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H.B. 31 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: John G. Mathis

Senate Sponsor: Peter C. Knudson

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends provisions in Title 20A, Election Code, to address the restoration of
             11      the right to vote or hold elective office.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    provides a process by which a person convicted of a misdemeanor for violating the
             15      Election Code may have the right to vote or hold office restored;
             16          .    prohibits a person convicted of a misdemeanor for violating the Election Code from
             17      registering to vote or remaining registered to vote, unless the right to vote has been
             18      restored;
             19          .    authorizes a challenge to the right to vote if the voter is convicted of a misdemeanor
             20      for violating the Election Code, unless the right to vote has been restored; and
             21          .    makes technical changes.
             22      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          None
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          None
             26      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             27      AMENDS:
             28          20A-1-609, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 1
             29          20A-2-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 276

             30          20A-3-202, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 83
             31          20A-9-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 197
             32      ENACTS:
             33          20A-2-101.3, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             36          Section 1. Section 20A-1-609 is amended to read:
             37           20A-1-609. Omnibus penalties.
             38          (1) Unless another penalty is specifically provided, any person who violates any
             39      provision of this title is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
             40          (2) [A] Except as provided by Section 20A-2-101.3 or 20A-2-101.5 , a person
             41      convicted of any offense under this title may not:
             42          (a) file a declaration of candidacy for any office or appear on the ballot as a candidate
             43      for any office during the election cycle in which the violation occurred;
             44          (b) take or hold the office to which he was elected; and
             45          (c) receive the emoluments of the office to which he was elected.
             46          (3) (a) Any person convicted of any offense under this title forfeits the right to vote at
             47      any election unless [restored to civil rights] the right to vote is restored as provided [by law] in
             48      Section 20A-2-101.3 or 20A-2-101.5 .
             49          (b) Any person may challenge [that person's] the right to vote of a person described in
             50      Subsection (3)(a) by following the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-3-202 .
             51          Section 2. Section 20A-2-101 is amended to read:
             52           20A-2-101. Eligibility for registration.
             53          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), any person may apply to register to vote in an
             54      election who:
             55          (a) is a citizen of the United States;
             56          (b) has been a resident of Utah for at least the 30 days immediately before the election;
             57          (c) will be at least 18 years old on the day of the election; and

             58          (d) currently resides within the voting district or precinct in which the person applies to
             59      register to vote.
             60          (2) (a) (i) A person who is involuntarily confined or incarcerated in a jail, prison, or
             61      other facility within a voting precinct is not a resident of that voting precinct and may not
             62      register to vote in that voting precinct unless the person was a resident of that voting precinct
             63      before the confinement or incarceration.
             64          (ii) A person who is involuntarily confined or incarcerated in a jail or prison is resident
             65      of the voting precinct in which the person resided before the confinement or incarceration.
             66          (b) A person who has been convicted of a felony [whose] or a misdemeanor for an
             67      offense under this title may not register to vote or remain registered to vote unless the person's
             68      right to vote has [not] been restored as provided [by law may not register to vote] in Section
             69      20A-2-101.3 or 20A-2-101.5 .
             70          (c) A person whose right to vote has been restored, as provided in Section 20A-2-101.3
             71      or 20A-2-101.5 , is eligible to register to vote.
             72          (3) A person who is eligible to vote and who resides within the geographic boundaries
             73      of the entity in which the election is held may register to vote in a:
             74          (a) regular general election;
             75          (b) regular primary election;
             76          (c) municipal general election;
             77          (d) municipal primary election;
             78          (e) statewide special election;
             79          (f) local special election;
             80          (g) local district election; and
             81          (h) bond election.
             82          Section 3. Section 20A-2-101.3 is enacted to read:
             83          20A-2-101.3. Convicted misdemeanants -- Restoration of right to vote or hold
             84      office.
             85          (1) As used in this section, "misdemeanant" means a person convicted of a

