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H.B. 330

This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 12:12 PM by lerror. -->              1     




Chief Sponsor: Melvin R. Brown

Senate Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill addresses budgetary procedures and certain state funds and accounts.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    repeals provisions related to nonlapsing funds, accounts, and account balances;
             13          .    addresses the funding sources for certain funds and accounts;
             14          .    renames certain funds;
             15          .    provides that certain funds are nonlapsing;
             16          .    converts certain nonlapsing accounts to dedicated credits;
             17          .    addresses the amounts the Division of Finance shall deposit into certain funds and
             18      accounts;
             19          .    repeals obsolete language, funds, and accounts; and
             20          .    makes technical and conforming changes.
             21      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          4-2-8.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382

             28          4-2-8.7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 278 and 378
             29          4-20-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 278
             30          9-4-1501, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 194
             31          9-4-1502, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 194
             32          9-4-1503, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 194
             33          9-10-108, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 13
             34          9-11-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 156
             35          9-17-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 166
             36          19-1-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             37          26-8a-207, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 161
             38          26-21a-302, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 369
             39          31A-38-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2005, Chapter 221
             40          35A-4-506, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 277 and 278
             41          41-22-19.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 216 and 382
             42          51-9-409, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 32
             43          53-1-118, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 48
             44          53-7-204.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             45          53A-1-304, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 139
             46          53A-21-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 162
             47          53A-24-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1996, Chapter 37
             48          53C-3-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 79 and 262
             49          58-31b-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 278
             50          58-44a-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 278
             51          58-63-103, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 308
             52          58-76-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 278
             53          59-10-1314, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 194
             54          59-12-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 412
             55          59-12-120, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1999, Chapter 195
             56          61-2-204, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 379
             57          62A-1-119, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 359
             58          62A-15-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 75

             59          63A-4-201, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 212
             60          63A-5-211, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2000, Chapter 231
             61          63A-11-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 76
             62          63C-4-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 262
             63          63I-2-253, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 11
             64          63J-1-312, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             65          63J-1-313, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             66          63J-1-314, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 389 and renumbered and
             67      amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             68          63J-1-602.1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 265
             69          63J-1-602.2, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 265 and last amended by
             70      Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 265
             71          63J-1-602.3, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 265
             72          63J-1-602.4, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 265
             73          63J-1-602.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 265
             74          63M-1-905, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 245 and 278
             75          63M-1-1406, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 394
             76          63M-1-2003, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             77          63M-1-2303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 278
             78          65A-5-1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1995, Chapter 267
             79          72-2-117, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             80          72-2-117.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 263
             81          72-2-120, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 278
             82          72-2-122, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             83          72-3-109, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             84          73-28-404, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             85          77-32-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 275
             86          77-32-701, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 256
             87          79-3-401, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 344
             88      REPEALS:
             89          9-8-604, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1991, Chapter 30

             90          63M-1-2305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 278
             92      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             93          Section 1. Section 4-2-8.5 is amended to read:
             94           4-2-8.5. Salinity Offset Fund.
             95          (1) As used in this section, "Colorado River Salinity Offset Program" means a
             96      program, administered by the Division of Water Quality, allowing oil, gas, or mining
             97      companies and other entities to provide funds to finance salinity reduction projects in the
             98      Colorado River Basin by purchasing salinity credits as offsets against discharges made by the
             99      company under permits issued by the Division of Water Quality.
             100          (2) (a) There is created a restricted special revenue fund known as the "Salinity Offset
             101      Fund."
             102          (b) The fund shall consist of:
             103          (i) monies received from the Division of Water Quality that have been collected as part
             104      of the Colorado River Salinity Offset Program;
             105          (ii) grants from local governments, the state, or the federal government;
             106          (iii) grants from private entities; and
             107          (iv) interest on fund monies.
             108          [(3) Any unallocated balance in the fund at the end of a fiscal year is nonlapsing.]
             109          [(4)] (3) (a) The department shall:
             110          (i) subject to the rules established under Subsection [(4)] (3)(a)(ii), distribute fund
             111      monies to farmers, ranchers, mutual irrigation companies, and other entities in the state to
             112      assist in financing irrigation, rangeland, and watershed improvement projects that will, in
             113      accordance with the Colorado River Salinity Offset Program, reduce salinity in the Colorado
             114      River; and
             115          (ii) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             116      make rules establishing:
             117          (A) a project funding application process;
             118          (B) project funding requirements;
             119          (C) project approval criteria; and
             120          (D) standards for evaluating the effectiveness of funded projects in reducing salinity in

             121      the Colorado River.
             122          (b) The department may require entities seeking fund monies to provide matching
             123      funds.
             124          (c) The department shall submit to the Water Quality Board's executive secretary
             125      proposed funding projects for the executive secretary's review and approval.
             126          [(5)] (4) The department may use fund monies for the administration of the fund, but
             127      this amount may not exceed 10% of the annual receipts to the fund.
             128          Section 2. Section 4-2-8.7 is amended to read:
             129           4-2-8.7. Invasive Species Mitigation Account created.
             130          (1) As used in this section, "project" means an undertaking that prevents catastrophic
             131      wildland fire through land restoration in a watershed that:
             132          (a) is impacted by cheatgrass or other invasive species; or
             133          (b) has a fuel load that may contribute to a catastrophic wildland fire.
             134          (2) (a) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
             135      "Invasive Species Mitigation Account."
             136          (b) The restricted account shall consist of:
             137          (i) money appropriated by the Legislature;
             138          (ii) grants from the federal government; and
             139          (iii) grants or donations from a person.
             140          [(3) Any unallocated balance in the restricted account at the end of the year is
             141      nonlapsing.]
             142          [(4)] (3) (a) After consulting with the Department of Natural Resources and the
             143      Conservation Commission, the department may expend money in the restricted account:
             144          (i) on a project implemented by:
             145          (A) the department; or
             146          (B) the Conservation Commission; or
             147          (ii) by giving a grant for a project to:
             148          (A) a state agency;
             149          (B) a federal agency; or
             150          (C) a federal, state, tribal, or private landowner.
             151          (b) A grant to a federal landowner shall be matched with at least an equal amount of

             152      money by the federal landowner.
             153          (c) In expending the money authorized by Subsection [(4)] (3)(a)(i), the department
             154      shall use existing infrastructure and employees to plan and implement the project.
             155          [(5)] (4) In giving a grant, the department shall consider the effectiveness of a project
             156      in preventing:
             157          (a) first, the risk to public safety and health from:
             158          (i) air pollution;
             159          (ii) flooding; and
             160          (iii) reduced visibility on a highway;
             161          (b) second, damage to the environment, including:
             162          (i) soil erosion;
             163          (ii) degraded water quality; and
             164          (iii) release of carbon; and
             165          (c) third, damage to:
             166          (i) a local economy; and
             167          (ii) habitat for wildlife or livestock.
             168          Section 3. Section 4-20-2 is amended to read:
             169           4-20-2. Rangeland Improvement Account -- Administered by department.
             170          (1) (a) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
             171      "Rangeland Improvement Account."
             172          (b) The restricted account shall consist of:
             173          (i) money received by the state from the United States Secretary of Interior under the
             174      Taylor Grazing Act, 43 U.S.C. Section 315 et seq., for sales, leases, and fees;
             175          (ii) grants or appropriations from the state or federal government; and
             176          (iii) grants from private foundations.
             177          (c) Interest earned on the restricted account shall be deposited into the General Fund.
             178          [(2) Any unallocated balance in the restricted account at the end of a fiscal year is
             179      nonlapsing.]
             180          [(3)] (2) The department shall:
             181          (a) administer the restricted account;
             182          (b) obtain from the United States Department of Interior the receipts collected from:

             183          (i) fees in each grazing district; and
             184          (ii) the receipts collected from the sale or lease of public lands; and
             185          (c) distribute restricted account money in accordance with Section 4-20-3 .
             186          Section 4. Section 9-4-1501 is amended to read:
Part 15. Methamphetamine Housing Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Account Act

             188           9-4-1501. Title.
             189          This part is known as the "Methamphetamine Housing Reconstruction and
             190      Rehabilitation [Fund] Account Act."
             191          Section 5. Section 9-4-1502 is amended to read:
             192           9-4-1502. Definitions.
             193          As used in this part:
             194          (1) "Account" means the Methamphetamine Housing Reconstruction and
             195      Rehabilitation Account created in Section 9-4-1503 .
             196          [(1)] (2) "Contaminated by methamphetamine" means that a residence is:
             197          (a) polluted by hazardous materials as a result of the use, production, or presence of
             198      methamphetamine in excess of decontamination standards adopted by the Department of
             199      Health under Section 26-51-201 ; and
             200          (b) placed on a contamination list by a local health department in accordance with
             201      Section 19-6-903 .
             202          [(2) "Fund" means the Methamphetamine Housing Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
             203      Fund created in Section 9-4-1503 .]
             204          (3) "Qualified housing organization" means an affiliate located in this state of an
             205      organization if that organization:
             206          (a) is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue
             207      Code;
             208          (b) operates on a worldwide basis;
             209          (c) has the primary purposes of:
             210          (i) constructing, reconstructing, and rehabilitating residences that are:
             211          (A) sold to low-income persons selected by the organization in accordance with any
             212      rules the division makes as authorized by Section 9-4-1503 ; and
             213          (B) financed with loans that are not subject to interest as determined by the

             214      organization in accordance with any rules the division makes as authorized by Section
             215      9-4-1503 ; and
             216          (ii) purchasing property upon which residences described in Subsection (3)(c)(i) are
             217      constructed, reconstructed, or rehabilitated;
             218          (d) expends a portion of the repayment on the loans described in Subsection
             219      (3)(c)(i)(B) to finance:
             220          (i) the construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of residences described in
             221      Subsection (3)(c)(i); and
             222          (ii) the purchase of property upon which residences described in Subsection (3)(c)(i)
             223      are constructed, reconstructed, or rehabilitated; and
             224          (e) has built more than 250,000 residences in total.
             225          (4) (a) "Residence" means a single-family residence.
             226          (b) "Residence" includes:
             227          (i) a condominium;
             228          (ii) a garage;
             229          (iii) real property appurtenant to a residence:
             230          (A) as determined by the division in accordance with any rules the division makes as
             231      authorized by Section 9-4-1503 ; and
             232          (B) if that real property is contaminated by methamphetamine;
             233          (iv) a shed; or
             234          (v) a town home.
             235          (c) "Residence" does not include:
             236          (i) an apartment or other rental unit as determined by the division in accordance with
             237      any rules the division makes as authorized by Section 9-4-1503 ; or
             238          (ii) an outbuilding except for a garage or shed.
             239          Section 6. Section 9-4-1503 is amended to read:
             240           9-4-1503. Methamphetamine Housing Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
             241      Account -- Creation -- Interest -- Use of contributions and interest.
             242          (1) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the
             243      Methamphetamine Housing Reconstruction and Rehabilitation [Fund] Account.
             244          (2) The [fund] account shall be funded by:

             245          (a) contributions deposited into the [fund] account in accordance with Section
             246      59-10-1314 ; and
             247          (b) interest described in Subsection (3).
             248          (3) (a) The [fund] account shall earn interest.
             249          (b) Interest earned on the [fund] account shall be deposited into the [fund] account.
             250          (4) (a) The division shall distribute contributions and interest deposited into the [fund]
             251      account to one or more qualified housing organizations.
             252          (b) (i) Subject to Subsection (4)(b)(ii), a qualified housing organization that receives a
             253      distribution from the division in accordance with Subsection (4)(a) shall expend the
             254      distribution to:
             255          (A) reconstruct or rehabilitate one or more residences that are:
             256          (I) sold to low-income persons selected by the qualified housing organization in
             257      accordance with any rules the division makes as authorized by this section; and
             258          (II) financed with loans that are not subject to interest as determined by the qualified
             259      housing organization in accordance with any rules the division makes as authorized by this
             260      section; or
             261          (B) purchase property upon which a residence described in Subsection (4)(b)(i)(A) is
             262      reconstructed or rehabilitated.
             263          (ii) A qualified housing organization may not expend a distribution the qualified
             264      housing organization receives in accordance with this Subsection (4) for any administrative
             265      cost relating to an expenditure authorized by Subsection (4)(b)(i).
             266          (5) (a) In accordance with any rules the division makes as authorized under Subsection
             267      (6)(c), a qualified housing organization may apply to the division to receive a distribution
             268      under Subsection (4).
             269          (b) A qualified housing organization may apply to the division to receive a distribution
             270      under Subsection (4) by filing an application with the division:
             271          (i) on or before November 1; and
             272          (ii) on a form provided by the division.
             273          (c) The application:
             274          (i) shall include information required by the division establishing that the qualified
             275      housing organization owns each residence with respect to which the qualified housing

             276      organization plans to expend a distribution under Subsection (4);
             277          (ii) shall include information required by the division establishing the qualified housing
             278      organization's plan to expend the distribution for a purpose described in Subsection (4)(b)(i);
             279          (iii) shall include information required by the division establishing that the qualified
             280      housing organization's plan to expend the distribution meets conditions established in
             281      accordance with Title 19, Chapter 6, Part 9, Illegal Drug Operations Site Reporting and
             282      Decontamination Act, for a local health department to remove the residence from the local
             283      health department's decontamination list; and
             284          (iv) may include other information the division requires by rule.
             285          (d) The division shall determine on or before the November 30 immediately following
             286      the November 1 described in Subsection (5)(b)(i) whether a qualified housing organization's
             287      application to the division meets the requirements of Subsection (5)(c).
             288          (e) (i) The division shall distribute money credited to the [fund] account to each
             289      qualified housing organization that meets the requirements of Subsection (5)(c) as determined
             290      by the division:
             291          (A) on or before the December 31 immediately following the November 1 described in
             292      Subsection (5)(b)(i); and
             293          (B) in accordance with this Subsection (5)(e).
             294          (ii) The division shall determine:
             295          (A) the population of the county in which a qualified housing organization that meets
             296      the requirements of Subsection (5)(c) is headquartered; and
             297          (B) the total population of all of the counties in which the qualified housing
             298      organizations that meet the requirements of Subsection (5)(c) are headquartered.
             299          (iii) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(e)(iv), the division shall determine a
             300      qualified housing organization's distribution by making the following calculation:
             301          (A) calculating a percentage determined by dividing the population of the county in
             302      which the qualified housing organization that meets the requirements of Subsection (5)(c) is
             303      headquartered by the population calculated under Subsection (5)(e)(ii)(B); and
             304          (B) multiplying the percentage determined under Subsection (5)(e)(iii)(A) by the [fund]
             305      account balance.
             306          (iv) If two or more qualified housing organizations that meet the requirements of

             307      Subsection (5)(c) as determined by the division are headquartered within one county, the
             308      division shall determine each qualified housing organization's distribution by:
             309          (A) making the calculation required by Subsection (5)(e)(iii); and
             310          (B) dividing the amount calculated under Subsection (5)(e)(iii) by the number of
             311      qualified housing organizations that meet the requirements of Subsection (5)(c) as determined
             312      by the division that are headquartered within the county.
             313          (6) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             314      division may make rules:
             315          (a) to define what constitutes:
             316          (i) a low-income person;
             317          (ii) a loan that is not subject to interest; or
             318          (iii) an apartment or other rental unit;
             319          (b) for determining the circumstances under which real property is appurtenant to a
             320      residence;
             321          (c) prescribing information a qualified housing organization is required to include with
             322      an application under Subsection (5);
             323          (d) for purposes of Subsection (5)(e), for determining the population of a county; or
             324          (e) for determining the county in which a qualified housing organization is
             325      headquartered.
             326          Section 7. Section 9-10-108 is amended to read:
             327           9-10-108. Deposits into fund.
             328          (1) [(a)] All money received under Section 59-5-116 shall be deposited in the
             329      Revitalization Fund provided that no business or activity fee or tax based on gross receipts has
             330      been imposed by a county or the Tribe on oil and gas activities.
             331          [(b) (i)] (2) (a) Nothing in this [Subsection (1)] section prohibits a county from
             332      imposing a charge described in Subsection (1)[(a)] with respect to any gathering, transmission,
             333      or local distribution pipeline in which the county owns an interest.
             334          [(ii)] (b) Nothing in this [Subsection (1)] section prohibits the Tribe from imposing a
             335      charge described in Subsection (1)[(a)] with respect to any gathering, transmission, or local
             336      distribution pipeline in which the Tribe owns an interest.
             337          [(2) Any unallocated balance in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall be

             338      nonlapsing.]
             339          Section 8. Section 9-11-104 is amended to read:
             340           9-11-104. San Juan Navajo Revitalization Fund.
             341          (1) (a) There is created a restricted special revenue fund called the "Navajo
             342      Revitalization Fund."
             343          (b) The revitalization fund shall consist of:
             344          (i) money deposited to the revitalization fund under this chapter;
             345          (ii) money deposited to the revitalization fund under Section 59-5-119 ; and
             346          (iii) any loan repayment or interest on a loan issued under this chapter.
             347          (2) (a) The revitalization fund shall earn interest.
             348          (b) The interest earned on revitalization fund money shall be deposited into the fund.
             349          [(3) The unallocated balance in the revitalization fund at the end of a fiscal year is
             350      nonlapsing.]
             351          [(4)] (3) Beginning for fiscal year 2010-11, the division may use revitalization fund
             352      money for the administration of the revitalization fund, but this amount may not exceed 4% of
             353      the annual receipts to the revitalization fund.
             354          Section 9. Section 9-17-102 is amended to read:
             355           9-17-102. Humanitarian Service and Educational and Cultural Exchange
             356      Restricted Account.
             357          (1) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the
             358      "Humanitarian Service and Educational and Cultural Exchange Restricted Account."
             359          (2) The account shall be funded by:
             360          (a) contributions deposited into the account in accordance with Section 41-1a-422 ;
             361          (b) private contributions; and
             362          (c) donations or grants from public or private entities.
             363          [(3) Funds in the account are nonlapsing.]
             364          [(4)] (3) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the department shall distribute funds in
             365      the account to one or more charitable organizations that:
             366          (a) qualify as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
             367          (b) have a national parent organization which:
             368          (i) provides international humanitarian service projects; and

             369          (ii) has youth programs including programs to foster leadership in high school students,
             370      humanitarian service in high school and college, and conducts and promotes community
             371      service projects;
             372          (c) have a non-profit youth exchange program that does not compensate those who
             373      administer the program within the state;
             374          (d) have an annual leadership conference, which does not compensate those who
             375      administer the program within the state;
             376          (e) have high school service clubs, which promote humanitarian services on a state
             377      level, a national level, and an international level; and
             378          (f) have college service clubs, which promote humanitarian service on a state level, a
             379      national level, and an international level.
             380          [(5)] (4) (a) An organization described in Subsection [(4)] (3) may apply to the
             381      department to receive a distribution in accordance with Subsection [(4)] (3).
             382          (b) An organization that receives a distribution from the department in accordance with
             383      Subsection [(4)] (3) shall expend the distribution only to:
             384          (i) pay the costs of supporting the following programs within the state:
             385          (A) youth programs including programs to foster leadership in high school students and
             386      humanitarian service in high school and college;
             387          (B) community service projects;
             388          (C) a non-profit youth exchange program;
             389          (D) an annual leadership conference;
             390          (E) high school service clubs, which promote humanitarian service on a state level, a
             391      national level, and an international level; and
             392          (F) college service clubs, which promote humanitarian service on a state level, a
             393      national level, and an international level; and
             394          (ii) pay the costs of issuing or reordering Humanitarian Service and Educational and
             395      Cultural Exchange support special group license plate decals.
             396          (c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             397      department may make rules providing procedures for an organization to apply to the
             398      department to receive a distribution under Subsection [(4)] (3).
             399          Section 10. Section 19-1-403 is amended to read:

             400           19-1-403. Clean Fuels and Vehicle Technology Fund -- Contents -- Loans or
             401      grants made with fund money.
             402          (1) (a) There is created a revolving fund known as the Clean Fuels and Vehicle
             403      Technology Fund.
             404          (b) The fund consists of:
             405          (i) appropriations to the fund;
             406          (ii) other public and private contributions made under Subsection (1)[(d)](c);
             407          (iii) interest earnings on cash balances; and
             408          (iv) all money collected for loan repayments and interest on loans.
             409          [(c) All money appropriated to the fund is nonlapsing.]
             410          [(d)] (c) The department may accept contributions from other public and private
             411      sources for deposit into the fund.
             412          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the department may make a loan or a
             413      grant with money available in the fund for:
             414          (i) the conversion of a private sector business vehicle or a government vehicle to use a
             415      clean fuel, if certified by the Air Quality Board under Subsection 19-1-405 (1)(a);
             416          (ii) the purchase of:
             417          (A) an OEM vehicle for use as a private sector business vehicle or government vehicle;
             418      or
             419          (B) a vehicle, certified by the Air Quality Board under Subsection 19-1-405 (1)(d), for
             420      use as a private sector business vehicle or government vehicle;
             421          (iii) the retrofit, certified by the Air Quality Board under Subsection 19-1-405 (1)(d), of
             422      a private sector business vehicle or government vehicle;
             423          (iv) a fuel system, certified by the Air Quality Board under Subsection 19-1-405 (1)(d),
             424      for a private sector business vehicle or government vehicle; or
             425          (v) a state match of a federal or nonfederal grant for any item under this Subsection
             426      (2)(a).
             427          (b) The amount of a loan for any vehicle under Subsection (2)(a)(i) or (2)(a)(ii)(A) may
             428      not exceed:
             429          (i) the actual cost of the vehicle conversion;
             430          (ii) the incremental cost of purchasing the OEM vehicle; or

