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H.B. 143 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Steve Eliason

Senate Sponsor: Wayne L. Niederhauser

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Election Code by amending provisions regarding the order in
             10      which candidates' names appear on the ballot.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    requires an election officer to list candidates on the ballot for each office in an order
             14      provided in the master ballot position list established by the lieutenant governor
             15      through random selection;
             16          .    adds an item to the lieutenant governor's notice of election in a general election year
             17      to identify the order for listing candidates on the ballot for the current year and the
             18      next year;
             19          .    exempts the ballot order requirement for races with an unopposed candidate; and
             20          .    make technical changes.
             21      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          17B-1-306, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 197
             28          17D-3-309, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 360
             29          20A-5-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 388

             30          20A-6-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 202
             31          20A-6-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 326
             32          20A-6-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 202
             33          20A-6-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 225 and 315
             34          20A-6-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 202
             35          20A-6-401.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 202
             36          20A-6-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 202
             37          20A-9-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 225
             38          20A-14-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 315
             39      ENACTS:
             40          20A-6-305, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             42      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             43          Section 1. Section 17B-1-306 is amended to read:
             44           17B-1-306. Local district board -- Election procedures.
             45          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (11), each elected board member shall be selected
             46      as provided in this section.
             47          (2) (a) Each election of a local district board member shall be held:
             48          (i) at the same time as the municipal general election; and
             49          (ii) at polling places designated by the county clerk in consultation with the local
             50      district for each county in which the local district is located, which polling places shall coincide
             51      with municipal general election polling places whenever feasible.
             52          (b) (i) Subject to Subsections (4)(f) and (g), the number of polling places under
             53      Subsection (2)(a)(ii) in an election of board members of an irrigation district shall be one
             54      polling place per division of the district, designated by the district board.
             55          (ii) Each polling place designated by an irrigation district board under Subsection
             56      (2)(b)(i) shall coincide with a polling place designated by the county clerk under Subsection
             57      (2)(a)(ii).

             58          (3) (a) The clerk of each local district with a board member position to be filled at the
             59      next municipal general election shall provide notice of:
             60          (i) each elective position of the local district to be filled at the next municipal general
             61      election;
             62          (ii) the constitutional and statutory qualifications for each position; and
             63          (iii) the dates and times for filing a declaration of candidacy.
             64          (b) The notice required under Subsection (3)(a) shall be:
             65          (i) posted in at least five public places within the local district at least 10 days before
             66      the first day for filing a declaration of candidacy; or
             67          (ii) (A) published in a newspaper of general circulation within the local district at least
             68      three but no more than 10 days before the first day for filing a declaration of candidacy; and
             69          (B) published, in accordance with Section 45-1-101 , for 10 days before the first day for
             70      filing a declaration of candidacy.
             71          (4) (a) To become a candidate for an elective local district board position, the
             72      prospective candidate shall file a declaration of candidacy in person with the local district,
             73      during office hours and not later than the close of normal office hours between July 1 and July
             74      15 of any odd-numbered year.
             75          (b) When July 15 is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the filing time shall be extended
             76      until the close of normal office hours on the following regular business day.
             77          (c) (i) Before the filing officer may accept any declaration of candidacy, the filing
             78      officer shall:
             79          (A) read to the prospective candidate the constitutional and statutory qualification
             80      requirements for the office that the candidate is seeking; and
             81          (B) require the candidate to state whether or not the candidate meets those
             82      requirements.
             83          (ii) If the prospective candidate does not meet the qualification requirements for the
             84      office, the filing officer may not accept the declaration of candidacy.
             85          (iii) If it appears that the prospective candidate meets the requirements of candidacy,

             86      the filing officer shall accept the declaration of candidacy.
             87          (d) The declaration of candidacy shall substantially comply with the following form:
             88          "I, (print name) ____________, being first duly sworn, say that I reside at (Street)
             89      ____________, City of ________________, County of ________________, State of Utah,
             90      (Zip Code) ______, (Telephone Number, if any)____________; that I meet the qualifications
             91      for the office of board of trustees member for _______________________ (state the name of
             92      the local district); that I am a candidate for that office to be voted upon at the next election, and
             93      I hereby request that my name be printed upon the official ballot for that election.
             94          (Signed) _________________________________________
             95          Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me by ____________ on this ______ day
             96      of ____________, ____.
             97          (Signed) ________________________
             98              (Clerk or Notary Public)"
             99          (e) Each person wishing to become a valid write-in candidate for an elective local
             100      district board position is governed by Section 20A-9-601 .
             101          (f) If at least one person does not file a declaration of candidacy as required by this
             102      section, a person shall be appointed to fill that board position by following the procedures and
             103      requirements for appointment established in Section 20A-1-512 .
             104          (g) If only one candidate files a declaration of candidacy and there is no write-in
             105      candidate who complies with Section 20A-9-601 , the board need not hold an election for that
             106      position and may appoint the candidate to the board.
             107          (5) (a) A primary election may be held if:
             108          (i) the election is authorized by the local district board; and
             109          (ii) the number of candidates for a particular local board position or office exceeds
             110      twice the number of persons needed to fill that position or office.
             111          (b) The primary election shall be conducted:
             112          (i) on the same date as the municipal primary election, as provided for in Section
             113      20A-1-201.5 ; and

