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H.B. 163 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Brad L. Dee

Senate Sponsor: Scott K. Jenkins

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies parts of the Utah Code to make technical corrections including
             10      eliminating references to repealed provisions, making minor wording changes, updating
             11      cross references, and correcting numbering.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    modifies parts of the Utah Code to make technical corrections including eliminating
             15      references to repealed provisions, making minor wording changes, updating cross
             16      references, correcting numbering, and fixing errors that were created from the
             17      previous year's session.
             18      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             19          None
             20      Other Special Clauses:
             21          None
             22      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             23      AMENDS:
             24          13-5a-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 334
             25          17-22-2.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 75 and 254
             26          17B-1-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 150 and 159
             27          19-5-115, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 324
             28          20A-1-503, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 165
             29          20A-7-801, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 83

             30          20A-11-104, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 246
             31          23-19-14.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 355
             32          26-52-202, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 69
             33          31A-1-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 309
             34          31A-4-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1985, Chapter 242
             35          31A-14-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1995, Chapter 20
             36          31A-20-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1985, Chapter 242
             37          31A-22-722.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 10, 149 and last
             38      amended by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 149
             39          31A-22-1011, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 263
             40          31A-40-303, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 318
             41          41-1a-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 171
             42          48-1-3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1994, Chapter 61
             43          48-2a-1105, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1990, Chapter 233
             44          53-2-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             45          53-2-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             46          53-7-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 310
             47          53A-11-102.6, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 210
             48          53A-17a-156, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 397
             49          54-3-29, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 272
             50          54-8a-11, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 87
             51          54-13-7, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1995, Chapter 91
             52          54-14-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 316
             53          54-14-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 316
             54          57-11-11, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 90
             55          58-31b-503, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 278
             56          58-37f-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 287
             57          58-38a-203, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 231

             58          58-55-503, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 278 and 387
             59          58-57-7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 324
             60          61-1-10, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 324
             61          63G-2-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 380
             62          63G-2-502, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 258 and 286
             63          67-5a-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 286
             64          67-19-6.7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 249
             65          67-19-15, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 103 and 249
             66          73-29-202, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 410
             67          76-5-107.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 248
             68          76-6-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 193
             69          77-23a-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 324
             70          78B-4-515, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 396
             71      RENUMBERS AND AMENDS:
             72          57-16-15, (Renumbered from 57-16-15.1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008,
             73      Chapter 3)
             74      REPEALS:
             75          53A-20c-101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 335
             76          73-2-22.1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1985, Chapter 172
             78      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             79          Section 1. Section 13-5a-102 is amended to read:
             80           13-5a-102. Definitions.
             81          As used in this chapter:
             82          (1) "Control" means:
             83          (a) ownership of more than 5% of the voting shares or ownership interests of an entity;
             84          (b) the power to vote more than 5% of the voting shares of an entity; or
             85          (c) the ability to influence the management of an entity.

             86          (2) "Depository institution" is as defined in Section 7-1-103 .
             87          (3) "Malicious cyber activity" means:
             88          (a) the unlawful use of computing resources to intimidate or coerce others;
             89          (b) accessing a computer without authorization or exceeding authorized access;
             90          (c) willfully communicating, delivering, or causing the transmission of a program,
             91      information, code, or command without authorization or exceeding authorized access; and
             92          (d) intentionally or recklessly:
             93          (i) intends to defraud or materially cause damage or disruption to any computing
             94      resources or to the owner of any computing resources; or
             95          (ii) intends to materially cause damage or disruption to any computing resources
             96      indirectly through another party's computing resources.
             97          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), "unfair competition" means an
             98      intentional business act or practice that:
             99          (i) (A) is unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent; and
             100          (B) leads to a material diminution in value of intellectual property; and
             101          (ii) is one of the following:
             102          (A) malicious cyber activity;
             103          (B) infringement of a patent, trademark, or trade name;
             104          (C) a software license violation; or
             105          (D) predatory hiring practices.
             106          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), "unfair competition" does not include the
             107      departure and hiring of an employee by a competitor.
             108          Section 2. Section 17-22-2.5 is amended to read:
             109           17-22-2.5. Fees of sheriff.
             110          (1) (a) The legislative body of a county may set a fee for a service described in this
             111      section and charged by the county sheriff:
             112          (i) in an ordinance adopted under Section 17-53-223 ; and
             113          (ii) in an amount reasonably related to, but not exceeding, the actual cost of providing

             114      the service.
             115          (b) If the legislative body of a county does not under Subsection (1)(a) set a fee
             116      charged by the county sheriff, the sheriff shall charge a fee in accordance with Subsections (2)
             117      through (7).
             118          (2) Unless under Subsection (1) the legislative body of a county sets a fee amount for a
             119      fee described in this Subsection (2), the sheriff shall charge the following fees:
             120          (a) for serving a notice, rule, order, subpoena, garnishment, summons, or summons and
             121      complaint, or garnishee execution, or other process by which an action or proceeding is
             122      commenced, on each defendant, including copies when furnished by plaintiff, $20;
             123          (b) for taking or approving a bond or undertaking in any case in which he is authorized
             124      to take or approve a bond or undertaking, including justification, $5;
             125          (c) for a copy of any writ, process or other paper when demanded or required by law,
             126      for each folio, 50 cents;
             127          (d) for serving an attachment on property, or levying an execution, or executing an
             128      order of arrest or an order for the delivery of personal property, including copies when
             129      furnished by plaintiff, $50;
             130          (e) for taking and keeping possession of and preserving property under attachment or
             131      execution or other process, the amount the court orders to a maximum of $15 per day;
             132          (f) for advertising property for sale on execution, or any judgment, or order of sale,
             133      exclusive of the cost of publication, $15;
             134          (g) for drawing and executing a sheriff's deed or a certificate of redemption, exclusive
             135      of acknowledgment, $15, to be paid by the grantee;
             136          (h) for recording each deed, conveyance, or other instrument affecting real estate,
             137      exclusive of the cost of recording, $10, to be paid by the grantee;
             138          (i) for serving a writ of possession or restitution, and putting any person entitled to
             139      possession into possession of premises, and removing occupant, $50;
             140          (j) for holding each trial of right of property, to include all services in the matter,
             141      except mileage, $35;

