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H.B. 193






Chief Sponsor: Rebecca D. Lockhart

Senate Sponsor: John L. Valentine

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends provisions of Title 58, Occupations and Professions.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    clarifies provisions related to the Division of Occupational and Professional
             14      Licensing's access to Bureau of Criminal Identification records;
             15          .    modifies language related to the issuing of reprimands by the division;
             16          .    provides for the resolution of problems with the division through a stipulated
             17      agreement;
             18          .    modifies definition provisions in the Utah Controlled Substances Act and the
             19      Uniform Building Standards Act administered by the division;
             20          .    provides for the reporting of certain information by a trust that has applied to the
             21      division for an alarm company contractor license; and
             22          .    makes certain technical changes.
             23      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          None
             25      Other Special Clauses:
             26          None
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             28      AMENDS:
             29          58-1-301.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 211
             30          58-1-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1996, Chapter 175
             31          58-31b-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2005, Chapter 50
             32          58-37-7.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 41
             33          58-55-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             34          58-56-3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 339
             35          58-56-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 339
             37      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             38          Section 1. Section 58-1-301.5 is amended to read:
             39           58-1-301.5. Division access to Bureau of Criminal Identification records.
             40          (1) The division shall have direct access to criminal background information
             41      maintained by the Bureau of Criminal Identification under Title 53, Chapter 10, Part 2, Bureau
             42      of Criminal Identification, for background screening of licensure applicants as required in:
             43          (a) Section 58-17b-307 of Title 58, Chapter 17b, Pharmacy Practice Act;
             44          [(a)] (b) Section 58-31b-302 of Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act;
             45          [(b)] (c) Section 58-47b-302 of Title 58, Chapter 47b, Massage Therapy Practice Act;
             46          [(c)] (d) Section 58-55-302 of Title 58, Chapter 55, Utah Construction Trades
             47      Licensing Act, as it applies to alarm companies and alarm company agents;
             48          [(d)] (e) Section 58-63-302 of Title 58, Chapter 63, Security Personnel Licensing Act;
             49      and
             50          [(e)] (f) Section 58-64-302 of Title 58, Chapter 64, Deception Detection Examiners
             51      Licensing Act.
             52          (2) The division access under Subsection (1) shall be:
             53          (a) in accordance with Section 53-10-108 [.]; and
             54          (b) to all convictions, pleas of nolo contendere, pleas of guilty or nolo contendere held
             55      in abeyance, dismissed charges resulting from completion of a plea in abeyance, and charges
             56      without a known disposition.
             57          Section 2. Section 58-1-401 is amended to read:
             58           58-1-401. Grounds for denial of license -- Disciplinary proceedings -- Time

             59      limitations -- Sanctions.
             60          (1) The division shall refuse to issue a license to an applicant and shall refuse to renew
             61      or shall revoke, suspend, restrict, place on probation, or otherwise act upon the license of a
             62      licensee who does not meet the qualifications for licensure under this title.
             63          (2) The division may refuse to issue a license to an applicant and may refuse to renew
             64      or may revoke, suspend, restrict, place on probation, issue a public [or private] reprimand to, or
             65      otherwise act upon the license of any licensee in any of the following cases:
             66          (a) the applicant or licensee has engaged in unprofessional conduct, as defined by
             67      statute or rule under this title;
             68          (b) the applicant or licensee has engaged in unlawful conduct as defined by statute
             69      under this title;
             70          (c) the applicant or licensee has been determined to be mentally incompetent for any
             71      reason by a court of competent jurisdiction; or
             72          (d) the applicant or licensee is unable to practice the occupation or profession with
             73      reasonable skill and safety because of illness, drunkenness, excessive use of drugs, narcotics,
             74      chemicals, or any other type of material, or as a result of any other mental or physical
             75      condition, when the licensee's condition demonstrates a threat or potential threat to the public
             76      health, safety, or welfare.
             77          (3) Any licensee whose license to practice an occupation or profession regulated by
             78      this title has been suspended, revoked, or restricted may apply for reinstatement of the license
             79      at reasonable intervals and upon compliance with any conditions imposed upon the licensee by
             80      statute, rule, or terms of the license suspension, revocation, or restriction.
             81          (4) The division may issue cease and desist orders to:
             82          (a) [to] a licensee or applicant who may be disciplined under Subsection (1) or (2);
             83          (b) [to] any person who engages in or represents himself to be engaged in an
             84      occupation or profession regulated under this title; and
             85          (c) [to] any person who otherwise violates this title or any rules adopted under this title.
             86          (5) (a) The division may not take disciplinary action against any person for
             87      unprofessional or unlawful conduct under this title, unless the division enters into a stipulated
             88      agreement or initiates an adjudicative proceeding regarding the conduct within four years after
             89      the conduct is reported to the division, except under Subsection (5)(b).

             90          (b) The division may not take disciplinary action against any person for unprofessional
             91      or unlawful conduct more than 10 years after the occurrence of the conduct, unless the
             92      proceeding is in response to a civil or criminal judgment or settlement and the proceeding is
             93      initiated within one year following the judgment or settlement.
             94          Section 3. Section 58-31b-201 is amended to read:
             95           58-31b-201. Board.
             96          (1) There is created the Board of Nursing that consists of the following 11 members:
             97          (a) nine nurses in a manner as may be further defined in division rule; and
             98          (b) two members of the public.
             99          (2) The board shall be appointed and serve in accordance with Section 58-1-201 .
             100          (3) The board shall carry out the duties and responsibilities in Sections 58-1-202 and
             101      58-1-203 and shall:
             102          (a) (i) recommend to the division minimum standards for educational programs
             103      qualifying a person for licensure or certification under this chapter;
             104          (ii) recommend to the division denial, approval, or withdrawal of approval regarding
             105      educational programs that meet or fail to meet the established minimum standards; and
             106          (iii) designate one of its members on a permanent or rotating basis to:
             107          (A) assist the division in reviewing complaints concerning the unlawful or
             108      unprofessional conduct of a licensee; and
             109          (B) advise the division in its investigation of these complaints.
             110          (b) A board member who has, under Subsection (3)(a)(iii), reviewed a complaint or
             111      advised in its investigation may be disqualified from participating with the board when the
             112      board serves as a presiding officer in an adjudicative proceeding concerning the complaint.
             113          (4) (a) The director shall appoint an individual to serve [as the executive administrator
             114      of the Board of Nursing. Except when the board serves as a presiding officer in an adjudicative
             115      procedure, the executive administrator shall serve as an ex officio member of the board and
             116      shall] as an ex officio member of the Board of Nursing to represent the position of the division
             117      in matters considered by the board.
             118          (b) The [executive administrator] ex officio member shall be a licensed registered
             119      nurse, shall have earned a masters degree in nursing, and shall have a minimum of five years of
             120      experience working in nursing administration or nursing education.