             431          (iii) the cost of purchasing the OEM vehicle if there is no documented incremental
             432      cost.
             433          (c) The amount of a grant for any vehicle under Subsection (2)(a)(i) or (2)(a)(ii)(A)
             434      may not exceed:
             435          (i) 50% of the actual cost of the vehicle conversion minus the amount of any tax credit
             436      claimed under Section 59-7-605 or 59-10-1009 for the vehicle for which a grant is requested;
             437      or
             438          (ii) 50% of the incremental cost of purchasing an OEM vehicle minus the amount of
             439      any tax credit claimed under Section 59-7-605 or 59-10-1009 for the vehicle for which a grant
             440      is requested.
             441          (d) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3) and subject to the availability of money in
             442      the fund, the department may make a loan for the purchase of vehicle refueling equipment for a
             443      private sector business vehicle or a government vehicle.
             444          (ii) The maximum amount loaned per installation of refueling equipment may not
             445      exceed the actual cost of the refueling equipment.
             446          (iii) Except as provided in Subsection (3) and subject to the availability of money in
             447      the fund, the department may make a grant for a state match of a federal or nonfederal grant for
             448      the purchase of vehicle refueling equipment for a private sector business vehicle or a
             449      government vehicle.
             450          (3) The department may not make a loan or grant under this part for an electric-hybrid
             451      vehicle.
             452          (4) The department may:
             453          (a) reimburse itself for the costs incurred in administering the fund from:
             454          (i) the fund; or
             455          (ii) application fees; and
             456          (b) establish an application fee for a loan or grant from the fund by following the
             457      procedures and requirements of Section 63J-1-504 .
             458          (5) (a) The fund balance may not exceed $10,000,000.
             459          (b) Interest on cash balances and repayment of loans in excess of the amount necessary
             460      to maintain the fund balance at $10,000,000 shall be deposited in the General Fund.
             461          (6) (a) Loans made from money in the fund shall be supported by loan documents

             462      evidencing the intent of the borrower to repay the loan.
             463          (b) The original loan documents shall be filed with the Division of Finance and a copy
             464      shall be filed with the department.
             465          Section 11. Section 26-8a-207 is amended to read:
             466           26-8a-207. Emergency medical services grant program.
             467          (1) (a) The department shall receive as dedicated credits the amount established in
             468      Section 51-9-403 . That amount shall be transferred to the department by the Division of
             469      Finance from funds generated by the surcharge imposed under Title 51, Chapter 9, Part 4,
             470      Criminal Conviction Surcharge Allocation.
             471          (b) Funds transferred to the department under this section shall be used for
             472      improvement of delivery of emergency medical services and administrative costs as described
             473      in Subsection (2)(a). Appropriations to the department for the purposes enumerated in this
             474      section shall be made from those dedicated credits.
             475          [(c) All funding for the program created by this section shall be nonlapsing.]
             476          (2) (a) The department may use the funds transferred to it under Subsection (1):
             477          (i) to provide staff support; and
             478          (ii) for other expenses incurred in:
             479          (A) administration of grant funds; and
             480          (B) other department administrative costs under this chapter.
             481          (b) After funding staff support, administrative expenses, and trauma system
             482      development, the department and the committee shall make emergency medical services grants
             483      from the remaining funds received as dedicated credits under Subsection (1). A recipient of a
             484      grant under this Subsection (2)(b) must actively provide emergency medical services within the
             485      state.
             486          (c) The department shall distribute not less than 25% of the funds, with the percentage
             487      being authorized by a majority vote of the committee, as per capita block grants for use
             488      specifically related to the provision of emergency medical services to nonprofit prehospital
             489      emergency medical services providers that are either licensed or designated and to emergency
             490      medical services that are the primary emergency medical services for a service area. The
             491      department shall determine the grant amounts by prorating available funds on a per capita basis
             492      by county as described in department rule.

             493          (d) The committee shall award the remaining funds as competitive grants for use
             494      specifically related to the provision of emergency medical services based upon rules
             495      established by the committee.
             496          Section 12. Section 26-21a-302 is amended to read:
             497           26-21a-302. Cancer Research Restricted Account.
             498          (1) As used in this section, "account" means the Cancer Research Restricted Account
             499      created by this section.
             500          (2) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the "Cancer
             501      Research Restricted Account."
             502          (3) The account shall be funded by:
             503          (a) contributions deposited into the account in accordance with Section 41-1a-422 ;
             504          (b) private contributions;
             505          (c) donations or grants from public or private entities; and
             506          (d) interest and earnings on fund money.
             507          [(4) Funds in the account are nonlapsing.]
             508          [(5)] (4) The department shall distribute funds in the account to one or more charitable
             509      organizations that:
             510          (a) qualify as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
             511          (b) have been designated as an official cancer center of the state;
             512          (c) is a National Cancer Institute designated cancer center; and
             513          (d) have as part of its primary mission:
             514          (i) cancer research programs in basic science, translational science, population science,
             515      and clinical research to understand cancer from its beginnings; and
             516          (ii) the dissemination and use of knowledge developed by the research described in
             517      Subsection [(5)] (4)(d)(i) for the creation and improvement of cancer detection, treatments,
             518      prevention, and outreach programs.
             519          [(6)] (5) (a) An organization described in Subsection [(5)] (4) may apply to the
             520      department to receive a distribution in accordance with Subsection [(5)] (4).
             521          (b) An organization that receives a distribution from the department in accordance with
             522      Subsection [(5)] (4) shall expend the distribution only to conduct cancer research for the
             523      purpose of making improvements in cancer treatments, cures, detection, and prevention of

             524      cancer at the molecular and genetic levels.
             525          (c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             526      department may make rules providing procedures for an organization to apply to the
             527      department to receive a distribution under Subsection [(5)] (4).
             528          Section 13. Section 31A-38-104 is amended to read:
             529           31A-38-104. Authorization -- Money transferred for reserves.
             530          (1) The Department of Workforce Services may:
             531          (a) convert the bridge program to the state program through any of the following, or
             532      combination of the following, that the Department of Workforce Services considers best serves
             533      the needs of qualified participants:
             534          (i) a contract with a licensed insurance company authorized to do business in the state;
             535          (ii) through any other arrangement acceptable under the Trade Reform Act; or
             536          (iii) a self-insurance program through a third party administrator as provided in
             537      Subsection 31A-38-103(3)(b)(ii); and
             538          [(b) (i) in cooperation with the Division of Finance, establish an appropriate state fund
             539      for the purpose of operation of the state program; and]
             540          [(ii) transfer the balance of any monies received under the bridge program into this
             541      fund; and]
             542          [(c)] (b) obligate up to $2,000,000 of the H. [ Workforce Services ] .H Special
             542a      Administrative
             543      Expense H. [ Fund ] Account created in Section 35A-4-506 .H as reserves for the state program.
             544          [(2) The monies in the fund created under Subsection (1)(b) are: (a) nonlapsing; and
             545      (b) restricted to the purposes of the state program established under this chapter.]
             546          [(3)] (2) The [monies] money in Subsection (1)[(c)](b) may be[: (a)] used until the
             547      reserves in the state program become adequate[; and].
             548          [(b) transferred into or out of any fund created under Subsection (1)(b).]
             549          Section 14. Section 35A-4-506 is amended to read:
             550           35A-4-506. Special Administrative H. Expense .H Account.
             551          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the "Special
             552      Administrative Expense Account."
             553          (2) (a) Interest and penalties collected under this chapter, less refunds made under
             554      Subsection 35A-4-306 (5), shall be paid into the restricted account from the clearing account of

             555      the restricted account at the end of each calendar month.
             556          (b) A contribution to the restricted account and any other money received for that
             557      purpose shall be paid into the restricted account.
             558          (c) The money may not be expended in any manner that would permit their substitution
             559      for, or a corresponding reduction in, federal funds that would in the absence of the money be
             560      available to finance expenditures for the administration of this chapter.
             561          (3) Nothing in this section shall prevent the money from being used as a revolving fund
             562      to cover expenditures, necessary and proper under this chapter, for which federal funds have
             563      been duly requested but not yet received subject to the charging of those expenditures against
             564      the funds when received.
             565          (4) Money in the restricted account shall be deposited, administered, and dispersed in
             566      accordance with the directions of the Legislature.
             567          (5) Money in the restricted account is made available to replace, within a reasonable
             568      time, any money received by this state under Section 302 of the Federal Social Security Act, 42
             569      U.S.C. 502, as amended, that because of any action of contingency have been lost or have been
             570      expended for purposes other than or in amounts in excess of those necessary for the proper
             571      administration of this chapter.
             572          (6) Money in the restricted account shall be available to the division for expenditure in
             573      accordance with this section [and shall not lapse at any time or be transferred to any other fund
             574      or account except as directed by the Legislature].
             575          (7) The state treasurer shall pay all warrants drawn upon it by the division or its duly
             576      authorized agent in accordance with such rules as the department shall prescribe.
             577          (8) (a) The state treasurer shall be liable on the state treasurer's official bond for the
             578      faithful performance of the treasurer's duties in connection with the Special Administrative
             579      Expense Account provided for under this chapter.
             580          (b) Liability on the official bond shall exist in addition to any liability upon any
             581      separate bond existent on the effective date of this provision or that may be given in the future.
             582          (c) Any money recovered on any surety bond losses sustained by the Special
             583      Administrative Expense Account shall be deposited in the restricted account or in the General
             584      Fund if so directed by the Legislature.
             585          Section 15. Section 41-22-19.5 is amended to read:

             586           41-22-19.5. Off-highway Access and Education Restricted Account -- Creation --
             587      Funding -- Distribution of funds by the Board of Parks and Recreation.
             588          (1) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the Off-highway
             589      Access and Education Restricted Account.
             590          (2) The account shall be funded by:
             591          (a) contributions deposited into the Off-highway Access and Education Restricted
             592      Account in accordance with Section 41-1a-230.6 ;
             593          (b) private contributions; and
             594          (c) donations or grants from public or private entities.
             595          [(3) Funds in the account are nonlapsing.]
             596          [(4)] (3) The Legislature shall appropriate money in the account to the board.
             597          [(5)] (4) (a) The state treasurer shall invest money in the account according to Title 51,
             598      Chapter 7, State Money Management Act.
             599          (b) The Division of Finance shall deposit interest or other earnings derived from
             600      investment of account money into the General Fund.
             601          [(6)] (5) The board may expend up to 10% of the money appropriated under Subsection
             602      [(4)] (3) to:
             603          (a) administer account distributions in accordance with Subsections [(7)] (6) through
             604      [(10)] (9); and
             605          (b) administer off-highway vehicle provisions under this chapter.
             606          [(7)] (6) The board shall distribute the funds to a charitable organization that:
             607          (a) qualifies as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
             608      Code;
             609          (b) has at least one full-time employee; and
             610          (c) has as a primary part of its mission to:
             611          (i) protect access to public lands by motor vehicle and off-highway vehicle operators;
             612      and
             613          (ii) educate the public about appropriate off-highway vehicle use.
             614          [(8)] (7) The board may only consider proposals that are:
             615          (a) proposed by a charitable organization under Subsection [(7)] (6); and
             616          (b) designed to:

             617          (i) protect access to public lands by motor vehicle and off-highway vehicle operators;
             618      and
             619          (ii) educate the public about appropriate off-highway vehicle use.
             620          [(9)] (8) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
             621      Act, the board shall make rules providing procedures for an organization to apply to receive
             622      funds under this section.
             623          [(10)] (9) The board may not:
             624          (a) require matching funds from a charitable organization as a condition of receiving
             625      funds; or
             626          (b) prohibit the use of funds to cover litigation expenses incurred in protecting access
             627      to public lands by motor vehicle and off-highway vehicle operators.
             628          Section 16. Section 51-9-409 is amended to read:
             629           51-9-409. Guardian Ad Litem Services Account established -- Funding -- Uses.
             630          (1) (a) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the Guardian
             631      Ad Litem Services Account, for the purpose of funding the Office of Guardian Ad Litem, in
             632      accordance with the provisions of Sections 78A-6-901 and 78A-6-902 .
             633          (b) The account shall be funded by:
             634          (i) the donation described in Subsection 41-1a-422 (1)(a)(i)(F); and
             635          (ii) the amount allocated to the account as provided in Subsections (2) and (3).
             636          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the Division of Finance shall allocate 1.75%
             637      of the collected surcharge established in Section 51-9-401 to the Guardian Ad Litem Services
             638      Account.
             639          (3) The amount allocated under Subsection (2) may not exceed the amount
             640      appropriated to the Guardian Ad Litem Services Account by the Legislature.
             641          Section 17. Section 53-1-118 is amended to read:
             642           53-1-118. Public Safety Honoring Heroes Restricted Account -- Creation --
             643      Funding -- Distribution of funds by the commissioner.
             644          (1) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the Public
             645      Safety Honoring Heroes Restricted Account.
             646          (2) The account shall be funded by:
             647          (a) contributions deposited into the Public Safety Honoring Heroes Restricted Account

             648      in accordance with Section 41-1a-422 ;
             649          (b) private contributions; and
             650          (c) donations or grants from public or private entities.
             651          [(3) Funds in the account are nonlapsing.]
             652          [(4)] (3) The Legislature shall appropriate money in the account to the commissioner.
             653          [(5)] (4) The commissioner shall distribute the funds to one or more charitable
             654      organizations that:
             655          (a) qualify as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
             656      and
             657          (b) have as a primary part of their mission to support the families of fallen Utah
             658      Highway Patrol troopers and other Department of Public Safety employees.
             659          [(6)] (5) The commissioner may only consider proposals that are:
             660          (a) proposed by a charitable organization under Subsection [(5)] (4); and
             661          (b) designed to support families of fallen Utah Highway Patrol troopers and other
             662      Department of Public Safety employees.
             663          [(7)] (6) (a) An organization described in Subsection [(5)] (4) may apply to the
             664      commissioner to receive a distribution in accordance with Subsection [(5)] (4).
             665          (b) An organization that receives a distribution from the commissioner in accordance
             666      with Subsection [(5)] (4) shall expend the distribution only to support the families of fallen
             667      Utah Highway Patrol troopers and other Department of Public Safety employees.
             668          [(8)] (7) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
             669      Act, the commissioner shall make rules providing procedures for an organization to apply to
             670      receive funds under this section.
             671          Section 18. Section 53-7-204.2 is amended to read:
             672           53-7-204.2. Fire Academy -- Establishment -- Fire Academy Support Account --
             673      Funding.
             674          (1) In this section:
             675          (a) "Account" means the Fire Academy Support Account created in Subsection (4).
             676          (b) "Property insurance premium" means premium paid as consideration for property
             677      insurance as defined in Section 31A-1-301 .
             678          (2) The board shall:

             679          (a) establish a fire academy that:
             680          (i) provides instruction and training for paid, volunteer, institutional, and industrial
             681      firefighters;
             682          (ii) develops new methods of firefighting and fire prevention;
             683          (iii) provides training for fire and arson detection and investigation;
             684          (iv) provides public education programs to promote fire safety;
             685          (v) provides for certification of firefighters, pump operators, instructors, and officers;
             686      and
             687          (vi) provides facilities for teaching fire-fighting skills;
             688          (b) establish a cost recovery fee in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 for training
             689      commercially employed firefighters; and
             690          (c) request funding for the academy.
             691          (3) The board may:
             692          (a) accept gifts, donations, and grants of property and services on behalf of the fire
             693      academy; and
             694          (b) enter into contractual agreements necessary to facilitate establishment of the school.
             695          (4) (a) To provide a funding source for the academy and for the general operation of
             696      the State Fire Marshal Division, there is created in the General Fund a restricted account
             697      known as the Fire Academy Support Account.
             698          (b) The following revenue shall be deposited in the account to implement this section:
             699          (i) the percentage specified in Subsection (5) of the annual tax for each year that is
             700      levied, assessed, and collected under Title 59, Chapter 9, Taxation of Admitted Insurers, upon
             701      property insurance premiums and as applied to fire and allied lines insurance collected by
             702      insurance companies within the state;
             703          (ii) the percentage specified in Subsection (6) of all money assessed and collected upon
             704      life insurance premiums within the state;
             705          (iii) the cost recovery fees established by the board;
             706          (iv) gifts, donations, and grants of property on behalf of the fire academy; [and]
             707          (v) appropriations made by the Legislature[.]; and
             708          (vi) money collected from civil penalties in accordance with Section 53-7-504 .
             709          (5) The percentage of the tax specified in Subsection (4)(b)(i) to be deposited in the

             710      account each fiscal year is 25%.
             711          (6) The percentage of the money specified in Subsection (4)(b)(ii) to be deposited in
             712      the account each fiscal year is 5%.
             713          Section 19. Section 53A-1-304 is amended to read:
             714           53A-1-304. Autism Awareness Restricted Account.
             715          (1) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the "Autism
             716      Awareness Restricted Account."
             717          (2) The account shall be funded by:
             718          (a) contributions deposited into the account in accordance with Section 41-1a-422 ;
             719          (b) private contributions; and
             720          (c) donations or grants from public or private entities.
             721          [(3) Funds in the account are nonlapsing.]
             722          [(4)] (3) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the superintendent shall distribute
             723      funds in the account to one or more charitable organizations that:
             724          (a) qualify as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
             725          (b) promote access to resources and responsible information for individuals of all ages
             726      who have, or are affected by, autism or related conditions;
             727          (c) is an independent organization that has representation from state agencies and
             728      private providers serving individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families in the
             729      state;
             730          (d) includes representation of:
             731          (i) national and local autism advocacy groups, as available; and
             732          (ii) interested parents and professionals; and
             733          (e) does not endorse any specific treatment, therapy, or intervention used for autism.
             734          [(5)] (4) (a) An organization described in Subsection [(4)] (3) may apply to the
             735      superintendent to receive a distribution in accordance with Subsection [(4)] (3).
             736          (b) An organization that receives a distribution from the superintendent in accordance
             737      with Subsection [(4)] (3) shall expend the distribution only to:
             738          (i) pay for autism education and public awareness of programs and related services in
             739      the state;
             740          (ii) enhance programs designed to serve individuals with autism;

             741          (iii) provide support to caregivers providing services for individuals with autism;
             742          (iv) pay for academic scholarships and research efforts in the area of autism spectrum
             743      disorder; and
             744          (v) pay the costs of issuing or reordering Autism Awareness Support special group
             745      license plate decals.
             746          (c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             747      State Board of Education may make rules providing procedures for an organization to apply to
             748      the superintendent to receive a distribution under Subsection [(4)] (3).
             749          Section 20. Section 53A-21-401 is amended to read:
             750           53A-21-401. Capital Outlay Loan Program -- School Building Revolving Account
             751      -- Access to the account.
             752          (1) There is created:
             753          (a) the "Capital Outlay Loan Program" to provide:
             754          (i) short-term help to school districts to meet district needs for school building
             755      construction and renovation; and
             756          (ii) assistance to charter schools to meet school building construction and renovation
             757      needs; and
             758          (b) [a nonlapsing] the "School Building Revolving Account" administered within the
             759      Uniform School Fund by the state superintendent of public instruction in accordance with rules
             760      adopted by the State Board of Education.
             761          (2) The State Board of Education may not allocate funds from the School Building
             762      Revolving Account that exceed a school district's bonding limit minus its outstanding bonds.
             763          (3) In order to receive money from the account, a school district shall:
             764          (a) levy a combined capital levy rate of at least .0024;
             765          (b) contract with the state superintendent of public instruction to repay the money, with
             766      interest at a rate established by the state superintendent, within five years of receipt, using
             767      future state capital outlay allocations, local revenues, or both;
             768          (c) levy sufficient ad valorem taxes under Section 11-14-310 to guarantee annual loan
             769      repayments, unless the state superintendent of public instruction alters the payment schedule to
             770      improve a hardship situation; and
             771          (d) meet any other condition established by the State Board of Education pertinent to

             772      the loan.
             773          (4) (a) The state superintendent shall establish a committee, including representatives
             774      from state and local education entities, to:
             775          (i) review requests by school districts for loans under this section; and
             776          (ii) make recommendations regarding approval or disapproval of the loan applications
             777      to the state superintendent.
             778          (b) If the committee recommends approval of a loan application under Subsection
             779      (4)(a)(ii), the committee's recommendation shall include:
             780          (i) the recommended amount of the loan;
             781          (ii) the payback schedule; and
             782          (iii) the interest rate to be charged.
             783          (5) (a) There is established within the School Building Revolving Account the Charter
             784      School Building Subaccount administered by the State Board of Education, in consultation
             785      with the State Charter School Board, in accordance with rules adopted by the State Board of
             786      Education.
             787          (b) The Charter School Building Subaccount shall consist of:
             788          (i) money appropriated to the subaccount by the Legislature;
             789          (ii) money received from the repayment of loans made from the subaccount; and
             790          (iii) interest earned on money in the subaccount.
             791          (c) The state superintendent of public instruction shall make loans to charter schools
             792      from the Charter School Building Subaccount to pay for the costs of:
             793          (i) planning expenses;
             794          (ii) constructing or renovating charter school buildings;
             795          (iii) equipment and supplies; or
             796          (iv) other start-up or expansion expenses.
             797          (d) Loans to new charter schools or charter schools with urgent facility needs may be
             798      given priority.
             799          (6) (a) The State Board of Education shall establish a committee to:
             800          (i) review requests by charter schools for loans under this section; and
             801          (ii) make recommendations regarding approval or disapproval of the loan applications
             802      to the State Charter School Board and the State Board of Education.

