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S.B. 59
8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies the State System of Public Education code relating to at-risk
10 students.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 . requires a local school board or governing board of a charter school to enact certain
14 gang prevention and intervention policies; and
15 . makes technical changes.
16 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
17 None
18 Other Special Clauses:
19 None
20 Utah Code Sections Affected:
22 53A-11-902, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 161
24 53A-15-603, Utah Code Annotated 1953
26 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
27 Section 1. Section 53A-11-902 is amended to read:
28 53A-11-902. Conduct and discipline policies and procedures.
29 The conduct and discipline policies required under Section 53A-11-901 shall include:
30 (1) provisions governing student conduct, safety, and welfare;
31 (2) standards and procedures for dealing with students who cause disruption in the
32 classroom, on school grounds, on school vehicles, or in connection with school-related
33 activities or events;
34 (3) procedures for the development of remedial discipline plans for students who cause
35 a disruption at any of the places referred to in Subsection (2);
36 (4) procedures for the use of reasonable and necessary physical restraint or force in
37 dealing with disruptive students, consistent with Section 53A-11-802 ;
38 (5) standards and procedures for dealing with student conduct in locations other than
39 those referred to in Subsection (2), if the conduct threatens harm or does harm to:
40 (a) the school;
41 (b) school property;
42 (c) a person associated with the school; or
43 (d) property associated with a person described in Subsection (5)(c);
44 (6) procedures for the imposition of disciplinary sanctions, including suspension and
45 expulsion;
46 (7) specific provisions, consistent with Section 53A-15-603 , for preventing and
47 responding to gang-related activities in the school, on school grounds, on school vehicles, or in
48 connection with school-related activities or events; and
49 (8) standards and procedures for dealing with habitual disruptive student behavior in
50 accordance with the provisions of this part.
51 Section 2. Section 53A-15-603 is enacted to read:
52 53A-15-603. Gang prevention and intervention policies.
53 (1) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules that require a local school board or
54 governing board of a charter school to enact gang prevention and intervention policies for all
55 schools within the board's jurisdiction.
56 (2) The rules described in Subsection (1) may include the following provisions:
57 (a) school faculty and personnel shall report suspected gang activities relating to the
58 school and its students to a school administrator and law enforcement;
59 (b) a student who participates in gang activities may be excluded from participation in
60 extracurricular activities, including interscholastic athletics, as determined by the school
61 administration after consultation with law enforcement;
62 (c) gang-related graffiti or damage to school property shall result in parent or guardian
63 notification and appropriate administrative and law enforcement actions, which may include
64 obtaining restitution from those responsible for the damage;
65 (d) if a serious gang-related incident, as determined by the school administrator in
66 consultation with local law enforcement, occurs on school property, at school related activities,
67 or on a site that is normally considered to be under school control, notification shall be
68 provided to parents and guardians of students in the school:
69 (i) informing them, in general terms, about the incident, but removing all personally
70 identifiable information about students from the notice;
71 (ii) emphasizing the school's concern for safety; and
72 (iii) outlining the action taken at the school regarding the incident;
73 (e) school faculty and personnel shall be trained by experienced evidence based trainers
74 that may include community gang specialists and law enforcement as part of comprehensive
75 strategies to recognize early warning signs for youth in trouble and help students resist serious
76 involvement in undesirable activity, including joining gangs or mimicking gang behavior;
77 (f) prohibitions on the following behavior:
78 (i) advocating or promoting a gang or any gang-related activities;
79 (ii) marking school property, books, or school work with gang names, slogans, or
80 signs;
81 (iii) conducting gang initiations;
82 (iv) threatening another person with bodily injury or inflicting bodily injury on another
83 in connection with a gang or gang-related activity;
84 (v) aiding or abetting an activity described under Subsections (1)(f)(i) through (iv) by a
85 person's presence or support;
86 (vi) displaying or wearing common gang apparel, common dress, or identifying signs
87 or symbols on one's clothing, person, or personal property that is disruptive to the school
88 environment; and
89 (vii) communicating in any method, including verbal, non-verbal, and electronic
90 means, designed to convey gang membership or affiliation.
91 (3) The rules described in Subsection (1) may require a local school board or governing
92 board of a charter school to publicize the policies enacted by the local school board or
93 governing board of a charter school in accordance with the rules described in Subsection (1) to
94 all students, parents, guardians, and faculty through school websites, handbooks, letters to
95 parents and guardians, or other reasonable means of communication.
96 (4) The State Board of Education may consult with appropriate committees, including
97 committees that provide opportunities for the input of parents, law enforcement, and
98 community agencies, as it develops, enacts, and administers the rules described in Subsection
99 (1).
Legislative Review Note
as of 12-17-09 6:27 AM