             142          (k) for conducting, postponing, or canceling a sale of property, $15;
             143          (l) for taking a prisoner in civil cases from prison before a court or magistrate, for each
             144      mile necessarily traveled, in going only, to a maximum of 100 miles, $2.50;
             145          (m) for taking a prisoner from the place of arrest to prison, in civil cases, or before a
             146      court or magistrate, for each mile necessarily traveled, in going only, to a maximum of 100
             147      miles, $2.50;
             148          (n) for receiving and paying over money on execution or other process, as follows:
             149          (i) if the amount collected does not exceed $1,000, 2% of this amount, with a
             150      minimum of $1; and
             151          (ii) if the amount collected exceeds $1,000, 2% on the first $1,000 and 1-1/2% on the
             152      balance; and
             153          (o) for executing in duplicate a certificate of sale, exclusive of filing it, $10.
             154          (3) The fees allowed by Subsection (2)(f) for the levy of execution and for advertising
             155      shall be collected from the judgment debtor as part of the execution in the same manner as the
             156      sum directed to be made.
             157          (4) When serving an attachment on property, an order of arrest, or an order for the
             158      delivery of personal property, the sheriff may only collect traveling fees for the distance
             159      actually traveled beyond the distance required to serve the summons if the attachment or those
             160      orders:
             161          (a) accompany the summons in the action; and
             162          (b) may be executed at the time of the service of the summons.
             163          (5) (a) (i) When traveling generally to serve notices, orders, process, or other papers,
             164      the sheriff may receive, except as otherwise provided under Subsection (1)(a), $2.50 for each
             165      mile necessarily traveled, in going only, computed from the courthouse for each person served,
             166      to a maximum of 100 miles.
             167          (ii) When transmitting notices, orders, process, or other papers by mail, the sheriff may
             168      receive, except as otherwise provided under Subsection (1)(a), $2.50 for each mile necessarily
             169      traveled, in going only, computed from the post office where received for each person served,

             170      to a maximum of 100 miles.
             171          (b) The sheriff may only charge one mileage fee if any two or more papers are required
             172      to be served in the same action or proceeding at the same time and at the same address.
             173          (c) If it is necessary to make more than one trip to serve any notice, order, process, or
             174      other paper, the sheriff may not collect more than two additional mileage charges.
             175          (6) (a) For delivering a patient to the Utah State Hospital, when the cost of delivery is
             176      payable by private individuals, the sheriff may collect, except as otherwise provided under
             177      Subsection (1)(a), $2.50 per mile for the distance from the county seat of the sheriff's county to
             178      the Utah State Hospital, to a maximum of 100 miles.
             179          (b) If the sheriff requires assistance to deliver the person to the Utah State Hospital, the
             180      sheriff may also charge the actual and necessary cost of that assistance.
             181          (7) (a) Subject to Subsection (7)(b), for obtaining a saliva DNA specimen under
             182      Section 53-10-404 , the sheriff shall collect the fee of $100 in accordance with Section
             183      53-10-404 .
             184          (b) The fee amount described in Subsection (7)(a) [cannot] may not be changed by a
             185      county legislative body under Subsection (1).
             186          Section 3. Section 17B-1-202 is amended to read:
             187           17B-1-202. Local district may be created -- Services that may be provided --
             188      Limitations.
             189          (1) (a) A local district may be created as provided in this part to provide within its
             190      boundaries service consisting of:
             191          (i) the operation of an airport;
             192          (ii) the operation of a cemetery;
             193          (iii) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services;
             194          (iv) garbage collection and disposal;
             195          (v) health care, including health department or hospital service;
             196          (vi) the operation of a library;
             197          (vii) abatement or control of mosquitos and other insects;

             198          (viii) the operation of parks or recreation facilities or services;
             199          (ix) the operation of a sewage system;
             200          (x) street lighting;
             201          (xi) the construction and maintenance of a right-of-way, including:
             202          (A) a curb;
             203          (B) a gutter;
             204          (C) a sidewalk;
             205          (D) a street;
             206          (E) a road;
             207          (F) a water line;
             208          (G) a sewage line;
             209          (H) a storm drain;
             210          (I) an electricity line;
             211          (J) a communications line; or
             212          (K) a natural gas line;
             213          (xii) transportation, including public transit and providing streets and roads;
             214          (xiii) the operation of a system, or one or more components of a system, for the
             215      collection, storage, retention, control, conservation, treatment, supplying, distribution, or
             216      reclamation of water, including storm, flood, sewage, irrigation, and culinary water, whether
             217      the system is operated on a wholesale or retail level or both;
             218          (xiv) in accordance with Subsection (1)(c), the development and execution of a
             219      groundwater management plan in cooperation with and approved by the state engineer in
             220      accordance with Section 73-5-15 ;
             221          (xv) law enforcement service; or
             222          (xvi) subject to Subsection (1)(b), the underground installation of an electric utility line
             223      or the conversion to underground of an existing electric utility line.
             224          (b) Each local district that provides the service of the underground installation of an
             225      electric utility line or the conversion to underground of an existing electric utility line shall, in

             226      installing or converting the line, provide advance notice to and coordinate with the utility that
             227      owns the line.
             228          (c) A groundwater management plan described in Subsection (1)(a)(xiv) may include
             229      the banking of groundwater rights by a local district in a critical management area as defined in
             230      Section 73-5-15 following the adoption of a groundwater management plan by the state
             231      engineer under Section 73-5-15 .
             232          (i) A local district may manage the groundwater rights it acquires under Subsection
             233      17B-1-103 (2)(a) or (b) consistent with the provisions of a groundwater management plan
             234      described in Subsection (1)(c).
             235          (ii) A groundwater right held by a local district to satisfy the provisions of a
             236      groundwater management plan is not subject to the forfeiture provisions of Section 73-1-4 .
             237          (iii) (A) A local district may divest itself of a groundwater right subject to a
             238      determination that the groundwater right is not required to facilitate the groundwater
             239      management plan described in Subsection (1)(c).
             240          (B) The groundwater right described in Subsection (1)(c)(iii)(A) is subject to Section
             241      73-1-4 beginning on the date of divestiture.
             242          (iv) Upon a determination by the state engineer that an area is no longer a critical
             243      management area, a groundwater right held by the local district is subject to Section 73-1-4 .
             244          (2) For purposes of this section:
             245          (a) "Operation" means all activities involved in providing the indicated service
             246      including acquisition and ownership of property reasonably necessary to provide the indicated
             247      service and acquisition, construction, and maintenance of facilities and equipment reasonably
             248      necessary to provide the indicated service.
             249          (b) "System" means the aggregate of interrelated components that combine together to
             250      provide the indicated service including, for a sewage system, collection and treatment.
             251          (3) (a) A local district may not be created to provide and may not after its creation
             252      provide more than four of the services listed in Subsection (1).
             253          (b) Subsection (3)(a) may not be construed to prohibit a local district from providing