             803          (b) (i) A committee established under Subsection (6)(a) shall include individuals who
             804      have expertise or experience in finance, real estate, or charter school administration.
             805          (ii) Of the members appointed to a committee established under Subsection (6)(a):
             806          (A) one member shall be nominated by the governor; and
             807          (B) the remaining members shall be selected from a list of nominees submitted by the
             808      State Charter School Board.
             809          (c) If the committee recommends approval of a loan application under Subsection
             810      (6)(a)(ii), the committee's recommendation shall include:
             811          (i) the recommended amount of the loan;
             812          (ii) the payback schedule; and
             813          (iii) the interest rate to be charged.
             814          (d) The committee members may not:
             815          (i) be a relative, as defined in Section 53A-1a-518 , of a loan applicant; or
             816          (ii) have a pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, with a loan applicant or any person
             817      or entity that contracts with a loan applicant.
             818          (7) The State Board of Education, in consultation with the State Charter School Board,
             819      shall approve all loans to a charter school under this section.
             820          (8) The term of a loan to a charter school under this section may not exceed five years.
             821          (9) The State Board of Education may not approve loans to charter schools under this
             822      section that exceed a total of $2,000,000 in any year.
             823          Section 21. Section 53A-24-105 is amended to read:
             824           53A-24-105. Functions of the office.
             825          The office may:
             826          (1) apply for, receive, administer, and distribute funds made available through
             827      programs of federal or state governments;
             828          (2) cooperate with federal or state governmental entities to administer programs and
             829      program funds;
             830          (3) contract or cooperate with public or private entities or individuals;
             831          (4) if designated by the responsible authority, and with the approval of the board,
             832      perform any functions or services for the federal or state government that relate to individuals
             833      with disabilities;

             834          (5) establish subordinate administrative units necessary to increase efficiency and
             835      improve the delivery of services to individuals with disabilities;
             836          (6) establish and operate community service centers, rehabilitation facilities, and
             837      workshops, and make grants to public and nonprofit organizations for those purposes;
             838          (7) determine eligibility for, and the nature and scope of, services to be provided under
             839      the state plan for vocational rehabilitation or other programs administered by the office;
             840          (8) assist individuals with severe disabilities to establish and operate vending machine
             841      services and other small businesses, and perform services authorized under Title 55, [Chapters
             842      5 and 5a] Chapter 5, Blind Persons Operating Vending Stands, and Chapter 5a, Blind Product
             843      Sales;
             844          (9) furnish materials, tools, equipment, initial stocks and supplies, and occupational
             845      licenses needed by rehabilitation facilities, workshops, and small businesses established under
             846      this chapter, and develop and execute marketing plans for materials produced by those
             847      operations;
             848          (10) place money received by the office or a subordinate unit through sale of products
             849      or services as authorized under this chapter into a [nonlapsing] fund managed by the office and
             850      used to support additional training, production, and sales activities;
             851          (11) conduct studies and investigations, give demonstrations and make reports, and
             852      provide training and instruction related to the work of the office;
             853          (12) establish and maintain research fellowships and traineeships, including necessary
             854      stipends and allowances for those receiving training and instruction;
             855          (13) institute and supervise programs to encourage the conservation of sight and
             856      hearing and assist in overcoming and preventing disabling conditions;
             857          (14) provide diagnostic, placement, vocational rehabilitation, training, adjustment, and
             858      independent living services; and
             859          (15) do all other things necessary to carry out assignments made by law or the board in
             860      assisting and rehabilitating persons with disabilities.
             861          Section 22. Section 53C-3-203 is amended to read:
             862           53C-3-203. Land Exchange Distribution Account.
             863          (1) As used in this section, "account" means the Land Exchange Distribution Account
             864      created in Subsection (2)(a).

             865          (2) (a) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the Land
             866      Exchange Distribution Account.
             867          (b) The account shall consist of revenue deposited in the account as required by
             868      Section 53C-3-202 .
             869          (3) (a) The state treasurer shall invest money in the account according to Title 51,
             870      Chapter 7, State Money Management Act.
             871          (b) The Division of Finance shall deposit interest or other earnings derived from
             872      investment of account money into the General Fund.
             873          (4) The Legislature shall annually appropriate from the account in the following order:
             874          (a) $1,000,000 to the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account, created in 63C-4-103 ,
             875      to be used in accordance with Subsection 63C-4-103 [(6)](5) for:
             876          (i) fiscal year 2010-11;
             877          (ii) fiscal year 2011-12; and
             878          (iii) fiscal year 2012-13; and
             879          (b) from the deposits to the account remaining after the appropriation in Subsection
             880      (4)(a), the following amounts:
             881          (i) 55% of the deposits to counties in amounts proportionate to the amounts of mineral
             882      revenue generated from the acquired land, exchanged land, acquired mineral interests, or
             883      exchanged mineral interests located in each county, to be used to mitigate the impacts caused
             884      by mineral development;
             885          (ii) 25% of the deposits to counties in amounts proportionate to the total surface and
             886      mineral acreage within each county that was conveyed to the United States under the agreement
             887      or an exchange, to be used to mitigate the loss of mineral development opportunities resulting
             888      from the agreement or exchange;
             889          (iii) 1.68% of the deposits to the State Board of Education, to be used for education
             890      research and experimentation in the use of staff and facilities designed to improve the quality
             891      of education in Utah;
             892          (iv) 1.66% of the deposits to the Geological Survey, to be used for natural resources
             893      development in the state;
             894          (v) 1.66% of the deposits to the Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University, to
             895      be used for water development in the state; and

             896          (vi) 7.5% of the deposits to the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account created in
             897      Section 63C-4-103 .
             898          (5) Beginning with fiscal year 2009-10, the Legislature shall annually appropriate 1% of
             899      the deposits remaining in the account after the appropriation is made in accordance with
             900      Subsection (4)(a) to the Geological Survey, to be used for test wells, other hydrologic studies,
             901      and air quality monitoring in the West Desert.
             902          (6) Beginning with fiscal year 2009-10, the Legislature shall annually appropriate 6.5%
             903      of the deposits remaining in the account after the appropriation is made in Subsection (4)(a) to
             904      the Permanent Community Impact Fund created in Section 9-4-303 , to be used for grants to
             905      political subdivisions of the state to mitigate the impacts resulting from the development or use
             906      of school and institutional trust lands.
             907          Section 23. Section 58-31b-103 is amended to read:
             908           58-31b-103. Nurse Education and Enforcement Account.
             909          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the "Nurse
             910      Education and Enforcement Account."
             911          (2) The restricted account shall [be nonlapsing and] consist of:
             912          (a) administrative penalties imposed under Section 58-31b-503 ; and
             913          (b) interest earned on money in the account.
             914          (3) Money in the account may be appropriated by the Legislature for the following
             915      purposes:
             916          (a) education and training of licensees or potential licensees under this chapter;
             917          (b) enforcement of this chapter by:
             918          (i) investigating unprofessional or unlawful conduct;
             919          (ii) providing legal representation to the division when legal action is taken against a
             920      person engaging in unprofessional or unlawful conduct; and
             921          (iii) monitoring compliance of renewal requirements;
             922          (c) survey nursing education programs throughout the state;
             923          (d) education and training of board members; and
             924          (e) review and approve nursing education programs and medication aide certified
             925      training programs.
             926          Section 24. Section 58-44a-103 is amended to read:

             927           58-44a-103. Certified Nurse Midwife Education and Enforcement Account.
             928          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
             929      "Certified Nurse Midwife Education and Enforcement Account."
             930          (2) The restricted account shall [be nonlapsing and] consist of:
             931          (a) administrative penalties imposed under Section 58-44a-402 ; and
             932          (b) interest earned on money in the account.
             933          (3) Money in the account may be appropriated by the Legislature for the following
             934      purposes:
             935          (a) education and training of licensees under this chapter;
             936          (b) enforcement of this chapter by:
             937          (i) investigating unprofessional or unlawful conduct;
             938          (ii) providing legal representation to the division when legal action is taken against a
             939      person engaging in unprofessional or unlawful conduct; and
             940          (iii) monitoring compliance of renewal requirements; and
             941          (c) education and training of board members.
             942          Section 25. Section 58-63-103 is amended to read:
             943           58-63-103. Use of dedicated credits for licensing, education, and enforcement.
             944          [(1)] The director may, with the concurrence of the board, use the monies collected
             945      under Section 58-63-503 for the following purposes:
             946          [(a)] (1) educating and training licensees under this chapter;
             947          [(b)] (2) educating and training the general public or other interested persons in matters
             948      concerning the laws that govern the practices licensed under this chapter; and
             949          [(c)] (3) enforcing this chapter by:
             950          [(i)] (a) investigating unprofessional or unlawful conduct; and
             951          [(ii)] (b) providing legal representation to the division when it takes legal action against
             952      a person charged with unprofessional or unlawful conduct.
             953          [(2) The monies collected under Section 58-63-503 and used for the purposes listed in
             954      Subsection (1) are nonlapsing.]
             955          Section 26. Section 58-76-103 is amended to read:
             956           58-76-103. Professional Geologist Education and Enforcement Account.
             957          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the

             958      "Professional Geologist Education and Enforcement Account."
             959          (2) The restricted account shall [be nonlapsing and] consist of money from:
             960          (a) a surcharge fee established by the department in accordance with Section
             961      63J-1-504 , placed on initial, renewal, and reinstatement licensure fees under this chapter not to
             962      exceed 50% of the respective initial, renewal, or reinstatement licensure fee;
             963          (b) administrative penalties collected pursuant to this chapter; and
             964          (c) interest earned on money in the account.
             965          (3) Money in the account may be appropriated by the Legislature for the following
             966      purposes:
             967          (a) education and training of licensees under this chapter;
             968          (b) education and training of the public or other interested persons in matters
             969      concerning geology laws and practices;
             970          (c) enforcement of this chapter by:
             971          (i) investigating unprofessional or unlawful conduct;
             972          (ii) providing legal representation to the division when legal action is taken against a
             973      person engaging in unprofessional or unlawful conduct; and
             974          (iii) monitoring compliance of renewal requirements; and
             975          (d) education and training of board members.
             976          Section 27. Section 59-10-1314 is amended to read:
             977           59-10-1314. Contribution to Methamphetamine Housing Reconstruction and
             978      Rehabilitation Account.
             979          (1) For a taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2010, but beginning on or before
             980      December 31, 2012 only, a resident or nonresident individual that files an individual income
             981      tax return under this chapter may designate on the resident or nonresident individual's
             982      individual income tax return a contribution as provided in this section to be:
             983          (a) deposited into the Methamphetamine Housing Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
             984      [Fund] Account created in Section 9-4-1503 ; and
             985          (b) expended for the purposes described in Section 9-4-1503 .
             986          (2) The commission shall:
             987          (a) determine the total amount of contributions designated in accordance with this
             988      section for the taxable year described in Subsection (1); and

             989          (b) credit the amount described in Subsection (2)(a) to the Methamphetamine Housing
             990      Reconstruction and Rehabilitation [Fund] Account created in Section 9-4-1503 .
             991          Section 28. Section 59-12-103 is amended to read:
             992           59-12-103. Sales and use tax base -- Rates -- Effective dates -- Use of sales and use
             993      tax revenues.
             994          (1) A tax is imposed on the purchaser as provided in this part for amounts paid or
             995      charged for the following transactions:
             996          (a) retail sales of tangible personal property made within the state;
             997          (b) amounts paid for:
             998          (i) telecommunications service, other than mobile telecommunications service, that
             999      originates and terminates within the boundaries of this state;
             1000          (ii) mobile telecommunications service that originates and terminates within the
             1001      boundaries of one state only to the extent permitted by the Mobile Telecommunications
             1002      Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. Sec. 116 et seq.; or
             1003          (iii) an ancillary service associated with a:
             1004          (A) telecommunications service described in Subsection (1)(b)(i); or
             1005          (B) mobile telecommunications service described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii);
             1006          (c) sales of the following for commercial use:
             1007          (i) gas;
             1008          (ii) electricity;
             1009          (iii) heat;
             1010          (iv) coal;
             1011          (v) fuel oil; or
             1012          (vi) other fuels;
             1013          (d) sales of the following for residential use:
             1014          (i) gas;
             1015          (ii) electricity;
             1016          (iii) heat;
             1017          (iv) coal;
             1018          (v) fuel oil; or
             1019          (vi) other fuels;

             1020          (e) sales of prepared food;
             1021          (f) except as provided in Section 59-12-104 , amounts paid or charged as admission or
             1022      user fees for theaters, movies, operas, museums, planetariums, shows of any type or nature,
             1023      exhibitions, concerts, carnivals, amusement parks, amusement rides, circuses, menageries,
             1024      fairs, races, contests, sporting events, dances, boxing matches, wrestling matches, closed circuit
             1025      television broadcasts, billiard parlors, pool parlors, bowling lanes, golf, miniature golf, golf
             1026      driving ranges, batting cages, skating rinks, ski lifts, ski runs, ski trails, snowmobile trails,
             1027      tennis courts, swimming pools, water slides, river runs, jeep tours, boat tours, scenic cruises,
             1028      horseback rides, sports activities, or any other amusement, entertainment, recreation,
             1029      exhibition, cultural, or athletic activity;
             1030          (g) amounts paid or charged for services for repairs or renovations of tangible personal
             1031      property, unless Section 59-12-104 provides for an exemption from sales and use tax for:
             1032          (i) the tangible personal property; and
             1033          (ii) parts used in the repairs or renovations of the tangible personal property described
             1034      in Subsection (1)(g)(i), whether or not any parts are actually used in the repairs or renovations
             1035      of that tangible personal property;
             1036          (h) except as provided in Subsection 59-12-104 (7), amounts paid or charged for
             1037      assisted cleaning or washing of tangible personal property;
             1038          (i) amounts paid or charged for tourist home, hotel, motel, or trailer court
             1039      accommodations and services that are regularly rented for less than 30 consecutive days;
             1040          (j) amounts paid or charged for laundry or dry cleaning services;
             1041          (k) amounts paid or charged for leases or rentals of tangible personal property if within
             1042      this state the tangible personal property is:
             1043          (i) stored;
             1044          (ii) used; or
             1045          (iii) otherwise consumed;
             1046          (l) amounts paid or charged for tangible personal property if within this state the
             1047      tangible personal property is:
             1048          (i) stored;
             1049          (ii) used; or
             1050          (iii) consumed; and

             1051          (m) amounts paid or charged for a sale:
             1052          (i) (A) of a product that:
             1053          (I) is transferred electronically; and
             1054          (II) would be subject to a tax under this chapter if the product was transferred in a
             1055      manner other than electronically; or
             1056          (B) of a repair or renovation of a product that:
             1057          (I) is transferred electronically; and
             1058          (II) would be subject to a tax under this chapter if the product was transferred in a
             1059      manner other than electronically; and
             1060          (ii) regardless of whether the sale provides:
             1061          (A) a right of permanent use of the product; or
             1062          (B) a right to use the product that is less than a permanent use, including a right:
             1063          (I) for a definite or specified length of time; and
             1064          (II) that terminates upon the occurrence of a condition.
             1065          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(b) through (e), a state tax and a local tax
             1066      is imposed on a transaction described in Subsection (1) equal to the sum of:
             1067          (i) a state tax imposed on the transaction at a tax rate equal to the sum of:
             1068          (A) 4.70%; and
             1069          (B) (I) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 18, Additional State Sales
             1070      and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections 59-12-211
             1071      through 59-12-215 is in a county in which the state imposes the tax under Part 18, Additional
             1072      State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
             1073          (II) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 20, Supplemental State Sales
             1074      and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections 59-12-211
             1075      through 59-12-215 is in a city, town, or the unincorporated area of a county in which the state
             1076      imposes the tax under Part 20, Supplemental State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
             1077          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
             1078      transaction under this chapter other than this part.
             1079          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(d) or (e), a state tax and a local tax is imposed
             1080      on a transaction described in Subsection (1)(d) equal to the sum of:
             1081          (i) a state tax imposed on the transaction at a tax rate of 2%; and

             1082          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
             1083      transaction under this chapter other than this part.
             1084          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(d) or (e), a state tax and a local tax is imposed
             1085      on amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients equal to the sum of:
             1086          (i) a state tax imposed on the amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients at
             1087      a tax rate of 1.75%; and
             1088          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
             1089      amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients under this chapter other than this part.
             1090          (d) (i) For a bundled transaction that is attributable to food and food ingredients and
             1091      tangible personal property other than food and food ingredients, a state tax and a local tax is
             1092      imposed on the entire bundled transaction equal to the sum of:
             1093          (A) a state tax imposed on the entire bundled transaction equal to the sum of:
             1094          (I) the tax rate described in Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A); and
             1095          (II) (Aa) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 18, Additional State
             1096      Sales and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections
             1097      59-12-211 through 59-12-215 is in a county in which the state imposes the tax under Part 18,
             1098      Additional State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
             1099          (Bb) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 20, Supplemental State
             1100      Sales and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections
             1101      59-12-211 through 59-12-215 is in a city, town, or the unincorporated area of a county in which
             1102      the state imposes the tax under Part 20, Supplemental State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
             1103          (B) a local tax imposed on the entire bundled transaction at the sum of the tax rates
             1104      described in Subsection (2)(a)(ii).
             1105          (ii) Subject to Subsection (2)(d)(iii), for a bundled transaction other than a bundled
             1106      transaction described in Subsection (2)(d)(i):
             1107          (A) if the sales price of the bundled transaction is attributable to tangible personal
             1108      property, a product, or a service that is subject to taxation under this chapter and tangible
             1109      personal property, a product, or service that is not subject to taxation under this chapter, the
             1110      entire bundled transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter unless:
             1111          (I) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible
             1112      personal property, product, or service that is not subject to taxation under this chapter from the

             1113      books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business; or
             1114          (II) state or federal law provides otherwise; or
             1115          (B) if the sales price of a bundled transaction is attributable to two or more items of
             1116      tangible personal property, products, or services that are subject to taxation under this chapter
             1117      at different rates, the entire bundled transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter at the
             1118      higher tax rate unless:
             1119          (I) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible
             1120      personal property, product, or service that is subject to taxation under this chapter at the lower
             1121      tax rate from the books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business; or
             1122          (II) state or federal law provides otherwise.
             1123          (iii) For purposes of Subsection (2)(d)(ii), books and records that a seller keeps in the
             1124      seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the regular
             1125      course of business for nontax purposes.
             1126          (e) Subject to Subsections (2)(f) and (g), a tax rate repeal or tax rate change for a tax
             1127      rate imposed under the following shall take effect on the first day of a calendar quarter:
             1128          (i) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
             1129          (ii) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
             1130          (iii) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
             1131          (iv) Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
             1132          (f) (i) A tax rate increase shall take effect on the first day of the first billing period that
             1133      begins after the effective date of the tax rate increase if the billing period for the transaction
             1134      begins before the effective date of a tax rate increase imposed under:
             1135          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
             1136          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
             1137          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
             1138          (D) Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
             1139          (ii) The repeal of a tax or a tax rate decrease shall take effect on the first day of the last
             1140      billing period that began before the effective date of the repeal of the tax or the tax rate
             1141      decrease if the billing period for the transaction begins before the effective date of the repeal of
             1142      the tax or the tax rate decrease imposed under:
             1143          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);

             1144          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
             1145          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
             1146          (D) Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
             1147          (g) (i) For a tax rate described in Subsection (2)(g)(ii), if a tax due on a catalogue sale
             1148      is computed on the basis of sales and use tax rates published in the catalogue, a tax rate repeal
             1149      or change in a tax rate takes effect:
             1150          (A) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
             1151          (B) beginning 60 days after the effective date of the tax rate repeal or tax rate change.
             1152          (ii) Subsection (2)(g)(i) applies to the tax rates described in the following:
             1153          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
             1154          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
             1155          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
             1156          (D) Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
             1157          (iii) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             1158      the commission may by rule define the term "catalogue sale."
             1159          (3) (a) The following state taxes shall be deposited into the General Fund:
             1160          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
             1161          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
             1162          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
             1163          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
             1164          (b) The following local taxes shall be distributed to a county, city, or town as provided
             1165      in this chapter:
             1166          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(ii);
             1167          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(ii);
             1168          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(ii); and
             1169          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d)(i)(B).
             1170          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
             1171      2003, the lesser of the following amounts shall be used as provided in Subsections (4)(b)
             1172      through (g):
             1173          (i) for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of tax revenue generated:
             1174          (A) by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and

