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Room 25, House Office Building, State Capitol Complex
February 8, 2010

Members Present:    Rep. Douglas Aagard, Chair
            Rep. Curt Oda, Vice Chair
            Rep. Trisha Beck            
            Rep. Ben Ferry                        
            Rep. Richard Greenwood
            Rep. David Litvak            
            Rep. Paul Ray
            Rep. Jennifer Seelig
            Rep. Larry Wiley
            Rep. Carl Wimmer

Members Absent:    Rep. Becky Lockhart            

Staff Present:    Mr. Stewart Smith, Policy Analyst
            Ms. Linda Error, Committee Secretary

note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Rep. Aagard called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Ray moved to approve the minutes of the February 4, 2010 meeting. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Ferry, Rep. Oda, Rep. Wiley and Rep. Wimmer absent for the vote.

H.B. 113    Child Restraint Device Amendments (Rep. C. Herrod)

Rep. Herrod presented the bill to the committee. (handout)

Spoke against the bill:    Dr. Jennifer Brinton, American Academy of Pediatrics
                Ms. Janet Brooks, child advocate, Primary Children's Medical Center          (handout)                    
                Dr. Charles Pruitt, Primary Children's Medical Center        

Spoke for the bill:        Mr. Peter Cannon, Davis County 9/12 Project
                Ms. Delayne England, Eagle Forum

MOTION:    Rep. Wimmer moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation.

MOTION:    Rep. Litvack moved to table the bill. The motion failed, with Rep. Beck, Rep. Litvack, Rep. Seelig and Rep. Wiley voting in favor. Rep. Greenwood was absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Ray moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 1, Lines 18 through 19 :    

             18              .    the distance from the operator's residence to or from certain locations is four
             19      miles or less;
{   and   }       

        .     the operator of the motor vehicle is operating the motor vehicle on a highway with a posted speed limit that does not exceed 45 miles per hour; and  

2.    Page 3, Lines 60 through 61 :    

             60      (1)(c)(i)(A)(II) is four miles or less;
{   and   }       

    (C) the operator of the motor vehicle is operating the motor vehicle on a highway with a posted speed limit that does not exceed 45 miles per hour; and  

{   (C)   }        (D)       all available child restraint devices in the vehicle are being occupied; and

The motion to amend passed, with Rep. Beck, Rep. Litvack, Rep. Seelig and Rep. Wiley voting in opposition. Rep. Greenwood was absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Wimmer moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed, with Rep. Beck, Rep. Litvack, Rep. Seelig and Rep. Wiley voting in opposition. Rep. Greenwood was absent for the vote.

Rep. Aagard relinquished the chair to Rep. Oda.

H.B. 250    Criminal Penalties Amendments - Leaving the Scene of an Accident (Rep. C. Herrod)

Rep. Herrod presented the bill to the committee.

Spoke for the bill:    Mr. Dan Fuzzini, Utah Bicycle Coalition

MOTION:    Rep. Ray moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Aagard and Rep. Greenwood absent for the vote.

H.B. 114    Disclosure of Donations to Higher Education Institutions (Rep. C. Wimmer)

Rep. Wimmer presented the bill to the committee.

Spoke for the bill:    Mr. Peter Cannon, Davis County 9/12 Project
            Mr. Charlie Luke, American Public Policy Alliance

MOTION:    Rep. Seelig moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed, with Rep. Litvack voting in opposition.

H.B. 264    Law Enforcement Amendments (Rep. C. Wimmer)

Rep. Wimmer presented the bill to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Wimmer moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously.

S.B. 83    Bail Bond Recovery Amendments (Sen. J. Greiner)

This bill was not considered.

MOTION:    Rep. Aagard moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Rep. Oda adjourned the meeting at 9:55 a.m.

                        Rep. Douglas Aagard, Chair