             254      more than four services if, before April 30, 2007, the local district was authorized to provide
             255      those services.
             256          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), a local district may not be created to
             257      provide and may not after its creation provide to an area the same service already being
             258      provided to that area by another political subdivision, unless the other political subdivision
             259      gives its written consent.
             260          (b) For purposes of Subsection (4)(a), a local district does not provide the same service
             261      as another political subdivision if it operates a component of a system that is different from a
             262      component operated by another political subdivision but within the same:
             263          (i) sewage system; or
             264          (ii) water system.
             265          (5) (a) Except for a local district in the creation of which an election is not required
             266      under Subsection 17B-1-214 (3)(c), the area of a local district may include all or part of the
             267      unincorporated area of one or more counties and all or part of one or more municipalities.
             268          (b) The area of a local district need not be contiguous.
             269          (6) For a local district created before May 5, 2008, the authority to provide fire
             270      protection service also includes the authority to provide:
             271          (a) paramedic service; and
             272          (b) emergency service, including hazardous materials response service.
             273          (7) A local district created before May 11, 2010, authorized to provide the construction
             274      and maintenance of curb, gutter, or sidewalk may provide a service described in Subsection
             275      (1)(a)(xi) on or after May 11, 2010.
             276          Section 4. Section 19-5-115 is amended to read:
             277           19-5-115. Violations -- Penalties -- Civil actions by board -- Ordinances and rules
             278      of political subdivisions.
             279          (1) The terms "knowingly," "willfully," and "criminal negligence" shall mean as
             280      defined in Section 76-2-103 .
             281          (2) Any person who violates this chapter, or any permit, rule, or order adopted under it,

             282      upon a showing that the violation occurred, is subject in a civil proceeding to a civil penalty not
             283      to exceed $10,000 per day of violation.
             284          (3) (a) A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor and is subject to imprisonment
             285      under Section 76-3-204 and a fine not exceeding $25,000 per day who with criminal
             286      negligence:
             287          (i) discharges pollutants in violation of Subsection 19-5-107 (1) or in violation of any
             288      condition or limitation included in a permit issued under Subsection 19-5-107 (3);
             289          (ii) violates Section 19-5-113 ;
             290          (iii) violates a pretreatment standard or toxic effluent standard for publicly owned
             291      treatment works; or
             292          (iv) manages sewage sludge in violation of this chapter or rules adopted under it.
             293          (b) A person is guilty of a third degree felony and is subject to imprisonment under
             294      Section 76-3-203 and a fine not to exceed $50,000 per day of violation who knowingly:
             295          (i) discharges pollutants in violation of Subsection 19-5-107 (1) or in violation of any
             296      condition or limitation included in a permit issued under Subsection 19-5-107 (3);
             297          (ii) violates Section 19-5-113 ;
             298          (iii) violates a pretreatment standard or toxic effluent standard for publicly-owned
             299      treatment works; or
             300          (iv) manages sewage sludge in violation of this chapter or rules adopted under it.
             301          (4) A person is guilty of a third degree felony and subject to imprisonment under
             302      Section 76-3-203 and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $10,000 per day of violation if
             303      that person knowingly:
             304          (a) makes a false material statement, representation, or certification in any application,
             305      record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this chapter, or
             306      by any permit, rule, or order issued under it; or
             307          (b) falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or
             308      method required to be maintained under this chapter.
             309          (5) (a) As used in this section:

             310          (i) "Organization" means a legal entity, other than a government, established or
             311      organized for any purpose, and includes a corporation, company, association, firm, partnership,
             312      joint stock company, foundation, institution, trust, society, union, or any other association of
             313      persons.
             314          (ii) "Serious bodily injury" means bodily injury which involves a substantial risk of
             315      death, unconsciousness, extreme physical pain, protracted and obvious disfigurement, or
             316      protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty.
             317          (b) A person is guilty of a second degree felony and, upon conviction, is subject to
             318      imprisonment under Section 76-3-203 and a fine of not more than $250,000 if that person:
             319          (i) knowingly violates this chapter, or any permit, rule, or order adopted under it; and
             320          (ii) knows at that time that he is placing another person in imminent danger of death or
             321      serious bodily injury.
             322          (c) If a person is an organization, it shall, upon conviction of violating Subsection
             323      (5)[(a)](b), be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000,000.
             324          (d) (i) A defendant who is an individual is considered to have acted knowingly if:
             325          (A) the defendant's conduct placed another person in imminent danger of death or
             326      serious bodily injury; and
             327          (B) the defendant was aware of or believed that there was an imminent danger of death
             328      or serious bodily injury to another person.
             329          (ii) Knowledge possessed by a person other than the defendant may not be attributed to
             330      the defendant.
             331          (iii) Circumstantial evidence may be used to prove that the defendant possessed actual
             332      knowledge, including evidence that the defendant took affirmative steps to be shielded from
             333      receiving relevant information.
             334          (e) (i) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this Subsection (5) that the
             335      conduct charged was consented to by the person endangered and that the danger and conduct
             336      charged were reasonably foreseeable hazards of:
             337          (A) an occupation, a business, or a profession; or