             1175          (B) for the fiscal year; or
             1176          (ii) $17,500,000.
             1177          (b) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 14% of the amount
             1178      described in Subsection (4)(a) shall be transferred each year as dedicated credits to the
             1179      Department of Natural Resources to:
             1180          (A) implement the measures described in Subsections 79-2-303 (3)(a) through (d) to
             1181      protect sensitive plant and animal species; or
             1182          (B) award grants, up to the amount authorized by the Legislature in an appropriations
             1183      act, to political subdivisions of the state to implement the measures described in Subsections
             1184      79-2-303 (3)(a) through (d) to protect sensitive plant and animal species.
             1185          (ii) Money transferred to the Department of Natural Resources under Subsection
             1186      (4)(b)(i) may not be used to assist the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or any other
             1187      person to list or attempt to have listed a species as threatened or endangered under the
             1188      Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. Sec. 1531 et seq.
             1189          (iii) At the end of each fiscal year:
             1190          (A) 50% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Water Resources
             1191      Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 ;
             1192          (B) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Utah Wastewater Loan
             1193      Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5 ; and
             1194          (C) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Drinking Water Loan
             1195      Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5 .
             1196          (c) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 3% of the amount described in
             1197      Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited each year in the Agriculture Resource Development Fund
             1198      created in Section 4-18-6 .
             1199          (d) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 1% of the amount described
             1200      in Subsection (4)(a) shall be transferred each year as dedicated credits to the Division of Water
             1201      Rights to cover the costs incurred in hiring legal and technical staff for the adjudication of
             1202      water rights.
             1203          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year:
             1204          (A) 50% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Water Resources
             1205      Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 ;

             1206          (B) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Utah Wastewater Loan
             1207      Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5 ; and
             1208          (C) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Drinking Water Loan
             1209      Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5 .
             1210          (e) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 41% of the amount described
             1211      in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited in the Water Resources Conservation and Development
             1212      Fund created in Section 73-10-24 for use by the Division of Water Resources.
             1213          (ii) In addition to the uses allowed of the Water Resources Conservation and
             1214      Development Fund under Section 73-10-24 , the Water Resources Conservation and
             1215      Development Fund may also be used to:
             1216          (A) conduct hydrologic and geotechnical investigations by the Division of Water
             1217      Resources in a cooperative effort with other state, federal, or local entities, for the purpose of
             1218      quantifying surface and ground water resources and describing the hydrologic systems of an
             1219      area in sufficient detail so as to enable local and state resource managers to plan for and
             1220      accommodate growth in water use without jeopardizing the resource;
             1221          (B) fund state required dam safety improvements; and
             1222          (C) protect the state's interest in interstate water compact allocations, including the
             1223      hiring of technical and legal staff.
             1224          (f) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 20.5% of the amount described
             1225      in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited in the Utah Wastewater Loan Program Subaccount
             1226      created in Section 73-10c-5 for use by the Water Quality Board to fund wastewater projects.
             1227          (g) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 20.5% of the amount described
             1228      in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited in the Drinking Water Loan Program Subaccount
             1229      created in Section 73-10c-5 for use by the Division of Drinking Water to:
             1230          (i) provide for the installation and repair of collection, treatment, storage, and
             1231      distribution facilities for any public water system, as defined in Section 19-4-102 ;
             1232          (ii) develop underground sources of water, including springs and wells; and
             1233          (iii) develop surface water sources.
             1234          (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
             1235      2006, the difference between the following amounts shall be expended as provided in this
             1236      Subsection (5), if that difference is greater than $1:

             1237          (i) for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of tax revenue generated for the
             1238      fiscal year by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and
             1239          (ii) $17,500,000.
             1240          (b) (i) The first $500,000 of the difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
             1241          (A) transferred each fiscal year to the Department of Natural Resources as dedicated
             1242      credits; and
             1243          (B) expended by the Department of Natural Resources for watershed rehabilitation or
             1244      restoration.
             1245          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year, 100% of any unexpended dedicated credits described
             1246      in Subsection (5)(b)(i) shall lapse to the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund
             1247      created in Section 73-10-24 .
             1248          (c) (i) After making the transfer required by Subsection (5)(b)(i), $150,000 of the
             1249      remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
             1250          (A) transferred each fiscal year to the Division of Water Resources as dedicated
             1251      credits; and
             1252          (B) expended by the Division of Water Resources for cloud-seeding projects
             1253      authorized by Title 73, Chapter 15, Modification of Weather.
             1254          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year, 100% of any unexpended dedicated credits described
             1255      in Subsection (5)(c)(i) shall lapse to the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund
             1256      created in Section 73-10-24 .
             1257          (d) After making the transfers required by Subsections (5)(b) and (c), 94% of the
             1258      remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be deposited into the Water
             1259      Resources Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 for use by the
             1260      Division of Water Resources for:
             1261          (i) preconstruction costs:
             1262          (A) as defined in Subsection 73-26-103 (6) for projects authorized by Title 73, Chapter
             1263      26, Bear River Development Act; and
             1264          (B) as defined in Subsection 73-28-103 (8) for the Lake Powell Pipeline project
             1265      authorized by Title 73, Chapter 28, Lake Powell Pipeline Development Act;
             1266          (ii) the cost of employing a civil engineer to oversee any project authorized by Title 73,
             1267      Chapter 26, Bear River Development Act;

             1268          (iii) the cost of employing a civil engineer to oversee the Lake Powell Pipeline project
             1269      authorized by Title 73, Chapter 28, Lake Powell Pipeline Development Act; and
             1270          (iv) other uses authorized under Sections 73-10-24 , 73-10-25.1 , 73-10-30 , and
             1271      Subsection (4)(e)(ii) after funding the uses specified in Subsections (5)(d)(i) through (iii).
             1272          [(e) Any unexpended monies described in Subsection (5)(d) that remain in the Water
             1273      Resources Conservation and Development Fund at the end of the fiscal year are nonlapsing.]
             1274          [(f)] (e) After making the transfers required by Subsections (5)(b) and (c) and subject
             1275      to Subsection (5)[(g)](f), 6% of the remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be
             1276      transferred each year as dedicated credits to the Division of Water Rights to cover the costs
             1277      incurred for employing additional technical staff for the administration of water rights.
             1278          [(g)] (f) At the end of each fiscal year, any unexpended dedicated credits described in
             1279      Subsection (5)[(f)](e) over $150,000 lapse to the Water Resources Conservation and
             1280      Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 .
             1281          (6) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
             1282      2003, and for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of revenue generated by a 1/16%
             1283      tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1) for the fiscal year shall be deposited in
             1284      the Transportation Fund created by Section 72-2-102 .
             1285          (7) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and until Subsection (7)(b) applies,
             1286      beginning on January 1, 2000, the Division of Finance shall deposit into the Centennial
             1287      Highway Fund Restricted Account created in Section 72-2-118 a portion of the taxes listed
             1288      under Subsection (3)(a) equal to the revenues generated by a 1/64% tax rate on the taxable
             1289      transactions under Subsection (1).
             1290          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), when the highway general obligation bonds
             1291      have been paid off and the highway projects completed that are intended to be paid from
             1292      revenues deposited in the Centennial Highway Fund Restricted Account as determined by the
             1293      Executive Appropriations Committee under Subsection 72-2-118 (6)(d), the Division of
             1294      Finance shall deposit into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 created by Section
             1295      72-2-124 a portion of the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) equal to the revenues generated
             1296      by a 1/64% tax rate on the taxable transactions under Subsection (1).
             1297          (8) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and in addition to the amount deposited in
             1298      Subsection (7)(a), for the 2010-11 fiscal year only, the Division of Finance shall deposit into

             1299      the Centennial Highway Fund Restricted Account created by Section 72-2-118 a portion of the
             1300      taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) equal to 1.93% of the revenues collected from the
             1301      following taxes, which represents a portion of the approximately 17% of sales and use tax
             1302      revenues generated annually by the sales and use tax on vehicles and vehicle-related products:
             1303          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
             1304          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
             1305          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and
             1306          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
             1307          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), in addition to the amount deposited in
             1308      Subsection (7)(a), and until Subsection (8)(c) applies, for a fiscal year beginning on or after
             1309      July 1, 2011, the Division of Finance shall deposit into the Centennial Highway Fund
             1310      Restricted Account created by Section 72-2-118 a portion of the taxes listed under Subsection
             1311      (3)(a) equal to 8.3% of the revenues collected from the following taxes, which represents a
             1312      portion of the approximately 17% of sales and use tax revenues generated annually by the sales
             1313      and use tax on vehicles and vehicle-related products:
             1314          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
             1315          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
             1316          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and
             1317          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
             1318          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and in addition to the amounts deposited under
             1319      Subsection (7)(b), when the highway general obligation bonds have been paid off and the
             1320      highway projects completed that are intended to be paid from revenues deposited in the
             1321      Centennial Highway Fund Restricted Account as determined by the Executive Appropriations
             1322      Committee under Subsection 72-2-118 (6)(d), the Division of Finance shall deposit into the
             1323      Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 created by Section 72-2-124 a portion of the taxes
             1324      listed under Subsection (3)(a) equal to 8.3% of the revenues collected from the following taxes,
             1325      which represents a portion of the approximately 17% of sales and use tax revenues generated
             1326      annually by the sales and use tax on vehicles and vehicle-related products:
             1327          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
             1328          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
             1329          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and

             1330          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
             1331          (9) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and for the fiscal year 2008-09 only, the
             1332      Division of Finance shall deposit $55,000,000 of the revenues generated by the taxes listed
             1333      under Subsection (3)(a) into the Critical Highway Needs Fund created by Section 72-2-125 .
             1334          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and until Subsection (9)(c) applies, for a fiscal
             1335      year beginning on or after July 1, 2009, the Division of Finance shall annually deposit
             1336      $90,000,000 of the revenues generated by the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) into the
             1337      Critical Highway Needs Fund created by Section 72-2-125 .
             1338          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a) and in addition to any amounts deposited under
             1339      Subsections (7) and (8), when the general obligation bonds authorized by Section 63B-16-101
             1340      have been paid off and the highway projects completed that are included in the prioritized
             1341      project list under Subsection 72-2-125 (4) as determined in accordance with Subsection
             1342      72-2-125 (6), the Division of Finance shall annually deposit $90,000,000 of the revenues
             1343      generated by the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) into the Transportation Investment Fund
             1344      of 2005 created by Section 72-2-124 .
             1345          (10) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year
             1346      2009-10, $533,750 shall be deposited into the Qualified Emergency Food Agencies Fund
             1347      created by Section 9-4-1409 and expended as provided in Section 9-4-1409 .
             1348          (11) (a) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), except as provided in Subsection
             1349      (11)(a)(ii), and until Subsection (11)(b) applies, beginning on January 1, 2009, the Division of
             1350      Finance shall deposit into the Critical Highway Needs Fund created by Section 72-2-125 the
             1351      amount of tax revenue generated by a .025% tax rate on the transactions described in
             1352      Subsection (1).
             1353          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (11)(a)(i), the Division of Finance may not deposit into
             1354      the Critical Highway Needs Fund any tax revenue generated by amounts paid or charged for
             1355      food and food ingredients, except for tax revenue generated by a bundled transaction
             1356      attributable to food and food ingredients and tangible personal property other than food and
             1357      food ingredients described in Subsection (2)(e).
             1358          (b) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), except as provided in Subsection (11)(b)(ii),
             1359      and in addition to any amounts deposited under Subsections (7), (9), and (10), when the general
             1360      obligation bonds authorized by Section 63B-16-101 have been paid off and the highway

             1361      projects completed that are included in the prioritized project list under Subsection 72-2-125 (4)
             1362      as determined in accordance with Subsection 72-2-125 (6), the Division of Finance shall
             1363      deposit into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 created by Section 72-2-124 the
             1364      amount of tax revenue generated by a .025% tax rate on the transactions described in
             1365      Subsection (1).
             1366          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (11)(b)(i), the Division of Finance may not deposit into
             1367      the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 any tax revenue generated by amounts paid or
             1368      charged for food and food ingredients, except for tax revenue generated by a bundled
             1369      transaction attributable to food and food ingredients and tangible personal property other than
             1370      food and food ingredients described in Subsection (2)(e).
             1371          (12) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), and except as provided in Subsection
             1372      (12)(b), beginning on January 1, 2009, the Division of Finance shall deposit into the
             1373      Transportation Fund created by Section 72-2-102 the amount of tax revenue generated by a
             1374      .025% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1) to be expended to address
             1375      chokepoints in construction management.
             1376          (b) For purposes of Subsection (12)(a), the Division of Finance may not deposit into
             1377      the Transportation Fund any tax revenue generated by amounts paid or charged for food and
             1378      food ingredients, except for tax revenue generated by a bundled transaction attributable to food
             1379      and food ingredients and tangible personal property other than food and food ingredients
             1380      described in Subsection (2)(e).
             1381          Section 29. Section 59-12-120 is amended to read:
             1382           59-12-120. Investment incentive to ski resorts for lease or purchase of certain
             1383      equipment -- Ski Resort Capital Investment Restricted Account created -- Conditions and
             1384      restrictions on receiving incentive -- State Tax Commission to administer.
             1385          (1) Any person operating a ski resort in the state of Utah shall be entitled to an
             1386      investment incentive in an amount not to exceed the costs incurred in the purchase or lease of:
             1387          (a) snow making equipment;
             1388          (b) ski slope grooming equipment; and
             1389          (c) passenger ropeways as defined in Section 72-11-102 .
             1390          (2) The investment incentive allowed in Subsection (1) shall be paid from the Ski
             1391      Resort Capital Investment Restricted Account created in Subsection (5). The investment

             1392      incentive shall be allowed only to the extent that for each dollar of investment incentive
             1393      allowed, three dollars shall be expended for the purchase or lease of property described in
             1394      Subsection (1) by a person operating a ski resort. The investment incentive paid out of the
             1395      account shall be allocated among ski resorts based on the relation between the total sales tax
             1396      collected from the sale of ski lift tickets in Utah to the total sales tax collected from the sale of
             1397      ski lift tickets in Utah by each ski resort.
             1398          (3) The investment incentive is available to any person operating a ski resort in the
             1399      state of Utah making purchases or leases of property described in Subsection (1) on or after
             1400      January 1, 1989 and on or before December 31, 1992. All claims made under this section
             1401      against the amount in the Ski Resort Capital Investment Restricted Account shall be made on
             1402      or before June 30, 1993.
             1403          (4) If a ski resort is sold or leased to an unrelated third party within four years after the
             1404      reporting period in which the investment incentive allowed in Subsection (1) is taken, the
             1405      person who received the investment incentive shall reimburse to the Ski Resort Capital
             1406      Investment Restricted Account an amount equal to all investment incentives received during
             1407      the period described in Subsection (3). For purposes of this Subsection (4), if a ski resort is
             1408      sold in connection with a bankruptcy proceeding, the sale shall be considered the kind of sale
             1409      requiring the reimbursement of the investment incentive.
             1410          (5) There is created the Ski Resort Capital Investment Incentive Restricted Account
             1411      within the General Fund. [The amount appropriated in this section is nonlapsing until July 1,
             1412      1993.]
             1413          (6) The State Tax Commission shall administer this section by rule.
             1414          Section 30. Section 61-2-204 is amended to read:
             1415           61-2-204. Utah Housing Opportunity Restricted Account.
             1416          (1) For purposes of this section, "account" means the Utah Housing Opportunity
             1417      Restricted Account created by this section.
             1418          (2) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the "Utah
             1419      Housing Opportunity Restricted Account."
             1420          (3) The account shall be funded by:
             1421          (a) contributions deposited into the account in accordance with Section 41-1a-422 ;
             1422          (b) private contributions; and

             1423          (c) donations or grants from public or private entities.
             1424          [(4) Money in the account is nonlapsing.]
             1425          [(5)] (4) (a) The state treasurer shall invest money in the account according to Title 51,
             1426      Chapter 7, State Money Management Act.
             1427          (b) The Division of Finance shall deposit interest or other earnings derived from
             1428      investment of account money into the General Fund.
             1429          [(6)] (5) The Legislature shall appropriate money in the account to the division.
             1430          [(7)] (6) The division shall distribute the money in the account to one or more
             1431      charitable organizations that:
             1432          (a) are tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code; and
             1433          (b) have as a primary part of their mission to provide support to organizations that
             1434      create affordable housing for those in severe need.
             1435          [(8)] (7) The division may consider a proposal only if it is:
             1436          (a) proposed by an organization described in Subsection [(7)] (6); and
             1437          (b) designed to provide support to organizations that create affordable housing for
             1438      those in severe need.
             1439          [(9)] (8) (a) An organization described in Subsection [(7)] (6) may apply to the division
             1440      to receive a distribution in accordance with Subsection [(7)] (6).
             1441          (b) An organization that receives a distribution from the division in accordance with
             1442      Subsection [(7)] (6) shall expend the distribution only to provide support to organizations that
             1443      create affordable housing for those in severe need.
             1444          [(10)] (9) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
             1445      Act, the division shall make rules providing procedures for an organization to apply to receive
             1446      money under this section.
             1447          Section 31. Section 62A-1-119 is amended to read:
             1448           62A-1-119. Respite Care Assistance Fund -- Use of money -- Restrictions --
             1449      Annual report.
             1450          (1) There is created a restricted special revenue fund known as the Respite Care
             1451      Assistance Fund.
             1452          (2) The fund shall consist of:
             1453          (a) gifts, grants, devises, donations, and bequests of real property, personal property, or

             1454      services, from any source, made to the fund; and
             1455          (b) any additional amounts as appropriated by the Legislature.
             1456          (3) The fund shall be administered by the director of the Utah Developmental
             1457      Disabilities Council.
             1458          [(4) All monies appropriated to the fund are nonlapsing.]
             1459          [(5)] (4) The fund [monies] money shall be used for the following activities:
             1460          (a) to support a respite care information and referral system;
             1461          (b) to educate and train caregivers and respite care providers; and
             1462          (c) to provide grants to caregivers.
             1463          [(6)] (5) An individual who receives services paid for from the fund shall:
             1464          (a) be a resident of Utah; and
             1465          (b) be a primary care giver for:
             1466          (i) an aging individual; or
             1467          (ii) an individual with a cognitive, mental, or physical disability.
             1468          [(7)] (6) The fund [monies] money may not be used for:
             1469          (a) administrative expenses that are normally provided for by legislative appropriation;
             1470      or
             1471          (b) direct services or support mechanisms that are available from or provided by
             1472      another government or private agency.
             1473          [(8)] (7) All interest and other earnings derived from the fund [monies] money shall be
             1474      deposited into the fund.
             1475          [(9)] (8) The state treasurer shall invest the monies in the fund under Title 51, Chapter
             1476      7, State Money Management Act.
             1477          [(10)] (9) The Department of Human Services shall make an annual report to the
             1478      appropriate appropriations subcommittee of the Legislature regarding the status of the fund,
             1479      including a report on the contributions received, expenditures made, and programs and services
             1480      funded.
             1481          Section 32. Section 62A-15-103 is amended to read:
             1482           62A-15-103. Division -- Creation -- Responsibilities.
             1483          (1) There is created the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health within the
             1484      department, under the administration and general supervision of the executive director. The

             1485      division is the substance abuse authority and the mental health authority for this state.
             1486          (2) The division shall:
             1487          (a) (i) educate the general public regarding the nature and consequences of substance
             1488      abuse by promoting school and community-based prevention programs;
             1489          (ii) render support and assistance to public schools through approved school-based
             1490      substance abuse education programs aimed at prevention of substance abuse;
             1491          (iii) promote or establish programs for the prevention of substance abuse within the
             1492      community setting through community-based prevention programs;
             1493          (iv) cooperate and assist other organizations and private treatment centers for substance
             1494      abusers, by providing them with essential materials for furthering programs of prevention and
             1495      rehabilitation of actual and potential substance abusers; and
             1496          (v) promote or establish programs for education and certification of instructors to
             1497      educate persons convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or driving with
             1498      any measurable controlled substance in the body;
             1499          (b) (i) collect and disseminate information pertaining to mental health; [and]
             1500          (ii) provide direction over the state hospital including approval of its budget,
             1501      administrative policy, and coordination of services with local service plans;
             1502          (iii) promulgate rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             1503      Rulemaking Act, to educate families concerning mental illness and promote family
             1504      involvement, when appropriate, and with patient consent, in the treatment program of a family
             1505      member; and
             1506          (iv) promulgate rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             1507      Rulemaking Act, to direct that all individuals receiving services through local mental health
             1508      authorities or the Utah State Hospital be informed about and, if desired, provided assistance in
             1509      completion of a declaration for mental health treatment in accordance with Section
             1510      62A-15-1002 ;
             1511          (c) (i) consult and coordinate with local substance abuse authorities and local mental
             1512      health authorities regarding programs and services;
             1513          (ii) provide consultation and other assistance to public and private agencies and groups
             1514      working on substance abuse and mental health issues;
             1515          (iii) promote and establish cooperative relationships with courts, hospitals, clinics,

