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Members Present:        Sen. Margaret Dayton
                Sen. Brent Goodfellow
                Sen. Lyle Hillyard
                Sen. Karen Morgan
                Sen. Howard A. Stephenson

Members Excused:        Chair Curtis Bramble
                Sen. Scott Jenkins
Staff Present:            Allison Nicholson, Policy Analyst
                Karen C. Allred, Secretary
Public Speakers Present:    Judi Clark, Executive Director, Parents for Choice in Education
                Ronald Mortensen,
                JoDee Sundberg, Executive Committee Vice President, Utah                  School Boards Association
                Kory Holdaway, Utah Education Association
                Martell Menlove, Deputy Superintendent, Utah State Office of                                                     Education
    A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Sen. Stephenson assumed the chair.

Acting Chair Stephenson called the meeting to order at 8:54 A.M.
Chair Bramble and Sen. Jenkins were excused as they were involved in another meeting.
        MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to approve the minutes of Jan. 26, 2010.

        The motion passed unanimously.

1.         S. B. 87 -- School Property Tax Equalization Revisions

        Sen. Davis introduced and explained the bill.

         MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to return S.B. 87 to the Rules Committee with a recommendation that the bill be placed on the Master Study Resolution for interim study.

        The motion passed unanimously.

2.        S.B. 77 -- School District Leave Policies

    Sen. Dayton introduced and explained the bill.

        Judi Clark, Executive Director, Parents for Choice in Education, and Ronald Mortenson,, spoke in favor of the bill.

        JoDee Sundburg, Executive Committee Vice President, Utah School Boards Association, and Kory Holdaway, Utah Education Association, spoke to the bill.
         MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to go on to the next item on the agenda.

        The motion passed unanimously.
Sen. Dayton assumed the chair.

3.        H.B. 29 School District Division Amendments

Rep. Black introduced and explained the bill.
        MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to adopt the following amendment:

1.    Page 1, Lines 15 through 21 :    

             15          .    requires the election, at the next general election following voter approval of the
             16      proposal to create a new school district, of:
             17              .    the school board members for the existing school district whose terms are
             18      expiring;
             19              .    all
  other       members to the school board of the new school district; and

             20              .    all
  other       members to the school board of the remaining school district;

             21          .    modifies the effective date for the new school district;

2.    Page 10, Lines 288 through 294 :    

             288          [(B)] (i) an election shall be held [on the June special election date, as provided in
             289      Section 20A-1-204 , in the year following the creation election date,] at the next regular general
             290      election to elect:
             291          (A) members to the board of the existing school district whose terms are expiring;
             292          [(I) all other] (B) all
  other       members to the board of the new school district; and

             293          [(II) all other] (C) all
  other       members to the board of the remaining district;

             294          (ii) school district property shall be divided between the existing school district and the

        The motion failed with Sens. Goodfellow and Morgan voting in favor and Sens. Dayton, Hillyard, and Stephenson voting in opposition.

        Martell Menlove, Deputy Superintendent, Utah State Office of Education, spoke to the bill.

        MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to pass H.B. 29 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

        The motion passed with Sens. Dayton, Goodfellow, Morgan, and Stephenson voting in favor, and Sen. Hillyard voting in opposition.

        MOTION: Sen. Goodfellow moved to adjourn.

        The motion passed unanimously.

    Acting Chair Dayton adjourned the meeting at 9:42 A.M.

    Minutes were reported by Karen C. Allred, Secretary.

Sen. Curtis Bramble