             86      misdemeanor for an offense under this title.
             87          (2) A misdemeanant's right to register to vote and to vote in an election is restored
             88      when the misdemeanant:
             89          (a) is sentenced to probation; or
             90          (b) has successfully completed the term of incarceration to which the misdemeanant
             91      was sentenced.
             92          (3) A misdemeanant's right to hold elective office is restored when:
             93          (a) the misdemeanor for an offense under this title is expunged as provided in Title 77,
             94      Chapter 40, Utah Expungement Act; or
             95          (b) (i) five years have passed since the date of the misdemeanant's most recent
             96      misdemeanor conviction of an offense under this title;
             97          (ii) the misdemeanant has paid all court-ordered restitution and fines; and
             98          (iii) for each misdemeanor conviction that has not been expunged, the misdemeanant
             99      has:
             100          (A) completed probation in relation to the misdemeanor; or
             101          (B) successfully completed the term of incarceration associated with the misdemeanor.
             102          Section 4. Section 20A-3-202 is amended to read:
             103           20A-3-202. Challenges to a voter's eligibility -- Basis for challenge -- Procedures.
             104          (1) A person's right to vote may be challenged because:
             105          (a) the voter is not the person whose name appears in the official register or under
             106      which name the right to vote is claimed;
             107          (b) the voter is not a resident of Utah;
             108          (c) the voter is not a citizen of the United States;
             109          (d) the voter has not or will not have resided in Utah for 30 days immediately before
             110      the date of the election;
             111          (e) the voter's principal place of residence is not in the voting precinct claimed;
             112          (f) the voter's principal place of residence is not in the geographic boundaries of the
             113      election area;

             114          (g) the voter has already voted in the election;
             115          (h) the voter is not at least 18 years of age;
             116          (i) the voter has been convicted of a misdemeanor for an offense under this title and the
             117      voter's right to vote in an election has not been restored under Section 20A-2-101.3 ;
             118          [(i)] (j) the voter is a convicted felon and the voter's right to vote in an election has not
             119      been restored under Section 20A-2-101.5 ; or
             120          [(j)] (k) in a regular primary election or in the Western States Presidential Primary, the
             121      voter does not meet the political party affiliation requirements for the ballot the voter seeks to
             122      vote.
             123          (2) A person who challenges another person's right to vote at an election shall do so
             124      according to the procedures and requirements of:
             125          (a) Section 20A-3-202.3 , for challenges issued in writing more than 21 days before the
             126      day on which early voting commences; or
             127          (b) Section 20A-3-202.5 , for challenges issued in person at the time of voting.
             128          Section 5. Section 20A-9-203 is amended to read:
             129           20A-9-203. Declarations of candidacy -- Municipal general elections.
             130          (1) (a) (i) A person may become a candidate for any municipal office if:
             131          (A) the person is a registered voter; and
             132          (B) (I) the person has resided within the municipality in which that person seeks to
             133      hold elective office for the 12 consecutive months immediately before the date of the election;
             134      or
             135          (II) if the territory in which the person resides was annexed into the municipality, the
             136      person has resided within the annexed territory or the municipality the 12 consecutive months
             137      immediately before the date of the election.
             138          (ii) For purposes of determining whether a person meets the residency requirement of
             139      Subsection (1)(a)(i)(B)(I) in a municipality that was incorporated less than 12 months before
             140      the election, the municipality shall be considered to have been incorporated 12 months before
             141      the date of the election.