             114          (ii) according to the procedures for municipal primary elections provided under Title
             115      20A, Election Code.
             116          (6) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(c), the local district clerk shall certify the
             117      candidate names to the clerk of each county in which the local district is located no later than
             118      August 20 of the municipal election year.
             119          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(c)[,] and in accordance with Section
             120      20A-6-305 , the clerk of each county in which the local district is located shall coordinate the
             121      placement of the name of each candidate for local district office in the nonpartisan section of
             122      the municipal general election ballot with the municipal election clerk.
             123          (ii) If consolidation of the local district election ballot with the municipal general
             124      election ballot is not feasible, the county clerk shall provide for a separate local district election
             125      ballot to be administered by poll workers at polling locations designated under Subsection (2).
             126          (c) (i) Subsections (6)(a) and (b) do not apply to an election of a member of the board
             127      of an irrigation district established under Chapter 2a, Part 5, Irrigation District Act.
             128          (ii) (A) Subject to Subsection (6)(c)(ii)(B), the board of each irrigation district shall
             129      prescribe the form of the ballot for each board member election.
             130          (B) Each ballot for an election of an irrigation district board member shall be in a
             131      nonpartisan format.
             132          (C) The name of each candidate shall be placed on the ballot in the order specified
             133      under Section 20A-6-305 .
             134          (7) (a) Each voter at an election for a board of trustees member of a local district shall:
             135          (i) be a registered voter within the district, except for an election of:
             136          (A) an irrigation district board of trustees member; or
             137          (B) a basic local district board of trustees member who is elected by property owners;
             138      and
             139          (ii) meet the requirements to vote established by the district.
             140          (b) Each voter may vote for as many candidates as there are offices to be filled.
             141          (c) The candidates who receive the highest number of votes are elected.

             142          (8) Except as otherwise provided by this section, the election of local district board
             143      members is governed by Title 20A, Election Code.
             144          (9) (a) A person elected to serve on a local district board shall serve a four-year term,
             145      beginning at noon on the January 1 after the person's election.
             146          (b) A person elected shall be sworn in as soon as practical after January 1.
             147          (10) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (10)(b), each local district shall reimburse
             148      the county or municipality holding an election under this section for the costs of the election
             149      attributable to that local district.
             150          (b) Each irrigation district shall bear its own costs of each election it holds under this
             151      section.
             152          (11) This section does not apply to an improvement district that provides electric or gas
             153      service.
             154          (12) The provisions of Title 20A, Chapter 3, Part 6, Early Voting, do not apply to an
             155      election under this section.
             156          Section 2. Section 17D-3-309 is amended to read:
             157           17D-3-309. Election of board of supervisors members -- Ballots -- Commission
             158      duties regarding elections -- Election expenses.
             159          (1) The commission and department shall conduct by mail each election of members of
             160      the board of supervisors of a conservation district.
             161          (2) (a) No later than five days before the date set for the election of board of
             162      supervisors members, the commission shall mail a ballot to each person listed on the
             163      supervisor's election mailing list under Section 17D-3-307 .
             164          (b) Each ballot shall:
             165          (i) contain:
             166          (A) the names of all nominees for board of supervisors members, listed in [alphabetical
             167      order according to last name] the order specified under Section 20A-6-305;
             168          (B) a place for the voter to indicate the person or persons for whom the voter is voting;
             169      and

             170          (C) instructions to the voter on how to mark the ballot to indicate the voter's vote; and
             171          (ii) specify the date after which the ballot will not be accepted for purposes of the
             172      election.
             173          (3) The candidates equal in number to the number of board of supervisors positions
             174      available and receiving the highest number of votes are elected as members of the board of
             175      supervisors and take office on the date set by the commission for their terms to begin.
             176          (4) The commission shall:
             177          (a) determine all questions of voter eligibility;
             178          (b) certify the count and tally of ballots and votes cast; and
             179          (c) declare and certify each board of supervisors member elected.
             180          (5) The department shall pay all expenses incident to an election of board of
             181      supervisors members.
             182          Section 3. Section 20A-5-101 is amended to read:
             183           20A-5-101. Notice of election.
             184          (1) On or before February 1 in each regular general election year, the lieutenant
             185      governor shall prepare and transmit a written notice to each county clerk that:
             186          (a) designates the offices to be filled at the regular general election;
             187          (b) identifies the dates for filing a declaration of candidacy for those offices; [and]
             188          (c) includes the master ballot position list for the current year and the next year as
             189      established under Section 20A-6-305 ; and
             190          [(c)] (d) contains a description of any ballot propositions to be decided by the voters
             191      that have qualified for the ballot as of that date.
             192          (2) (a) No later than February 15, each county clerk shall:
             193          (i) publish a notice:
             194          (A) once in a newspaper published in that county; and
             195          (B) as required in Section 45-1-101 ; or
             196          (ii) (A) cause a copy of the notice to be posted in a conspicuous place most likely to
             197      give notice of the election to the voters in each voting precinct within the county; and

             198          (B) prepare an affidavit of that posting, showing a copy of the notice and the places
             199      where the notice was posted.
             200          (b) The notice required by Subsection (2)(a) shall:
             201          (i) designate the offices to be voted on in that election in that county, other than local
             202      district offices; and
             203          (ii) identify the dates for filing a declaration of candidacy for those offices.
             204          (3) Before each election, the election officer shall give written or printed notice of:
             205          (a) the date and place of election;
             206          (b) the hours during which the polls will be open;
             207          (c) the polling places for each voting precinct; and
             208          (d) the qualifications for persons to vote in the election.
             209          (4) To provide the notice required by Subsection (3), the election officer shall publish
             210      the notice at least two days before the election:
             211          (a) in a newspaper of general circulation common to the area or in which the election is
             212      being held; and
             213          (b) as required in Section 45-1-101 .
             214          Section 4. Section 20A-6-301 is amended to read:
             215           20A-6-301. Paper ballots -- Regular general election.
             216          (1) Each election officer shall ensure that:
             217          (a) all paper ballots furnished for use at the regular general election contain no captions
             218      or other endorsements except as provided in this section;
             219          (b) (i) the paper ballot contains a ballot stub at least one inch wide, placed across the
             220      top of the ballot, and divided from the rest of ballot by a perforated line;
             221          (ii) the ballot number and the words "Poll Worker's Initial ____" are printed on the
             222      stub; and
             223          (iii) ballot stubs are numbered consecutively;
             224          (c) immediately below the perforated ballot stub, the following endorsements are
             225      printed in 18 point bold type:

             226          (i) "Official Ballot for ____ County, Utah";
             227          (ii) the date of the election; and
             228          (iii) a facsimile of the signature of the county clerk and the words "county clerk";
             229          (d) each ticket is placed in a separate column on the ballot in the order [determined by
             230      the election officer] specified under Section 20A-6-305 with the party emblem, followed by the
             231      party name, at the head of the column;
             232          (e) the party name or title is printed in capital letters not less than [1/4] one-fourth of an
             233      inch high;
             234          (f) a circle [1/2] one-half inch in diameter is printed immediately below the party name
             235      or title, and the top of the circle is placed not less than two inches below the perforated line;
             236          (g) unaffiliated candidates and candidates not affiliated with a registered political party
             237      are listed in one column in the order specified under Section 20A-6-305 , without a party circle,
             238      with the following instructions printed at the head of the column: "All candidates not affiliated
             239      with a political party are listed below. They are to be considered with all offices and
             240      candidates listed to the left. Only one vote is allowed for each office.";
             241          (h) the columns containing the lists of candidates, including the party name and device,
             242      are separated by heavy parallel lines;
             243          (i) the offices to be filled are plainly printed immediately above the names of the
             244      candidates for those offices;
             245          (j) the names of candidates are printed in capital letters, not less than [1/8] one-eighth
             246      nor more than [1/4] one-fourth of an inch high in heavy-faced type not smaller than 10 point,
             247      between lines or rules [3/8] three-eighths of an inch apart;
             248          (k) a square with sides measuring not less than [1/4] one-fourth of an inch in length is
             249      printed immediately adjacent to the name of each candidate;
             250          (l) for the offices of president and vice president and governor and lieutenant governor,
             251      one square with sides measuring not less than [1/4] one-fourth of an inch in length is printed on
             252      the same side as but opposite a double bracket enclosing the names of the two candidates;
             253          (m) immediately adjacent to the unaffiliated ticket on the ballot, the ballot contains a

             254      write-in column long enough to contain as many written names of candidates as there are
             255      persons to be elected with:
             256          (i) for each office on the ballot, the office to be filled plainly printed immediately
             257      above:
             258          (A) a blank, horizontal line to enable the entry of a valid write-in candidate and a
             259      square with sides measuring not less than [1/4] one-fourth of an inch in length printed
             260      immediately adjacent to the blank horizontal line; or
             261          (B) for the offices of president and vice president and governor and lieutenant
             262      governor, two blank horizontal lines, one placed above the other, to enable the entry of two
             263      valid write-in candidates, and one square with sides measuring not less than [1/4] one-fourth of
             264      an inch in length printed on the same side as but opposite a double bracket enclosing the two
             265      blank horizontal lines; and
             266          (ii) the words "Write-In Voting Column" printed at the head of the column without a
             267      [1/2] one-half inch circle;
             268          (n) when required, the ballot includes a nonpartisan ticket placed immediately adjacent
             269      to the write-in ticket with the word "NONPARTISAN" in reverse type in an 18 point solid rule
             270      running vertically the full length of the nonpartisan ballot copy; and
             271          (o) constitutional amendments or other questions submitted to the vote of the people,
             272      are printed on the ballot after the list of candidates.
             273          (2) Each election officer shall ensure that:
             274          (a) each person nominated by any political party or group of petitioners is placed on the
             275      ballot:
             276          (i) under the party name and emblem, if any; or
             277          (ii) under the title of the party or group as designated by them in their certificates of
             278      nomination or petition, or, if none is designated, then under some suitable title;
             279          (b) the names of all unaffiliated candidates that qualify as required in Title 20A,
             280      Chapter 9, Part 5, Candidates not Affiliated with a Party, are placed on the ballot;
             281          (c) the names of the candidates for president and vice president are used on the ballot

             282      instead of the names of the presidential electors; and
             283          (d) the ballots contain no other names.
             284          (3) When the ballot contains a nonpartisan section, the election officer shall ensure
             285      that:
             286          (a) the designation of the office to be filled in the election and the number of
             287      candidates to be elected are printed in type not smaller than eight point;
             288          (b) the words designating the office are printed flush with the left-hand margin;
             289          (c) the words, "Vote for one" or "Vote for two or more" extend to the extreme right of
             290      the column;
             291          (d) the nonpartisan candidates are grouped according to the office for which they are
             292      candidates;
             293          (e) the names in each group are placed in [alphabetical order] the order specified under
             294      Section 20A-6-305 with the surnames last[, except for candidates for the State Board of
             295      Education and local school boards]; and
             296          [(f) the names of candidates for the State Board of Education are placed on the ballot as
             297      certified by the lieutenant governor under Section 20A-14-105 ;]
             298          [(g) if candidates for membership on a local board of education were selected in a
             299      primary election, the name of the candidate who received the most votes in the primary election
             300      is listed first on the ballot;]
             301          [(h) if candidates for membership on a local board of education were not selected in the
             302      primary election, the names of the candidates are listed on the ballot in the order determined by
             303      a lottery conducted by the county clerk; and]
             304          [(i)] (f) each group is preceded by the designation of the office for which the candidates
             305      seek election, and the words, "Vote for one" or "Vote for two or more," according to the
             306      number to be elected.
             307          (4) Each election officer shall ensure that:
             308          (a) proposed amendments to the Utah Constitution are listed on the ballot in
             309      accordance with Section 20A-6-107 ;