             1516      medical and social agencies, public health authorities, law enforcement agencies, education and
             1517      research organizations, and other related groups;
             1518          (iv) promote or conduct research on substance abuse and mental health issues, and
             1519      submit to the governor and the Legislature recommendations for changes in policy and
             1520      legislation;
             1521          (v) receive, distribute, and provide direction over public funds for substance abuse and
             1522      mental health services;
             1523          (vi) monitor and evaluate programs provided by local substance abuse authorities and
             1524      local mental health authorities;
             1525          (vii) examine expenditures of any local, state, and federal funds;
             1526          (viii) monitor the expenditure of public funds by:
             1527          (A) local substance abuse authorities;
             1528          (B) local mental health authorities; and
             1529          (C) in counties where they exist, the private contract provider that has an annual or
             1530      otherwise ongoing contract to provide comprehensive substance abuse or mental health
             1531      programs or services for the local substance abuse authority or local mental health authorities;
             1532          (ix) contract with local substance abuse authorities and local mental health authorities
             1533      to provide a comprehensive continuum of services in accordance with division policy, contract
             1534      provisions, and the local plan;
             1535          (x) contract with private and public entities for special statewide or nonclinical services
             1536      according to division rules;
             1537          (xi) review and approve each local substance abuse authority's plan and each local
             1538      mental health authority's plan in order to ensure:
             1539          (A) a statewide comprehensive continuum of substance abuse services;
             1540          (B) a statewide comprehensive continuum of mental health services; and
             1541          (C) appropriate expenditure of public funds;
             1542          (xii) review and make recommendations regarding each local substance abuse
             1543      authority's contract with its provider of substance abuse programs and services and each local
             1544      mental health authority's contract with its provider of mental health programs and services to
             1545      ensure compliance with state and federal law and policy;
             1546          (xiii) monitor and ensure compliance with division rules and contract requirements;

             1547      and
             1548          (xiv) withhold funds from local substance abuse authorities, local mental health
             1549      authorities, and public and private providers for contract noncompliance, failure to comply
             1550      with division directives regarding the use of public funds, or for misuse of public funds or
             1551      money;
             1552          (d) assure that the requirements of this part are met and applied uniformly by local
             1553      substance abuse authorities and local mental health authorities across the state;
             1554          (e) require each local substance abuse authority and each local mental health authority
             1555      to submit its plan to the division by May 1 of each year;
             1556          (f) conduct an annual program audit and review of each local substance abuse authority
             1557      in the state and its contract provider and each local mental health authority in the state and its
             1558      contract provider, including:
             1559          (i) a review and determination regarding whether:
             1560          (A) public funds allocated to local substance abuse authorities and local mental health
             1561      authorities are consistent with services rendered and outcomes reported by them or their
             1562      contract providers; and
             1563          (B) each local substance abuse authority and each local mental health authority is
             1564      exercising sufficient oversight and control over public funds allocated for substance abuse and
             1565      mental health programs and services; and
             1566          (ii) items determined by the division to be necessary and appropriate;
             1567          (g) by July 1 of each year, provide to the Health and Human Services Interim
             1568      Committee and the Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee a written report
             1569      that includes:
             1570          (i) the annual audit and review;
             1571          (ii) the financial expenditures of each local substance abuse authority and its contract
             1572      provider and each local mental health authority and its contract provider;
             1573          (iii) the status of the compliance of each local authority and its contract provider with
             1574      its plan, state statutes, and the provisions of the contract awarded; and
             1575          (iv) whether audit guidelines established under Section 62A-15-110 and Subsection
             1576      67-3-1 (10) provide the division with sufficient criteria and assurances of appropriate
             1577      expenditures of public funds; and

             1578          (h) if requested by the Health and Human Services Interim Committee or the Health
             1579      and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee, provide an oral report as requested.
             1580          (3) (a) The division may refuse to contract with and may pursue its legal remedies
             1581      against any local substance abuse authority or local mental health authority that fails, or has
             1582      failed, to expend public funds in accordance with state law, division policy, contract
             1583      provisions, or directives issued in accordance with state law.
             1584          (b) The division may withhold funds from a local substance abuse authority or local
             1585      mental health authority if the authority's contract with its provider of substance abuse or mental
             1586      health programs or services fails to comply with state and federal law or policy.
             1587          (4) Before reissuing or renewing a contract with any local substance abuse authority or
             1588      local mental health authority, the division shall review and determine whether the local
             1589      substance abuse authority or local mental health authority is complying with its oversight and
             1590      management responsibilities described in Sections 17-43-201 , 17-43-203 , 17-43-303 , and
             1591      17-43-309 . Nothing in this Subsection (4) may be used as a defense to the responsibility and
             1592      liability described in Section 17-43-303 and to the responsibility and liability described in
             1593      Section 17-43-203 .
             1594          (5) In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, the division may not duplicate
             1595      treatment or educational facilities that exist in other divisions or departments of the state, but
             1596      shall work in conjunction with those divisions and departments in rendering the treatment or
             1597      educational services that those divisions and departments are competent and able to provide.
             1598          (6) (a) The division may accept in the name of and on behalf of the state donations,
             1599      gifts, devises, or bequests of real or personal property or services to be used as specified by the
             1600      donor.
             1601          (b) Those donations, gifts, devises, or bequests shall be used by the division in
             1602      performing its powers and duties. Any money so obtained shall be considered private
             1603      [nonlapsing] funds and shall be deposited into an interest-bearing restricted special revenue
             1604      fund to be used by the division for substance abuse or mental health services. The state
             1605      treasurer may invest the fund and all interest shall remain with the fund.
             1606          (7) The division shall annually review with each local substance abuse authority and
             1607      each local mental health authority the authority's statutory and contract responsibilities
             1608      regarding:

             1609          (a) the use of public funds;
             1610          (b) oversight responsibilities regarding public funds; and
             1611          (c) governance of substance abuse and mental health programs and services.
             1612          (8) The Legislature may refuse to appropriate funds to the division upon the division's
             1613      failure to comply with the provisions of this part.
             1614          (9) If a local substance abuse authority contacts the division under Subsection
             1615      17-43-201 (9) for assistance in providing treatment services to a pregnant woman or pregnant
             1616      minor, the division shall:
             1617          (a) refer the pregnant woman or pregnant minor to a treatment facility that has the
             1618      capacity to provide the treatment services; or
             1619          (b) otherwise ensure that treatment services are made available to the pregnant woman
             1620      or pregnant minor.
             1621          Section 33. Section 63A-4-201 is amended to read:
             1622           63A-4-201. Risk Management Fund created -- Administration -- Use.
             1623          (1) (a) There is created the Risk Management Fund, which shall be administered by the
             1624      risk manager.
             1625          (b) The fund shall cover property, liability, fidelity, and other risks as determined by
             1626      the risk manager in consultation with the executive director.
             1627          (2) The risk manager may only use the fund to pay:
             1628          (a) insurance or reinsurance premiums;
             1629          (b) costs of administering the fund;
             1630          (c) loss adjustment expenses;
             1631          (d) risk control and related educational and training expenses; and
             1632          (e) loss costs which at the time of loss were eligible for payment under rules previously
             1633      issued by the executive director under the authority of Section 63A-4-101 .
             1634          (3) In addition to any money appropriated to the fund by the Legislature, the risk
             1635      manager shall deposit with the state treasurer for credit to the fund:
             1636          (a) any insured loss or loss expenses paid by insurance or reinsurance companies;
             1637          (b) the gross amount of all premiums and surcharges received under Section
             1638      63A-4-202 ;
             1639          (c) the net refunds from cancelled insurance policies necessary to self-insure previously

             1640      insured risks, with the balance of the proceeds to be refunded to the previously insured
             1641      agencies;
             1642          (d) all refunds, returns, or dividends from insurance carriers not specifically covered in
             1643      Subsections (3)(a), (b), and (c);
             1644          (e) savings from amounts otherwise appropriated for participation in the fund; and
             1645          (f) all net proceeds from sale of salvage and subrogation recoveries from adverse
             1646      parties related to losses paid out of the fund.
             1647          [(4) All money deposited in the fund are nonlapsing.]
             1648          [(5)] (4) (a) Pending disbursement, the risk manager shall provide surplus money in the
             1649      fund to the state treasurer for investment as provided in Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money
             1650      Management Act.
             1651          (b) The state treasurer shall deposit all interest earned on invested fund money into the
             1652      fund.
             1653          Section 34. Section 63A-5-211 is amended to read:
             1654           63A-5-211. Planning Fund expenditures authorized -- Ceiling on expenditures --
             1655      Recovery -- Permanent fund.
             1656          (1) The Planning Fund shall be used to make payments for engineering, architectural,
             1657      and other planning expenses necessary to make a meaningful cost estimate of any facility or
             1658      improvement with a demonstrable or immediate need.
             1659          (2) The director may make expenditures from the Planning Fund in order to provide
             1660      planning information to the State Building Board, the governor, and the Legislature, up to a
             1661      maximum of $350,000 in outstanding Planning Fund commitments.
             1662          (3) (a) The director shall authorize all payments made from the Planning Fund.
             1663          (b) These payments shall be a charge on the project for which they were drawn.
             1664          (c) The amount paid shall be credited to the Planning Fund when the Legislature
             1665      appropriates money for any building project for which planning costs have previously been
             1666      paid from the Planning Fund.
             1667          (4) (a) Money may also be expended from the Planning Fund for architectural and
             1668      engineering services incident to the planning and preparation of applications for funds on
             1669      construction financed by other than state sources, including federal grants.
             1670          (b) However, upon approval of such financing, the money spent for architectural and

             1671      engineering services shall be returned as a reimbursement to the Planning Fund.
             1672          [(5) This fund does not lapse to the General Fund at the end of any year but shall
             1673      remain as a permanent fund.]
             1674          Section 35. Section 63A-11-203 is amended to read:
             1675           63A-11-203. Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund -- Creation.
             1676          (1) There is created a [nonlapsing,] restricted special revenue fund known as the "Child
             1677      Welfare Parental Defense Fund."
             1678          (2) Subject to availability, the director may make distributions from the fund as
             1679      required in this chapter for the following purposes:
             1680          (a) to pay for the representation, costs, expert witness fees, and expenses of contracted
             1681      parental defense attorneys who are under contract with the office to provide parental defense in
             1682      child welfare cases for the indigent parent or parents that are the subject of a petition alleging
             1683      abuse, neglect, or dependency;
             1684          (b) for administrative costs pursuant to this chapter; and
             1685          (c) for reasonable expenses directly related to the functioning of the office, including
             1686      training and travel expenses.
             1687          (3) The fund consists of:
             1688          (a) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature;
             1689          (b) interest and earnings from the investment of fund money;
             1690          (c) proceeds deposited by participating counties pursuant to Section 63A-11-204 ; and
             1691          (d) private contributions to the Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund.
             1692          (4) The state treasurer shall invest the money in the fund by following the procedures
             1693      and requirements of Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act.
             1694          (5) (a) If the director anticipates a deficit in the fund during any fiscal year:
             1695          (i) the director shall request an appropriation from the Legislature; and
             1696          (ii) the Legislature may fund the anticipated deficit through appropriation but is not
             1697      required to fund the deficit.
             1698          (b) If the anticipated deficit is not funded by the Legislature, the director may request
             1699      an interim assessment to participating counties to fund the anticipated deficit.
             1700          Section 36. Section 63C-4-103 is amended to read:
             1701           63C-4-103. Creation of Constitutional Defense Restricted Account -- Sources of

             1702      funds -- Uses of funds -- Reports.
             1703          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
             1704      Constitutional Defense Restricted Account.
             1705          (2) The account consists of money from the following revenue sources:
             1706          (a) money deposited to the account as required by Section 53C-3-203 ;
             1707          (b) voluntary contributions;
             1708          (c) money received by the Constitutional Defense Council from other state agencies;
             1709      and
             1710          (d) appropriations made by the Legislature.
             1711          [(3) Funds in the account shall be nonlapsing.]
             1712          [(4)] (3) The account balance may not exceed $5,000,000.
             1713          [(5)] (4) Subject to Subsection [(6)] (5), the Legislature may annually appropriate
             1714      money from the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account to one or more of the following:
             1715          (a) the Constitutional Defense Council to carry out its duties in Section 63C-4-102 ;
             1716          (b) the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office to carry out its duties in Section
             1717      63J-4-603 ;
             1718          (c) the Office of the Governor, to be used only for the purpose of asserting, defending,
             1719      or litigating state and local government rights under R.S. 2477, in accordance with a plan
             1720      developed and approved as provided in Section 63C-4-104 ;
             1721          (d) a county or association of counties to assist counties, consistent with the purposes
             1722      of the council, in pursuing issues affecting the counties; or
             1723          (e) the Office of the Attorney General, to be used only for:
             1724          (i) public lands counsel and assistance and litigation to the state or local governments
             1725      including asserting, defending, or litigating state and local government rights under R.S. 2477
             1726      in accordance with a plan developed and approved as provided in Section 63C-4-104 ; or
             1727          (ii) an action filed in accordance with Section 67-5-29 .
             1728          [(6)] (5) Money appropriated to the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account in
             1729      accordance with Subsection 53C-3-203 (4)(a), if appropriated by the Legislature, may only be
             1730      expended by the agency to which it was appropriated to pay:
             1731          (a) the costs of an action filed in accordance with Section 67-5-29 ; and
             1732          (b) expenses associated with an action described in Subsection [(6)] (5)(a).

             1733          [(7)] (6) (a) The Constitutional Defense Council shall require that any entity that
             1734      receives money from the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account provide financial reports
             1735      and litigation reports to the Council.
             1736          (b) Nothing in this Subsection [(7)] (6) prohibits the council from closing a meeting
             1737      under Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act, or prohibits the council from
             1738      complying with Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act.
             1739          Section 37. Section 63I-2-253 is amended to read:
             1740           63I-2-253. Repeal dates -- Titles 53, 53A, and 53B.
             1741          (1) Section 53A-1-403.5 is repealed July 1, 2012.
             1742          (2) Subsection 53A-1-603 (5) is repealed July 1, 2015.
             1743          (3) Title 53A, Chapter 1a, Part 10, UPSTART, is repealed July 1, 2014.
             1744          (4) Subsection 53A-13-110 (4) is repealed July 1, 2013.
             1745          [(5) Section 53A-17a-152 is repealed July 1, 2010.]
             1746          [(6)] (5) Section 53A-17a-162 is repealed July 1, 2012.
             1747          Section 38. Section 63J-1-312 is amended to read:
             1748           63J-1-312. Establishing a General Fund Budget Reserve Account -- Providing for
             1749      deposits and expenditures from the account -- Providing for interest generated by the
             1750      account.
             1751          (1) As used in this section:
             1752          (a) "Education Fund budget deficit" means a situation where appropriations made by
             1753      the Legislature from the Education Fund for a fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues
             1754      adopted by the Executive Appropriations Committee of the Legislature for the Education Fund
             1755      in that fiscal year.
             1756          (b) "General Fund appropriations" means the sum of the spending authority for a fiscal
             1757      year that is:
             1758          (i) granted by the Legislature in all appropriation acts and bills; and
             1759          (ii) identified as coming from the General Fund.
             1760          (c) "General Fund budget deficit" means a situation where General Fund appropriations
             1761      made by the Legislature for a fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues adopted by the
             1762      Executive Appropriations Committee of the Legislature for the General Fund in that fiscal year.
             1763          (d) "General Fund revenue surplus" means a situation where actual General Fund

             1764      revenues collected in a completed fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues for the General
             1765      Fund for that fiscal year that were adopted by the Executive Appropriations Committee of the
             1766      Legislature.
             1767          (e) "Operating deficit" means that, at the end of the fiscal year, the [unreserved and
             1768      undesignated] unassigned fund balance in the General Fund is less than zero.
             1769          (2) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account to be known as the
             1770      General Fund Budget Reserve Account, which is designated to receive the legislative
             1771      appropriations[, investment earnings,] and the surplus revenue required to be deposited into the
             1772      account by this section.
             1773          (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(a)(ii), at the end of any fiscal year in
             1774      which the Division of Finance, in consultation with the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and in
             1775      conjunction with the completion of the annual audit by the state auditor, determines that there
             1776      is a General Fund revenue surplus, the Division of Finance shall transfer 25% of the General
             1777      Fund revenue surplus to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account.
             1778          (ii) If the transfer of 25% of the General Fund revenue surplus to the General Fund
             1779      Budget Reserve Account would cause the balance in the account to exceed 6% of General Fund
             1780      appropriations for the fiscal year in which the revenue surplus occurred, the Division of
             1781      Finance shall transfer only those funds necessary to ensure that the balance in the account
             1782      equals 6% of General Fund appropriations for the fiscal year in which the General Fund
             1783      revenue surplus occurred.
             1784          (iii) The Division of Finance shall calculate the amount to be transferred under this
             1785      Subsection (3)(a):
             1786          (A) before transferring from the General Fund revenue surplus any other year-end
             1787      contingency appropriations, year-end set-asides, or other year-end transfers required by law;
             1788      and
             1789          (B) H. [ excluding the investment earnings for the fiscal year and ] .H excluding any direct
             1790      legislative appropriation made to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account for the fiscal year.
             1791          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b)(ii), in addition to Subsection (3)(a)(i), if
             1792      a General Fund revenue surplus exists and if, within the last 10 years, the Legislature has
             1793      appropriated any money from the General Fund Budget Reserve Account that has not been
             1794      replaced by appropriation or as provided in this Subsection (3)(b), the Division of Finance shall

             1795      transfer up to 25% more of the General Fund revenue surplus to the General Fund Budget
             1796      Reserve Account to replace the amounts appropriated, until direct legislative appropriations, if
             1797      any, and transfers from the General Fund revenue surplus under this Subsection (3)(b) have
             1798      replaced the appropriations from the account.
             1799          (ii) If the transfer under Subsection (3)(b)(i) would cause the balance in the account to
             1800      exceed 6% of General Fund appropriations for the fiscal year in which the revenue surplus
             1801      occurred, the Division of Finance shall transfer only those funds necessary to ensure that the
             1802      balance in the account equals 6% of General Fund appropriations for the fiscal year in which
             1803      the revenue surplus occurred.
             1804          (iii) The Division of Finance shall calculate the amount to be transferred under this
             1805      Subsection (3)(b):
             1806          (A) before transferring from the General Fund revenue surplus any other year-end
             1807      contingency appropriations, year-end set-asides, or other year-end transfers required by law;
             1808      and
             1809          (B) H. [ excluding the investment earnings for the fiscal year and ] .H excluding any direct
             1810      legislative appropriation made to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account for the fiscal year.
             1811          (c) For appropriations made by the Legislature to the General Fund Budget Reserve
             1812      Account, the Division of Finance shall treat those appropriations, unless otherwise specified in
             1813      the appropriation, as replacement funds for appropriations made from the account if funds were
             1814      appropriated from the General Fund Budget Reserve Account within the past 10 years and have
             1815      not yet been replaced.
             1816          (4) (a) If, at the close of any fiscal year, there appear to be insufficient monies to pay
             1817      additional debt service for any bonded debt authorized by the Legislature, the Division of
             1818      Finance may hold back from any General Fund revenue surplus monies sufficient to pay the
             1819      additional debt service requirements resulting from issuance of bonded debt that was
             1820      authorized by the Legislature.
             1821          (b) The Division of Finance may not spend the hold back amount for debt service
             1822      under Subsection (4)(a) unless and until it is appropriated by the Legislature.
             1823          (c) If, after calculating the amount for transfers to the General Fund Budget Reserve
             1824      Account, the remaining General Fund revenue surplus is insufficient to cover the hold back for
             1825      debt service required by Subsection (4)(a), the Division of Finance shall reduce the transfer to

             1826      the General Fund Budget Reserve Account by the amount necessary to cover the debt service
             1827      hold back.
             1828          (d) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), the Division of Finance shall hold back the
             1829      General Fund balance for debt service authorized by this Subsection (4) before making any
             1830      transfers to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account or any other designation or allocation of
             1831      General Fund revenue surplus.
             1832          (5) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), if, at the end of a fiscal year, the Division of
             1833      Finance determines that an operating deficit exists and that holding back the transfers to the
             1834      State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account under Section 63J-1-314 does not eliminate the
             1835      operating deficit, the Division of Finance may reduce the transfer to the General Fund Budget
             1836      Reserve Account by the amount necessary to eliminate the operating deficit.
             1837          (6) The Legislature may appropriate monies from the General Fund Budget Reserve
             1838      Account only to:
             1839          (a) resolve a General Fund budget deficit, for the fiscal year in which the General Fund
             1840      budget deficit occurs;
             1841          (b) pay some or all of state settlement agreements approved under Title 63G, Chapter
             1842      10, State Settlement Agreements Act;
             1843          (c) pay retroactive tax refunds; or
             1844          (d) resolve an Education Fund budget deficit.
             1845          (7) Interest generated from investments of money in the General Fund Budget Reserve
             1846      Account shall be deposited into the General Fund.
             1847          Section 39. Section 63J-1-313 is amended to read:
             1848           63J-1-313. Establishing an Education Budget Reserve Account -- Providing for
             1849      deposits and expenditures from the account -- Providing for interest generated by the
             1850      account.
             1851          (1) As used in this section:
             1852          (a) "Education Fund appropriations" means the sum of the spending authority for a
             1853      fiscal year that is:
             1854          (i) granted by the Legislature in all appropriation acts and bills; and
             1855          (ii) identified as coming from the Education Fund.
             1856          (b) "Education Fund budget deficit" means a situation where appropriations made by

