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S.B. 13 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Karen Mayne

House Sponsor: Melvin R. Brown

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Utah Procurement Code to address requirements for drug and
             11      alcohol testing for state construction contracts.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    defines terms;
             15          .    requires that a state construction contract impose requirements related to drug and
             16      alcohol testing;
             17          .    addresses penalties;
             18          .    clarifies that monitoring activities are not required of the state;
             19          .    provides that the state is not liable in actions related to drug and alcohol testing;
             20          .    provides exemptions; and
             21          .    addresses the scope of the provision.
             22      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          None
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2010.
             26      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             27      ENACTS:
             28          63G-6-604, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             30      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             31          Section 1. Section 63G-6-604 is enacted to read:
             32          63G-6-604. Drug and alcohol testing required for state construction contracts.
             33          (1) As used in this section:
             34          (a) "Contractor" means a person who is or may be awarded a state construction
             35      contract.
             36          (b) "Covered individual" means an individual who:
             37          (i) on behalf of a contractor or subcontractor provides services directly related to
             38      design or construction under a state construction contract; and
             39          (ii) is in a safety sensitive position, including a design position that has
             40      responsibilities that directly affect the safety of an improvement to real property that is the
             41      subject of a state construction contract.
             42          (c) "Drug and alcohol testing policy" means a policy under which a contractor or
             43      subcontractor tests a covered individual to establish, maintain, or enforce the prohibition of:
             44          (i) the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of drugs or alcohol,
             45      except the medically prescribed possession and use of a drug; or
             46          (ii) the impairment of judgment or physical abilities due to the use of drugs or alcohol.
             47          (d) "Random testing" means that a covered individual is subject to periodic testing for
             48      drugs and alcohol:
             49          (i) in accordance with a drug and alcohol testing policy; and
             50          (ii) on the basis of a random selection process.
             51          (e) For purposes of Subsection (6), "state" includes any of the following of the state:
             52          (i) a department;
             53          (ii) a division;
             54          (iii) an agency;
             55          (iv) a board;
             56          (v) a commission;
             57          (vi) a council;

             58          (vii) a committee; and
             59          (viii) an institution, including a state institution of higher education, as defined under
             60      Section 53B-3-102 .
             61          (f) "State construction contract" means a contract for design or construction entered
             62      into by a state public procurement unit.
             63          (g) (i) "Subcontractor" means a person under contract with a contractor or another
             64      subcontractor to provide services or labor for design or construction.
             65          (ii) "Subcontractor" includes a trade contractor or specialty contractor.
             66          (iii) "Subcontractor" does not include a supplier who provides only materials,
             67      equipment, or supplies to a contractor or subcontractor.
             68          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (7), on and after July 1, 2010, a state public
             69      procurement unit may not enter into a state construction contract unless the state construction
             70      contract requires the following:
             71          (a) A contractor shall demonstrate to the state public procurement unit that the
             72      contractor:
             73          (i) has and will maintain a drug and alcohol testing policy during the period of the
             74      state construction contract that applies to the covered individuals hired by the contractor;
             75          (ii) posts in one or more conspicuous places notice to covered individuals hired by the
             76      contractor that the contractor has the drug and alcohol testing policy described in Subsection
             77      (2)(a)(i); and
             78          (iii) subjects the covered individuals to random testing under the drug and alcohol
             79      testing policy described in Subsection (2)(a)(i) if at any time during the period of the state
             80      construction contract there are 10 or more individuals who are covered individuals hired by
             81      the contractor.
             82          (b) A contractor shall demonstrate to the state public procurement unit that the
             83      contractor requires that as a condition of contracting with the contractor, a subcontractor:
             84          (i) has and will maintain a drug and alcohol testing policy during the period of the
             85      state construction contract that applies to the covered individuals hired by the subcontractor;