             310          (b) ballot propositions submitted to the voters are listed on the ballot in accordance
             311      with Section 20A-6-107 ; and
             312          (c) bond propositions that have qualified for the ballot are listed on the ballot under the
             313      title assigned to each bond proposition under Section 11-14-206 .
             314          Section 5. Section 20A-6-302 is amended to read:
             315           20A-6-302. Paper ballots -- Placement of candidates' names.
             316          (1) Each election officer shall ensure, for paper ballots in regular general elections,
             317      that:
             318          [(a) except for candidates for state school board and local school boards:]
             319          [(i)] (a) each candidate is listed by party; [and]
             320          [(ii)] (b) candidates' surnames are listed in alphabetical order on the ballots when two
             321      or more candidates' names are required to be listed on a ticket under the title of an office; and
             322          [(b)] (c) the names of candidates [for the State Board of Education] are placed on the
             323      ballot [as certified by the lieutenant governor under Section 20A-14-105 ;] in the order specified
             324      under Section 20A-6-305 .
             325          [(c) if candidates for membership on a local board of education were selected in a
             326      regular primary election, the name of the candidate who received the most votes in the regular
             327      primary election is listed first on the ballot; and]
             328          [(d) if candidates for membership on a local board of education were not selected in the
             329      regular primary election, the names of the candidates are listed on the ballot in the order
             330      determined by a lottery conducted by the county clerk.]
             331          (2) (a) The election officer may not allow the name of a candidate who dies or
             332      withdraws before election day to be printed upon the ballots.
             333          (b) If the ballots have already been printed, the election officer:
             334          (i) shall, if possible, cancel the name of the dead or withdrawn candidate by drawing a
             335      line through the candidate's name before the ballots are delivered to voters; and
             336          (ii) may not count any votes for that dead or withdrawn candidate.
             337          (3) (a) When there is only one candidate for county attorney at the regular general

             338      election in counties that have three or fewer registered voters of the county who are licensed
             339      active members in good standing of the Utah State Bar, the county clerk shall cause that
             340      candidate's name and party affiliation, if any, to be placed on a separate section of the ballot
             341      with the following question: "Shall (name of candidate) be elected to the office of county
             342      attorney? Yes ____ No ____."
             343          (b) If the number of "Yes" votes exceeds the number of "No" votes, the candidate is
             344      elected to the office of county attorney.
             345          (c) If the number of "No" votes exceeds the number of "Yes" votes, the candidate is not
             346      elected and may not take office, nor may he continue in the office past the end of the term
             347      resulting from any prior election or appointment.
             348          (d) When the name of only one candidate for county attorney is printed on the ballot
             349      under authority of this Subsection (3), the county clerk may not count any write-in votes
             350      received for the office of county attorney.
             351          (e) If no qualified person files for the office of county attorney or if the candidate is not
             352      elected by the voters, the county legislative body shall appoint the county attorney as provided
             353      in Section 20A-1-509.2 .
             354          (f) If the candidate whose name would, except for this Subsection (3)(f), be placed on
             355      the ballot under Subsection (3)(a) has been elected on a ballot under Subsection (3)(a) to the
             356      two consecutive terms immediately preceding the term for which the candidate is seeking
             357      election, Subsection (3)(a) shall not apply and that candidate shall be considered to be an
             358      unopposed candidate the same as any other unopposed candidate for another office, unless a
             359      petition is filed with the county clerk before the date of that year's primary election that:
             360          (i) requests the procedure set forth in Subsection (3)(a) to be followed; and
             361          (ii) contains the signatures of registered voters in the county representing in number at
             362      least 25% of all votes cast in the county for all candidates for governor at the last election at
             363      which a governor was elected.
             364          (4) (a) When there is only one candidate for district attorney at the regular general
             365      election in a prosecution district that has three or fewer registered voters of the district who are

             366      licensed active members in good standing of the Utah State Bar, the county clerk shall cause
             367      that candidate's name and party affiliation, if any, to be placed on a separate section of the
             368      ballot with the following question: "Shall (name of candidate) be elected to the office of district
             369      attorney? Yes ____ No ____."
             370          (b) If the number of "Yes" votes exceeds the number of "No" votes, the candidate is
             371      elected to the office of district attorney.
             372          (c) If the number of "No" votes exceeds the number of "Yes" votes, the candidate is not
             373      elected and may not take office, nor may he continue in the office past the end of the term
             374      resulting from any prior election or appointment.
             375          (d) When the name of only one candidate for district attorney is printed on the ballot
             376      under authority of this Subsection (4), the county clerk may not count any write-in votes
             377      received for the office of district attorney.
             378          (e) If no qualified person files for the office of district attorney, or if the only candidate
             379      is not elected by the voters under this subsection, the county legislative body shall appoint a
             380      new district attorney for a four-year term as provided in Section 20A-1-509.2 .
             381          (f) If the candidate whose name would, except for this Subsection (4)(f), be placed on
             382      the ballot under Subsection (4)(a) has been elected on a ballot under Subsection (4)(a) to the
             383      two consecutive terms immediately preceding the term for which the candidate is seeking
             384      election, Subsection (4)(a) shall not apply and that candidate shall be considered to be an
             385      unopposed candidate the same as any other unopposed candidate for another office, unless a
             386      petition is filed with the county clerk before the date of that year's primary election that:
             387          (i) requests the procedure set forth in Subsection (4)(a) to be followed; and
             388          (ii) contains the signatures of registered voters in the county representing in number at
             389      least 25% of all votes cast in the county for all candidates for governor at the last election at
             390      which a governor was elected.
             391          Section 6. Section 20A-6-303 is amended to read:
             392           20A-6-303. Regular general election -- Ballot sheets.
             393          (1) Each election officer shall ensure that:

             394          (a) copy on the ballot sheets or ballot labels, as applicable, are arranged in
             395      approximately the same order as paper ballots;
             396          (b) the titles of offices and the names of candidates are printed in vertical columns or in
             397      a series of separate pages;
             398          (c) the ballot sheet or any pages used for the ballot label are of sufficient number to
             399      include, after the list of candidates:
             400          (i) the names of candidates for judicial offices and any other nonpartisan offices; and
             401          (ii) any ballot propositions submitted to the voters for their approval or rejection;
             402          (d) (i) a voting square or position is included where the voter may record a straight
             403      party ticket vote for all the candidates of one party by one mark or punch; and
             404          (ii) the name of each political party listed in the straight party selection area includes
             405      the word "party" at the end of the party's name;
             406          (e) the tickets are printed in the order [determined by the county clerk] specified under
             407      Section 20A-6-305 ;
             408          (f) the office titles are printed immediately adjacent to the names of candidates so as to
             409      indicate clearly the candidates for each office and the number to be elected;
             410          (g) the party designation of each candidate is printed immediately adjacent to the
             411      candidate's name; and
             412          (h) (i) if possible, all candidates for one office are grouped in one column or upon one
             413      page;
             414          (ii) if all candidates for one office cannot be listed in one column or grouped on one
             415      page:
             416          (A) the ballot sheet or ballot label shall be clearly marked to indicate that the list of
             417      candidates is continued on the following column or page; and
             418          (B) approximately the same number of names shall be printed in each column or on
             419      each page.
             420          (2) Each election officer shall ensure that:
             421          (a) proposed amendments to the Utah Constitution are listed in accordance with

             422      Section 20A-6-107 ;
             423          (b) ballot propositions submitted to the voters are listed in accordance with Section
             424      20A-6-107 ; and
             425          (c) bond propositions that have qualified for the ballot are listed under the title
             426      assigned to each bond proposition under Section 11-14-206 .
             427          Section 7. Section 20A-6-304 is amended to read:
             428           20A-6-304. Regular general election -- Electronic ballots.
             429          (1) Each election officer shall ensure that:
             430          (a) the format and content of the electronic ballot is arranged in approximately the
             431      same order as paper ballots;
             432          (b) the titles of offices and the names of candidates are displayed in vertical columns or
             433      in a series of separate display screens;
             434          (c) the electronic ballot is of sufficient length to include, after the list of candidates:
             435          (i) the names of candidates for judicial offices and any other nonpartisan offices; and
             436          (ii) any ballot propositions submitted to the voters for their approval or rejection;
             437          (d) (i) a voting square or position is included where the voter may record a straight
             438      party ticket vote for all the candidates of one party by making a single selection; and
             439          (ii) the name of each political party listed in the straight party selection area includes
             440      the word "party" at the end of the party's name;
             441          (e) the tickets are displayed in the order [determined by the county clerk] specified
             442      under Section 20A-6-305 ;
             443          (f) the office titles are displayed above or at the side of the names of candidates so as to
             444      indicate clearly the candidates for each office and the number to be elected;
             445          (g) the party designation of each candidate is displayed adjacent to the candidate's
             446      name; and
             447          (h) if possible, all candidates for one office are grouped in one column or upon one
             448      display screen.
             449          (2) Each election officer shall ensure that:

             450          (a) proposed amendments to the Utah Constitution are displayed in accordance with
             451      Section 20A-6-107 ;
             452          (b) ballot propositions submitted to the voters are displayed in accordance with Section
             453      20A-6-107 ; and
             454          (c) bond propositions that have qualified for the ballot are displayed under the title
             455      assigned to each bond proposition under Section 11-14-206 .
             456          Section 8. Section 20A-6-305 is enacted to read:
             457          20A-6-305. Master ballot position list -- Random selection -- Procedures --
             458      Publication -- Surname -- Exemptions.
             459          (1) As used in this section, "master ballot position list" means an official list of the 26
             460      characters in the alphabet listed in random order and numbered from one to 26 as provided
             461      under Subsection (2).
             462          (2) The lieutenant governor shall:
             463          (a) at the beginning of each general election year conduct a random selection to
             464      establish the master ballot position list for the current year and the next year in accordance with
             465      procedures established under Subsection (2)(c);
             466          (b) publish the master ballot position lists on the lieutenant governor's election website
             467      on or before February 1 in each regular general election year; and
             468          (c) establish written procedures for:
             469          (i) the election official to use the master ballot position list; and
             470          (ii) the lieutenant governor in:
             471          (A) conducting the random selection in a fair manner; and
             472          (B) providing a record of the random selection process used.
             473          (3) In accordance with the written procedures established under Subsection (2)(c)(i), an
             474      election officer shall use the master ballot position list for the current year to determine the
             475      order in which to list candidates on the ballot for an election held during the year.
             476          (4) To determine the order in which to list candidates on the ballot required under
             477      Subsection (3), the election officer shall apply the randomized alphabet using:

             478          (a) the candidate's surname;
             479          (b) for candidates with a surname that has the same spelling, the candidate's given
             480      name;
             481          (c) the surname of the president and the surname of the governor for an election for the
             482      offices of president and vice president and governor and lieutenant governor; and
             483          (d) if the ballot provides for a ticket or a straight party ticket, the registered political
             484      party name.
             485          (5) This section does not apply to:
             486          (a) an election for an office for which only one candidate is listed on the ballot; or
             487          (b) a judicial retention election under Section 20A-12-201 .
             488          Section 9. Section 20A-6-401 is amended to read:
             489           20A-6-401. Ballots for municipal primary elections.
             490          (1) Each election officer shall ensure that:
             491          (a) (i) the ballot contains a perforated ballot stub at least one inch wide, placed across
             492      the top of the ballot;
             493          (ii) the ballot number and the words "Poll Worker's Initial ____" are printed on the
             494      stub; and
             495          (iii) ballot stubs are numbered consecutively;
             496          (b) immediately below the perforated ballot stub, the following endorsements are
             497      printed in 18 point bold type:
             498          (i) "Official Primary Ballot for ____ (City or Town), Utah";
             499          (ii) the date of the election; and
             500          (iii) a facsimile of the signature of the election officer and the election officer's title in
             501      eight point type;
             502          (c) immediately below the election officer's title, two one-point parallel horizontal
             503      rules separate endorsements from the rest of the ballot;
             504          (d) immediately below the horizontal rules, an "Instructions to Voters" section is
             505      printed in 10 point bold type that states: "To vote for a candidate, place a cross (X) in the

