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Room C450, State Capitol, Utah State Capitol Complex
February 25, 2010
Rep. Julie Fisher, Vice Chair
Rep. Johnny Anderson
Rep. Steven D. Clark
Rep. Tim M. Cosgrove
Rep. Janice M. Fisher
Rep. Wayne A. Harper
Rep. Lynn N. Hemingway
Rep. Steven R. Mascaro
Rep. Ronda R. Menlove
Rep. Michael T. Morley
Rep. F. Jay Seegmiller
Rep. C. Brent Wallis
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Rep. Bradley G. Last
STAFF PRESENT: Leif Elder, Policy Analyst
Karen Mitchell, Committee Secretary
Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes .
Vice Chair Fisher called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m.
MOTION: Rep. Hemingway moved to approve the minutes of February 23, 2010. The motion passed unanimously.
1st Sub. H.B. 131 B and C Road Construction Amendments (Rep. M. Noel)
Rep. Noel introduced the bill to the committee.
Spoke for the bill: Jake Goodliffe, Staker Parson Company
Spoke against the bill: S. Lee Bracken, Enterprise City
Brent Gardner, Utah Association of Counties
Russ Wall, Taylorsville City
Lynn Pace, Holladay City
MOTION: Rep. Morley moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 1, Lines 14 through 17 :
14 . prohibits a county or municipality from bidding on certain class B and class C road
15 maintenance or construction projects if the class B or class C road is not under the
16 county or municipality's jurisdiction unless
fewer than two
bids are
received from private
17 contractors; and
2. Page 2, Lines 44 through 48 :
44 (ii) If
fewer than two
bids are received from private contractors on a
class B or class C road
45 maintenance or construction project, a county or municipality may consider or accept a bid on a
46 class B or class C road or maintenance construction project from another county or
47 municipality for a road maintenance or construction project that is not under the county or
48 municipality's jurisdiction.
The motion to amend passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Wallis moved to hold the bill and refer it to interim study.
MOTION: Rep. Morley moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion failed with Rep. Morley voting in favor of the bill.
The original motion passed unanimously.
H.B. 151 Utah High School Rodeo Support Special Group License Plate (Rep. J. Gowans)
MOTION: Rep. Daw moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 2, Lines 43 through 44 :
43 (4)
Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the
department shall
distribute funds in the account to one or more charitable
44 organizations that:
2. Page 3, Line 60 :
60 (v)
pays costs of administering and distributing the funds under this
pay the costs of issuing or reordering Utah High School Rodeo Support
special group license plate decals
Rep. Gowans introduced the bill to the committee, assisted by Russ Stebar, Utah High School Rodeo Association. Rep. Gowans declared a conflict of interest.
Spoke for the bill: Sterling Brown, Utah Farm Bureau
Chris Finlinson, Citizen
Spoke to the bill: Rod Marrelli, State Tax Commission
MOTION: Rep. Menlove moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion failed with Rep. Clark, Rep. Cosgrove, Rep. Hemingway, and Rep. Seegmiller voting in favor. Rep. Janice Fisher and Rep. Mascaro were absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Seegmiller moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Janice Fisher and Rep. Mascaro absent for the vote.
H.B. 130 Cancer Research Special Group License Plate (Rep. B. Dee)
This bill was not considered.
H.B. 152 Contract Passenger Carrier Safety Act (Rep. F.J. Seegmiller)
This bill was not considered.
Vice Chair. Fisher adjourned the meeting at 9:45 a.m.
Rep. Bradley M. Daw, Chair