             121          Section 4. Section 58-37-7.5 is amended to read:
             122           58-37-7.5. Controlled substance database -- Pharmacy reporting requirements --
             123      Access -- Penalties.
             124          (1) As used in this section:
             125          (a) "Board" means the Utah State Board of Pharmacy created in Section 58-17b-201 .
             126          (b) "Database" means the controlled substance database created in this section.
             127          [(c) "Database manager" means the person responsible for operating the database, or
             128      the person's designee.]
             129          [(d)] (c) "Division" means the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
             130      created in Section 58-1-103 .
             131          [(e)] (d) "Health care facility" is as defined in Section 26-21-2 .
             132          [(f)] (e) "Mental health therapist" is as defined in Section 58-60-102 .
             133          [(g)] (f) "Pharmacy" or "pharmaceutical facility" is as defined in Section 58-17b-102 .
             134          [(h)] (g) "Prospective patient" means a person who:
             135          (i) is seeking medical advice, medical treatment, or medical services from a
             136      practitioner; and
             137          (ii) the practitioner described in Subsection (1)[(h)](g)(i) is considering accepting as a
             138      patient.
             139          [(i)] (h) "Substance abuse treatment program" is as defined in Section 62A-2-101 .
             140          (2) (a) There is created within the division a controlled substance database.
             141          (b) (i) The division shall administer and direct the functioning of the database in
             142      accordance with this section.
             143          (ii) The division may under state procurement laws contract with another state agency
             144      or private entity to establish, operate, or maintain the database.
             145          (iii) The division in collaboration with the board shall determine whether to operate the
             146      database within the division or contract with another entity to operate the database, based on an
             147      analysis of costs and benefits.
             148          (c) The purpose of the database is to contain data as described in this section regarding
             149      every prescription for a controlled substance dispensed in the state to any person other than an
             150      inpatient in a licensed health care facility.
             151          (d) Data required by this section shall be submitted in compliance with this section to

             152      the [manager of the database] division by the pharmacist in charge of the drug outlet where the
             153      controlled substance is dispensed.
             154          (3) The board shall advise the division regarding:
             155          (a) establishing, maintaining, and operating the database;
             156          (b) access to the database and how access is obtained; and
             157          (c) control of information contained in the database.
             158          (4) The pharmacist in charge shall, regarding each controlled substance dispensed by a
             159      pharmacist under the pharmacist's supervision other than those dispensed for an inpatient at a
             160      health care facility, submit to the [manager of the database] division the following information,
             161      by a procedure and in a format established by the division:
             162          (a) name of the prescribing practitioner;
             163          (b) date of the prescription;
             164          (c) date the prescription was filled;
             165          (d) name of the person for whom the prescription was written;
             166          (e) positive identification of the person receiving the prescription, including the type of
             167      identification and any identifying numbers on the identification;
             168          (f) name of the controlled substance;
             169          (g) quantity of controlled substance prescribed;
             170          (h) strength of controlled substance;
             171          (i) quantity of controlled substance dispensed;
             172          (j) dosage quantity and frequency as prescribed;
             173          (k) name of drug outlet dispensing the controlled substance;
             174          (l) name of pharmacist dispensing the controlled substance; and
             175          (m) other relevant information as required by division rule.
             176          (5) The division shall maintain the database in an electronic file or by other means
             177      established by the division to facilitate use of the database for identification of:
             178          (a) prescribing practices and patterns of prescribing and dispensing controlled
             179      substances;
             180          (b) practitioners prescribing controlled substances in an unprofessional or unlawful
             181      manner;
             182          (c) individuals receiving prescriptions for controlled substances from licensed

             183      practitioners, and who subsequently obtain dispensed controlled substances from a drug outlet
             184      in quantities or with a frequency inconsistent with generally recognized standards of dosage for
             185      that controlled substance; and
             186          (d) individuals presenting forged or otherwise false or altered prescriptions for
             187      controlled substances to a pharmacy.
             188          (6) (a) The division shall by rule establish the electronic format in which the
             189      information required under this section shall be submitted to the [administrator of the database]
             190      division.
             191          (b) The division shall ensure the database system records and maintains for reference:
             192          (i) identification of each person who requests or receives information from the
             193      database;
             194          (ii) the information provided to each person; and
             195          (iii) the date and time the information is requested or provided.
             196          (7) The division shall make rules to:
             197          (a) effectively enforce the limitations on access to the database as described in
             198      Subsection (8); and
             199          (b) establish standards and procedures to ensure accurate identification of individuals
             200      requesting information or receiving information without request from the database.
             201          (8) The [manager of the database] division shall make information in the database
             202      available only to the following persons, in accordance with the requirements of this section and
             203      division rules:
             204          (a) personnel of the division specifically assigned to conduct investigations related to
             205      controlled substances laws under the jurisdiction of the division;
             206          (b) authorized division personnel engaged in analysis of controlled substance
             207      prescription information as a part of the assigned duties and responsibilities of their
             208      employment;
             209          (c) employees of the Department of Health whom the director of the Department of
             210      Health assigns to conduct scientific studies regarding the use or abuse of controlled substances,
             211      provided that the identity of the individuals and pharmacies in the database are confidential and
             212      are not disclosed in any manner to any individual who is not directly involved in the scientific
             213      studies;