             506      square following the name(s) of the person(s) you favor as the candidate(s) for each respective
             507      office." followed by two one-point parallel rules;
             508          (e) after the rules, the designation of the office for which the candidates seek
             509      nomination is printed flush with the left-hand margin and the words: "Vote for one" or "Vote
             510      for two or more" are printed to extend to the extreme right of the column in 10 point bold type,
             511      followed by a hair-line rule;
             512          (f) after the hair-line rule, the names of the candidates are printed in heavy face type
             513      between lines or rules [3/8] three-eighths inch apart, [alphabetically according to surnames] in
             514      the order specified under Section 20A-6-305 with surnames last and grouped according to the
             515      office that they seek;
             516          (g) a square with sides not less than [1/4] one-fourth inch long is printed immediately
             517      adjacent to the names of the candidates; and
             518          (h) the candidate groups are separated from each other by one light and one heavy line
             519      or rule.
             520          (2) A municipal primary ballot may not contain any space for write-in votes.
             521          Section 10. Section 20A-6-401.1 is amended to read:
             522           20A-6-401.1. Ballots for partisan municipal primary elections.
             523          (1) If a municipality is using paper ballots, each election officer shall ensure that:
             524          (a) all paper ballots furnished for use at the regular primary election:
             525          (i) are perforated to separate the candidates of one political party from those of the
             526      other political parties so that the voter may separate the part of the ballot containing the names
             527      of the political party of the voter's choice from the rest of the ballot;
             528          (ii) have sides that are perforated so that the outside sections of the ballot, when
             529      detached, are similar in appearance to the inside sections of the ballot when detached; and
             530          (iii) contain no captions or other endorsements except as provided in this section;
             531          (b) the names of all candidates from each party are listed on the same ballot in one or
             532      more columns under their party name and emblem;
             533          (c) the political parties are printed on the ballot in the order [determined by the county

             534      clerk] specified under Section 20A-6-305 ;
             535          (d) (i) the ballot contains a ballot stub that is at least one inch wide, placed across the
             536      top of the ballot;
             537          (ii) the ballot number and the words "Poll Worker's Initials ____" are printed on the
             538      stub; and
             539          (iii) ballot stubs are numbered consecutively;
             540          (e) immediately below the perforated ballot stub, the following endorsements are
             541      printed in 18 point bold type:
             542          (i) "Official Primary Ballot for ____ County, Utah";
             543          (ii) the date of the election; and
             544          (iii) a facsimile of the signature of the county clerk and the words "county clerk";
             545          (f) after the facsimile signature, the political party emblem and the name of the
             546      political party are printed;
             547          (g) after the party name and emblem, the ballot contains the following printed in not
             548      smaller than 10 point bold face, double leaded type: "Instructions to Voters: To vote for a
             549      candidate, place a cross (X) in the square immediately adjacent to the name of the person for
             550      whom you wish to vote and in no other place. Do not vote for any candidate listed under more
             551      than one party or group designation.", followed by two one-point parallel horizontal rules;
             552          (h) after the rules, the designation of the office for which the candidates seek
             553      nomination is printed flush with the left-hand margin and the words: "Vote for one" or "Vote
             554      for two or more" are printed to extend to the extreme right of the column in 10 point bold type,
             555      followed by a hair-line rule;
             556          (i) after the hair-line rule, the names of the candidates are printed in heavy face type
             557      between lines or rules [3/8] three-eighths inch apart, [alphabetically according to surnames] in
             558      the order specified under Section 20A-6-305 with surnames last and grouped according to the
             559      office that they seek;
             560          (j) a square with sides not less than [1/4] one-fourth inch long is printed immediately
             561      adjacent to the names of the candidates;

             562          (k) the candidate groups are separated from each other by one light and one heavy line
             563      or rule; and
             564          (l) the nonpartisan candidates are listed as follows:
             565          (i) immediately below the listing of the party candidates, the word "NONPARTISAN"
             566      is printed in reverse type in an 18 point solid rule that extends the full width of the type copy of
             567      the party listing above; and
             568          (ii) below "NONPARTISAN," the office, the number of candidates to vote for, the
             569      candidate's name, the voting square, and any other necessary information is printed in the same
             570      style and manner as for party candidates.
             571          (2) (a) If a municipality is using ballot sheets or electronic ballots, the election officer
             572      may require that:
             573          (i) the ballot, or ballot label in the case of a punch card ballot, for a regular primary
             574      election consist of several groups of pages or display screens, so that a separate group can be
             575      used to list the names of candidates seeking nomination of each qualified political party, with
             576      additional groups used to list candidates for other nonpartisan offices;
             577          (ii) the separate groups of pages or display screens are identified by color or other
             578      suitable means; and
             579          (iii) the ballot or ballot label contain instructions that direct the voter how to vote the
             580      ballot.
             581          (b) If a municipality is using ballot sheets or electronic ballots, each election officer
             582      shall:
             583          (i) for municipalities using punch card ballots, ensure that the ballot label provides a
             584      means for the voter to designate the political party in whose primary the voter is voting; and
             585          (ii) determine the order for printing the names of the political parties on the ballot label
             586      in accordance with Section 20A-6-305 .
             587          Section 11. Section 20A-6-402 is amended to read:
             588           20A-6-402. Ballots for municipal general elections.
             589          (1) When using a paper ballot at municipal general elections, each election officer shall