             338          (B) medical treatment or medical or scientific experimentation conducted by
             339      professionally approved methods and the other person was aware of the risks involved prior to
             340      giving consent.
             341          (ii) The defendant has the burden of proof to establish any affirmative defense under
             342      this Subsection (5)(e) and must prove that defense by a preponderance of the evidence.
             343          (6) For purposes of Subsections 19-5-115 (3) through (5), a single operational upset
             344      which leads to simultaneous violations of more than one pollutant parameter shall be treated as
             345      a single violation.
             346          (7) (a) The board may begin a civil action for appropriate relief, including a permanent
             347      or temporary injunction, for any violation or threatened violation for which it is authorized to
             348      issue a compliance order under Section 19-5-111 .
             349          (b) Actions shall be brought in the district court where the violation or threatened
             350      violation occurs.
             351          (8) (a) The attorney general is the legal advisor for the board and its executive secretary
             352      and shall defend them in all actions or proceedings brought against them.
             353          (b) The county attorney or district attorney as appropriate under Sections 17-18-1 ,
             354      17-18-1.5 , and 17-18-1.7 in the county in which a cause of action arises, shall bring any action,
             355      civil or criminal, requested by the board, to abate a condition that exists in violation of, or to
             356      prosecute for the violation of, or to enforce, the laws or the standards, orders, and rules of the
             357      board or the executive secretary issued under this chapter.
             358          (c) The board may itself initiate any action under this section and be represented by the
             359      attorney general.
             360          (9) If any person fails to comply with a cease and desist order that is not subject to a
             361      stay pending administrative or judicial review, the board may, through its executive secretary,
             362      initiate an action for and be entitled to injunctive relief to prevent any further or continued
             363      violation of the order.
             364          (10) Any political subdivision of the state may enact and enforce ordinances or rules
             365      for the implementation of this chapter that are not inconsistent with this chapter.

             366          (11) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (11)(b), all penalties assessed and collected
             367      under the authority of this section shall be deposited in the General Fund.
             368          (b) The department may reimburse itself and local governments from money collected
             369      from civil penalties for extraordinary expenses incurred in environmental enforcement
             370      activities.
             371          (c) The department shall regulate reimbursements by making rules that:
             372          (i) define qualifying environmental enforcement activities; and
             373          (ii) define qualifying extraordinary expenses.
             374          Section 5. Section 20A-1-503 is amended to read:
             375           20A-1-503. Midterm vacancies in the Legislature.
             376          (1) As used in this section:
             377          (a) "Filing deadline" means the final date for filing:
             378          (i) a declaration of candidacy as provided in Section 20A-9-202 ; and
             379          (ii) a certificate of nomination as provided in Section 20A-9-503 .
             380          (b) "Party liaison" means the political party officer designated to serve as a liaison with
             381      the lieutenant governor on all matters relating to the political party's relationship with the state
             382      as required by Section 20A-8-401 .
             383          (2) When a vacancy occurs for any reason in the office of representative in the
             384      Legislature, the governor shall fill the vacancy by immediately appointing the person whose
             385      name was submitted by the party liaison of the same political party as the prior representative.
             386          (3) (a) Except as provided by Subsection (5), when a vacancy occurs for any reason in
             387      the office of senator in the Legislature, it shall be filled for the unexpired term at the next
             388      regular general election.
             389          (b) The governor shall fill the vacancy until the next regular general election by
             390      immediately appointing the person whose name was submitted by the party liaison of the same
             391      political party as the prior senator.
             392          (4) (a) If a vacancy described in Subsection (3)(a) occurs after the filing deadline but
             393      before September 1 of an even-numbered year in which the term of office does not expire, the

             394      lieutenant governor shall:
             395          (i) establish a date, [that] which is before the date for a candidate to be certified for the
             396      ballot under Section 20A-9-701 and no later than 21 days after the day on which the vacancy
             397      occurred, by which a person intending to obtain a position on the ballot for the vacant office
             398      shall file:
             399          (A) a declaration of candidacy; or
             400          (B) a certificate of nomination; and
             401          (ii) give notice of the vacancy and the date described in Subsection (4)(a)(i):
             402          (A) on the lieutenant governor's website; and
             403          (B) to each registered political party.
             404          (b) A person intending to obtain a position on the ballot for the vacant office shall:
             405          (i) by the date specified in Subsection (4)(a)(i), file a declaration of candidacy or
             406      certificate of nomination according to the procedures and requirements of Chapter 9, Candidate
             407      Qualifications and Nominating Procedures; and
             408          (ii) run in the regular general election if:
             409          (A) nominated as a party candidate; or
             410          (B) qualified as an unaffiliated candidate as provided by Chapter 9, Candidate
             411      Qualifications and Nominating Procedures.
             412          (c) If a vacancy described in Subsection (3)(a) occurs on or after May 1 and before
             413      September 1 of an even-numbered year in which the term of office does not expire, a party
             414      liaison from each registered political party may submit a name of a person described in
             415      Subsection (4)(b) to the lieutenant governor by August 31 for placement on the regular general
             416      election ballot.
             417          (5) If a vacancy described in Subsection (3)(a) occurs on or after September 1 of an
             418      even-numbered year in which a term does not expire, the governor shall fill the vacancy for the
             419      unexpired term by immediately appointing the person whose name was submitted by the party
             420      liaison of the same political party as the prior senator.
             421          Section 6. Section 20A-7-801 is amended to read:

             422           20A-7-801. Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website Program -- Duties of
             423      the lieutenant governor -- Content -- Duties of local election officials -- Deadlines --
             424      Frequently asked voter questions -- Other elections.
             425          (1) There is established the Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website Program
             426      administered by the lieutenant governor in cooperation with the county clerks for general
             427      elections and municipal authorities for municipal elections.
             428          (2) In accordance with this section, and as resources become available, the lieutenant
             429      governor, in cooperation with county clerks, shall develop, establish, and maintain a
             430      state-provided Internet website designed to help inform the voters of the state of:
             431          (a) the offices and candidates up for election; and
             432          (b) the content, effect, operation, fiscal impact, and supporting and opposing arguments
             433      of ballot propositions submitted to the voters.
             434          (3) Except as provided under Subsection (6), the website shall include:
             435          (a) all information currently provided in the Utah voter information pamphlet under
             436      Title 20A, Chapter 7, Part 7, Voter Information Pamphlet, including a section prepared,
             437      analyzed, and submitted by the Judicial Council describing the judicial selection and retention
             438      process;
             439          (b) all information submitted by election officers under Subsection (4) on local office
             440      races, local office candidates, and local ballot propositions; and
             441          (c) other information determined appropriate by the lieutenant governor that is
             442      currently being provided by law, rule, or ordinance in relation to candidates and ballot
             443      questions.
             444          (4) (a) An election official shall submit the following information for each ballot label
             445      under the election official's direct responsibility under this title:
             446          (i) a list of all candidates for each office;
             447          (ii) if submitted by the candidate to the election official's office on or before August 20
             448      at 5 p.m.:
             449          (A) a statement of qualifications, not exceeding 200 words in length, for each