             214          (d) a licensed practitioner having authority to prescribe controlled substances, to the
             215      extent the information:
             216          (i) (A) relates specifically to a current or prospective patient of the practitioner; and
             217          (B) is sought by the practitioner for the purpose of:
             218          (I) prescribing or considering prescribing any controlled substance to the current or
             219      prospective patient;
             220          (II) diagnosing the current or prospective patient;
             221          (III) providing medical treatment or medical advice to the current or prospective
             222      patient; or
             223          (IV) determining whether the current or prospective patient:
             224          (Aa) is attempting to fraudulently obtain a controlled substance from the practitioner;
             225      or
             226          (Bb) has fraudulently obtained, or attempted to fraudulently obtain, a controlled
             227      substance from the practitioner;
             228          (ii) (A) relates specifically to a former patient of the practitioner; and
             229          (B) is sought by the practitioner for the purpose of determining whether the former
             230      patient has fraudulently obtained, or has attempted to fraudulently obtain, a controlled
             231      substance from the practitioner;
             232          (iii) relates specifically to an individual who has access to the practitioner's Drug
             233      Enforcement Administration number, and the practitioner suspects that the individual may have
             234      used the practitioner's Drug Enforcement Administration identification number to fraudulently
             235      acquire or prescribe a controlled substance;
             236          (iv) relates to the practitioner's own prescribing practices, except when specifically
             237      prohibited by the division by administrative rule;
             238          (v) relates to the use of the controlled substance database by an employee of the
             239      practitioner, described in Subsection (8)(e); or
             240          (vi) relates to any use of the practitioner's Drug Enforcement Administration
             241      identification number to obtain, attempt to obtain, prescribe, or attempt to prescribe, a
             242      controlled substance;
             243          (e) in accordance with Subsection (17), an employee of a practitioner described in
             244      Subsection (8)(d), for a purpose described in Subsection (8)(d)(i) or (ii), if:

             245          (i) the employee is designated by the practitioner as a person authorized to access the
             246      information on behalf of the practitioner;
             247          (ii) the practitioner provides written notice to the division of the identity of the
             248      employee; and
             249          (iii) the division:
             250          (A) grants the employee access to the database; and
             251          (B) provides the employee with a password that is unique to that employee to access
             252      the database in order to permit the division to comply with the requirements of Subsection
             253      (6)(b) with respect to the employee;
             254          (f) a licensed pharmacist having authority to dispense controlled substances to the
             255      extent the information is sought for the purpose of:
             256          (i) dispensing or considering dispensing any controlled substance; or
             257          (ii) determining whether a person:
             258          (A) is attempting to fraudulently obtain a controlled substance from the pharmacist; or
             259          (B) has fraudulently obtained, or attempted to fraudulently obtain, a controlled
             260      substance from the pharmacist;
             261          (g) federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, and state and local
             262      prosecutors, engaged as a specified duty of their employment in enforcing laws:
             263          (i) regulating controlled substances; or
             264          (ii) investigating insurance fraud, Medicaid fraud, or Medicare fraud;
             265          (h) a mental health therapist, if:
             266          (i) the information relates to a patient who is:
             267          (A) enrolled in a licensed substance abuse treatment program; and
             268          (B) receiving treatment from, or under the direction of, the mental health therapist as
             269      part of the patient's participation in the licensed substance abuse treatment program described
             270      in Subsection (8)(h)(i)(A);
             271          (ii) the information is sought for the purpose of determining whether the patient is
             272      using a controlled substance while the patient is enrolled in the licensed substance abuse
             273      treatment program described in Subsection (8)(h)(i)(A); and
             274          (iii) the licensed substance abuse treatment program described in Subsection
             275      (8)(h)(i)(A) is associated with a practitioner who:

             276          (A) is a physician, a physician assistant, an advance practice registered nurse, or a
             277      pharmacist; and
             278          (B) is available to consult with the mental health therapist regarding the information
             279      obtained by the mental health therapist, under this Subsection (8)(h), from the database; and
             280          (i) an individual who is the recipient of a controlled substance prescription entered into
             281      the database, upon providing evidence satisfactory to the database manager that the individual
             282      requesting the information is in fact the person about whom the data entry was made.
             283          (9) [Any] A person who knowingly and intentionally releases any information in the
             284      database in violation of the limitations under Subsection (8) is guilty of a third degree felony.
             285          (10) (a) [Any] A person who obtains or attempts to obtain information from the
             286      database by misrepresentation or fraud is guilty of a third degree felony.
             287          (b) [Any] A person who obtains or attempts to obtain information from the database
             288      for a purpose other than a purpose authorized by this section or by rule is guilty of a third
             289      degree felony.
             290          (11) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (11)(d), a person may not knowingly and
             291      intentionally use, release, publish, or otherwise make available to any other person or entity
             292      [any] information obtained from the database for [any] a purpose other than [those] a purpose
             293      specified in Subsection (8).
             294          (ii) Each separate violation of this Subsection (11) is a third degree felony and is also
             295      subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000.
             296          (b) The procedure for determining a civil violation of this Subsection (11) shall be in
             297      accordance with Section 58-1-108 , regarding adjudicative proceedings within the division.
             298          (c) Civil penalties assessed under this Subsection (11) shall be deposited in the General
             299      Fund as a dedicated credit to be used by the division under Subsection 58-37-7.7 (1).
             300          (d) Nothing in this Subsection (11) prohibits a person who obtains information from
             301      the database under Subsection (8)(d) or (e) from:
             302          (i) including the information in the person's medical chart or file for access by a person
             303      authorized to review the medical chart or file; or
             304          (ii) providing the information to a person in accordance with the requirements of the
             305      Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
             306          (12) (a) The failure of a pharmacist in charge to submit information to the database as

