             39      ENACTS:
             40          20A-11-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             42      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             43          Section 1. Section 20A-11-104 is enacted to read:
             44          20A-11-104. Amended financial statements -- Requirements.
             45          (1) A filing entity may only file an amended financial statement in accordance with this
             46      section to:
             47          (a) comply with a notice of violation or complaint from a chief election officer in
             48      accordance with this chapter or Section 20A-12-306 ; or
             49          (b) correct an inadvertent omission or an insignificant error or inaccuracy in a financial
             50      statement filed by the filing entity in accordance with:
             51          (i) Section 20A-11-206 for a state office candidate;
             52          (ii) Section 20A-11-305 for a legislative office candidate;
             53          (iii) Section 20A-11-1305 for a school board office candidate; or
             54          (iv) Section 20A-12-306 for a judicial retention candidate.
             55          (2) A filing entity shall file an amended financial statement using the form required by
             56      the chief election officer.
             57          (3) An amended financial statement filed under this section whether filed in a separate
             58      amended report or filed with the next scheduled report shall:

             59          (a) include a brief statement summarizing the amendments to the original financial
             60      statement made by the amended financial statement;
             61          (b) explain in detail the reason for filing an amended financial statement; and
             62          (c) clearly show the financial statement as originally submitted and the amendments
             63      made by the amended financial statement.
             64          (4) This section does not affect a filing entity's responsibility to file a timely, completed
             65      financial statement that details accurately and completely the information required by this
             66      chapter or Title 20A, Chapter 12, Part 3, Campaign and Financial Reporting Requirements for
             67      Judicial Retention Elections.
             68          Section 2. Section 20A-11-206 is amended to read:
             69           20A-11-206. State office candidate -- Failure to file reports -- Penalties.
             70          (1) (a) If a state office candidate fails to file an interim report due before the regular
             71      primary election, on August 31, or before the regular general election, the lieutenant governor
             72      shall, after making a reasonable attempt to discover if the report was timely mailed, inform the
             73      county clerk and other appropriate election officials who:
             74          (i) shall, if practicable, remove the name of the candidate by blacking out the
             75      candidate's name before the ballots are delivered to voters; or
             76          (ii) shall, if removing the candidate's name from the ballot is not practicable, inform
             77      the voters by any practicable method that the candidate has been disqualified and that votes
             78      cast for the candidate will not be counted; and
             79          (iii) may not count any votes for that candidate.
             80          (b) Any state office candidate who fails to file timely a financial statement required by
             81      Section 20A-11-204 is disqualified and the vacancy on the ballot may be filled as provided in
             82      Section 20A-1-501 .
             83          (c) Notwithstanding Subsections (1)(a) and (1)(b), a state office candidate is not
             84      disqualified if:
             85          (i) the candidate files the reports required by this section no later than the due date;
             86          (ii) those reports are completed, detailing accurately and completely the information
             87      required by this part except for inadvertent omissions or insignificant errors or inaccuracies;
             88      and
             89          (iii) those omissions, errors, or inaccuracies are corrected in accordance with Section

             90      20A-11-104 in an amended report or in the next scheduled report.
             91          (2) (a) Within 30 days after a deadline for the filing of a summary report, the lieutenant
             92      governor shall review each filed summary report to ensure that:
             93          (i) each state office candidate that is required to file a summary report has filed one;
             94      and
             95          (ii) each summary report contains the information required by this part.
             96          (b) If it appears that any state office candidate has failed to file the summary report
             97      required by law, if it appears that a filed summary report does not conform to the law, or if the
             98      lieutenant governor has received a written complaint alleging a violation of the law or the
             99      falsity of any summary report, the lieutenant governor shall, within five days of discovery of a
             100      violation or receipt of a written complaint, notify the state office candidate of the violation or
             101      written complaint and direct the state office candidate to file a summary report correcting the
             102      problem in accordance with Section 20A-11-104 .
             103          (c) (i) It is unlawful for any state office candidate to fail to file or amend a summary
             104      report within 14 days after receiving notice from the lieutenant governor under this section.
             105          (ii) Each state office candidate who violates Subsection (2)(c)(i) is guilty of a class B
             106      misdemeanor.
             107          (iii) The lieutenant governor shall report all violations of Subsection (2)(c)(i) to the
             108      attorney general.
             109          Section 3. Section 20A-11-305 is amended to read:
             110           20A-11-305. Legislative office candidate -- Failure to file report -- Name not
             111      printed on ballot -- Filling vacancy.
             112          (1) (a) If a legislative office candidate fails to file an interim report due before the
             113      regular primary election, on August 31, or before the regular general election, the lieutenant
             114      governor shall, after making a reasonable attempt to discover if the report was timely mailed,
             115      inform the county clerk and other appropriate election officials who:
             116          (i) shall, if practicable, remove the name of the candidate by blacking out the
             117      candidate's name before the ballots are delivered to voters; or
             118          (ii) shall, if removing the candidate's name from the ballot is not practicable, inform
             119      the voters by any practicable method that the candidate has been disqualified and that votes
             120      cast for the candidate will not be counted; and