             450      candidate;
             451          (B) the following biographical information if desired by the candidate, current:
             452          (I) age;
             453          (II) occupation;
             454          (III) city of residence;
             455          (IV) years of residence in current city; and
             456          (V) email address; and
             457          (C) a single web address where voters may access more information about the
             458      candidate and the candidate's views; and
             459          (iii) factual information pertaining to all ballot propositions submitted to the voters,
             460      including:
             461          (A) a copy of the number and ballot title of each ballot proposition;
             462          (B) the final vote cast for each ballot proposition, if any, by a legislative body if the
             463      vote was required to place the ballot proposition on the ballot;
             464          (C) a complete copy of the text of each ballot proposition, with all new language
             465      underlined and all deleted language placed within brackets; and
             466          (D) other factual information determined helpful by the election official.
             467          (b) The information under Subsection (4)(a) shall be submitted to the lieutenant
             468      governor no later than one business day after the deadline under Subsection (4)(a) for each
             469      general election year and each municipal election year.
             470          (c) The lieutenant governor shall:
             471          (i) review the information submitted under this section prior to placing it on the
             472      website to determine compliance under this section;
             473          (ii) refuse to post information submitted under this section on the website if it is not in
             474      compliance with the provisions of this section; and
             475          (iii) organize, format, and arrange the information submitted under this section for the
             476      website.
             477          (d) The lieutenant governor may refuse to include information the lieutenant governor

             478      determines is not in keeping with:
             479          (i) Utah voter needs;
             480          (ii) public decency; or
             481          (iii) the purposes, organization, or uniformity of the website.
             482          (e) A refusal under Subsection (4)(d) is subject to appeal in accordance with
             483      Subsection (5).
             484          (5) (a) A person whose information is refused under Subsection (4), and who is
             485      aggrieved by the determination, may appeal by submitting a written notice of appeal to the
             486      lieutenant governor within 10 business days after the date of the determination. A notice of
             487      appeal submitted under this Subsection (5)(a) shall contain:
             488          (i) a listing of each objection to the lieutenant governor's determination; and
             489          (ii) the basis for each objection.
             490          (b) The lieutenant governor shall review the notice of appeal and shall issue a written
             491      response within 10 business days after the notice of appeal is submitted.
             492          (c) An appeal of the response of the lieutenant governor shall be made to the district
             493      court, which shall review the matter de novo.
             494          (6) (a) The lieutenant governor shall ensure that each voter will be able to conveniently
             495      enter the voter's address information on the website to retrieve information on which offices,
             496      candidates, and ballot propositions will be on the voter's ballot at the next general election or
             497      municipal election.
             498          (b) The information on the website will anticipate and answer frequent voter questions
             499      including the following:
             500          (i) what offices are up in the current year for which the voter may cast a vote;
             501          (ii) who is running for what office and who is the incumbent, if any;
             502          (iii) what address each candidate may be reached at and how the candidate may be
             503      contacted;
             504          (iv) for partisan races only, what, if any, is each candidate's party affiliation;
             505          (v) what qualifications have been submitted by each candidate;

             506          (vi) where additional information on each candidate may be obtained;
             507          (vii) what ballot propositions will be on the ballot; and
             508          (viii) what judges are up for retention election.
             509          (7) By not later than March 1, 2008, the lieutenant governor shall have the Statewide
             510      Electronic Voter Information Website Program ready for use in the next election in accordance
             511      with this section.
             512          (8) As resources are made available and in cooperation with the county clerks, the
             513      lieutenant governor may expand the electronic voter information website program to include
             514      the same information as provided under this section for special elections and primary elections.
             515          Section 7. Section 20A-11-104 is amended to read:
             516           20A-11-104. Personal use expenditure -- Authorized and prohibited uses of
             517      campaign funds -- Enforcement -- Penalties.
             518          (1) (a) As used in this chapter, "personal use expenditure" means an expenditure that:
             519          (i) (A) is not excluded from the definition of personal use expenditure by Subsection
             520      (2); and
             521          (B) primarily furthers a personal interest of a candidate or officeholder or a candidate's
             522      or officeholder's family, which interest is not connected with the performance of an activity as
             523      a candidate or an activity or duty of an officeholder; or
             524          (ii) would cause the candidate or officeholder to recognize the expenditure as taxable
             525      income under federal law.
             526          (b) "Personal use expenditure" includes:
             527          (i) a mortgage, rent, utility, or vehicle payment;
             528          (ii) a household food item or supply;
             529          (iii) clothing, except for clothing:
             530          (A) bearing the candidate's name or campaign slogan or logo; and
             531          (B) used in the candidate's campaign;
             532          (iv) an admission to a sporting, artistic, or recreational event or other form of
             533      entertainment;

             534          (v) dues, fees, or gratuities at a country club, health club, or recreational facility;
             535          (vi) a salary payment made to:
             536          (A) a candidate or officeholder; or
             537          (B) a person who has not provided a bona fide service to a candidate or officeholder;
             538          (vii) a vacation;
             539          (viii) a vehicle expense;
             540          (ix) a meal expense;
             541          (x) a travel expense;
             542          (xi) a payment of an administrative, civil, or criminal penalty;
             543          (xii) a satisfaction of a personal debt;
             544          (xiii) a personal service, including the service of an attorney, accountant, physician, or
             545      other professional person;
             546          (xiv) a membership fee for a professional or service organization; and
             547          (xv) a payment in excess of the fair market value of the item or service purchased.
             548          (2) As used in this chapter, "personal use expenditure" does not mean an expenditure
             549      made:
             550          (a) for a political purpose;
             551          (b) for candidacy for public office;
             552          (c) to fulfill a duty or activity of an officeholder;
             553          (d) for a donation to a registered political party;
             554          (e) for a contribution to another candidate's campaign account, including sponsorship
             555      of or attendance at an event, the primary purpose of which is to solicit a contribution for
             556      another candidate's campaign account;
             557          (f) to return all or a portion of a contribution to a contributor;
             558          (g) for the following items, if made in connection with the candidacy for public office
             559      or an activity or duty of an officeholder:
             560          (i) (A) a mileage allowance at the rate established by the Division of Finance under
             561      Section 63A-3-107 ; or