             307      required under this section after the division has submitted a specific written request for the
             308      information or when the division determines the individual has a demonstrable pattern of
             309      failing to submit the information as required is grounds for the division to take the following
             310      actions in accordance with Section 58-1-401 :
             311          (i) refuse to issue a license to the individual;
             312          (ii) refuse to renew the individual's license;
             313          (iii) revoke, suspend, restrict, or place on probation the license;
             314          (iv) issue a public or private reprimand to the individual;
             315          (v) issue a cease and desist order; and
             316          (vi) impose a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for each dispensed prescription
             317      regarding which the required information is not submitted.
             318          (b) Civil penalties assessed under Subsection (12)(a)(vi) shall be deposited in the
             319      General Fund as a dedicated credit to be used by the division under Subsection 58-37-7.7 (1).
             320          (c) The procedure for determining a civil violation of this Subsection (12) shall be in
             321      accordance with Section 58-1-108 , regarding adjudicative proceedings within the division.
             322          (13) An individual who has submitted information to the database in accordance with
             323      this section may not be held civilly liable for having submitted the information.
             324          (14) All department and the division costs necessary to establish and operate the
             325      database shall be funded by appropriations from:
             326          (a) the Commerce Service Fund; and
             327          (b) the General Fund.
             328          (15) All costs associated with recording and submitting data as required in this section
             329      shall be assumed by the submitting pharmacy.
             330          (16) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (16)(b), data provided to, maintained in, or
             331      accessed from the database that may be identified to, or with, a particular person is not subject
             332      to discovery, subpoena, or similar compulsory process in [any] a civil, judicial, administrative,
             333      or legislative proceeding, nor shall [any] an individual or organization with lawful access to the
             334      data be compelled to testify with regard to the data.
             335          (b) The restrictions in Subsection (16)(a) do not apply to:
             336          (i) a criminal proceeding; or
             337          (ii) a civil, judicial, or administrative action brought to enforce the provisions of this

             338      section, Section 58-37-7.7 , or Section 58-37-7.8 .
             339          (17) (a) A practitioner described in Subsection (8)(d) may designate up to three
             340      employees to access information from the database under Subsection (8)(e).
             341          (b) The division shall make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
             342      Administrative Rulemaking Act, to establish background check procedures to determine
             343      whether an employee designated under Subsection (8)(e)(i) should be granted access to the
             344      database.
             345          (c) The division shall grant an employee designated under Subsection (8)(e)(i) access
             346      to the database, unless the division determines, based on a background check, that the
             347      employee poses a security risk to the information contained in the database.
             348          (d) The division may impose a fee, in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 , on a
             349      practitioner who designates an employee under Subsection (8)(e)(i), to pay for the costs
             350      incurred by the division to conduct the background check and make the determination
             351      described in Subsection (17)(c).
             352          (18) (a) A person who is granted access to the database based on the fact that the
             353      person is a licensed practitioner or a mental health therapist shall be denied access to the
             354      database when the person is no longer licensed.
             355          (b) A person who is granted access to the database based on the fact that the person is a
             356      designated employee of a licensed practitioner shall be denied access to the database when the
             357      practitioner is no longer licensed.
             358          (19) A person who is a relative of a deceased individual is not entitled to access
             359      information from the database relating to the deceased individual based on the fact or claim
             360      that the person is:
             361          (a) related to the deceased individual; or
             362          (b) subrogated to the rights of the deceased individual.
             363          Section 5. Section 58-55-302 is amended to read:
             364           58-55-302. Qualifications for licensure.
             365          (1) Each applicant for a license under this chapter shall:
             366          (a) submit an application prescribed by the division;
             367          (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504 ;
             368          (c) (i) meet the examination requirements established by rule by the commission with

             369      the concurrence of the director, except for the classifications of apprentice plumber and
             370      apprentice electrician for whom no examination is required; or
             371          (ii) if required in Section 58-55-304 , the individual qualifier must pass the required
             372      examination if the applicant is a business entity;
             373          (d) if an apprentice, identify the proposed supervisor of the apprenticeship;
             374          (e) if an applicant for a contractor's license:
             375          (i) produce satisfactory evidence of financial responsibility, except for a construction
             376      trades instructor for whom evidence of financial responsibility is not required;
             377          (ii) produce satisfactory evidence of knowledge and experience in the construction
             378      industry and knowledge of the principles of the conduct of business as a contractor, reasonably
             379      necessary for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare; and
             380          (iii) be a licensed master electrician if an applicant for an electrical contractor's license
             381      or a licensed master residential electrician if an applicant for a residential electrical contractor's
             382      license; or
             383          (iv) be a licensed master plumber if an applicant for a plumbing contractor's license or
             384      a licensed master residential plumber if an applicant for a residential plumbing contractor's
             385      license; and
             386          (f) if an applicant for a construction trades instructor license, satisfy any additional
             387      requirements established by rule.
             388          (2) After approval of an applicant for a contractor's license by the applicable board and
             389      the division, the applicant shall file the following with the division before the division issues
             390      the license:
             391          (a) proof of workers' compensation insurance which covers employees of the applicant
             392      in accordance with applicable Utah law;
             393          (b) proof of public liability insurance in coverage amounts and form established by rule
             394      except for a construction trades instructor for whom public liability insurance is not required;
             395      and
             396          (c) proof of registration as required by applicable law with the:
             397          (i) Utah Department of Commerce;
             398          (ii) Division of Corporations and Commercial Code;
             399          (iii) Unemployment Insurance Division in the Department of Workforce Services, for

             400      purposes of Title 35A, Chapter 4, Employment Security Act;
             401          (iv) State Tax Commission; and
             402          (v) Internal Revenue Service.
             403          (3) In addition to the general requirements for each applicant in Subsection (1),
             404      applicants shall comply with the following requirements to be licensed in the following
             405      classifications:
             406          (a) (i) A master plumber shall produce satisfactory evidence that the applicant:
             407          (A) has been a licensed journeyman plumber for at least two years and had two years of
             408      supervisory experience as a licensed journeyman plumber in accordance with division rule;
             409          (B) has received at least an associate of applied science degree or similar degree
             410      following the completion of a course of study approved by the division and had one year of
             411      supervisory experience as a licensed journeyman plumber in accordance with division rule; or
             412          (C) meets the qualifications determined by the division in collaboration with the board
             413      to be equivalent to Subsection (3)(a)(i)(A) or (B).
             414          (ii) An individual holding a valid Utah license as a journeyman plumber, based on at
             415      least four years of practical experience as a licensed apprentice under the supervision of a
             416      licensed journeyman plumber and four years as a licensed journeyman plumber, in effect
             417      immediately prior to May 5, 2008, is on and after May 5, 2008, considered to hold a current
             418      master plumber license under this chapter, and satisfies the requirements of this Subsection
             419      (3)(a) for the purpose of renewal or reinstatement of that license under Section 58-55-303 .
             420          (iii) An individual holding a valid plumbing contractor's license or residential
             421      plumbing contractor's license, in effect immediately prior to May 5, 2008, is on or after May 5,
             422      2008:
             423          (A) considered to hold a current master plumber license under this chapter if licensed
             424      as a plumbing contractor and a journeyman plumber, and satisfies the requirements of this
             425      Subsection (3)(a) for purposes of renewal or reinstatement of that license under Section
             426      58-55-303 ; and
             427          (B) considered to hold a current residential master plumber license under this chapter if
             428      licensed as a residential plumbing contractor and a residential journeyman plumber, and
             429      satisfies the requirements of this Subsection (3)(a) for purposes of renewal or reinstatement of
             430      that license under Section 58-55-303 .