             1857      the Legislature from the Education Fund for a fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues
             1858      adopted by the Executive Appropriations Committee of the Legislature for the Education Fund
             1859      in that fiscal year.
             1860          (c) "Education Fund revenue surplus" means a situation where actual Education Fund
             1861      revenues collected in a completed fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues for the Education
             1862      Fund in that fiscal year that were adopted by the Executive Appropriations Committee of the
             1863      Legislature.
             1864          (d) "Operating deficit" means that, at the end of the fiscal year, the [unreserved and
             1865      undesignated] unassigned fund balance in the Education Fund is less than zero.
             1866          (2) There is created within the Education Fund a restricted account to be known as the
             1867      Education Fund Budget Reserve Account, which is designated to receive the legislative
             1868      appropriations[, investment earnings,] and the surplus revenue required to be deposited into the
             1869      account by this section.
             1870          (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(a)(ii), at the end of any fiscal year in
             1871      which the Division of Finance, in consultation with the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and in
             1872      conjunction with the completion of the annual audit by the state auditor, determines that there
             1873      is an Education Fund revenue surplus, the Division of Finance shall transfer 25% of the
             1874      Education Fund revenue surplus to the Education Fund Budget Reserve Account.
             1875          (ii) If the transfer of 25% of the Education Fund revenue surplus to the Education Fund
             1876      Budget Reserve Account under Subsection (3)(a)(i) would cause the balance in the account to
             1877      exceed 7% of Education Fund appropriations for the fiscal year in which the Education Fund
             1878      revenue surplus occurred, the Division of Finance shall transfer only those funds necessary to
             1879      ensure that the balance in the account equals 7% of the Education Fund appropriations for the
             1880      fiscal year in which the Education Fund revenue surplus occurred.
             1881          (iii) The Division of Finance shall calculate the amount to be transferred under this
             1882      Subsection (3)(a):
             1883          (A) before transferring from the Education Fund revenue surplus any other year-end
             1884      contingency appropriations, year-end set-asides, or other year-end transfers required by law;
             1885      and
             1886          (B) H. [ excluding the investment earnings for the fiscal year and ] .H excluding any direct
             1887      legislative appropriation made to the Education Fund Budget Reserve Account for the fiscal

             1888      year.
             1889          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b)(ii), in addition to Subsection (3)(a)(i), if
             1890      an Education Fund revenue surplus exists and if, within the last 10 years, the Legislature has
             1891      appropriated any money from the Education Fund Budget Reserve Account that has not been
             1892      replaced by appropriation or as provided in this Subsection (3)(b), the Division of Finance shall
             1893      transfer up to 25% more of the Education Fund revenue surplus to the Education Fund Budget
             1894      Reserve Account to replace the amounts appropriated, until direct legislative appropriations, if
             1895      any, and transfers from the Education Fund revenue surplus under this Subsection (3)(b) have
             1896      replaced the appropriations from the account.
             1897          (ii) If the transfer under Subsection (3)(b)(i) would cause the balance in the account to
             1898      exceed 7% of Education Fund appropriations for the fiscal year in which the Education Fund
             1899      revenue surplus occurred, the Division of Finance shall transfer only those funds necessary to
             1900      ensure that the balance in the account equals 7% of Education Fund appropriations for the
             1901      fiscal year in which the revenue surplus occurred.
             1902          (iii) The Division of Finance shall calculate the amount to be transferred under this
             1903      Subsection (3)(b):
             1904          (A) before transferring from the Education Fund revenue surplus any other year-end
             1905      contingency appropriations, year-end set-asides, or other year-end transfers required by law;
             1906      and
             1907          (B) H. [ excluding the investment earnings for the fiscal year and ] .H excluding any direct
             1908      legislative appropriation made to the Education Fund Budget Reserve Account for the fiscal
             1909      year.
             1910          (c) For appropriations made by the Legislature to the Education Fund Budget Reserve
             1911      Account, the Division of Finance shall treat those appropriations, unless specified otherwise in
             1912      the appropriation, as replacement funds for appropriations made from the account if funds were
             1913      appropriated from the account within the past 10 years and have not yet been replaced.
             1914          (4) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), if, at the end of a fiscal year, the Division of
             1915      Finance determines that an operating deficit exists, the Division of Finance may reduce the
             1916      transfer to the Education Fund Budget Reserve Account by the amount necessary to eliminate
             1917      the operating deficit.
             1918          (5) The Legislature may appropriate money from the Education Fund Budget Reserve

             1919      Account only to resolve an Education Fund budget deficit.
             1920          (6) Interest generated from investments of money in the Education Fund Budget
             1921      Reserve Account shall be deposited into the Education Fund.
             1922          Section 40. Section 63J-1-314 is amended to read:
             1923           63J-1-314. Deposits related to the Disaster Recovery Funding Act.
             1924          (1) As used in this section, "operating deficit" means that, at the end of the fiscal year,
             1925      the [unreserved and undesignated] unassigned fund balance in the General Fund is less than
             1926      zero.
             1927          (2) Except as provided under Subsection (3), [beginning with the fiscal year ending
             1928      June 30, 2007,] at the end of each fiscal year [and], the Division of Finance shall, after the
             1929      transfer of [surplus] General Fund [revenues] revenue surplus has been made to the General
             1930      Fund Budget Reserve Account as provided in Section 63J-1-312 , [the Division of Finance shall
             1931      deposit] transfer an amount into the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account[,] created in
             1932      Section 53-2-403 , from the General Fund revenue surplus as defined in Section 63J-1-312 ,
             1933      calculated by:
             1934          (a) determining the amount of [surplus] General Fund [revenues] revenue surplus after
             1935      the transfer to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account under Section 63J-1-312 [that is
             1936      unrestricted and undesignated];
             1937          (b) calculating an amount equal to the lesser of:
             1938          (i) 25% of the amount determined under Subsection (2)(a); or
             1939          (ii) 6% of the total of the General Fund appropriation amount for the fiscal year in
             1940      which the surplus occurs; and
             1941          (c) adding to the amount calculated under Subsection (2)(b) an amount equal to the
             1942      lesser of:
             1943          (i) 25% more of the amount described in Subsection (2)(a); or
             1944          (ii) the amount necessary to replace, in accordance with this Subsection (2)(c), any
             1945      amount appropriated from the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account within 10 fiscal
             1946      years before the fiscal year in which the surplus occurs if:
             1947          (A) a surplus exists; and
             1948          (B) the Legislature appropriates money from the State Disaster Recovery Restricted
             1949      Account that is not replaced by appropriation or as provided in this Subsection (2)(c).

             1950          (3) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)[: (a)] if, at the end of a fiscal year, the Division of
             1951      Finance determines that an operating deficit exists, the Division of Finance shall reduce the
             1952      transfer to the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account by the amount necessary to
             1953      eliminate the operating deficit[; and].
             1954          [(b) for FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10 only, the Division of Finance shall suspend the
             1955      deposit provided under Subsection (2) to the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account
             1956      created under Section 53-2-403 .]
             1957          Section 41. Section 63J-1-602.1 is amended to read:
             1958           63J-1-602.1. List of nonlapsing accounts and funds -- General authority and Title
             1959      1 through Title 30.
             1960          (1) Appropriations made to the Legislature and its committees.
             1961          [(2) The Salinity Offset Fund created in Section 4-2-8.5 .]
             1962          [(3) The Invasive Species Mitigation Account created in Section 4-2-8.7 .]
             1963          [(4) The Rangeland Improvement Account created in Section 4-20-2 .]
             1964          [(5)] (2) The Percent-for-Art Program created in Section 9-6-404 .
             1965          [(6) The Centennial History Fund created in Section 9-8-604 .]
             1966          [(7) The Uintah Basin Revitalization Fund, as provided in Section 9-10-108 .]
             1967          [(8) The Navajo Revitalization Fund created in Section 9-11-104 .]
             1968          [(9)] (3) The LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program created in Section
             1969      11-38-301 .
             1970          [(10) The Clean Fuels and Vehicle Technology Fund created in Section 19-1-403 .]
             1971          [(11)] (4) An appropriation made to the Division of Wildlife Resources for the
             1972      appraisal and purchase of lands under the Pelican Management Act, as provided in Section
             1973      23-21a-6 .
             1974          [(12)] (5) Award money under the Crime Reduction Assistance Program, as provided
             1975      under Section 24-1-19 .
             1976          [(13)] (6) Funds collected from the emergency medical services grant program, as
             1977      provided in Section 26-8a-207 .
             1978          (7) State funds appropriated for matching federal funds in the Children's Health
             1979      Insurance Program as provided in Section 26-40-108 .
             1980          [(14)] (8) The Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program created in

             1981      Section 26-46-102 .
             1982          Section 42. Section 63J-1-602.2 is amended to read:
             1983           63J-1-602.2. List of nonlapsing funds and accounts -- Title 31 through Title 45.
             1984          (1) Appropriations from the Technology Development Restricted Account created in
             1985      Section 31A-3-104 .
             1986          (2) Appropriations from the Criminal Background Check Restricted Account created in
             1987      Section 31A-3-105 .
             1988          (3) Appropriations from the Captive Insurance Restricted Account created in Section
             1989      31A-3-304 , except to the extent that Section 31A-3-304 makes the money received under that
             1990      section free revenue.
             1991          (4) Appropriations from the Title Licensee Enforcement Restricted Account created in
             1992      Section 31A-23a-415 .
             1993          [(5) The fund for operating the state's Federal Health Care Tax Credit Program, as
             1994      provided in Section 31A-38-104 .]
             1995          [(6) The Special Administrative Expense Account created in Section 35A-4-506 .]
             1996          [(7)] (5) Funding for a new program or agency that is designated as nonlapsing under
             1997      Section 36-24-101 .
             1998          [(8)] (6) H. [ The ] Appropriations from the .H Oil and Gas Conservation Account
             1998a      created in Section 40-6-14.5 .
             1999          [(9) The Off-Highway Access and Education Restricted Account created in Section
             2000      41-22-19.5 .]
             2001          Section 43. Section 63J-1-602.3 is amended to read:
             2002           63J-1-602.3. List of nonlapsing funds and accounts -- Title 46 through Title 60.
             2003          [(1) Certain funds associated with the Law Enforcement Operations Account, as
             2004      provided in Section 51-9-411 .]
             2005          [(2) The Public Safety Honoring Heroes Restricted Account created in Section
             2006      53-1-118 .]
             2007          [(3)] (1) Funding for the Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program, as provided
             2008      in Section 53-2-107 .
             2009          [(4)] (2) Appropriations made to the Department of Public Safety from the Department
             2010      of Public Safety Restricted Account, as provided in Section 53-3-106 .
             2011          [(5)] (3) Appropriations to the Motorcycle Rider Education Program, as provided in

             2012      Section 53-3-905 .
             2013          [(6)] (4) H. [ The ] Appropriations from the .H DNA Specimen Restricted Account
             2013a      created in Section 53-10-407 .
             2014          [(7)] (5) Appropriations to the State Board of Education, as provided in Section
             2015      53A-17a-105 .
             2016          [(8)] (6) Certain funds appropriated from the Uniform School Fund to the State Board
             2017      of Education for new teacher bonus and performance-based compensation plans, as provided in
             2018      Section 53A-17a-148 .
             2019          [(9) Certain funds appropriated from the Uniform School Fund to the State Board of
             2020      Education for implementation of proposals to improve mathematics achievement test scores, as
             2021      provided in Section 53A-17a-152 .]
             2022          [(10) The School Building Revolving Account created in Section 53A-21-401 .]
             2023          [(11)] (7) Money received by the State Office of Rehabilitation for the sale of certain
             2024      products or services, as provided in Section 53A-24-105 .
             2025          [(12)] (8) The State Board of Regents, as provided in Section 53B-6-104 .
             2026          [(13)] (9) Certain funds appropriated from the General Fund to the State Board of
             2027      Regents for teacher preparation programs, as provided in Section 53B-6-104 .
             2028          [(14)] (10) A certain portion of money collected for administrative costs under the
             2029      School Institutional Trust Lands Management Act, as provided under Section 53C-3-202 .
             2030          [(15)] (11) Certain surcharges on residence and business telecommunications access
             2031      lines imposed by the Public Service Commission, as provided in Section 54-8b-10 .
             2032          [(16)] (12) Certain fines collected by the Division of Occupational and Professional
             2033      Licensing for violation of unlawful or unprofessional conduct that are used for education and
             2034      enforcement purposes, as provided in Section 58-17b-505 .
             2035          [(17) The Nurse Education and Enforcement Account created in Section 58-31b-103 .]
             2036          [(18) The Certified Nurse Midwife Education and Enforcement Account created in
             2037      Section 58-44a-103 .]
             2038          [(19)] (13) Certain fines collected by the Division of Occupational and Professional
             2039      Licensing for use in education and enforcement of the Security Personnel Licensing Act, as
             2040      provided in Section 58-63-103 .
             2041          [(20) The Professional Geologist Education and Enforcement Account created in
             2042      Section 58-76-103 .]

             2043          [(21) Certain money in the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund, as
             2044      provided in Section 59-12-103 .]
             2045          Section 44. Section 63J-1-602.4 is amended to read:
             2046           63J-1-602.4. List of nonlapsing funds and accounts -- Title 61 through Title 63M.
             2047          [(1) The Utah Housing Opportunity Restricted Account created in Section 61-2-204 .]
             2048          [(2)] (1) Funds paid to the Division of Real Estate for the cost of a criminal
             2049      background check for a mortgage loan license, as provided in Section 61-2c-202 .
             2050          [(3)] (2) Funds paid to the Division of Real Estate for the cost of a criminal
             2051      background check for principal broker, associate broker, and sales agent licenses, as provided
             2052      in Section 61-2f-204 .
             2053          [(4)] (3) Certain funds donated to the Department of Human Services, as provided in
             2054      Section 62A-1-111 .
             2055          [(5)] (4) Certain funds donated to the Division of Child and Family Services, as
             2056      provided in Section 62A-4a-110 .
             2057          [(6)] (5) Appropriations to the Division of Services for People with Disabilities, as
             2058      provided in Section 62A-5-102 .
             2059          [(7) Certain donations to the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, as
             2060      provided in Section 62A-15-103 .]
             2061          [(8) Assessments for DUI violations that are forwarded to an account created by a
             2062      county treasurer, as provided in Section 62A-15-503 .]
             2063          [(9) The Risk Management Fund created under Section 63A-4-201 .]
             2064          [(10) The Child Welfare Parental Defense Fund created in Section 63A-11-203 .]
             2065          [(11) The Constitutional Defense Restricted Account created in Section 63C-4-103 .]
             2066          [(12)] (6) A portion of the funds appropriated to the Utah Seismic Safety Commission,
             2067      as provided in Section 63C-6-104 .
             2068          [(13)] (7) Funding for the Medical Education Program administered by the Medical
             2069      Education Council, as provided in Section 63C-8-102 .
             2070          [(14)] (8) Certain money payable for commission expenses of the Pete Suazo Utah
             2071      Athletic Commission, as provided under Section 63C-11-301 .
             2072          [(15)] (9) Funds H. appropriated or .H collected for publishing the Division of
             2072a      Administrative Rules'
             2073      publications, as provided in Section 63G-3-402 .

             2074          [(16)] (10) Money received by the military installation development authority, as
             2075      provided in Section 63H-1-504 .
             2076          [(17)] (11) The appropriation to fund the Governor's Office of Economic
             2077      Development's Enterprise Zone Act, as provided in Section 63M-1-416 .
             2078          [(18) The Tourism Marketing Performance Account, as provided in Section
             2079      63M-1-1406 .]
             2080          [(19) Certain money in the Development for Disadvantaged Rural Communities
             2081      Restricted Account, as provided in Section 63M-1-2003 .]
             2082          [(20)] (12) Appropriations to the Utah Science Technology and Research Governing
             2083      Authority, created under Section 63M-2-301 , as provided under Section 63M-2-302 .
             2084          [(21) Certain money in the Rural Broadband Service Account, as provided in Section
             2085      63M-1-2303 .]
             2086          Section 45. Section 63J-1-602.5 is amended to read:
             2087           63J-1-602.5. List of nonlapsing funds and accounts -- Title 64 and thereafter.
             2088          (1) Funds collected by the housing of state probationary inmates or state parole
             2089      inmates, as provided in Subsection 64-13e-104 (2).
             2090          [(2) The Sovereign Lands Management account created in Section 65A-5-1 .]
             2091          [(3)] (2) Certain forestry and fire control funds utilized by the Division of Forestry,
             2092      Fire, and State Lands, as provided in Section 65A-8-103 .
             2093          [(4)] (3) The Department of Human Resource Management user training program, as
             2094      provided in Section 67-19-6 .
             2095          [(5)] (4) Funds for the University of Utah Poison Control Center program, as provided
             2096      in Section 69-2-5.5 .
             2097          [(6) Appropriations to the Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund,
             2098      as provided in Section 72-2-117 .]
             2099          [(7) Appropriations to the Local Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund, as
             2100      provided in Section 72-2-117.5 .]
             2101          [(8) Appropriations to the Tollway Special Revenue Fund, as provided in Section
             2102      72-2-120 .]
             2103          [(9) Appropriations to the Aeronautics Construction Revolving Loan Fund, as provided
             2104      in Section 72-2-122 .]

             2105          [(10)] (5) The Traffic Noise Abatement Program created in Section 72-6-112 .
             2106          [(11)] (6) Certain funds received by the Office of the State Engineer for well drilling
             2107      fines or bonds, as provided in Section 73-3-25 .
             2108          [(12) Certain monies appropriated to increase the carrying capacity of the Jordan River
             2109      that are transferred to the Division of Parks and Recreation, as provided in Section 73-10e-1 .]
             2110          [(13) Certain funds in the Water Development and Flood Mitigation Reserve Account,
             2111      as provided in Section 73-10e-1 .]
             2112          [(14)] (7) Certain monies appropriated from the Water Resources Conservation and
             2113      Development Fund, as provided in Section 73-23-2 .
             2114          [(15) The Lake Powell Pipeline Project Operation and Maintenance Fund created in
             2115      Section 73-28-404 .]
             2116          [(16)] (8) Certain funds appropriated for compensation for special prosecutors, as
             2117      provided in Section 77-10a-19 .
             2118          [(17) The Indigent Aggravated Murder Defense Trust Fund created in Section
             2119      77-32-601 .]
             2120          [(18) The Indigent Felony Defense Trust Fund created in Section 77-32-701 .]
             2121          [(19)] (9) Funds donated or paid to a juvenile court by private sources, as provided in
             2122      Subsection 78A-6-203 (1)(c).
             2123          [(20)] (10) A state rehabilitative employment program, as provided in Section
             2124      78A-6-210 .
             2125          [(21)] (11) The [account] money for the Utah Geological Survey, as provided in
             2126      Section 79-3-401 .
             2127          [(22)] (12) Revenue for golf user fees at the Wasatch Mountain State Park, Palisades
             2128      State Park, Jordan River State Park, and Green River State Park, as provided under Section
             2129      79-4-403 .
             2130          [(23)] (13) Certain funds received by the Division of Parks and Recreation from the
             2131      sale or disposal of buffalo, as provided under Section 79-4-1001 .
             2132          [(24)] (14) The Bonneville Shoreline Trail Program created under Section 79-5-503 .
             2133          Section 46. Section 63M-1-905 is amended to read:
             2134           63M-1-905. Loans, grants, and assistance -- Repayment -- Earned credits.
             2135          (1) (a) A company that qualifies under Section 63M-1-906 may receive loans, grants,

             2136      or other financial assistance from the Industrial Assistance Account for expenses related to
             2137      establishment, relocation, or development of industry in Utah.
             2138          (b) A company creating an economic impediment that qualifies under Section
             2139      63M-1-908 may in accordance with this part receive loans, grants, or other financial assistance
             2140      from the restricted account for the expenses of the company creating an economic impediment
             2141      related to:
             2142          (i) relocation to a rural area in Utah of the company creating an economic impediment;
             2143      and
             2144          (ii) the siting of a replacement company.
             2145          (c) An entity offering an economic opportunity that qualifies under Section 63M-1-909
             2146      may:
             2147          (i) receive loans, grants, or other financial assistance from the restricted account for
             2148      expenses related to the establishment, relocation, retention, or development of industry in the
             2149      state; and
             2150          (ii) include infrastructure or other economic development precursor activities that act
             2151      as a catalyst and stimulus for economic activity likely to lead to the maintenance or
             2152      enlargement of the state's tax base.
             2153          (2) (a) Subject to Subsection (2)(b), the administrator has authority to determine the
             2154      structure, amount, and nature of any loan, grant, or other financial assistance from the restricted
             2155      account.
             2156          (b) Loans made under Subsection (2)(a) shall be structured so the intended repayment
             2157      or return to the state, including cash or credit, equals at least the amount of the assistance
             2158      together with an annual interest charge as negotiated by the administrator.
             2159          (c) Payments resulting from grants awarded from the restricted account shall be made
             2160      only after the administrator has determined that the company has satisfied the conditions upon
             2161      which the payment or earned credit was based.
             2162          (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), the administrator may provide for a
             2163      system of earned credits that may be used to support grant payments or in lieu of cash
             2164      repayment of a restricted account loan obligation.
             2165          (ii) The value of the credits described in Subsection (3)(a)(i) shall be based on factors
             2166      determined by the administrator, including:

             2167          (A) the number of Utah jobs created;
             2168          (B) the increased economic activity in Utah; or
             2169          (C) other events and activities that occur as a result of the restricted account assistance.
             2170          (b) (i) The administrator shall provide for a system of credits to be used to support
             2171      grant payments or in lieu of cash repayment of a restricted account loan when loans are made to
             2172      a company creating an economic impediment.
             2173          (ii) The value of the credits described in Subsection (3)(b)(i) shall be based on factors
             2174      determined by the administrator, including:
             2175          (A) the number of Utah jobs created;
             2176          (B) the increased economic activity in Utah; or
             2177          (C) other events and activities that occur as a result of the restricted account assistance.
             2178          (4) (a) A cash loan repayment or other cash recovery from a company receiving
             2179      assistance under this section, including interest, shall be deposited into the restricted account.
             2180          (b) The administrator and the Division of Finance shall determine the manner of
             2181      recognizing and accounting for the earned credits used in lieu of loan repayments or to support
             2182      grant payments as provided in Subsection (3).
             2183          (5) (a) (i) At the end of each fiscal year, [the unrestricted, undesignated] the Division of
             2184      Finance shall set aside the balance of the General Fund [balance] revenue surplus as defined in
             2185      Section 63J-1-312 after the transfers [of surplus] of General Fund [revenues] revenue surplus
             2186      described in [this] Subsection [(5)(a) shall be earmarked] (5)(b) to the Industrial Assistance
             2187      Account in an amount equal to any credit that has accrued under this part.
             2188          (ii) The [earmark] set aside under Subsection (5)(a)(i) shall be capped at $50,000,000,
             2189      at which time no subsequent contributions may be made and any interest accrued above the
             2190      $50,000,000 cap shall be deposited into the General Fund.
             2191          (b) The [earmark] set aside required by Subsection (5)(a) shall be made after the
             2192      transfer of H. [ surplus ] .H General Fund H. [ revenues ] revenue surplus .H is made:
             2193          (i) to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account as provided in Section 63J-1-312 ; and
             2194          (ii) H. [ beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, ] to the State Disaster
             2194a      Recovery Restricted Account .H as provided in Section
             2195      63J-1-314 .
             2196          (c) These credit amounts may not be used for purposes of the restricted account as
             2197      provided in this part until appropriated by the Legislature.

