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Members Present: Sen. Curtis Bramble, Chair
Sen. Margaret Dayton
Sen. Brent Goodfellow
Sen. Scott Jenkins
Sen. Karen Morgan
Sen. Howard A. Stephenson
Members Excused: Sen. Lyle Hillyard
Staff Present: Allison Nicholson, Policy Analyst
Lorna Wells, Secretary
Public Speakers Present: Tyler Slack Utah PTA, Trust lands Appointee, representing himself
Korey Capozza, Voices for Utah Children
Desmond Barker, Utah Beverage Association
Paul Van Slooten, Pepsi Bottling Group
Stan Parrish, Chairperson, Bee Well Utah
Steve Lindsay, Healthy Lifestyle Supervisor, Davis School District
Peter Cannon, Citizen
Robert Harrington, United Way of Salt Lake Young Leaders
Carl Boyington, Executive Director, UASSP
Kelli Boi, Parent
Larry Shumway, Superintendent, Utah State Office of Education
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Chair Bramble called the meeting to order at 8:35 A.M.
MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to approve the minutes of February 5, 2010.
The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Dayton and Jenkins absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to go to the next agenda item.
The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Dayton and Jenkins absent for the vote.
1. S.B. 147 - Education Related Parent Organizations
Sen. Dayton presented and explained this bill.
Mr. Slack spoke to the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to pass S.B. 147 out of committee with a favorable recommendation
The motion passed unanimously.
2. S.B. 49S02 -- Vending Machines in Public Schools
MOTION: Sen. Stephenson made the motion to delete in title and body 2nd substitute S.B.49 and place in lieu thereof 4th Substitute Bill S.B. 49.
The motion passed with Sen. Bramble voting against the motion and Sens. Dayton and Jenkins absent for the vote.
Sen. Jones introduced and explained this bill.
Ms. Capossa, Mr. Parrish, Mr. Lindsay, Mr. Harrington, Mr. Boyington, and Ms. Boi spoke in favor of the bill.
Mr. Barker and Mr. Van Slooten spoke to the bill.
Mr. Cannon spoke against the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to pass 4th Substitute S.B. 49 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.
The motion failed with Sens. Goodfellow and Morgan voting in favor of the motion and Sens. Bramble, Dayton, Jenkins, and Stephenson voting against the motion.
3. S.B. 59 - At-risk Student Provisions
Sen. Robles presented and explained this bill.
Mr. Shumway spoke to the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to adjourn.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Jenkins absent for the vote.
Chair Bramble adjourned the meeting at 10:02 A.M.
Minutes were reported by Lorna Wells, Secretary.