             431          (b) A master residential plumber applicant shall produce satisfactory evidence that the
             432      applicant:
             433          (i) has been a licensed residential journeyman plumber for at least two years and had
             434      two years of supervisory experience as a licensed residential journeyman plumber in
             435      accordance with division rule; or
             436          (ii) meets the qualifications determined by the division in collaboration with the board
             437      to be equivalent to Subsection (3)(b)(i).
             438          (c) A journeyman plumber applicant shall produce satisfactory evidence of:
             439          (i) successful completion of the equivalent of at least four years of full-time training
             440      and instruction as a licensed apprentice plumber under supervision of a licensed master
             441      plumber or journeyman plumber and in accordance with a planned program of training
             442      approved by the division;
             443          (ii) at least eight years of full-time experience approved by the division in collaboration
             444      with the Plumbers Licensing Board; or
             445          (iii) satisfactory evidence of meeting the qualifications determined by the board to be
             446      equivalent to Subsection (3)(c)(i) or (c)(ii).
             447          (d) A residential journeyman plumber shall produce satisfactory evidence of:
             448          (i) completion of the equivalent of at least three years of full-time training and
             449      instruction as a licensed apprentice plumber under the supervision of a licensed residential
             450      master plumber, licensed residential journeyman plumber, or licensed journeyman plumber in
             451      accordance with a planned program of training approved by the division;
             452          (ii) completion of at least six years of full-time experience in a maintenance or repair
             453      trade involving substantial plumbing work; or
             454          (iii) meeting the qualifications determined by the board to be equivalent to Subsection
             455      (3)(d)(i) or (d)(ii).
             456          (e) The conduct of licensed apprentice plumbers and their licensed supervisors shall be
             457      in accordance with the following:
             458          (i) while engaging in the trade of plumbing, a licensed apprentice plumber shall be
             459      under the immediate supervision of a licensed master plumber, licensed residential master
             460      plumber, licensed journeyman plumber, or a licensed residential journeyman plumber; and
             461          (ii) a licensed apprentice plumber in the fourth through tenth year of training may work

             462      without supervision for a period not to exceed eight hours in any 24-hour period, but if the
             463      apprentice does not become a licensed journeyman plumber or licensed residential journeyman
             464      plumber by the end of the tenth year of apprenticeship, this nonsupervision provision no longer
             465      applies.
             466          (f) A master electrician applicant shall produce satisfactory evidence that the applicant:
             467          (i) is a graduate electrical engineer of an accredited college or university approved by
             468      the division and has one year of practical electrical experience as a licensed apprentice
             469      electrician;
             470          (ii) is a graduate of an electrical trade school, having received an associate of applied
             471      sciences degree following successful completion of a course of study approved by the division,
             472      and has two years of practical experience as a licensed journeyman electrician;
             473          (iii) has four years of practical experience as a journeyman electrician; or
             474          (iv) meets the qualifications determined by the board to be equivalent to Subsection
             475      (3)(f)(i), (ii), or (iii).
             476          (g) A master residential electrician applicant shall produce satisfactory evidence that
             477      the applicant:
             478          (i) has at least two years of practical experience as a residential journeyman electrician;
             479      or
             480          (ii) meets the qualifications determined by the board to be equivalent to this practical
             481      experience.
             482          (h) A journeyman electrician applicant shall produce satisfactory evidence that the
             483      applicant:
             484          (i) has successfully completed at least four years of full-time training and instruction as
             485      a licensed apprentice electrician under the supervision of a master electrician or journeyman
             486      electrician and in accordance with a planned training program approved by the division;
             487          (ii) has at least eight years of full-time experience approved by the division in
             488      collaboration with the Electricians Licensing Board; or
             489          (iii) meets the qualifications determined by the board to be equivalent to Subsection
             490      (3)(h)(i) or (ii).
             491          (i) A residential journeyman electrician applicant shall produce satisfactory evidence
             492      that the applicant:

             493          (i) has successfully completed two years of training in an electrical training program
             494      approved by the division;
             495          (ii) has four years of practical experience in wiring, installing, and repairing electrical
             496      apparatus and equipment for light, heat, and power under the supervision of a licensed master,
             497      journeyman, residential master, or residential journeyman electrician; or
             498          (iii) meets the qualifications determined by the division and applicable board to be
             499      equivalent to Subsection (3)(i)(i) or (ii).
             500          (j) The conduct of licensed apprentice electricians and their licensed supervisors shall
             501      be in accordance with the following:
             502          (i) A licensed apprentice electrician shall be under the immediate supervision of a
             503      licensed master, journeyman, residential master, or residential journeyman electrician. An
             504      apprentice in the fourth year of training may work without supervision for a period not to
             505      exceed eight hours in any 24-hour period.
             506          (ii) A licensed master, journeyman, residential master, or residential journeyman
             507      electrician may have under immediate supervision on a residential project up to three licensed
             508      apprentice electricians.
             509          (iii) A licensed master or journeyman electrician may have under immediate
             510      supervision on nonresidential projects only one licensed apprentice electrician.
             511          (k) An alarm company applicant shall:
             512          (i) have a qualifying agent who is an officer, director, partner, proprietor, or manager of
             513      the applicant who:
             514          (A) demonstrates 6,000 hours of experience in the alarm company business;
             515          (B) demonstrates 2,000 hours of experience as a manager or administrator in the alarm
             516      company business or in a construction business; and
             517          (C) passes an examination component established by rule by the commission with the
             518      concurrence of the director;
             519          (ii) if a corporation, provide:
             520          (A) the names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and fingerprint cards
             521      of all corporate officers, directors, and those responsible management personnel employed
             522      within the state or having direct responsibility for managing operations of the applicant within
             523      the state; and