             2198          Section 47. Section 63M-1-1406 is amended to read:
             2199           63M-1-1406. Tourism Marketing Performance Account.
             2200          (1) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the Tourism
             2201      Marketing Performance Account.
             2202          (2) The account shall be administered by the office for the purposes listed in
             2203      Subsection (5).
             2204          (3) (a) The account shall earn interest.
             2205          (b) All interest earned on account monies shall be deposited into the account.
             2206          [(c) Monies in the account are nonlapsing.]
             2207          (4) The account shall be funded by appropriations made to the account by the
             2208      Legislature in accordance with this section.
             2209          (5) The director may use account monies appropriated to the office to pay for the
             2210      statewide advertising, marketing, and branding campaign for promotion of the state as
             2211      conducted by the office.
             2212          (6) (a) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007, the director shall allocate 10% of the
             2213      account monies appropriated to the office to be distributed to a sports organization for
             2214      advertising, marketing, branding, and promoting Utah in attracting sporting events into the
             2215      state as determined by the office.
             2216          (b) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2008, the amount distributed under
             2217      Subsection (6)(a) shall be indexed from the July 1, 2007 fiscal year to reflect a percent increase
             2218      or decrease of monies set aside into the account as compared to the previous fiscal year.
             2219          [(c) The monies distributed under Subsections (6)(a) and (b) are nonlapsing.]
             2220          [(d)] (c) The office shall provide for an annual accounting to the office by a sports
             2221      organization of the use of monies it receives under Subsection (6)(a) or (b).
             2222          [(e)] (d) For purposes of this Subsection (6), "sports organization" means an
             2223      organization that is:
             2224          (i) exempt from federal income taxation in accordance with Section 501(c)(3), Internal
             2225      Revenue Code; and
             2226          (ii) created to foster national and international amateur sports competitions to be held
             2227      in the state and sports tourism throughout the state, to include advertising, marketing, branding,
             2228      and promoting Utah for the purpose of attracting sporting events into the state.

             2229          (7) [(a) Monies set aside] Money deposited into the account [shall be as follows: (i)
             2230      for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005 only, an amount appropriated in Section 7 of this bill;
             2231      (ii) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006: (A) the beginning nonlapsing appropriation
             2232      balances, if any, in the Tourism Marketing Performance Account; (B) any legislative
             2233      appropriation from the sales and use tax revenue increases identified in Subsection (8); and (C)
             2234      any appropriation made by the Legislature from the General Fund to the account in an
             2235      appropriations bill; and (iii) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007, and for each fiscal year
             2236      thereafter, a $1,000,000 reduction in the prior year's appropriation sources other than the] shall
             2237      consist of a legislative appropriation from the cumulative sales and use tax revenue increases
             2238      identified in Subsection (8)[, plus a legislative appropriation from the cumulative sales and use
             2239      tax revenue increases identified in Subsection (8)] plus any appropriation made by the
             2240      Legislature.
             2241          [(b) Monies in the account are nonlapsing.]
             2242          (8) (a) In fiscal years 2006 through 2015, a portion of the state sales and use tax
             2243      revenues determined under this Subsection (8) shall be certified as a set-aside for the account
             2244      by the State Tax Commission and reported to the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
             2245          (b) The State Tax Commission shall determine the set-aside under this Subsection (8)
             2246      in each fiscal year by applying the following formula: if the increase in the state sales and use
             2247      tax revenues derived from the retail sales of tourist-oriented goods and services in the fiscal
             2248      year two years prior to the fiscal year in which the set-aside is to be made for the account is at
             2249      least 3% over the state sales and use tax revenues derived from the retail sales of
             2250      tourist-oriented goods and services generated in the fiscal year three years prior to the fiscal
             2251      year in which the set-aside is to be made, an amount equal to 1/2 of the state sales and use tax
             2252      revenues generated above the 3% increase shall be calculated by the commission and set aside
             2253      by the state treasurer for appropriation to the account.
             2254          (c) Total monies to be appropriated to the account in any fiscal year under Subsections
             2255      (8)(a) and (b) may not exceed the amount in the account under this section in the fiscal year
             2256      immediately preceding the current fiscal year by more than $3,000,000.
             2257          (d) As used in this Subsection (8), "sales of tourism-oriented goods and services" are
             2258      those sales by businesses registered with the State Tax Commission under the following codes
             2259      of the 1997 North American Industry Classification System of the federal Executive Office of

             2260      the President, Office of Management and Budget:
             2261          (i) NAICS Code 453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers;
             2262          (ii) NAICS Code 481 Passenger Air Transportation;
             2263          (iii) NAICS Code 487 Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation;
             2264          (iv) NAICS Code 711 Performing Arts, Spectator Sports and Related Industries;
             2265          (v) NAICS Code 712 Museums, Historical Sites and Similar Institutions;
             2266          (vi) NAICS Code 713 Amusement, Gambling and Recreation Industries;
             2267          (vii) NAICS Code 721 Accommodations;
             2268          (viii) NAICS Code 722 Food Services and Drinking Places;
             2269          (ix) NAICS Code 4483 Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Stores;
             2270          (x) NAICS Code 4853 Taxi and Limousine Service;
             2271          (xi) NAICS Code 4855 Charter Bus;
             2272          (xii) NAICS Code 5615 Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services;
             2273          (xiii) NAICS Code 44611 Pharmacies and Drug Stores;
             2274          (xiv) NAICS Code 45111 Sporting Goods Stores;
             2275          (xv) NAICS Code 45112 Hobby Toy and Game Stores;
             2276          (xvi) NAICS Code 45121 Book Stores and News Dealers;
             2277          (xvii) NAICS Code 445120 Convenience Stores without Gas Pumps;
             2278          (xviii) NAICS Code 447110 Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores;
             2279          (xix) NAICS Code 447190 Other Gasoline Stations;
             2280          (xx) NAICS Code 532111 Passenger Car Rental; and
             2281          (xxi) NAICS Code 532292 Recreational Goods Rental.
             2282          (e) [For the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2009,] The Division of Finance shall for
             2283      each fiscal year transfer the first $6,000,000 of ongoing [monies] money in the account [shall
             2284      be transferred] to the General Fund.
             2285          Section 48. Section 63M-1-2003 is amended to read:
             2286           63M-1-2003. Creation of Business Development for Disadvantaged Rural
             2287      Communities Restricted Account -- Interest -- Costs of administering the restricted
             2288      account -- Deposit of certain money and interest into the General Fund.
             2289          (1) There is created within the General Fund the Business Development for
             2290      Disadvantaged Rural Communities Restricted Account.

             2291          (2) The restricted account shall be funded by:
             2292          (a) money appropriated to the account by the Legislature;
             2293          (b) money received by the office as:
             2294          (i) repayment of a loan that the board grants to an eligible county under this part; and
             2295          (ii) interest on a loan described in Subsection (2)(b)(i); and
             2296          (c) the interest described in Subsection (3).
             2297          (3) (a) The restricted account shall earn interest.
             2298          (b) The interest described in Subsection (3)(a) shall be deposited into the account.
             2299          (4) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the money and interest deposited into the
             2300      restricted account in accordance with this section may be expended:
             2301          (a) by the board to award grants or loans to eligible counties as provided in this part;
             2302      and
             2303          (b) to cover the costs of administering this part:
             2304          (i) in an amount not to exceed $5,000 in any fiscal year; and
             2305          (ii) including the costs of providing staff support to administer this part.
             2306          [(5) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), the money and interest deposited into
             2307      the restricted account in accordance with this section are nonlapsing.]
             2308          [(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(a), the]
             2309          (5) The Division of Finance shall deposit any money and interest in the restricted
             2310      account on July 1, 2015, into the General Fund.
             2311          Section 49. Section 63M-1-2303 is amended to read:
             2312           63M-1-2303. Rural Broadband Service Account created -- Interest -- Costs.
             2313          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the "Rural
             2314      Broadband Service Account."
             2315          (2) The restricted account shall be funded by money appropriated by the Legislature.
             2316          (3) (a) The state treasurer shall invest money in the account according to Title 51,
             2317      Chapter 7, State Money Management Act.
             2318          (b) The Division of Finance shall deposit interest or other earnings derived from
             2319      investment of account money into the General Fund.
             2320          (4) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the money deposited into the restricted
             2321      account in accordance with this section may be expended:

             2322          (a) by the director with the advice of the board to award grants to providers as provided
             2323      in this part; and
             2324          (b) to cover the costs of administering this part in an amount during any fiscal year not
             2325      to exceed 2% of the restricted account balance at the start of any fiscal year.
             2326          [(5) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), the money deposited into the
             2327      restricted account in accordance with this section are nonlapsing.]
             2328          [(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(a), the Division of Finance shall deposit any
             2329      money in the restricted account into the General Fund on July 1, 2010.]
             2330          Section 50. Section 65A-5-1 is amended to read:
             2331           65A-5-1. Sovereign Lands Management Account -- Creation -- Contents --
             2332      Appropriation to fund division expenses -- Balance.
             2333          (1) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the
             2334      Sovereign Lands Management Account.
             2335          (2) The account shall consist of the following:
             2336          (a) all revenues derived from sovereign lands; and
             2337          (b) that portion of all revenues derived from mineral leases on other lands managed by
             2338      the division necessary to recover management costs.
             2339          (3) All expenditures of the division relating directly to the management of state lands
             2340      shall be funded by appropriation by the Legislature from the Sovereign Lands Management
             2341      Account or other sources.
             2342          [(4) As of June 30 of each calendar year, the unappropriated portion of the Sovereign
             2343      Lands Management Account from the fiscal year ending June 30 of that calendar year shall be
             2344      nonlapsing and available for appropriation by the Legislature.]
             2345          Section 51. Section 72-2-117 is amended to read:
             2346           72-2-117. Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund --
             2347      Distribution -- Repayment -- Rulemaking.
             2348          (1) There is created the Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund
             2349      within the Transportation Fund.
             2350          (2) The fund shall be funded from the following sources:
             2351          (a) motor vehicle rental tax imposed under Section 59-12-1201 ;
             2352          (b) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature;

             2353          (c) contributions from other public and private sources for deposit into the fund;
             2354          (d) interest earnings on cash balances;
             2355          (e) all monies collected for repayments and interest on fund monies;
             2356          (f) all monies collected from rents and sales of real property acquired with fund
             2357      monies; and
             2358          (g) proceeds from general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, or other obligations as
             2359      authorized by Title 63B, Bonds.
             2360          [(3) All monies appropriated to the Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving
             2361      Loan Fund are nonlapsing.]
             2362          [(4)] (3) (a) The commission shall authorize the expenditure of fund monies to allow
             2363      the department to acquire real property or any interests in real property for state, county, and
             2364      municipal transportation corridors subject to:
             2365          (i) monies available in the fund;
             2366          (ii) rules made under Subsection [(7)] (6); and
             2367          (iii) Subsection [(9)] (8).
             2368          (b) Fund monies may be used to pay interest on debts incurred in accordance with this
             2369      section.
             2370          [(5)] (4) Administrative costs for transportation corridor preservation shall be paid
             2371      from the fund.
             2372          [(6)] (5) The department:
             2373          (a) may apply to the commission under this section for monies from the Transportation
             2374      Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund for a specified transportation corridor project,
             2375      including for county and municipal projects; and
             2376          (b) shall repay the fund monies authorized for the project to the fund as required under
             2377      Subsection [(7)] (6).
             2378          [(7)] (6) The commission shall:
             2379          (a) administer the Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund to:
             2380          (i) preserve transportation corridors;
             2381          (ii) promote long-term statewide transportation planning;
             2382          (iii) save on acquisition costs; and
             2383          (iv) promote the best interests of the state in a manner which minimizes impact on

             2384      prime agricultural land;
             2385          (b) prioritize fund monies based on considerations, including:
             2386          (i) areas with rapidly expanding population;
             2387          (ii) the willingness of local governments to complete studies and impact statements
             2388      that meet department standards;
             2389          (iii) the preservation of corridors by the use of local planning and zoning processes;
             2390          (iv) the availability of other public and private matching funds for a project; and
             2391          (v) the cost-effectiveness of the preservation projects;
             2392          (c) designate high priority corridor preservation projects in cooperation with a
             2393      metropolitan planning organization;
             2394          (d) administer the program for the purposes provided in this section;
             2395          (e) prioritize fund monies in accordance with this section; and
             2396          (f) make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             2397      Rulemaking Act, establishing:
             2398          (i) the procedures for the awarding of fund monies;
             2399          (ii) the procedures for the department to apply for transportation corridor preservation
             2400      monies for projects; and
             2401          (iii) repayment conditions of the monies to the fund from the specified project funds.
             2402          [(8)] (7) (a) The proceeds from any bonds or other obligations secured by revenues of
             2403      the Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund shall be used for:
             2404          (i) the acquisition of real property in hardship cases; and
             2405          (ii) any of the purposes authorized for funds in the Transportation Corridor
             2406      Preservation Revolving Loan Fund under this section.
             2407          (b) The commission shall pledge the necessary part of the revenues of the
             2408      Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund to the payment of principal of and
             2409      interest on the bonds or other obligations.
             2410          [(9)] (8) (a) The department may not apply for monies under this section unless the
             2411      highway authority has an access management policy or ordinance in effect that meets the
             2412      requirements under Subsection [(9)] (8)(b).
             2413          (b) The access management policy or ordinance shall:
             2414          (i) be for the purpose of balancing the need for reasonable access to land uses with the

             2415      need to preserve the smooth flow of traffic on the highway system in terms of safety, capacity,
             2416      and speed; and
             2417          (ii) include provisions:
             2418          (A) limiting the number of conflict points at driveway locations;
             2419          (B) separating conflict areas;
             2420          (C) reducing the interference of through traffic;
             2421          (D) spacing at-grade signalized intersections; and
             2422          (E) providing for adequate on-site circulation and storage.
             2423          (c) The department shall develop a model access management policy or ordinance that
             2424      meets the requirements of this Subsection [(9)] (8) for the benefit of a county or municipality
             2425      under this section.
             2426          [(10)] (9) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             2427      Rulemaking Act, the commission shall make rules establishing a corridor preservation advisory
             2428      council.
             2429          (b) The corridor preservation advisory council shall:
             2430          (i) assist with and help coordinate the corridor preservation efforts of the department
             2431      and local governments;
             2432          (ii) provide recommendations and priorities concerning corridor preservation and the
             2433      use of fund monies to the department and to the commission; and
             2434          (iii) include members designated by each metropolitan planning organization in the
             2435      state to represent local governments that are involved with corridor preservation through
             2436      official maps and planning.
             2437          Section 52. Section 72-2-117.5 is amended to read:
             2438           72-2-117.5. Definitions -- Local Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund --
             2439      Disposition of fund monies.
             2440          (1) As used in this section:
             2441          (a) "Council of governments" means a decision-making body in each county composed
             2442      of the county governing body and the mayors of each municipality in the county.
             2443          (b) "Metropolitan planning organization" has the same meaning as defined in Section
             2444      72-1-208.5 .
             2445          (2) There is created the Local Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund within the

             2446      Transportation Fund.
             2447          (3) The fund shall be funded from the following sources:
             2448          (a) a local option highway construction and transportation corridor preservation fee
             2449      imposed under Section 41-1a-1222 ;
             2450          (b) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature;
             2451          (c) contributions from other public and private sources for deposit into the fund;
             2452          (d) all monies collected from rents and sales of real property acquired with fund
             2453      monies;
             2454          (e) proceeds from general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, or other obligations issued
             2455      as authorized by Title 63B, Bonds;
             2456          (f) the portion of the sales and use tax described in Subsection 59-12-2217 (2)(b) and
             2457      required by Subsection 59-12-2217 (8)(a) to be deposited into the fund; and
             2458          (g) sales and use tax revenues deposited into the fund in accordance with Section
             2459      59-12-2218 .
             2460          (4) (a) The fund shall earn interest.
             2461          (b) All interest earned on fund monies shall be deposited into the fund.
             2462          [(c) All monies appropriated to the Local Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund
             2463      are nonlapsing.]
             2464          [(d)] (c) The State Tax Commission shall provide the department with sufficient data
             2465      for the department to allocate the revenues:
             2466          (i) provided under Subsection (3)(a) to each county imposing a local option highway
             2467      construction and transportation corridor preservation fee under Section 41-1a-1222 ;
             2468          (ii) provided under Subsection 59-12-2217 (2)(b) to each county imposing a county
             2469      option sales and use tax for transportation; and
             2470          (iii) provided under Subsection (3)(g) to each county of the second class or city or town
             2471      within a county of the second class that imposes the sales and use tax authorized by Section
             2472      59-12-2218 .
             2473          [(e)] (d) (i) The department shall annually allocate the interest earned on fund monies
             2474      to each county based on the proportionate amount of interest earned on each county's allocation
             2475      of funds under Subsection (4)[(d)](c) on an average monthly balance basis.
             2476          (ii) The initial annual allocation of fund interest shall include all interest earned on

             2477      fund monies since the creation of the fund.
             2478          [(f)] (e) The monies allocated under Subsection (4)[(d)](c):
             2479          (i) shall be used for the purposes provided in this section for each county, city, or town;
             2480      and
             2481          (ii) are allocated to each county, city or town as provided in this section:
             2482          (A) with the condition that the state will not be charged for any asset purchased with
             2483      the monies allocated under Subsections (4)[(d)](c) and [(e)] (d); and
             2484          (B) are considered a local matching contribution for the purposes described under
             2485      Section 72-2-123 if used on a state highway.
             2486          [(g)] (f) Administrative costs of the department to implement this section shall be paid
             2487      from the fund.
             2488          (5) (a) The department shall authorize the expenditure of fund monies to allow a
             2489      highway authority to acquire real property or any interests in real property for state, county, and
             2490      municipal highway corridors subject to:
             2491          (i) monies available in the fund to each county under Subsections (4)[(d)](c) and [(e)]
             2492      (d); and
             2493          (ii) the provisions of this section.
             2494          (b) Fund monies may be used to pay interest on debts incurred in accordance with this
             2495      section.
             2496          (c) (i) (A) Fund monies may be used to pay maintenance costs of properties acquired
             2497      under this section but limited to a total of 5% of the purchase price of the property.
             2498          (B) Any additional maintenance cost shall be paid from funds other than under this
             2499      section.
             2500          (C) Revenue generated by any property acquired under this section is excluded from
             2501      the limitations under this Subsection (5)(c)(i).
             2502          (ii) Fund monies may be used to pay direct costs of acquisition of properties acquired
             2503      under this section.
             2504          (d) Fund monies allocated under Subsections (4)[(d)](c) and [(e)] (d) may be used by a
             2505      county highway authority for countywide transportation planning if:
             2506          (i) the county is not included in a metropolitan planning organization;
             2507          (ii) the transportation planning is part of the county's continuing, cooperative, and