             86          (ii) posts in one or more conspicuous places notice to covered individuals hired by the
             87      subcontractor that the subcontractor has the drug and alcohol testing policy described in
             88      Subsection (2)(b)(i); and
             89          (iii) subjects the covered individuals hired by the subcontractor to random testing
             90      under the drug and alcohol testing policy described in Subsection (2)(b)(i) if at any time
             91      during the period of the state construction contract there are 10 or more individuals who are
             92      covered individuals hired by the subcontractor.
             93          (3) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Subsection (3), if a contractor or
             94      subcontractor fails to comply with Subsection (2), the contractor or subcontractor may be
             95      suspended or debarred in accordance with this chapter.
             96          (b) On and after July 1, 2010, a state public procurement unit shall include in a state
             97      construction contract:
             98          (i) a reference to the rules described in Subsection (4)(b); or
             99          (ii) if the state public procurement unit has not made the rules described in Subsection
             100      (4)(b), a process that provides a contractor or subcontractor reasonable notice and opportunity
             101      to cure a violation of this section before suspension or debarment of the contractor or
             102      subcontractor in light of the circumstances of the state construction contract or the violation.
             103          (c) (i) A contractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a subcontractor to
             104      comply with Subsection (2).
             105          (ii) A subcontractor is not subject to penalties for the failure of a contractor to comply
             106      with Subsection (2).
             107          (4) If otherwise authorized to make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
             108      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, a state public procurement unit:
             109          (a) may make rules that establish the requirements and procedures a contractor shall
             110      follow to comply with Subsection (2); and
             111          (b) shall make rules that establish:
             112          (i) the penalties that may be imposed in accordance with Subsection (3); and
             113          (ii) a process that provides a contractor or subcontractor reasonable notice and

             114      opportunity to cure a violation of this section before suspension or debarment of the contractor
             115      or subcontractor in light of the circumstances of the state construction contract or the
             116      violation.
             117          (5) The failure of a contractor or subcontractor to meet the requirements of Subsection
             118      (2):
             119          (a) may not be the basis for a protest or other action from a prospective bidder, offeror,
             120      or contractor under Part 8, Legal and Contractual Remedies; and
             121          (b) may not be used by a state public procurement unit, a prospective bidder, an
             122      offeror, a contractor, or a subcontractor as a basis for an action that would suspend, disrupt, or
             123      terminate the design or construction under a state construction contract.
             124          (6) (a) After a state public procurement unit enters into a state construction contract in
             125      compliance with this section, the state is not required to audit, monitor, or take any other
             126      action to ensure compliance with this section.
             127          (b) The state is not liable in any action related to this section, including not being
             128      liable in relation to:
             129          (i) a contractor or subcontractor having or not having a drug and alcohol testing
             130      policy;
             131          (ii) failure to test for a drug or alcohol under a contractor's or subcontractor's drug and
             132      alcohol testing policy;
             133          (iii) the requirements of a contractor's or subcontractor's drug and alcohol testing
             134      policy;
             135          (iv) a contractor's or subcontractor's implementation of a drug and alcohol testing
             136      policy, including procedures for:
             137          (A) collection of a sample;
             138          (B) testing of a sample;
             139          (C) evaluation of a test; or
             140          (D) disciplinary or rehabilitative action on the basis of a test result;
             141          (v) an individual being under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or

             142          (vi) an individual under the influence of drugs or alcohol harming another person or
             143      causing property damage.
             144          (7) This section does not apply if the state public procurement unit determines that the
             145      application of this section would severely disrupt the operation of a state agency to the
             146      detriment of the state agency or the general public, including:
             147          (a) jeopardizing the receipt of federal funds;
             148          (b) the state construction contract being a sole source contract; or
             149          (c) the state construction contract being an emergency procurement.
             150          (8) If a contractor or subcontractor meets the requirements of this section, this section
             151      may not be construed to restrict the contractor's or subcontractor's ability to impose or
             152      implement an otherwise lawful provision as part of a drug and alcohol testing policy.
             153          Section 2. Effective date.
             154          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2010.

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