             524          (B) the names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and fingerprint cards
             525      of all shareholders owning 5% or more of the outstanding shares of the corporation, except this
             526      shall not be required if the stock is publicly listed and traded;
             527          (iii) if a limited liability company, provide:
             528          (A) the names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and fingerprint cards
             529      of all company officers, and those responsible management personnel employed within the
             530      state or having direct responsibility for managing operations of the applicant within the state;
             531      and
             532          (B) the names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and fingerprint cards
             533      of all individuals owning 5% or more of the equity of the company;
             534          (iv) if a partnership, provide the names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security
             535      numbers, and fingerprint cards of all general partners, and those responsible management
             536      personnel employed within the state or having direct responsibility for managing operations of
             537      the applicant within the state;
             538          (v) if a proprietorship, provide the names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security
             539      numbers, and fingerprint cards of the proprietor, and those responsible management personnel
             540      employed within the state or having direct responsibility for managing operations of the
             541      applicant within the state;
             542          (vi) if a trust, provide the names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers,
             543      and fingerprint cards of the trustee, and those responsible management personnel employed
             544      within the state or having direct responsibility for managing operations of the applicant within
             545      the state;
             546          [(vi)] (vii) be of good moral character in that officers, directors, shareholders described
             547      in Subsection (3)(k)(ii)(B), partners, proprietors, trustees, and responsible management
             548      personnel have not been convicted of a felony, a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or
             549      any other crime that when considered with the duties and responsibilities of an alarm company
             550      is considered by the board to indicate that the best interests of the public are served by granting
             551      the applicant a license;
             552          [(vii)] (viii) document that none of the applicant's officers, directors, shareholders
             553      described in Subsection (3)(k)(ii)(B), partners, proprietors, trustees, and responsible
             554      management personnel have been declared by any court of competent jurisdiction incompetent

             555      by reason of mental defect or disease and not been restored;
             556          [(viii)] (ix) document that none of the applicant's officers, directors, shareholders
             557      described in Subsection (3)(k)(ii)(B), partners, proprietors, and responsible management
             558      personnel are currently suffering from habitual drunkenness or from drug addiction or
             559      dependence;
             560          [(ix)] (x) file and maintain with the division evidence of:
             561          (A) comprehensive general liability insurance in form and in amounts to be established
             562      by rule by the commission with the concurrence of the director;
             563          (B) workers' compensation insurance that covers employees of the applicant in
             564      accordance with applicable Utah law; and
             565          (C) registration as is required by applicable law with the:
             566          (I) Division of Corporations and Commercial Code;
             567          (II) Unemployment Insurance Division in the Department of Workforce Services, for
             568      purposes of Title 35A, Chapter 4, Employment Security Act;
             569          (III) State Tax Commission; and
             570          (IV) Internal Revenue Service; and
             571          [(x)] (xi) meet with the division and board.
             572          (l) Each applicant for licensure as an alarm company agent shall:
             573          (i) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division accompanied by
             574      fingerprint cards;
             575          (ii) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504 ;
             576          (iii) be of good moral character in that the applicant has not been convicted of a felony,
             577      a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or any other crime that when considered with the
             578      duties and responsibilities of an alarm company agent is considered by the board to indicate
             579      that the best interests of the public are served by granting the applicant a license;
             580          (iv) not have been declared by any court of competent jurisdiction incompetent by
             581      reason of mental defect or disease and not been restored;
             582          (v) not be currently suffering from habitual drunkenness or from drug addiction or
             583      dependence; and
             584          (vi) meet with the division and board if requested by the division or the board.
             585          (4) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the

             586      division may make rules establishing when Federal Bureau of Investigation records shall be
             587      checked for applicants as an alarm company or alarm company agent.
             588          (5) To determine if an applicant meets the qualifications of Subsections (3)(k)[(vi)]
             589      (vii) and (3)(l)(iii), the division shall provide an appropriate number of copies of fingerprint
             590      cards to the Department of Public Safety with the division's request to:
             591          (a) conduct a search of records of the Department of Public Safety for criminal history
             592      information relating to each applicant for licensure as an alarm company or alarm company
             593      agent and each applicant's officers, directors, shareholders described in Subsection
             594      (3)(k)(ii)(B), partners, proprietors, and responsible management personnel; and
             595          (b) forward to the Federal Bureau of Investigation a fingerprint card of each applicant
             596      requiring a check of records of the F.B.I. for criminal history information under this section.
             597          (6) The Department of Public Safety shall send to the division:
             598          (a) a written record of criminal history, or certification of no criminal history record, as
             599      contained in the records of the Department of Public Safety in a timely manner after receipt of
             600      a fingerprint card from the division and a request for review of Department of Public Safety
             601      records; and
             602          (b) the results of the F.B.I. review concerning an applicant in a timely manner after
             603      receipt of information from the F.B.I.
             604          (7) (a) The division shall charge each applicant for licensure as an alarm company or
             605      alarm company agent a fee, in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 , equal to the cost of
             606      performing the records reviews under this section.
             607          (b) The division shall pay the Department of Public Safety the costs of all records
             608      reviews, and the Department of Public Safety shall pay the F.B.I. the costs of records reviews
             609      under this section.
             610          (8) Information obtained by the division from the reviews of criminal history records of
             611      the Department of Public Safety and the F.B.I. shall be used or disseminated by the division
             612      only for the purpose of determining if an applicant for licensure as an alarm company or alarm
             613      company agent is qualified for licensure.
             614          (9) (a) An application for licensure under this chapter shall be denied if:
             615          (i) the applicant has had a previous license, which was issued under this chapter,
             616      suspended or revoked within one year prior to the date of the applicant's application;