             121          (iii) may not count any votes for that candidate.
             122          (b) Any legislative office candidate who fails to file timely a financial statement
             123      required by Section 20A-11-303 is disqualified and the vacancy on the ballot may be filled as
             124      provided in Section 20A-1-501 .
             125          (c) Notwithstanding Subsections (1)(a) and (1)(b), a legislative office candidate is not
             126      disqualified if:
             127          (i) the candidate files the reports required by this section no later than the due date;
             128          (ii) those reports are completed, detailing accurately and completely the information
             129      required by this part except for inadvertent omissions or insignificant errors or inaccuracies;
             130      and
             131          (iii) those omissions, errors, or inaccuracies are corrected in accordance with Section
             132      20A-11-104 in an amended report or in the next scheduled report.
             133          (2) (a) Within 30 days after a deadline for the filing of a summary report, the lieutenant
             134      governor shall review each filed summary report to ensure that:
             135          (i) each legislative office candidate that is required to file a summary report has filed
             136      one; and
             137          (ii) each summary report contains the information required by this part.
             138          (b) If it appears that any legislative office candidate has failed to file the summary
             139      report required by law, if it appears that a filed summary report does not conform to the law, or
             140      if the lieutenant governor has received a written complaint alleging a violation of the law or the
             141      falsity of any summary report, the lieutenant governor shall, within five days of discovery of a
             142      violation or receipt of a written complaint, notify the legislative office candidate of the
             143      violation or written complaint and direct the legislative office candidate to file a summary
             144      report correcting the problem in accordance with Section 20A-11-104 .
             145          (c) (i) It is unlawful for any legislative office candidate to fail to file or amend a
             146      summary report within 14 days after receiving notice from the lieutenant governor under this
             147      section.
             148          (ii) Each legislative office candidate who violates Subsection (2)(c)(i) is guilty of a
             149      class B misdemeanor.
             150          (iii) The lieutenant governor shall report all violations of Subsection (2)(c)(i) to the
             151      attorney general.

             152          Section 4. Section 20A-11-1305 is amended to read:
             153           20A-11-1305. School board office candidate -- Failure to file statement -- Name
             154      not printed on ballot -- Filling vacancy.
             155          (1) (a) If a school board office candidate fails to file an interim report due before the
             156      regular primary election, on August 31, and before the regular general election, the chief
             157      election officer shall, after making a reasonable attempt to discover if the report was timely
             158      mailed, inform the county clerk and other appropriate election officials who:
             159          (i) shall, if practicable, remove the name of the candidate by blacking out the
             160      candidate's name before the ballots are delivered to voters; or
             161          (ii) shall, if removing the candidate's name from the ballot is not practicable, inform
             162      the voters by any practicable method that the candidate has been disqualified and that votes
             163      cast for candidate will not be counted; and
             164          (iii) may not count any votes for that candidate.
             165          (b) Any school board office candidate who fails to file timely a financial statement
             166      required by this part is disqualified and the vacancy on the ballot may be filled as provided in
             167      Section 20A-1-501 .
             168          (c) Notwithstanding Subsections (1)(a) and (1)(b), a school board office candidate is
             169      not disqualified if:
             170          (i) the candidate files the reports required by this section;
             171          (ii) those reports are completed, detailing accurately and completely the information
             172      required by this part except for inadvertent omissions or insignificant errors or inaccuracies;
             173      and
             174          (iii) those omissions, errors, or inaccuracies are corrected in accordance with Section
             175      20A-11-104 in an amended report or in the next scheduled report.
             176          (2) (a) Within 30 days after a deadline for the filing of a summary report by a candidate
             177      for state school board, the lieutenant governor shall review each filed summary report to ensure
             178      that:
             179          (i) each state school board candidate that is required to file a summary report has filed
             180      one; and
             181          (ii) each summary report contains the information required by this part.
             182          (b) If it appears that any state school board candidate has failed to file the summary