             142          (b) In addition to the requirements of Subsection (1)(a), each candidate for a municipal
             143      council position shall, if elected from a district, be a resident of the council district from which
             144      elected.
             145          (c) In accordance with Utah Constitution Article IV, Section 6, any mentally
             146      incompetent person, any person convicted of a felony, or any person convicted of treason or a
             147      crime against the elective franchise may not hold office in this state until the right to hold
             148      elective office is restored under Section 20A-2-101.3 or 20A-2-101.5 .
             149          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b) or (2)(c), each person seeking to
             150      become a candidate for a municipal office shall:
             151          (i) file a declaration of candidacy, in person with the city recorder or town clerk, during
             152      office hours and not later than the close of normal office hours, between July 1 and July 15 of
             153      any odd numbered year; and
             154          (ii) pay the filing fee, if one is required by municipal ordinance.
             155          (b) (i) As used in this Subsection (2)(b), "registered voters" means the number of
             156      persons registered to vote in the municipality on the January 1 of the municipal election year.
             157          (ii) A third, fourth, or fifth class city that used the convention system to nominate
             158      candidates in the last municipal election as authorized by Subsection 20A-9-404 (3) or used the
             159      process contained in this Subsection (2)(b) in the last municipal election or a town that used the
             160      convention system to nominate candidates in the last municipal election as authorized by
             161      Subsection 20A-9-404 (3) or used the process contained in this Subsection (2)(b) in the last
             162      municipal election may, by ordinance, require, in lieu of the convention system, that candidates
             163      for municipal office file a nominating petition signed by a percentage of registered voters at the
             164      same time that the candidate files a declaration of candidacy.
             165          (iii) The ordinance shall specify the number of signatures that the candidate must
             166      obtain on the nominating petition in order to become a candidate for municipal office under
             167      this Subsection (2), but that number may not exceed 5% of registered voters.
             168          (c) Any resident of a municipality may nominate a candidate for a municipal office by:
             169          (i) filing a nomination petition with the city recorder or town clerk during office hours,

             170      but not later than the close of normal office hours, between July 1 and July 15 of any
             171      odd-numbered year; and
             172          (ii) paying the filing fee, if one is required by municipal ordinance.
             173          (3) (a) Before the filing officer may accept any declaration of candidacy or nomination
             174      petition, the filing officer shall:
             175          (i) read to the prospective candidate or person filing the petition the constitutional and
             176      statutory qualification requirements for the office that the candidate is seeking; and
             177          (ii) require the candidate or person filing the petition to state whether or not the
             178      candidate meets those requirements.
             179          (b) If the prospective candidate does not meet the qualification requirements for the
             180      office, the filing officer may not accept the declaration of candidacy or nomination petition.
             181          (c) If it appears that the prospective candidate meets the requirements of candidacy, the
             182      filing officer shall:
             183          (i) inform the candidate that the candidate's name will appear on the ballot as it is
             184      written on the declaration of candidacy;
             185          (ii) provide the candidate with a copy of the current campaign financial disclosure laws
             186      for the office the candidate is seeking and inform the candidate that failure to comply will
             187      result in disqualification as a candidate and removal of the candidate's name from the ballot;
             188          (iii) provide the candidate with a copy of Section 20A-7-801 regarding the Statewide
             189      Electronic Voter Information Website Program and inform the candidate of the submission
             190      deadline under Subsection 20A-7-801 (4)(a);
             191          (iv) provide the candidate with a copy of the pledge of fair campaign practices
             192      described under Section 20A-9-206 and inform the candidate that:
             193          (A) signing the pledge is voluntary; and
             194          (B) signed pledges shall be filed with the filing officer; and
             195          (v) accept the declaration of candidacy or nomination petition.
             196          (d) If the candidate elects to sign the pledge of fair campaign practices, the filing
             197      officer shall:

             198          (i) accept the candidate's pledge; and
             199          (ii) if the candidate has filed for a partisan office, provide a certified copy of the
             200      candidate's pledge to the chair of the county or state political party of which the candidate is a
             201      member.
             202          (4) The declaration of candidacy shall substantially comply with the following form:
             203          "I, (print name) ____, being first sworn, say that I reside at ____ Street, City of ____,
             204      County of ____, state of Utah, Zip Code ____, Telephone Number (if any) ____; that I am a
             205      registered voter; and that I am a candidate for the office of ____ (stating the term). I will meet
             206      the legal qualifications required of candidates for this office. I will file all campaign financial
             207      disclosure reports as required by law and I understand that failure to do so will result in my
             208      disqualification as a candidate for this office and removal of my name from the ballot. I
             209      request that my name be printed upon the applicable official ballots. (Signed)
             210      _______________
             211          Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me by ____ on this
             212      __________(month\day\year).
             213          (Signed) _______________ (Clerk or other officer qualified to administer oath)"
             214          (5) (a) In all first and second class cities, and in third, fourth, or fifth class cities that
             215      have not passed the ordinance authorized by Subsection (2)(b) and in towns that have not
             216      passed the ordinance authorized by Subsection (2)(b), any registered voter may be nominated
             217      for municipal office by submitting a petition signed by:
             218          (i) 25 residents of the municipality who are at least 18 years old; or
             219          (ii) 20% of the residents of the municipality who are at least 18 years old.
             220          (b) (i) The petition shall substantially conform to the following form:

             222          The undersigned residents of (name of municipality) being 18 years old or older
             223      nominate (name of nominee) to the office of ____ for the (two or four-year term, whichever is
             224      applicable)."
             225          (ii) The remainder of the petition shall contain lines and columns for the signatures of

             226      persons signing the petition and their addresses and telephone numbers.
             227          (6) (a) In third, fourth, and fifth class cities that have passed the ordinance authorized
             228      by Subsection (2)(b), and in towns that have passed the ordinance authorized by Subsection
             229      (2)(b), any registered voter may be nominated for municipal office by submitting a petition
             230      signed by the same percentage of registered voters in the municipality as required by the
             231      ordinance passed under authority of Subsection (2)(b).
             232          (b) (i) The petition shall substantially conform to the following form:
             233          "NOMINATION PETITION
             234          The undersigned residents of (name of municipality) being 18 years old or older
             235      nominate (name of nominee) to the office of (name of office) for the (two or four-year term,
             236      whichever is applicable)."
             237          (ii) The remainder of the petition shall contain lines and columns for the signatures of
             238      persons signing the petition and their addresses and telephone numbers.
             239          (7) If the declaration of candidacy or nomination petition fails to state whether the
             240      nomination is for the two or four-year term, the clerk shall consider the nomination to be for
             241      the four-year term.
             242          (8) (a) The clerk shall verify with the county clerk that all candidates are registered
             243      voters.
             244          (b) Any candidate who is not registered to vote is disqualified and the clerk may not
             245      print the candidate's name on the ballot.
             246          (9) Immediately after expiration of the period for filing a declaration of candidacy, the
             247      clerk shall:
             248          (a) cause the names of the candidates as they will appear on the ballot to be published:
             249          (i) in at least two successive publications of a newspaper with general circulation in the
             250      municipality; and
             251          (ii) as required in Section 45-1-101 ; and
             252          (b) notify the lieutenant governor of the names of the candidates as they will appear on
             253      the ballot.

             254          (10) A declaration of candidacy or nomination petition filed under this section may not
             255      be amended after the expiration of the period for filing a declaration of candidacy.
             256          (11) (a) A declaration of candidacy or nomination petition filed under this section is
             257      valid unless a written objection is filed with the clerk within five days after the last day for
             258      filing.
             259          (b) If an objection is made, the clerk shall:
             260          (i) mail or personally deliver notice of the objection to the affected candidate
             261      immediately; and
             262          (ii) decide any objection within 48 hours after it is filed.
             263          (c) If the clerk sustains the objection, the candidate may correct the problem by
             264      amending the declaration or petition within three days after the objection is sustained or by
             265      filing a new declaration within three days after the objection is sustained.
             266          (d) (i) The clerk's decision upon objections to form is final.
             267          (ii) The clerk's decision upon substantive matters is reviewable by a district court if
             268      prompt application is made to the district court.
             269          (iii) The decision of the district court is final unless the Supreme Court, in the exercise
             270      of its discretion, agrees to review the lower court decision.
             271          (12) Any person who filed a declaration of candidacy and was nominated, and any
             272      person who was nominated by a nomination petition, may, any time up to 23 days before the
             273      election, withdraw the nomination by filing a written affidavit with the clerk.

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