             617          (ii) (A) the applicant is a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company; and
             618          (B) any corporate officer, director, shareholder holding 25% or more of the stock in the
             619      applicant, partner, member, agent acting as a qualifier, or any person occupying a similar
             620      status, performing similar functions, or directly or indirectly controlling the applicant has
             621      served in any similar capacity with any person or entity which has had a previous license,
             622      which was issued under this chapter, suspended or revoked within one year prior to the date of
             623      the applicant's application; or
             624          (iii) (A) the applicant is an individual or sole proprietorship; and
             625          (B) any owner or agent acting as a qualifier has served in any capacity listed in
             626      Subsection (9)(a)(ii)(B) in any entity which has had a previous license, which was issued under
             627      this chapter, suspended or revoked within one year prior to the date of the applicant's
             628      application.
             629          (b) An application for licensure under this chapter shall be reviewed by the appropriate
             630      licensing board prior to approval if:
             631          (i) the applicant has had a previous license, which was issued under this chapter,
             632      suspended or revoked more than one year prior to the date of the applicant's application;
             633          (ii) (A) the applicant is a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company; and
             634          (B) any corporate officer, director, shareholder holding 25% or more of the stock in the
             635      applicant, partner, member, agent acting as a qualifier, or any person occupying a similar
             636      status, performing similar functions, or directly or indirectly controlling the applicant has
             637      served in any similar capacity with any person or entity which has had a previous license,
             638      which was issued under this chapter, suspended or revoked more than one year prior to the date
             639      of the applicant's application; or
             640          (iii) (A) the applicant is an individual or sole proprietorship; and
             641          (B) any owner or agent acting as a qualifier has served in any capacity listed in
             642      Subsection (9)(b)(ii)(B) in any entity which has had a previous license, which was issued under
             643      this chapter, suspended or revoked more than one year prior to the date of the applicant's
             644      application.
             645          Section 6. Section 58-56-3 is amended to read:
             646           58-56-3. Definitions.
             647          In addition to the definitions in Section 58-1-102 , as used in this chapter:

             648          (1) (a) "Adopted code" means:
             649          (i) (A) a new edition of or amendment to an existing code, including the standards and
             650      specifications contained in the code, adopted by the Legislature under Section 58-56-7 ; and
             651          (B) administered by the division under Section 58-56-6 ; and
             652          (ii) adopted by a nationally recognized code authority, including:
             653          (A) a building code;
             654          (B) the National Electrical Code promulgated by the National Fire Protection
             655      Association;
             656          (C) a residential one and two family dwelling code;
             657          (D) a plumbing code;
             658          (E) a mechanical code;
             659          (F) a fuel gas code;
             660          (G) an energy conservation code; and
             661          (H) a manufactured housing installation standard code.
             662          (b) "Adopted code" includes:
             663          (i) a fire code administered by the Fire Prevention Board under Section 53-7-204 ; and
             664          (ii) a code listed in Subsection (1)(a)(ii) that was adopted or amended by the division
             665      and Uniform Building Code Commission or the Fire Protection Board before May 12, 2009.
             666          (2) "Agricultural use" means a use that relates to the tilling of soil and raising of crops,
             667      or keeping or raising domestic animals.
             668          [(2)] (3) (a) (i) "Approved code" means a code, including the standards and
             669      specifications contained in the code, approved by the division under Section 58-56-4 for use by
             670      a compliance agency; and
             671          (ii) administered by the division under Section 58-56-6 .
             672          (b) "Approved code" does not include an adopted code listed under Subsection (1)(b).
             673          [(3)] (4) "Board" means the Fire Prevention Board created in Section 53-7-203 .
             674          [(4)] (5) "Building" means a structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any
             675      use or occupancy and any improvements attached to it.
             676          [(5)] (6) "Commission" means the Uniform Building Code Commission created under
             677      this chapter.
             678          [(6)] (7) "Compliance agency" means:

             679          (a) an agency of the state or any of its political subdivisions which issues permits for
             680      construction regulated under the codes;
             681          (b) any other agency of the state or its political subdivisions specifically empowered to
             682      enforce compliance with the codes; or
             683          (c) any other state agency which chooses to enforce codes adopted under this chapter
             684      by authority given the agency under a title other than Title 58, Occupations and Professions.
             685          [(7)] (8) "Factory built housing" means manufactured homes or mobile homes.
             686          [(8)] (9) (a) "Factory built housing set-up contractor" means an individual licensed by
             687      the division to set up or install factory built housing on a temporary or permanent basis.
             688          (b) The scope of the work included under the license includes the placement or
             689      securing, or both placement and securing, of the factory built housing on a permanent or
             690      temporary foundation, securing the units together if required, and connection of the utilities to
             691      the factory built housing unit, but does not include site preparation, construction of a
             692      permanent foundation, and construction of utility services to the near proximity of the factory
             693      built housing unit.
             694          (c) If a dealer is not licensed as a factory built housing set-up contractor, that individual
             695      must subcontract the connection services to individuals who are licensed by the division to
             696      perform those specific functions under Title 58, Chapter 55, Utah Construction Trades
             697      Licensing Act.
             698          [(9)] (10) "HUD code" means the National Manufactured Housing Construction and
             699      Safety Standards Act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 5401 et seq.
             700          [(10)] (11) "Legislative action" means the Legislature's:
             701          (a) adoption of a new adopted code;
             702          (b) adoption of an amendment to an existing adopted code;
             703          (c) repeal of an adopted code; or
             704          (d) repeal of a provision of an adopted code.
             705          [(11)] (12) "Local regulator" means each political subdivision of the state which is
             706      empowered to engage in the regulation of construction, alteration, remodeling, building, repair,
             707      and other activities subject to the codes.
             708          [(12)] (13) (a) "Manufactured home" means a transportable factory built housing unit
             709      constructed on or after June 15, 1976, according to the HUD Code, in one or more sections,

