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S.C.R. 1






Chief Sponsor: Karen W. Morgan

House Sponsor: Kevin S. Garn

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      Committee Note:
             10          The Health and Human Services Interim Committee recommended this bill.
             11      General Description:
             12          This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor urges Utahns to increase
             13      their awareness of the impact of Alzheimer's disease.
             14      Highlighted Provisions:
             15          This resolution:
             16          .    recognizes the citizens of Utah who are battling Alzheimer's disease or a related
             17      dementia and their caregivers as courageous Utahns engaged in a healthcare battle
             18      of the 21st century;
             19          .    encourages their families, neighbors, employers, congregations, and the community
             20      at large to readily communicate their support, lend a helping hand, and promote
             21      open discussion about Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia;
             22          .    urges Utah's care provider industry to continue working hand-in-hand with families
             23      to support and care for those coping with the devastating effects of Alzheimer's
             24      disease or a related dementia;
             25          .    recommends that all Utahns recognize their risk and personally adopt a
             26      brain-healthy lifestyle to reduce the controllable risks of the disease; and
             27          .    urges Utah's brain health research and medical communities to continue their

             28      efforts to make the breakthroughs necessary to treat and ultimately prevent Alzheimer's disease
             29      and related dementias.
             30      Special Clauses:
             31          None
             33      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
             34          WHEREAS, Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, comprising
             35      70% of all cases;
             36          WHEREAS, Alzheimer's disease is the 5th leading cause of death in America of
             37      persons aged 65 and older;
             38          WHEREAS, every 70 seconds, a new case of Alzheimer's disease occurs somewhere in
             39      America;
             40          WHEREAS, over 40,000 people in Utah are afflicted with Alzheimer's disease or a
             41      related dementia, including one in eight people over the age of 65 and nearly one-half of all
             42      persons over the age of 85;
             43          WHEREAS, Alzheimer's disease is not exclusively a disease of the aged, as younger
             44      onset dementia has also afflicted Utahns in their 30s and 40s;
             45          WHEREAS, dementia is a category of symptoms characterized by loss of or decline in
             46      memory and other cognitive abilities and is caused by various diseases and conditions that
             47      result in damaged brain cells, including Alzheimer's disease;
             48          WHEREAS, Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that is insidious at its
             49      onset, results in gradual loss of memory and other cognitive functions, and eventually results in
             50      death;
             51          WHEREAS, Alzheimer's disease is accompanied by memory loss, poor judgment,
             52      changes in personality and behavior, and a tendency to wander, resulting in an increased risk
             53      for accidental injury, getting lost, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of those afflicted;
             54          WHEREAS, Utahns live longer than the rest of the nation and the greatest risk factor
             55      for Alzheimer's disease is increasing age, with more than 90% of Alzheimer's cases developing
             56      in people older than 65;
             57          WHEREAS, Utah has the highest projected percentage increase in Alzheimer's disease
             58      or a related dementia at 127%, compared with all other states for the time period covering 2000

             59      to 2025;
             60          WHEREAS, the number of persons in Utah with Alzheimer's disease is expected to rise
             61      to nearly 60,000 by 2025 as the baby boom generation enters the age of greatest risk for the
             62      disease;
             63          WHEREAS, a person with Alzheimer's disease lives an average of eight years and may
             64      live up to 20 years after diagnosis;
             65          WHEREAS, 70% of persons with Alzheimer's disease are cared for by family and
             66      friends at home;
             67          WHEREAS, in 2008, 90,283 family members, friends, and neighbors in Utah provided
             68      unpaid care for a person with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia;
             69          WHEREAS, in 2008, these individuals provided 77,932,159 hours of unpaid care,
             70      valued at $865,046,968;
             71          WHEREAS, most families are honored to provide care for a loved one suffering from
             72      Alzheimer's, but some experience high levels of care-related stress, depression, and other
             73      negative health and economic outcomes;
             74          WHEREAS, people with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia often require
             75      substantial amounts of paid care from private resources;
             76          WHEREAS, average Medicare payments per person for beneficiaries aged 65 and older
             77      with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia were almost three times higher than average
             78      Medicare payments for other Medicare beneficiaries in the same age group;
             79          WHEREAS, in 2005, the direct costs to Medicare and Medicaid for care of people with
             80      Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia and the related indirect costs to businesses for
             81      employees who were caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia
             82      amounted to over $148 billion nationally;
             83          WHEREAS, these costs will continue to rise each year as the number of people with
             84      Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia grows with the aging of the population;
             85          WHEREAS, the field of Alzheimer's research is evolving rapidly and provides new
             86      hope for slowing the progress, delaying the effects, or even preventing the onset of Alzheimer's
             87      disease, with clinical trials examining a host of possible interventions, such as cognitive
             88      training, breakthrough medications, diet and exercise, and immunization; and
             89          WHEREAS, research has also substantiated that a brain-healthy lifestyle, including

             90      proper nutrition, appropriate exercise, cognitive activity, and social engagement may also
             91      reduce controllable risk factors for Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia:
             92          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
             93      Governor concurring therein, recognize the citizens of Utah who are battling the disabling
             94      effects of Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia and their caregivers as courageous Utahns
             95      engaged in a major healthcare battle of the 21st century.
             96          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor encourage their
             97      families, neighbors, employers, congregations, and the community at large to readily
             98      communicate their support, lend a helping hand, and promote open discussion about
             99      Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia.
             100          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor urge Utah's care
             101      provider industry to continue working hand-in-hand with families to support and care for those
             102      coping with the devastating effects of Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia.
             103          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor recommend that
             104      all Utahns personally adopt a brain-healthy lifestyle to reduce their risk of Alzheimer's disease
             105      or a related dementia by staying mentally fit, socially engaged, physically active, and adopting
             106      a brain-healthy diet.
             107          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor urge Utah's brain
             108      health research and medical communities to continue their efforts through studies and clinical
             109      research to treat, prevent, and ultimately cure Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
             110          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the National
             111      Alzheimer's Association and to its Utah Chapter.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-8-09 1:48 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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