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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010, 8:00 A.M.

Members Present:    Sen. D. Chris Buttars, Chair
            Sen. Allen M. Christensen
            Sen. J. Stuart Adams
            Sen. David P. Hinkins
            Sen. Patricia W. Jones
            Sen. Luz Robles
Staff Present:        Mark D. Andrews, Policy Analyst
            Henry Liu, Committee Secretary
             Thomas R. Vaughn, Associate General Counsel

Speakers Present:    Judi Hilman, Utah Health Policy Project
            Ryan Peterson, Utah Healthcare Association
            Kelly Atkinson, Utah Health Insurance Association
            David Patton, Utah Department of Health
            Larry Jenkins, Utah Adoption Council
            Debbie Turner, Department of Health
            Dalane England, Utah Eagle Forum

Speaker and visitor list on file with minutes.

Chair Buttars called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m.

     MOTION: Sen. Christensen moved to approved the minutes of February 9, 11, 16 and 18.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Robles absent for the vote.

1.     HCR008 Concurrent Resolution on Federal Health Care Reform (D. Clark)
Rep. Clark introduced the bill.

    The following spoke against the bill:
        Judi Hilman

     MOTION: Sen. Adams moved to pass H.C.R. 8 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Robles absent for the vote.
2.     HB0025 Health Reform - Administrative Simplification (M. Newbbold)
    Rep. Newbold introduced the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Christensen moved to pass H.B. 25 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously.

3.     HB0052 Health Reform - Uniform Electronic Standards - Insurance Information
    (M. Newbold)
Rep. Newbold introduced the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Adams moved to pass H.B. 52 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously.

4.     SB0238 Long-term Care Facility - Medicaid Certification for Bed Capacity Amendments (L. Robles)
Sen. Robles introduced the bill.

    The following spoke in favor of the bill:
        Ryan Peterson

     MOTION: Sen. Robles moved to amend S.B. 238 as follows:

1.    Page 1, Lines 12 through 17 :    

             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    allows the Division of Health Care Financing within the Department of Health,
             15      under certain conditions, to renew Medicaid certification of a nursing care facility
             16      program
  that is       not      {   currently   } certified; and

             17          .    makes technical corrections.

2.    Page 2, Lines 35 through 46 :    

             35          (b) The division may renew Medicaid certification of a nursing care facility program
  that is       not      {   currently   } certified if:

             37          (i) since the program last operated with Medicaid certification:
             38          (A) the physical facility where the program last operated with Medicaid certification
             39      has functioned continuously and only as a nursing care facility; and
             40          (B) the owner of the program has not, under this section or Section 26-18-505 ,
             41      transferred to another nursing care facility program the license for any of the Medicaid

beds in
             42      the program;
             43          (ii) at the time the program last operated with Medicaid certification, all beds in the
             44      physical facility where the program operated were Medicaid certified; and
             45          (iii) the number of beds granted renewed Medicaid certification does not exceed the
             46      number of beds certified at the time the program last operated with Medicaid certification.

    The motion passed unanimously.

     MOTION: Sen. Christensen moved to pass S.B. 238 as amended with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Adams absent from the vote.

5.     HB0294 Health System Reform Amendments (D. Clark)
Rep. Clark introduced the bill.

    The following spoke in favor for of the bill:
        Kelly Atkinson
        David Patton
        Judi Hilman

     MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to delete line 1160 and renumber accordingly.

    The motion failed with Sen. Jones and Sen. Robles voting in favor, Sen. Adams, Sen. Christensen and Sen. Hinkins voting in opposition, and Sen. Buttars absent for the vote.

     MOTION: Sen. Adams moved to pass H.B. 294 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Buttars absent for the vote.

6.     HB0074 Adoption and Child Custody Amendments (S. Allen)
Rep. Allen introduced the bill.

    The following spoke in favor of the bill:
        Larry Jenkins

     MOTION: Sen. Adams moved to pass H.B. 74 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Buttars absent for the vote.

7.     HB0184 Medicaid Autism Waiver (P. Ray)
Rep. Ray moved to introduced the bill.

    The following spoke to the bill:
        Debbie Turner

     MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to pass H.B. 184 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Buttars absent for the vote.

     MOTION: Sen. Hinkins moved to place H.B. 184 on the consent calender.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Buttars absent for the vote.

8.     HB0277 Overdose Reporting Amendments (C. Johnson)
Rep. Johnson introduced the bill.

    The following spoke in favor of the bill:
        Dalane England

     MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to pass H.B. 277 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Buttars absent for the vote.

     MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to place H.B. 277 on the consent calendar.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Buttars absent for the vote.

     MOTION: Sen. Hinkins moved to adjourn.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Buttars absent for the vote.

    Sen. Christensen adjourned the meeting at 9:52 a.m.

    The minutes were reported by Henry Liu, Committee Secretary.

Sen. D. Chris Buttars, Committee Chair