             710      which:
             711          (i) in the traveling mode, is eight body feet or more in width or 40 body feet or more in
             712      length, or when erected on site, is 400 or more square feet; and
             713          (ii) is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or
             714      without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the
             715      plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems.
             716          (b) Manufactured homes constructed on or after June 15, 1976, shall be identifiable by
             717      the manufacturer's data plate bearing the date the unit was manufactured and a HUD label
             718      attached to the exterior of the home certifying the home was manufactured to HUD standards.
             719          [(13)] (14) "Mobile home" means a transportable factory built housing unit built prior
             720      to June 15, 1976, in accordance with a state mobile home code which existed prior to the HUD
             721      Code.
             722          [(14)] (15) "Modular unit" means a structure built from sections which are
             723      manufactured in accordance with the construction standards adopted pursuant to Section
             724      58-56-4 and transported to a building site, the purpose of which is for human habitation,
             725      occupancy, or use.
             726          (16) "Not for human occupancy" means use of a structure for purposes other than
             727      protection or comfort of human beings, but allows people to enter the structure for:
             728          (a) maintenance and repair; and
             729          (b) the care of livestock, crops, or equipment intended for agricultural use which are
             730      kept there.
             731          [(15)] (17) "Opinion" means a written, nonbinding, and advisory statement issued by
             732      the commission concerning an interpretation of the meaning of the codes or the application of
             733      the codes in a specific circumstance issued in response to a specific request by a party to the
             734      issue.
             735          [(16)] (18) "State regulator" means an agency of the state which is empowered to
             736      engage in the regulation of construction, alteration, remodeling, building, repair, and other
             737      activities subject to the codes adopted pursuant to this chapter.
             738          Section 7. Section 58-56-4 is amended to read:
             739           58-56-4. Definitions -- Adoption of building codes -- Amendments -- Approval of
             740      other codes -- Exemptions.

             741          (1) As used in this section[: (a) "agricultural use" means a use that relates to the tilling
             742      of soil and raising of crops, or keeping or raising domestic animals; (b) "not for human
             743      occupancy" means use of a structure for purposes other than protection or comfort of human
             744      beings, but allows people to enter the structure for: (i) maintenance and repair; and (ii) the
             745      care of livestock, crops, or equipment intended for agricultural use which are kept there; and
             746      (c)], "residential area" means land that is not used for an agricultural use and is:
             747          [(i) (A)] (a) (i) within the boundaries of a city or town; and
             748          [(B)] (ii) less than five contiguous acres;
             749          [(ii) (A)] (b) (i) within a subdivision for which the county has approved a subdivision
             750      plat under Title 17, Chapter 27a, Part 6, Subdivisions; and
             751          [(B)] (ii) less than two contiguous acres; or
             752          [(iii)] (c) not located in whole or in part in an agricultural protection area created under
             753      Title 17, Chapter 41, Agriculture and Industrial Protection Areas.
             754          (2) A person shall follow an adopted code when:
             755          (a) new construction is involved; and
             756          (b) the owner of an existing building, or the owner's agent, is voluntarily engaged in:
             757          (i) the repair, renovation, remodeling, alteration, enlargement, rehabilitation,
             758      conservation, or reconstruction of the building; or
             759          (ii) changing the character or use of the building in a manner which increases the
             760      occupancy loads, other demands, or safety risks of the building.
             761          (3) (a) Beginning May 12, 2009, the board and commission shall, in accordance with
             762      Sections 53-7-204 and 58-56-5 , make recommendations to the Business and Labor Interim
             763      Committee as to whether or not the Legislature should take legislative action.
             764          (b) (i) If the Business and Labor Interim Committee decides to recommend legislative
             765      action to the Legislature, the Business and Labor Interim Committee shall prepare legislation
             766      for consideration by the Legislature in the next general session.
             767          (ii) The legislation described in Subsection (3)(b)(i) shall direct:
             768          (A) the division to administer an adopted code, excluding the fire code, in accordance
             769      with legislative action approved by the Legislature; and
             770          (B) the board to administer an adopted fire code in accordance with legislative action
             771      approved by the Legislature.

             772          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), the commission may, in accordance with Title
             773      63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, adopt an adopted code, except the fire
             774      code, if the commission determines that waiting for legislative action in the next general
             775      legislative session under Subsection (3) would:
             776          (i) cause an imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare; or
             777          (ii) place a person in violation of federal or other state law.
             778          (b) If the commission adopts an adopted code under Subsection (4)(a), the commission
             779      shall file with the division:
             780          (i) the text of the adopted code; and
             781          (ii) an analysis that includes the specific reasons and justifications for its findings.
             782          (c) The division shall, in accordance with Subsection (4)(b):
             783          (i) publish the adopted code in accordance with Section 58-56-6 ; and
             784          (ii) notify the Business and Labor Interim Committee of the adoption, including a copy
             785      of the commission's analysis described in Subsection (5)(b).
             786          (d) If not formally adopted by the Legislature at its next annual general session, an
             787      adopted code adopted under this Subsection (4) is repealed effective at midnight on the last day
             788      that the Legislature adjourns sine die at its next annual general session.
             789          (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), the board may, in accordance with Title 63G,
             790      Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, adopt a fire code, if the board determines that
             791      waiting for legislative action in the next general legislative session under Subsection (3) would:
             792          (i) cause an imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare; or
             793          (ii) place a person in violation of federal or other state law.
             794          (b) The board shall:
             795          (i) publish the adopted fire code; and
             796          (ii) notify the Business and Labor Interim Committee of the adoption, including a copy
             797      of an analysis by the board identifying specific reasons and justifications for its findings.
             798          (c) If not formally adopted by the Legislature at its next annual general session, a fire
             799      code adopted under this Subsection (5) is repealed effective at midnight on the last day that the
             800      Legislature adjourns sine die at its next annual general session.
             801          (6) (a) The division, in consultation with the commission, has discretion to approve,
             802      without adopting, certain approved codes, including specific editions of the approved codes, for

             803      use by a compliance agency.
             804          (b) Under Subsection (6)(a), a compliance agency has the discretion to:
             805          (i) adopt an ordinance requiring removal, demolition, or repair of a building, according
             806      to an adopted code;
             807          (ii) adopt, by ordinance or rule, a dangerous building code; or
             808          (iii) adopt, by ordinance or rule, a building rehabilitation code.
             809          (7) (a) Except in a residential area, a structure used solely in conjunction with
             810      agriculture use, and not for human occupancy, is exempted from the permit requirements of an
             811      adopted code.
             812          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (7)(a), unless otherwise exempted, plumbing,
             813      electrical, and mechanical permits may be required when that work is included in the structure.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-5-10 8:21 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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