             562          (B) for motor fuel or special fuel, as defined in Section 59-13-102 ;
             563          (ii) a meal expense;
             564          (iii) a travel expense, including an expense incurred for airfare or a rental vehicle;
             565          (iv) a payment for a service provided by an attorney or accountant;
             566          (v) a tuition payment or registration fee for participation in a meeting or conference;
             567          (vi) a gift;
             568          (vii) a payment for the following items in connection with an office space:
             569          (A) rent;
             570          (B) utilities;
             571          (C) a supply; or
             572          (D) furnishing;
             573          (viii) a booth at a meeting or event; or
             574          (ix) educational material;
             575          (h) to purchase or mail informational material, a survey, or a greeting card;
             576          (i) for a donation to a charitable organization, as defined by Section 13-22-2 , including
             577      admission to or sponsorship of an event, the primary purpose of which is charitable solicitation,
             578      as defined in Section 13-22-2 ;
             579          (j) to repay a loan a candidate makes from the candidate's personal account to the
             580      candidate's campaign account;
             581          (k) to pay membership dues to a national organization whose primary purpose is to
             582      address general public policy;
             583          (l) for admission to or sponsorship of an event, the primary purpose of which is to
             584      promote the social, educational, or economic well-being of the state or the candidate's or
             585      officeholder's community; or
             586          (m) for one or more guests of an officeholder or candidate to attend an event, meeting,
             587      or conference described in this Subsection (2).
             588          (3) (a) The lieutenant governor shall enforce this section by:
             589          (i) evaluating a financial statement to identify a personal use expenditure; and

             590          (ii) commencing an informal adjudicative proceeding in accordance with Title 63G,
             591      Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, if the lieutenant governor has probable cause to
             592      believe a candidate or officeholder has made a personal use expenditure.
             593          (b) Following the proceeding, the lieutenant governor may issue a signed order
             594      requiring a candidate or officeholder who has made a personal use expenditure to:
             595          (i) remit an administrative penalty of an amount equal to 50% of the personal use
             596      expenditure to the lieutenant governor; and
             597          (ii) deposit the amount of the personal use expenditure in the campaign account from
             598      which the personal use expenditure was disbursed.
             599          (c) The lieutenant governor shall deposit money received under Subsection (3)(b)(i) in
             600      the General Fund.
             601          Section 8. Section 23-19-14.5 is amended to read:
             602           23-19-14.5. Persons participating in youth organization activity authorized to fish
             603      without license.
             604          (1) As used in this section, "youth organization" means:
             605          (a) the Boy Scouts of America;
             606          (b) the Girls Scouts of the USA; or
             607          (c) an organization that:
             608          (i) is exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code; and
             609          (ii) promotes character building through outdoor activities.
             610          (2) The Division of Wildlife Resources shall permit a resident to fish without a license
             611      during a youth organization activity if:
             612          (a) the resident is:
             613          (i) a member of a youth organization; and
             614          (ii) younger than 14 years old;
             615          (b) the fishing is in compliance with all fishing statutes and rules; and
             616          (c) the adult leader obtains from the youth organization:
             617          (i) a valid tour permit; or

             618          (ii) official documentation that specifies:
             619          (A) the date and place of the fishing;
             620          (B) the name of the adult leader that will supervise the fishing; and
             621          (C) that the activity is officially sanctioned by the youth organization.
             622          (3) (a) The adult leader shall instruct the members on fishing statutes and rules.
             623          (b) The division shall provide educational materials on its website to assist the adult
             624      leader in complying with Subsection (3)(a).
             625          (4) By following the procedures and requirements of Title [63] 63G, Chapter [46a] 3,
             626      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the Wildlife Board shall adopt rules specifying the form
             627      of the official documentation required by Subsection (2)(c)(ii).
             628          Section 9. Section 26-52-202 is amended to read:
             629           26-52-202. Autism Treatment Account Advisory Committee -- Membership --
             630      Time limit.
             631          (1) (a) There is created an Autism Treatment Account Advisory Committee consisting
             632      of five members appointed by the governor to two-year terms of office as follows:
             633          (i) one person holding a doctorate degree who has experience in treating persons with
             634      an autism spectrum disorder;
             635          (ii) one person who is a physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical
             636      Practice Act, or Title 58, Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, who has
             637      completed a residency program in pediatrics;
             638          (iii) one person who is employed in the Department of Health; and
             639          (iv) two persons from the community who are familiar with autism spectrum disorders
             640      and their effects, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and support needs, including:
             641          (A) family members of a person with an autism spectrum disorder;
             642          (B) representatives of an association which advocates for persons with an autism
             643      spectrum disorder; and
             644          (C) specialists or professionals [that] who work with persons with autism spectrum
             645      disorders.

