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MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2010, 4:10 P.M.
Sen. Allen M. Christensen
Sen. J. Stuart Adams
Sen. David P. Hinkins
Sen. Patricia W. Jones
Sen. Luz Robles
Staff Present: Mark D. Andrews, Policy Analyst
Henry Liu, Committee Secretary
Thomas R. Vaughn, Associate General Counsel
Speakers Present: Ernest Gamonal
Gaylan Stewart
Judi Hilman, Utah Health Policy Project
Peter Cannon, Davis County 9/12 Project
Elizabeth Garbe, United Way of Salt Lake
Tami Stanley, Amputee Coalition Advocacy
Kelly C. Atkinson, Utah Health Insurance Association
Alice Steiner, Utah League of Women Voters
Dave Davis, Utah Retail Merchants Association, Utah Food Industry Association, Utah Manufacturers Association, and Utah Mining Association
Michael Siler, American Cancer Society
Gayle Ruzicka, Utah Eagle Forum
Mary Street, Orem City Council
Karmen Sanone, Salt Lake County Aging Services
Representative Francis D. Gibson
Speaker and visitor list on file with minutes.
Chair Buttars called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.
MOTION: Sen. Christensen moved to approve the minutes of the February 24, 2010 and February 26, 2010 meetings.
The minutes passed unanimously with Sen. Adams and Sen. Hinkins absent for the vote.
1. SB0044S01 Health Amendments for Legal Immigrant Children (L. Robles)
MOTION: Sen. Robles moved to delete in title and body First Substitute S.B. 44 and substitute in lieu thereof Second Substitute S.B. 44, "Health Amendments for Legal Immigrant Children."
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Adams absent for the vote.
Sen. Robles introduced Second Substitute S.B. 44.
The following spoke in favor of the bill:
Ernest Gamonal
Judi Hilman
Elizabeth Garbe
The following spoke in opposition of the bill:
Peter Cannon
Gaylan Stewart
MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to pass Second Substitute S.B. 44 with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed with Sen. Buttars, Sen. Jones, and Sen Robles voting in favor, Sen. Christensen and Sen. Hinkins voting in opposition, and Sen. Adams absent for the vote.
2. HB0066 Prosthetic Limb Health Insurance Parity (D. Litvack)
Rep. Litvack introduced the bill.
The following spoke in favor of the bill:
Tami Stanley
Rep. Gibson
Alice Steiner
The following spoke in opposition to the bill:
Kelly Atkinson
Dave Davis
MOTION: Sen. Robles moved to pass H.B. 66 with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Christensen absent for the vote.
3. HB0082 Protection of Children Riding in Motor Vehicles (F.J. Seegmiller)
Rep. Seegmiller introduced the bill.
The following spoke in favor of the bill:
Michael Siler
The following spoke in opposition of the bill:
Gayle Ruzicka
MOTION: Sen. Adams moved to go to the next item on the agenda.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Sen. Hinkins moved to pass H.B. 82 with a favorable recommendation.
The substitute motion passed with Sen. Hinkins, Sen. Jones, and Sen. Robles voting in favor, Sen. Buttars and Sen. Adams voting in opposition, and Sen. Christensen absent for the vote.
4. HB0311S01 Autism Treatment Fund (R. Lockhart)
Rep. Lockhart introduced the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Hinkins moved to pass First Substitute H.B. 311 with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Christensen absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Hinkins moved to place First Substitute H.B. 311 on the consent calender.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Christensen absent for the vote.
5. HB0401 Residential Facilities for Elderly Persons (B. Daw)
Rep. Daw introduced the bill.
The following spoke in favor of the bill:
Mary Street
Karmen Sanone
MOTION: Sen. Hinkins moved to return H.B. 401 to the Rules Committee and recommend that it go to interim study.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Christensen absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to adjourn.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Christensen absent for the vote.
Sen. Buttars adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m.
The minutes were reported by Henry Liu, Committee Secretary.
Sen. D. Chris Buttars, Committee Chair