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H.R. 1






Chief Sponsor: Curtis Oda

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      Committee Note:
             9          The Health and Human Services Interim Committee recommended this bill.
             10      General Description:
             11          This resolution of the House of Representatives urges that age appropriate materials on
             12      family violence prevention be made available in Utah's public schools and that state
             13      government continue community partnerships to help youth prevent family and dating
             14      violence.
             15      Highlighted Provisions:
             16          This resolution:
             17          .    encourages the Utah State Board of Education and the Utah State Board of Regents,
             18      as resources permit, to ensure that all middle school, junior high, senior high, and
             19      post-secondary education programs in the state provide timely and age appropriate
             20      materials on the dangers of family and dating violence, how to identify the problem,
             21      how to get help, and how to provide support for friends or siblings caught in an
             22      abusive situation; and
             23          .    encourages the Department of Human Services to ensure, as resources permit, that
             24      high risk families receive violence prevention services, which research has shown
             25      significantly reduces the incidence of child abuse and domestic violence while
             26      providing the Utah taxpayer with a significant cost benefit advantage.
             27      Special Clauses:

             28          None
             30      Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
             31          WHEREAS, the violence, suffering, and death resulting from family and dating
             32      violence have devastated an alarming number of Utah's families;
             33          WHEREAS, the tragedy of family and dating violence has a generational impact on
             34      children and youth;
             35          WHEREAS, as with so many societal ills, preventing family violence and dating
             36      violence is essential;
             37          WHEREAS, age appropriate late elementary, middle school, junior high, senior high,
             38      and post-secondary education programs should be evaluated by public and higher education to
             39      determine whether adequate prevention programs are in place at each level;
             40          WHEREAS, each Utah school district, in cooperation with community partners, should
             41      determine if an improved prevention effort should be implemented to better educate these age
             42      groups on the dangers of family and dating violence and the skills needed to avoid them, both
             43      now and later in life;
             44          WHEREAS, the future that Utah's children enjoy will hinge, in part, on whether they
             45      are armed with the knowledge, skills, and willpower to avoid family and dating violence; and
             46          WHEREAS, providing research-based prevention services have shown a significant
             47      reduction in family violence and a significant savings to taxpayers:
             48          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives of the
             49      state of Utah encourages the Utah State Board of Education and the Utah State Board of
             50      Regents to ensure, as resources permit, that all middle school, junior high, senior high, and
             51      post-secondary education programs in the state review their current family violence and dating
             52      violence prevention efforts in partnership with Utah families, state government, the business
             53      community, city and county governments, private nonprofit organizations, and the religious
             54      community to provide timely and age appropriate materials and services and to prevent the
             55      needless suffering and taxpayers' burdens generated by family and dating violence.
             56          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives encourages the
             57      Department of Human Services to ensure, as resources permit, that high risk families receive
             58      violence prevention services to reduce the incidents of child abuse and domestic violence.

             59          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Utah
             60      Department of Human Services, the Utah State Board of Education, the Utah State Board of
             61      Regents, the Utah School Boards Association, and the Utah School Superintendents
             62      Association.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 5-21-09 10:32 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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