             590      ensure that:
             591          (a) the names of the two candidates who received the highest number of votes for
             592      mayor in the municipal primary are placed upon the ballot;
             593          (b) if no municipal primary election was held, the names of the candidates who filed
             594      declarations of candidacy for municipal offices are placed upon the ballot;
             595          (c) for other offices:
             596          (i) twice the number of candidates as there are positions to be filled are certified as
             597      eligible for election in the municipal general election from those candidates who received the
             598      greater number of votes in the primary election; and
             599          (ii) the names of those candidates are placed upon the municipal general election
             600      ballot;
             601          (d) the names of the candidates are placed on the ballot in the order specified under
             602      Section 20A-6-305 ;
             603          [(d)] (e) a write-in area is placed upon the ballot that contains, for each office:
             604          (i) a blank, horizontal line to enable the entry of a valid write-in candidate; and
             605          (ii) a square or other conforming area that is adjacent to or opposite the blank
             606      horizontal line to enable the voter to indicate the voter's vote;
             607          [(e)] (f) ballot propositions that have qualified for the ballot, including propositions
             608      submitted to the voters by the municipality, municipal initiatives, and municipal referenda, are
             609      listed on the ballot in accordance with Section 20A-6-107 ; and
             610          [(f)] (g) bond propositions that have qualified for the ballot are listed on the ballot
             611      under the title assigned to each bond proposition under Section 11-14-206 .
             612          (2) When using a punch card ballot at municipal general elections, each election officer
             613      shall ensure that:
             614          (a) (i) the ballot contains a perforated ballot stub at least one inch wide, placed across
             615      the top of the ballot;
             616          (ii) the ballot number and the words "Poll Worker's Initial ____" are printed on the
             617      stub; and

             618          (iii) ballot stubs are numbered consecutively;
             619          (b) immediately below the perforated ballot stub, the following endorsements are
             620      printed in 18 point bold type:
             621          (i) "Official Ballot for ____ (City or Town), Utah";
             622          (ii) the date of the election; and
             623          (iii) a facsimile of the signature of the election officer and the election officer's title in
             624      eight point type;
             625          (c) immediately below the election officer's title, two one-point parallel horizontal
             626      rules separate endorsements from the rest of the ballot;
             627          (d) immediately below the horizontal rules, an "Instructions to Voters" section is
             628      printed in 10 point bold type that states: "To vote for a candidate, place a cross (X) in the
             629      square following the name(s) of the person(s) you favor as the candidate(s) for each respective
             630      office." followed by two one-point parallel rules;
             631          (e) after the rules, the designation of the office for which the candidates seek election is
             632      printed flush with the left-hand margin and the words: "Vote for one" or "Vote for two or
             633      more" are printed to extend to the extreme right of the column in 10 point bold type, followed
             634      by a hair-line rule;
             635          (f) after the hair-line rule, the names of the candidates are printed in heavy face type
             636      between lines or rules [3/8] three-eighths inch apart, [alphabetically according to surnames] in
             637      the order specified under Section 20A-6-305 with surnames last and grouped according to the
             638      office that they seek;
             639          (g) a square with sides not less than [1/4] one-fourth inch long is printed immediately
             640      adjacent to the names of the candidates;
             641          (h) following the name of the last candidate for each office, the ballot contains:
             642          (i) a write-in space for each elective office where the voter may enter the name of a
             643      valid write-in candidate; and
             644          (ii) a square printed immediately adjacent to the write-in space or line where the voter
             645      may vote for the valid write-in candidate; and

             646          (i) the candidate groups are separated from each other by one light and one heavy line
             647      or rule.
             648          (3) When using a ballot sheet other than a punch card ballot at municipal general
             649      elections, each election officer shall ensure that:
             650          (a) (i) the ballot contains a perforated ballot stub placed across the top of the ballot;
             651          (ii) the ballot number and the words "Poll Worker's Initial ____" are printed on the
             652      stub; and
             653          (iii) ballot stubs are numbered consecutively;
             654          (b) immediately below the perforated ballot stub, the following endorsements are
             655      printed:
             656          (i) "Official Ballot for ____ (City or Town), Utah";
             657          (ii) the date of the election; and
             658          (iii) a facsimile of the signature of the election officer and the election officer's title;
             659          (c) immediately below the election officer's title, a distinct border or line separates
             660      endorsements from the rest of the ballot;
             661          (d) immediately below the border or line, an "Instructions to Voters" section is printed
             662      that states: "To vote for a candidate, select the name(s) of the person(s) you favor as the
             663      candidate(s) for each respective office." followed by another border or line;
             664          (e) after the border or line, the designation of the office for which the candidates seek
             665      election is printed and the words: "Vote for one" or "Vote for two or more" are printed,
             666      followed by a line or border;
             667          (f) after the line or border, the names of the candidates are printed [alphabetically
             668      according to surnames] in the order specified under Section 20A-6-305 with surnames last and
             669      grouped according to the office that they seek;
             670          (g) an oval is printed adjacent to the names of the candidates;
             671          (h) following the name of the last candidate for each office, the ballot contains:
             672          (i) a write-in space or blank line for each elective office where the voter may enter the
             673      name of a valid write-in candidate; and

             674          (ii) an oval is printed adjacent to the write-in space or line where the voter may vote for
             675      the valid write-in candidate; and
             676          (i) the candidate groups are separated from each other by a line or border.
             677          (4) When using an electronic ballot at municipal general elections, each election officer
             678      shall ensure that:
             679          (a) the following endorsements are displayed on the first screen of the ballot:
             680          (i) "Official Ballot for ____ (City or Town), Utah";
             681          (ii) the date of the election; and
             682          (iii) a facsimile of the signature of the election officer and the election officer's title;
             683          (b) immediately below the election officer's title, a distinct border or line separates the
             684      endorsements from the rest of the ballot;
             685          (c) immediately below the border or line, an "Instructions to Voters" section is
             686      displayed that states: "To vote for a candidate, select the name(s) of the person(s) you favor as
             687      the candidate(s) for each respective office." followed by another border or line;
             688          (d) after the border or line, the designation of the office for which the candidates seek
             689      election is displayed, and the words: "Vote for one" or "Vote for two or more" are displayed,
             690      followed by a line or border;
             691          (e) after the line or border, the names of the candidates are displayed [alphabetically
             692      according to surnames] in the order specified under Section 20A-6-305 with surnames last and
             693      grouped according to the office that they seek;
             694          (f) a voting square or position is located adjacent to the name of each candidate;
             695          (g) following the name of the last candidate for each office, the ballot contains a
             696      write-in space where the voter may enter the name of and vote for a valid write-in candidate for
             697      the office; and
             698          (h) the candidate groups are separated from each other by a line or border.
             699          (5) When a municipality has chosen to nominate candidates by convention or
             700      committee, the election officer shall ensure that the party name is included with the candidate's
             701      name on the ballot.