             2508      comprehensive process for transportation planning, corridor preservation, right-of-way
             2509      acquisition, and project programming;
             2510          (iii) no more than four years allocation every 20 years to each county is used for
             2511      transportation planning under this Subsection (5)(d); and
             2512          (iv) the county otherwise qualifies to use the fund monies as provided under this
             2513      section.
             2514          (e) (i) Subject to Subsection (11), fund monies allocated under Subsections (4)[(d)](c)
             2515      and [(e)] (d) may be used by a county highway authority for transportation corridor planning
             2516      that is part of the corridor elements of an ongoing work program of transportation projects.
             2517          (ii) The transportation corridor planning under Subsection (5)(e)(i) shall be under the
             2518      direction of:
             2519          (A) the metropolitan planning organization if the county is within the boundaries of a
             2520      metropolitan planning organization; or
             2521          (B) the department if the county is not within the boundaries of a metropolitan
             2522      planning organization.
             2523          (6) (a) (i) The Local Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund shall be used to
             2524      preserve highway corridors, promote long-term statewide transportation planning, save on
             2525      acquisition costs, and promote the best interests of the state in a manner which minimizes
             2526      impact on prime agricultural land.
             2527          (ii) The Local Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund shall only be used to preserve
             2528      a highway corridor that is right-of-way:
             2529          (A) in a county of the first or second class for a:
             2530          (I) state highway;
             2531          (II) a principal arterial highway as defined in Section 72-4-102.5 ;
             2532          (III) a minor arterial highway as defined in Section 72-4-102.5 ; or
             2533          (IV) a collector highway in an urban area as defined in Section 72-4-102.5 ; or
             2534          (B) in a county of the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class for a:
             2535          (I) state highway;
             2536          (II) a principal arterial highway as defined in Section 72-4-102.5 ;
             2537          (III) a minor arterial highway as defined in Section 72-4-102.5 ;
             2538          (IV) a major collector highway as defined in Section 72-4-102.5 ; or

             2539          (V) a minor collector road as defined in Section 72-4-102.5 .
             2540          (iii) The Local Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund may not be used for a
             2541      highway corridor that is primarily a recreational trail as defined under Section 79-5-102 .
             2542          (b) (i) The department shall develop and implement a program to educate highway
             2543      authorities on the objectives, application process, use, and responsibilities of the Local
             2544      Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund as provided under this section to promote the most
             2545      efficient and effective use of fund monies including priority use on designated high priority
             2546      corridor preservation projects.
             2547          (ii) The department shall develop a model transportation corridor property acquisition
             2548      policy or ordinance that meets federal requirements for the benefit of a highway authority to
             2549      acquire real property or any interests in real property under this section.
             2550          (c) The department shall authorize the expenditure of fund monies after determining
             2551      that the expenditure is being made in accordance with this section from applications that are:
             2552          (i) made by a highway authority;
             2553          (ii) endorsed by the council of governments; and
             2554          (iii) for a right-of-way purchase for a highway authorized under Subsection (6)(a)(ii).
             2555          (7) (a) (i) A council of governments shall establish a council of governments
             2556      endorsement process which includes prioritization and application procedures for use of the
             2557      monies allocated to each county under this section.
             2558          (ii) The endorsement process under Subsection (7)(a)(i) may include review or
             2559      endorsement of the preservation project by the:
             2560          (A) metropolitan planning organization if the county is within the boundaries of a
             2561      metropolitan planning organization; or
             2562          (B) the department if the county is not within the boundaries of a metropolitan
             2563      planning organization.
             2564          (b) All fund monies shall be prioritized by each highway authority and council of
             2565      governments based on considerations, including:
             2566          (i) areas with rapidly expanding population;
             2567          (ii) the willingness of local governments to complete studies and impact statements
             2568      that meet department standards;
             2569          (iii) the preservation of corridors by the use of local planning and zoning processes;

             2570          (iv) the availability of other public and private matching funds for a project;
             2571          (v) the cost-effectiveness of the preservation projects;
             2572          (vi) long and short-term maintenance costs for property acquired; and
             2573          (vii) whether the transportation corridor is included as part of:
             2574          (A) the county and municipal master plan; and
             2575          (B) (I) the statewide long range plan; or
             2576          (II) the regional transportation plan of the area metropolitan planning organization if
             2577      one exists for the area.
             2578          (c) The council of governments shall:
             2579          (i) establish a priority list of highway corridor preservation projects within the county;
             2580          (ii) submit the list described in Subsection (7)(c)(i) to the county's legislative body for
             2581      approval; and
             2582          (iii) obtain approval of the list described in Subsection (7)(c)(i) from a majority of the
             2583      members of the county legislative body.
             2584          (d) A county's council of governments may only submit one priority list described in
             2585      Subsection (7)(c)(i) per calendar year.
             2586          (e) A county legislative body may only consider and approve one priority list described
             2587      in Subsection (7)(c)(i) per calendar year.
             2588          (8) (a) Unless otherwise provided by written agreement with another highway
             2589      authority, the highway authority that holds the deed to the property is responsible for
             2590      maintenance of the property.
             2591          (b) The transfer of ownership for property acquired under this section from one
             2592      highway authority to another shall include a recorded deed for the property and a written
             2593      agreement between the highway authorities.
             2594          (9) (a) The proceeds from any bonds or other obligations secured by revenues of the
             2595      Local Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund shall be used for the purposes authorized for
             2596      funds under this section.
             2597          (b) The highway authority shall pledge the necessary part of the revenues of the Local
             2598      Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund to the payment of principal and interest on the
             2599      bonds or other obligations.
             2600          (10) (a) A highway authority may not apply for monies under this section to purchase a

             2601      right-of-way for a state highway unless the highway authority has:
             2602          (i) a transportation corridor property acquisition policy or ordinance in effect that
             2603      meets federal requirements for the acquisition of real property or any interests in real property
             2604      under this section; and
             2605          (ii) an access management policy or ordinance in effect that meets the requirements
             2606      under Subsection 72-2-117 [(9)](8).
             2607          (b) The provisions of Subsection (10)(a)(i) do not apply if the highway authority has a
             2608      written agreement with the department for the acquisition of real property or any interests in
             2609      real property under this section.
             2610          (11) (a) The department shall, in expending or authorizing the expenditure of fund
             2611      monies, ensure to the extent possible that the fund monies allocated to a city or town in
             2612      accordance with Subsection (4) are expended:
             2613          (i) to fund a project or service as allowed by this section within the city or town to
             2614      which the fund monies are allocated;
             2615          (ii) to pay debt service, principal, or interest on a bond or other obligation as allowed
             2616      by this section if that bond or other obligation is:
             2617          (A) secured by monies allocated to the city or town; and
             2618          (B) issued to finance a project or service as allowed by this section within the city or
             2619      town to which the fund monies are allocated;
             2620          (iii) to fund transportation planning as allowed by this section within the city or town
             2621      to which the fund monies are allocated; or
             2622          (iv) for another purpose allowed by this section within the city or town to which the
             2623      fund monies are allocated.
             2624          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             2625      department may make rules to implement the requirements of Subsection (11)(a).
             2626          Section 53. Section 72-2-120 is amended to read:
             2627           72-2-120. Tollway Special Revenue Fund -- Revenue.
             2628          (1) There is created a special revenue fund within the Transportation Fund known as
             2629      the "Tollway Special Revenue Fund."
             2630          (2) The fund shall be funded from the following sources:
             2631          (a) tolls collected by the department under Section 72-6-118 ;

             2632          (b) funds received by the department through a tollway development agreement under
             2633      Section 72-6-203 ;
             2634          (c) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature;
             2635          (d) contributions from other public and private sources for deposit into the fund;
             2636          (e) interest earnings on cash balances; and
             2637          (f) money collected for repayments and interest on fund money.
             2638          [(3) Money appropriated to the fund is nonlapsing.]
             2639          [(4)] (3) The Division of Finance shall create a subaccount for each tollway as defined
             2640      in Section 72-6-118 .
             2641          [(5)] (4) The commission may authorize the money deposited into the fund to be spent
             2642      by the department to establish and operate tollways and related facilities, including design,
             2643      construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, enforcement, impacts from tollways, and
             2644      the acquisition of right-of-way.
             2645          Section 54. Section 72-2-122 is amended to read:
             2646           72-2-122. Aeronautics Construction Revolving Loan Fund -- Distribution --
             2647      Repayment -- Rulemaking.
             2648          (1) There is created the Aeronautics Construction Revolving Loan Fund within the
             2649      Transportation Fund.
             2650          (2) The fund shall include monies from the following sources:
             2651          (a) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature;
             2652          (b) contributions from other public and private sources for deposit into the fund;
             2653          (c) interest earnings on cash balances;
             2654          (d) all monies collected for repayments and interest on fund monies; and
             2655          (e) proceeds from revenue bonds or other obligations issued in accordance with Title
             2656      63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building Ownership Authority Act, and Title 63B, Bonds.
             2657          [(3) All monies appropriated to the Aeronautics Construction Revolving Loan Fund are
             2658      nonlapsing.]
             2659          [(4)] (3) (a) The commission shall authorize the expenditure of fund monies for
             2660      construction, major reconstruction, major renovation, or property acquisition of airports and
             2661      airport runways for state, county, and municipal airports subject to:
             2662          (i) monies available in the fund; and

             2663          (ii) rules made under Subsection [(7)] (6).
             2664          (b) Fund monies may be used to pay interest on debts incurred in accordance with this
             2665      section.
             2666          [(5)] (4) Administrative costs of the Aeronautics Construction Revolving Loan Fund
             2667      shall be paid from the fund.
             2668          [(6)] (5) The Operations Division:
             2669          (a) may apply to the commission under this section for monies from the Aeronautics
             2670      Construction Revolving Loan Fund for a specified aeronautics project, including for county
             2671      and municipal projects; and
             2672          (b) shall repay the fund monies authorized for the project to the fund as required under
             2673      Subsection [(7)] (6).
             2674          [(7)] (6) The commission shall:
             2675          (a) administer the Aeronautics Construction Revolving Loan Fund to promote
             2676      long-term statewide aeronautics transportation;
             2677          (b) prioritize fund monies based on considerations, including:
             2678          (i) areas with rapidly expanding population;
             2679          (ii) the willingness of local governments to:
             2680          (A) complete studies and impact statements that meet department standards; and
             2681          (B) preserve long-term airport operations by the use of local planning and zoning
             2682      processes;
             2683          (iii) the availability of other public and private matching funds for a project; and
             2684          (iv) the cost-effectiveness of the projects; and
             2685          (c) make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             2686      Rulemaking Act, establishing:
             2687          (i) the procedures for the awarding of fund monies;
             2688          (ii) the procedures for the Operations Division to apply for Aeronautics Construction
             2689      Revolving Loan Fund monies for projects; and
             2690          (iii) repayment schedules and conditions of replacing the monies back into the fund.
             2691          [(8)] (7) For loans made under this section to a county or municipal airport, the
             2692      Division of Finance shall:
             2693          (a) collect and account for a loan made in accordance with this section; and

             2694          (b) have custody of all loan documents evidencing indebtedness of the Aeronautics
             2695      Construction Revolving Loan Fund, including all:
             2696          (i) notes; and
             2697          (ii) contracts.
             2698          [(9)] (8) (a) The proceeds from the revenue bonds or other obligations issued on
             2699      revenues of the Aeronautics Construction Revolving Loan Fund shall be used for the purposes
             2700      authorized for funds under this section.
             2701          (b) The commission shall pledge the necessary part of the revenues of the Aeronautics
             2702      Construction Revolving Loan Fund to the payment of principal of and interest on the revenue
             2703      bonds or other obligations.
             2704          Section 55. Section 72-3-109 is amended to read:
             2705           72-3-109. Division of responsibility with respect to state highways in cities and
             2706      towns.
             2707          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the jurisdiction and responsibility of the
             2708      department and the municipalities for state highways within municipalities is as follows:
             2709          (a) The department has jurisdiction over and is responsible for the construction and
             2710      maintenance of:
             2711          (i) the portion of the state highway located between the back of the curb on either side
             2712      of the state highway; or
             2713          (ii) if there is no curb, the traveled way, its contiguous shoulders, and appurtenances.
             2714          (b) The department may widen or improve state highways within municipalities.
             2715          (c) (i) A municipality has jurisdiction over all other portions of the right-of-way and is
             2716      responsible for construction and maintenance of the right-of-way.
             2717          (ii) If a municipality grants permission for the installation of any pole, pipeline,
             2718      conduit, sewer, ditch, culvert, billboard, advertising sign, or any other structure or object of any
             2719      kind or character within the portion of the right-of-way under its jurisdiction:
             2720          (A) the permission shall contain the condition that any installation will be removed
             2721      from the right-of-way at the request of the municipality; and
             2722          (B) the municipality shall cause any installation to be removed at the request of the
             2723      department when the department finds the removal necessary:
             2724          (I) to eliminate a hazard to traffic safety;

             2725          (II) for the construction and maintenance of the state highway; or
             2726          (III) to meet the requirements of federal regulations.
             2727          (d) If it is necessary that a utility, as defined in Section 72-6-116 , be relocated,
             2728      reimbursement shall be made for the relocation as provided for in Section 72-6-116 .
             2729          (e) (i) The department shall construct curbs, gutters, and sidewalks on the state
             2730      highways if necessary for the proper control of traffic, driveway entrances, or drainage.
             2731          (ii) If a state highway is widened or altered and existing curbs, gutters, or sidewalks are
             2732      removed, the department shall replace the curbs, gutters, or sidewalks.
             2733          (f) The department may furnish and install street lighting systems for state highways,
             2734      but their operation and maintenance is the responsibility of the municipality.
             2735          (g) If new storm sewer facilities are necessary in the construction and maintenance of
             2736      the state highways, the cost of the storm sewer facilities shall be borne by the state and the
             2737      municipality in a proportion mutually agreed upon between the department and the
             2738      municipality.
             2739          (2) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             2740      the department shall make rules governing the location and construction of approach roads and
             2741      driveways entering the state highway. The rules shall:
             2742          (i) include criteria for the design, location, and spacing of approach roads and
             2743      driveways based on the functional classification of the adjacent highway, including the urban
             2744      or rural nature of the area;
             2745          (ii) be consistent with the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" and the model
             2746      access management policy or ordinance developed by the department under Subsection
             2747      72-2-117 [(9)](8);
             2748          (iii) include procedures for:
             2749          (A) the application and review of a permit for approach roads and driveways including
             2750      review of related site plans that have been recommended according to local ordinances; and
             2751          (B) approving, modifying, denying, or appealing the modification or denial of a permit
             2752      for approach roads and driveways within 45 days of receipt of the application; and
             2753          (iv) require written justifications for modifying or denying a permit.
             2754          (b) The department may delegate the administration of the rules to the highway
             2755      authorities of a municipality.

             2756          (c) In accordance with this section and Section 72-7-104 , an approach road or driveway
             2757      may not be constructed on a state highway without a permit issued under this section.
             2758          (3) The department has jurisdiction and control over the entire right-of-way of
             2759      interstate highways within municipalities and is responsible for the construction, maintenance,
             2760      and regulation of the interstate highways within municipalities.
             2761          Section 56. Section 73-28-404 is amended to read:
             2762           73-28-404. Repayments returned to Water Resources Conservation and
             2763      Development Fund -- Establishment of an enterprise fund.
             2764          (1) The board shall deposit, in accordance with Section 51-4-1 , into the Water
             2765      Resources Conservation and Development Fund:
             2766          (a) repayments of preconstruction and construction costs; and
             2767          (b) the interest charged.
             2768          (2) (a) There is created an enterprise fund, as defined in Subsection 51-5-4 (8), entitled
             2769      the "Lake Powell Pipeline Project Operation and Maintenance Fund."
             2770          (b) The fund consists of:
             2771          (i) revenues received from the sale of developed water that is designated for project
             2772      operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement costs;
             2773          (ii) revenues received from the sale of electricity that are deposited in the fund in
             2774      accordance with Subsection 73-28-203 (3); and
             2775          (iii) all interest earned by the fund.
             2776          [(3) (a) Any unexpended monies remaining in the fund at the end of the fiscal year are
             2777      nonlapsing.]
             2778          [(b)] (3) Notwithstanding Section 63J-1-211 , the Legislature may not appropriate any
             2779      monies from the Lake Powell Pipeline Project Operation and Maintenance Fund.
             2780          (4) The state treasurer shall:
             2781          (a) invest the monies in the enterprise fund by following the procedures and
             2782      requirements of Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act; and
             2783          (b) deposit all interest or other earnings derived from those investments into the Lake
             2784      Powell Pipeline Operation and Maintenance Fund.
             2785          (5) The committee shall approve the expenditure of fund monies to cover the project
             2786      operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement costs, subject to:

             2787          (a) monies available in the fund; and
             2788          (b) rules established by the board under Subsection 73-28-104 (2).
             2789          (6) If title to the project is transferred under Section 73-28-405 , the agreement shall
             2790      direct the disposition of the monies remaining in the fund.
             2791          Section 57. Section 77-32-601 is amended to read:
             2792           77-32-601. Establishment of Indigent Aggravated Murder Defense Trust Fund --
             2793      Use of fund -- Compensation for indigent legal defense from fund.
             2794          (1) For purposes of this part, "fund" means the Indigent Aggravated Murder Defense
             2795      Trust Fund.
             2796          (2) (a) There is established a private-purpose trust fund known as the "Indigent
             2797      Aggravated Murder Defense Trust Fund." [which shall be nonlapsing and]
             2798          (b) The fund shall be disbursed by the Division of Finance at the direction of the board
             2799      and subject to this chapter.
             2800          (3) The fund consists of:
             2801          (a) money received from participating counties as provided in Sections 77-32-602 and
             2802      77-32-603 ;
             2803          (b) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature as provided in Section
             2804      77-32-603 ; and
             2805          (c) interest and earnings from the investment of fund money.
             2806          (4) Fund money shall be invested by the state treasurer with the earnings and interest
             2807      accruing to the fund.
             2808          (5) The fund shall be used to assist participating counties with financial resources, as
             2809      provided in Subsection (6), to fulfill their constitutional and statutory mandates for the
             2810      provision of an adequate defense for indigents prosecuted for the violation of state laws in
             2811      cases involving aggravated murder.
             2812          (6) Money allocated to or deposited in this fund shall be used only:
             2813          (a) to reimburse participating counties for expenditures made for an attorney appointed
             2814      to represent an indigent, other than a state inmate in a state prison, prosecuted for aggravated
             2815      murder in a participating county; and
             2816          (b) for administrative costs pursuant to Section 77-32-401 .
             2817          Section 58. Section 77-32-701 is amended to read:

             2818           77-32-701. Establishment of Indigent Felony Defense Trust Fund -- Use of fund
             2819      -- Compensation for indigent legal defense from fund.
             2820          (1) For purposes of this part, "fund" means the Indigent Felony Defense Trust Fund.
             2821          (2) (a) There is established a private-purpose trust fund known as the "Indigent Felony
             2822      Defense Trust Fund." [which shall be nonlapsing and]
             2823          (b) The fund shall be disbursed by the Division of Finance at the direction of the board
             2824      and subject to the provisions of this chapter.
             2825          (3) The fund consists of:
             2826          (a) money received from participating counties as provided in Sections 77-32-702 and
             2827      77-32-703 ;
             2828          (b) a one-time appropriation by the Legislature; and
             2829          (c) interest and earnings from the investment of fund money.
             2830          (4) Fund money shall be invested by the state treasurer with the earnings and interest
             2831      accruing to the fund.
             2832          (5) The fund shall be used to assist participating counties with the financial resources,
             2833      as provided in Subsection (6), to fulfill their constitutional and statutory mandates for the
             2834      provision of an adequate defense for indigents prosecuted for the violation of state laws in
             2835      cases involving felony offenses.
             2836          (6) Money allocated to or deposited in this fund shall be used only:
             2837          (a) to reimburse participating counties for expenditures made for an attorney appointed
             2838      to represent an indigent, other than a state inmate in a state prison, prosecuted for a felony in a
             2839      participating county; and
             2840          (b) for administrative costs pursuant to Section 77-32-401 .
             2841          Section 59. Section 79-3-401 is amended to read:
             2842           79-3-401. Disposition of survey income -- Sources of funds.
             2843          (1) Income to the survey is deposited with the state treasurer and credited by the
             2844      treasurer to the General Fund [as a nonlapsing restrictive account] as dedicated credits for use
             2845      by the survey.
             2846          (2) In addition to those funds that are available to the survey under Subsection (1), the
             2847      Legislature shall provide such funds by appropriation as are reasonably necessary to meet the
             2848      requirements of the survey in the performance of its duties and obligations.

             2849          Section 60. Repealer.
             2850          This bill repeals:
             2851          Section 9-8-604, Centennial History Fund.
             2852          Section 63M-1-2305, Annual report.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-25-11 2:31 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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