             646          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (1)(a), the governor shall, at the
             647      time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
             648      committee members are staggered so that approximately half of the committee is appointed
             649      every year.
             650          (c) If a vacancy occurs in the committee membership for any reason, a replacement
             651      may be appointed for the unexpired term.
             652          (2) The department shall provide staff support to the committee.
             653          (3) (a) The committee shall elect a chair from the membership on an annual basis.
             654          (b) A majority of the committee constitutes a quorum at any meeting, and, if a quorum
             655      exists, the action of the majority of members present shall be the action of the committee.
             656          (c) The executive director may remove a committee member:
             657          (i) if the member is unable or unwilling to carry out the member's assigned
             658      responsibilities; or
             659          (ii) for good cause.
             660          (4) The committee may, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             661      Rulemaking Act, make rules governing the committee's activities, which rules shall:
             662          (a) comply with the requirements of this title; and
             663          (b) include:
             664          (i) qualification criteria and procedures for selecting service and treatment providers
             665      that receive disbursements from the account, which criteria shall give additional consideration
             666      to providers that are willing to use low interest loans when providing services to individuals;
             667      and
             668          (ii) provisions to address and avoid conflicts of interest that may arise in relation to:
             669          (A) the committee's selection of providers and persons that receive referrals,
             670      disbursements, or assistance from the account; and
             671          (B) other matters that may constitute a conflict of interest.
             672          (5) The committee shall meet as necessary to carry out its duties and shall meet upon a
             673      call of the committee chair or a call of a majority of the committee members, but no more than

             674      four times per year.
             675          (6) The committee shall comply with the procedures and requirements of:
             676          (a) Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act; and
             677          (b) Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act.
             678          (7) Committee members shall receive no compensation or per diem allowance for their
             679      services.
             680          (8) Not later than November 30 of each year, the committee shall provide a written
             681      report summarizing the activities of the committee to:
             682          (a) the executive director of the department;
             683          (b) the Health and Human Services Interim Committee; and
             684          (c) the Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
             685          Section 10. Section 31A-1-106 is amended to read:
             686           31A-1-106. Residual unlicensed domestic insurers.
             687          (1) Every person doing an insurance business in Utah not covered under another
             688      section of this title, that does not hold a valid certificate of authority or license under this title
             689      shall, by July 1, 1987, complete one of the actions prescribed in Subsections (2) through (5).
             690      This section does not apply to an unauthorized foreign insurer doing an insurance business in
             691      Utah in full compliance with Section 31A-15-103 .
             692          (2) An insurer under Subsection (1) may incorporate and apply, or if already
             693      incorporated, may apply for a certificate of authority under Chapter 5, Domestic Stock and
             694      Mutual Insurance Corporations, [6,] Chapter 7, Nonprofit Health Service Insurance
             695      Corporations, Chapter 8, Health Maintenance Organizations and Limited Health Plans, or
             696      Chapter 9, Insurance Fraternals. If the commissioner is satisfied that the insurer substantially
             697      complies with the requirements of the appropriate chapter necessary for the protection of
             698      insureds and the public, the commissioner shall issue a certificate of authority.
             699          (3) An insurer under Subsection (1) may transfer all its obligations to a corporation
             700      authorized under this title to assume them, according to a plan approved by the commissioner.
             701      The commissioner may disapprove the plan on a finding, after a hearing, that it is contrary to

             702      the interests of insureds, the public, or the law.
             703          (4) An insurer under Subsection (1) may adopt a plan to run off existing obligations
             704      without accepting any new policyholders or new obligations. The commissioner may
             705      disapprove the plan on a finding, after a hearing, that it is contrary to the interests of insureds,
             706      the public, or the law.
             707          (5) The commissioner may, by order, exempt an insurer from the requirements of
             708      Subsection (1) or extend the deadline under Subsection (1) on a finding that:
             709          (a) incorporation, licensing, reinsurance, or run off would cause disproportionate
             710      expense, loss, or substantial hardship; and
             711          (b) the nature of the existing and prospective business, the assets, or the business plan
             712      of the insurer can be reasonably expected to continue to operate in a sound manner and can be
             713      subjected to adequate regulatory controls.
             714          (6) Whenever the commissioner grants an exemption under Subsection (5), the
             715      commissioner shall issue to the insurer a certificate of authority. The commissioner may
             716      amend the certificate at any time, specifying the business that the insurer may transact and
             717      specifying in detail the controls to which the insurer shall be subject. These controls shall
             718      correspond as nearly as practicable to the controls applicable to corporations transacting a like
             719      business.
             720          (7) It is a ground for liquidation under Section 31A-27a-207 if an insurer has not
             721      completed action under one of Subsections (2) through (4) and has not applied for and been
             722      granted exemption under Subsection (5) before July 1, 1987.
             723          Section 11. Section 31A-4-101 is amended to read:
             724           31A-4-101. Solicitation permit.
             725          (1) No person may advertise for or solicit or receive any funds, subscriptions for
             726      securities, or membership fees, dues, or contributions in Utah or from any person present in
             727      Utah for the purpose of forming or financing the formation or enlargement of an insurer,
             728      holding company to form or acquire one or more insurers, or any corporation or unincorporated
             729      association to do or facilitate the doing of an insurance business in Utah or elsewhere, unless

             730      the person has obtained the appropriate organization or solicitation permit under Chapter 5,
             731      Domestic Stock and Mutual Insurance Corporations, [6,] Chapter 6a, Service Contracts,
             732      Chapter 7, Nonprofit Health Service Insurance Corporations, Chapter 8, Health Maintenance
             733      Organizations and Limited Health Plans, or Chapter 9, Insurance Fraternals, and filed any
             734      required statement under Chapter 16, Insurance Holding Companies.
             735          (2) Any person obtaining the appropriate organization or solicitation permit under this
             736      code is exempt from compliance with Title 61, Securities Division - Real Estate Division.
             737          Section 12. Section 31A-14-106 is amended to read:
             738           31A-14-106. Applicability of corporation provisions.
             739          Except to the extent made applicable by reference under this title, Title 16, [Chapters 6]
             740      Chapter 6a, Utah Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act, and Title 16, Chapter 10a, Utah Revised
             741      Business Corporation Act, do not apply to insurers licensed under this chapter.
             742          Section 13. Section 31A-20-102 is amended to read:
             743           31A-20-102. Joint underwriting.
             744          (1) Every group, association, or other organization of insurers that engages in joint
             745      underwriting or joint reinsurance shall file with the commissioner:
             746          (a) a copy of its constitution, articles of incorporation, or agreement of association, and
             747      its bylaws or rules governing its activities, all certified by the custodian of the originals;
             748          (b) a list of its members; and
             749          (c) the name and address of its resident process agent.
             750          (2) Every group, association, or other organization shall promptly notify the
             751      commissioner of every change in its constitution, articles of incorporation, agreement of
             752      association, bylaws, rules, its list of members, and its resident process agent.
             753          (3) (a) If all members of a group of insurers under this section are authorized to do
             754      business in Utah, the business done by the group shall be allocated for regulatory purposes to
             755      individual members of the group.
             756          (b) The group itself is subject only to [Chapters 1, 2, 4, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 26]:
             757          (i) Chapter 1, General Provisions;