             702          Section 12. Section 20A-9-403 is amended to read:
             703           20A-9-403. Regular primary elections.
             704          (1) (a) The fourth Tuesday of June of each even-numbered year is designated as regular
             705      primary election day.
             706          (b) Each registered political party that chooses to use the primary election process to
             707      nominate some or all of its candidates shall comply with the requirements of this section.
             708          (2) (a) As a condition for using the state's election system, each registered political
             709      party that wishes to participate in the primary election shall:
             710          (i) declare their intent to participate in the primary election;
             711          (ii) identify one or more registered political parties whose members may vote for the
             712      registered political party's candidates and whether or not persons identified as unaffiliated with
             713      a political party may vote for the registered political party's candidates; and
             714          (iii) certify that information to the lieutenant governor no later than 5 p.m. on March 1
             715      of each even-numbered year.
             716          (b) As a condition for using the state's election system, each registered political party
             717      that wishes to participate in the primary election shall:
             718          (i) certify the name and office of all of the registered political party's candidates to the
             719      lieutenant governor no later than 5 p.m. on May 13 of each even-numbered year; and
             720          (ii) certify the name and office of each of its county candidates to the county clerks by
             721      5 p.m. on May 13 of each even-numbered year.
             722          (c) By 5 p.m. on May 16 of each even-numbered year, the lieutenant governor shall
             723      send the county clerks a certified list of the names of all statewide or multicounty candidates
             724      that must be printed on the primary ballot and the order the candidates are to appear on the
             725      ballot in accordance with Section 20A-6-305 .
             726          (d) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(d)(ii), if a registered political party does
             727      not wish to participate in the primary election, it shall submit the names of its county
             728      candidates to the county clerks and the names of all of its candidates to the lieutenant governor
             729      by 5 p.m. on May 30 of each even-numbered year.

             730          (ii) A registered political party's candidates for president and vice president of the
             731      United States shall be certified to the lieutenant governor as provided in Subsection
             732      20A-9-202 (4).
             733          (e) Each political party shall certify the names of its presidential and vice-presidential
             734      candidates and presidential electors to the lieutenant governor's office no later than September
             735      8 of each presidential election year.
             736          (3) The county clerk shall:
             737          (a) review the declarations of candidacy filed by candidates for local boards of
             738      education to determine if more than two candidates have filed for the same seat;
             739          (b) place the names of all candidates who have filed a declaration of candidacy for a
             740      local board of education seat on the nonpartisan section of the ballot if more than two
             741      candidates have filed for the same seat; and
             742          (c) [conduct a lottery to] determine the order of the candidates' names on the ballot in
             743      accordance with Section 20A-6-305 .
             744          (4) After the county clerk receives the certified list from a registered political party, the
             745      county clerk shall post or publish a primary election notice in substantially the following form:
             746          "Notice is given that a primary election will be held Tuesday, June ____,
             747      ________(year), to nominate party candidates for the parties and nonpartisan offices listed on
             748      the primary ballot. The polling place for voting precinct ____ is ____. The polls will open at 7
             749      a.m. and continue open until 8 p.m. of the same day. Attest: county clerk".
             750          (5) (a) Candidates receiving the highest number of votes cast for each office at the
             751      regular primary election are nominated by their party or nonpartisan group for that office.
             752          (b) If two or more candidates are to be elected to the office at the regular general
             753      election, those party candidates equal in number to positions to be filled who receive the
             754      highest number of votes at the regular primary election are the nominees of their party for those
             755      positions.
             756          (6) (a) When a tie vote occurs in any primary election for any national, state, or other
             757      office that represents more than one county, the governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney

             758      general shall, at a public meeting called by the governor and in the presence of the candidates
             759      involved, select the nominee by lot cast in whatever manner the governor determines.
             760          (b) When a tie vote occurs in any primary election for any county office, the district
             761      court judges of the district in which the county is located shall, at a public meeting called by
             762      the judges and in the presence of the candidates involved, select the nominee by lot cast in
             763      whatever manner the judges determine.
             764          (7) The expense of providing all ballots, blanks, or other supplies to be used at any
             765      primary election provided for by this section, and all expenses necessarily incurred in the
             766      preparation for or the conduct of that primary election shall be paid out of the treasury of the
             767      county or state, in the same manner as for the regular general elections.
             768          Section 13. Section 20A-14-105 is amended to read:
             769           20A-14-105. Becoming a candidate for membership on the State Board of
             770      Education -- Selection of candidates by the governor -- Ballot placement.
             771          (1) By August 1 of each regular general election year, the governor shall:
             772          (a) for each state board district subject to election in that year, select two candidates for
             773      the State Board of Education from the lists submitted by the state board district nominating and
             774      recruiting committee; and
             775          (b) certify the names of the two candidates from each school board district to the
             776      lieutenant governor.
             777          (2) If the governor fails to select two candidates for a state board district by September
             778      1, the nominating and recruiting committee shall:
             779          (a) select the two candidates; and
             780          (b) notify the lieutenant governor of its selections by September 15.
             781          (3) [The] In accordance with Section 20A-6-305 , the lieutenant governor shall[: (a)
             782      conduct a lottery to determine the order of the candidates' names on the ballot; and (b)] certify
             783      the names and order of the names to the county clerks for placement on the nonpartisan section
             784      of the ballot.

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