TO:                 Members of the House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Standing Committee

FROM:           Rep. Roger E. Barrus, Chair

                        Rep. Stephen E. Sandstrom, Vice Chair

RE:                 Committee Meeting


                                    DATE:           Wednesday, February 2, 2011

                                    TIME:            4:00 PM

                                    PLACE:         445 State Capitol, Utah State Capitol Complex

- Call to order and approval of minutes

- The following bills are scheduled for consideration:

1.    SB0025           Share Certificates in Water Companies (R. Okerlund)



2.    HB0068          Off-highway Vehicle Operator Responsibilities (M. Noel)



Rep. Roger E. Barrus, Chair

Rep. Stephen E. Sandstrom, Vice Chair

Rep. Joel K. Briscoe

Rep. Melvin R. Brown

Rep. Brad L. Dee

Rep. Jack R. Draxler

Rep. Brad J. Galvez

Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson

Rep. John G. Mathis

Rep. Michael E. Noel

Rep. Patrick Painter

Rep. Douglas Sagers

Rep. Christine F. Watkins

Rep. Ryan D. Wilcox

Committee Analyst: J Brian Allred, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Committee Secretary: Joanna MacKay