             183      report required by law, if it appears that a filed summary report does not conform to the law, or
             184      if the lieutenant governor has received a written complaint alleging a violation of the law or the
             185      falsity of any summary report, the lieutenant governor shall, within five days of discovery of a
             186      violation or receipt of a written complaint, notify the state school board candidate of the
             187      violation or written complaint and direct the state school board candidate to file a summary
             188      report correcting the problem in accordance with Section 20A-11-104 .
             189          (c) (i) It is unlawful for any state school board candidate to fail to file or amend a
             190      summary report within 14 days after receiving notice from the lieutenant governor under this
             191      section.
             192          (ii) Each state school board candidate who violates Subsection (2)(c)(i) is guilty of a
             193      class B misdemeanor.
             194          (iii) The lieutenant governor shall report all violations of Subsection (2)(c)(i) to the
             195      attorney general.
             196          (3) (a) Within 30 days after a deadline for the filing of a summary report, the county
             197      clerk shall review each filed summary report to ensure that:
             198          (i) each local school board candidate that is required to file a summary report has filed
             199      one; and
             200          (ii) each summary report contains the information required by this part.
             201          (b) If it appears that any local school board candidate has failed to file the summary
             202      report required by law, if it appears that a filed summary report does not conform to the law, or
             203      if the county clerk has received a written complaint alleging a violation of the law or the falsity
             204      of any summary report, the county clerk shall, within five days of discovery of a violation or
             205      receipt of a written complaint, notify the local school board candidate of the violation or
             206      written complaint and direct the local school board candidate to file a summary report
             207      correcting the problem in accordance with Section 20A-11-104 .
             208          (c) (i) It is unlawful for any local school board candidate to fail to file or amend a
             209      summary report within 14 days after receiving notice from the county clerk under this section.
             210          (ii) Each local school board candidate who violates Subsection (3)(c)(i) is guilty of a
             211      class B misdemeanor.
             212          (iii) The county clerk shall report all violations of Subsection (3)(c)(i) to the district or
             213      county attorney.

             214          Section 5. Section 20A-12-306 is amended to read:
             215           20A-12-306. Judges -- Failure to file reports -- Penalties.
             216          (1) (a) If a judge's personal campaign committee fails to file the interim report due
             217      before the regular general election, the lieutenant governor shall, after making a reasonable
             218      attempt to discover if the report was timely mailed, inform the county clerk and other
             219      appropriate election officials who:
             220          (i) shall, if practicable, remove the name of the judge by blacking out the judge's name
             221      before the ballots are delivered to voters; or
             222          (ii) shall, if removing the judge's name from the ballot is not practicable, inform the
             223      voters by any practicable method that the judge has been disqualified and that votes cast for the
             224      judge will not be counted; and
             225          (iii) may not count any votes for that judge.
             226          (b) Any judge who fails to file timely a financial statement required by this part is
             227      disqualified.
             228          (c) Notwithstanding Subsections (1)(a) and (1)(b), a judge is not disqualified if:
             229          (i) the candidate files the reports required by this section;
             230          (ii) those reports are completed, detailing accurately and completely the information
             231      required by this part except for inadvertent omissions or insignificant errors or inaccuracies;
             232      and
             233          (iii) those omissions, errors, or inaccuracies are corrected in accordance with Section
             234      20A-11-104 in an amended report or in the next scheduled report.
             235          (2) (a) Within 30 days after a deadline for the filing of a summary report, the lieutenant
             236      governor shall review each filed summary report to ensure that:
             237          (i) each judge that is required to file a summary report has filed one; and
             238          (ii) each summary report contains the information required by this part.
             239          (b) If it appears that any judge has failed to file the summary report required by law, if
             240      it appears that a filed summary report does not conform to the law, or if the lieutenant governor
             241      has received a written complaint alleging a violation of the law or the falsity of any summary
             242      report, the lieutenant governor shall, within five days of discovery of a violation or receipt of a
             243      written complaint, notify the judge of the violation or written complaint and direct the judge to
             244      file a summary report correcting the problem in accordance with Section 20A-11-104 .

             245          (c) (i) It is unlawful for any judge to fail to file or amend a summary report within 14
             246      days after receiving notice from the lieutenant governor under this section.
             247          (ii) Each judge who violates Subsection (2)(c)(i) is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
             248          (iii) The lieutenant governor shall report all violations of Subsection (2)(c)(i) to the
             249      attorney general.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-18-09 12:03 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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