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Room 25, House Office Building, State Capitol Complex
March 1, 2010
Members Present: Rep. Douglas Aagard, Chair
Rep. Curt Oda, Vice Chair
Rep. Trisha Beck
Rep. Ben Ferry
Rep. David Litvak
Rep. Paul Ray
Rep. Jennifer Seelig
Rep. Larry Wiley
Rep. Carl Wimmer
Members Absent: Rep. Richard Greenwood
Rep. Becky Lockhart
Staff Present: Mr. Stewart Smith, Policy Analyst
Ms. Rosemary Young, Committee Secretary
note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Rep. Oda called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m.
MOTION: Rep. Wiley moved to approve the minutes of the Feb. 25, 2010 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Litvack, Rep. Ray, Rep. Seelig, and Rep. Wimmer absent for the vote.
H.B. 365 Department of Corrections Registry Amendments (Rep. D. Aagard)
MOTION: Rep. Ferry moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 10, Line 294 :
294 (j) the name and Internet address of all websites on which the
offender is
The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Litvack, Rep. Seelig, and Rep. Wimmer absent for the vote.
Rep. Aagard, assisted by Mr. Wade Farraway, Utah Attorney General's Office, introduced the bill and explained it to the committee.
MOTION: Rep. Aagard moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Litvack, Rep. Seelig, and Rep. Wimmer absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Wiley moved to place H.B. 365 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Litvack, Rep. Seelig, and Rep. Wimmer absent for the vote.
Rep. Oda relinquished the chair to Rep. Aagard.
H.B. 404 Motor Vehicle Business Amendments (Rep. D. Ipson)
MOTION: Rep. Oda moved to replace H.B. 404 with 1st Substitute H.B. 404. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Litvack, Rep. Seelig, and Rep. Wimmer absent for the vote.
Rep. Ipson introduced the bill and explained it to the committee.
Spoke to the bill: Mr. Scott Simpson, Utah League of Credit Unions
MOTION: Rep. Ray moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Wimmer absent for the vote.
H.B. 312 Medical Expenses for Offenders (Rep. P. Ray)
MOTION: Rep. Ray moved to amend H.B. 312 as follows:
1. Page 1, Lines 15 through 18 :
15 . for services provided at a health care facility, payment is at
16 state Medicaid rate in effect at the time the service was provided } 60% of the amount that would be paid under the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program; and
17 . for services of a health care provider, payment is at
110% of the
18 state Medicaid rate in effect at the time the service was provided } ;
65% of the
amount that would be paid under the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance
2. Page 1, Line 21 :
21 private insurer that is in effect at the time of the service
; and
. The Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program shall provide information to the department that enables the department to calculate the amount to be paid to a health care facility, and this information shall be kept
3. Page 3, Lines 61 through 64 :
61 (a) service at a health care facility at
the noncapitated state Medicaid rate in
effect at
62 the time the service was provided }
60% of the amount that would be paid
under the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program, created in
Section 49-20-103
; and
63 (b) a health care provider at
110% of the noncapitated state Medicaid rate in
effect at
64 the time the service was provided }
65% of the amount that would be paid
the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program, created in Section 49-
4. Page 3, Line 67 :
67 that covers those expenses.
(9)(a) The Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program shall provide
information to the department that enables the department to calculate the amount
to be paid to a health care facility under Subsection (7)(a) or a health care provider
under Subsection (7)(b).
(b) The department shall keep information provided under Subsection (9)(a) confidential.
The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Wimmer absent for the vote.
Rep. Ray explained the bill to the committee, assisted by Mr. Mike Haddon, Department of Corrections.
MOTION: Rep. Ray moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Oda moved to proceed to the next item on the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
S.B. 120 Disarming a Peace Officer Amendment (Sen. D. Hinkins)
Sen. Hinkins introduced the bill and explained it to the committee.
MOTION: Rep. Wiley moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Ray absent for the vote.
H.B. 209 Sex Offender Regulation Amendments (Rep. C. Watkins)
Rep. Watkins presented the bill to the committee with the assistance of Mr. Val Shupe, South Ogden Police Officer.
Spoke to the bill: Ms. Jacey Skinner, Utah Sentencing Commission
MOTION: Rep. Oda moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Ferry and Rep. Wimmer absent for the vote.
1st Sub. S.B. 140 Juvenile Detention Amendments (Sen. J. Greiner)
Sen. Greiner introduced the bill and explained it to the committee.
Spoke to the bill: Ms. Jacey Skinner, Utah Sentencing Commission.
MOTION: Rep. Oda moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Ferry absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Ray moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Ferry absent for the vote.
Rep. Aagard adjourned the meeting at 9:05 a.m.
Rep. Douglas Aagard, Chair