             758          (ii) Chapter 2, Administration of the Insurance Laws;
             759          (iii) Chapter 4, Insurers in General;
             760          (iv) Chapter 20, Underwriting Restrictions;
             761          (v) Chapter 21, Insurance Contracts in General;
             762          (vi) Chapter 22, Contracts in Specific Lines;
             763          (vii) Chapter 23a, Insurance Marketing - Licensing Producers, Consultants, and
             764      Reinsurance Intermediaries; and
             765          (viii) Chapter 26, Insurance Adjusters.
             766          (c) If any member of the group is not authorized to do business in Utah, the group shall
             767      obtain authorization to do business under Chapter 14, Foreign Insurers, and is subject to
             768      regulation under that chapter.
             769          Section 14. Section 31A-22-722.5 is amended to read:
             770           31A-22-722.5. Mini-COBRA election -- American Recovery and Reinvestment
             771      Act.
             772          (1) (a) If the provisions of Subsection (1)(b) are met, an individual has a right to
             773      contact the individual's employer or the insurer for the employer to participate in a transition
             774      period for mini-COBRA benefits under Section 31A-22-722 in accordance with Section 3001
             775      of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-5), as amended.
             776          (b) An individual has the right under Subsection (1)(a) if the individual:
             777          (i) was involuntarily terminated from employment during the period of time identified
             778      in Section 3001 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-5), as
             779      amended;
             780          (ii) is eligible for COBRA premium assistance under Section 3001 of the American
             781      Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-5), as amended;
             782          (iii) was eligible for Utah mini-COBRA as provided in Section 31A-22-722 at the time
             783      of termination;
             784          (iv) elected Utah mini-Cobra; and
             785          (v) voluntarily dropped coverage, which includes dropping coverage through

             786      non-payment of premiums, between December 1, 2009, and February 1, 2010.
             787          (2) (a) An individual or the employer of the individual shall contact the insurer and
             788      inform the insurer that the individual wants to maintain coverage and pay retroactive premiums
             789      under a transition period for mini-COBRA coverage in accordance with the provisions of
             790      Section 3001 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-5), as
             791      amended.
             792          (b) An individual or an employer on behalf of an eligible individual must submit the
             793      applicable forms and premiums for coverage under Subsection (1) to the insurer in accordance
             794      with the provisions of Section 3001 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
             795      (Pub. L. [11-5] 111-5), as amended.
             796          (3) An insured has the right to extend the employee's coverage under mini-cobra with
             797      the current employer's group policy beyond the 12 months to the period of time the insured is
             798      eligible to receive assistance in accordance with Section 3001 of the American Recovery and
             799      Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-5) as amended.
             800          (4) An insurer that violates this section is subject to penalties in accordance with
             801      Section 31A-2-308 .
             802          Section 15. Section 31A-22-1011 is amended to read:
             803           31A-22-1011. Workers' compensation coverage waivers.
             804          (1) As used in this section:
             805          (a) "Business entity" means:
             806          (i) a sole proprietorship;
             807          (ii) a corporation;
             808          (iii) a partnership;
             809          (iv) a limited liability company; or
             810          (v) an entity similar to one described in Subsections (1)(a)(i) through (iv).
             811          (b) "Waiver" means a workers' compensation coverage waiver issued under this
             812      section.
             813          (2) (a) Notwithstanding Section 31A-21-104 , if the information required by Subsection

             814      (3) is provided, an insurer authorized under this title to issue a workers' compensation policy
             815      may issue a workers' compensation coverage waiver to a business entity that:
             816          (i) elects not to include an owner, partner, or corporate officer or director as an
             817      employee under a workers' compensation policy in accordance with Section 34A-2-103 and
             818      Subsection 34A-2-104 (4); and
             819          (ii) employs no other employee on the day on which the insurer issues the waiver to the
             820      business entity.
             821          (b) As of the day on which a business entity described in Subsection (2)(a) employs an
             822      employee other than an owner, partner, or corporate officer or director described in Subsection
             823      (2)(a):
             824          (i) the business entity's waiver is invalid; and
             825          (ii) the business entity is required to provide workers' compensation coverage for that
             826      employee in accordance with Section 34A-2-201 .
             827          (3) To obtain a waiver, a business entity shall submit to the insurer that issues the
             828      waiver:
             829          (a) a copy of two or more of the following:
             830          (i) the business entity's federal or state income tax return that shows business income
             831      for the complete taxable year that immediately precedes the day on which the business entity
             832      submits the information;
             833          (ii) a valid business license;
             834          (iii) a license to engage in an occupation or profession, including a license under Title
             835      [59] 58, Occupations and Professions; or
             836          (iv) documentation of an active liability insurance policy that covers the business
             837      entity's activities; or
             838          (b) a copy of an item listed in Subsection (3)(a) and a copy of two or more of the
             839      following:
             840          (i) proof of a bank account for the business entity;
             841          (ii) proof that for the business entity there is:

             842          (A) a telephone number; and
             843          (B) a physical location; or
             844          (iii) an advertisement of services in a newspaper of general circulation or telephone
             845      directory showing the business entity's:
             846          (A) name; and
             847          (B) contact information.
             848          (4) (a) An insurer that issues a waiver shall report to the Labor Commission for each
             849      business entity to which the insurer issues a waiver:
             850          (i) the name, address, and telephone number of the business entity;
             851          (ii) a name of an individual who can be contacted on behalf of the business entity; and
             852          (iii) other information required by the Labor Commission, by rule made in accordance
             853      with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             854          (b) The Labor Commission, by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
             855      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, shall determine how frequently an insurer shall make a
             856      report required by Subsection (4)(a), except that the Labor Commission shall require that a
             857      report be submitted at least monthly.
             858          (5) (a) The Labor Commission may investigate a business entity to determine whether
             859      the business entity validly elects to not cover an owner, partner, or corporate officer or director
             860      as an employee under a workers' compensation policy in accordance with Section 34A-2-103 .
             861          (b) If the Labor Commission determines that a business entity's election as provided in
             862      this section is invalid, the Labor Commission may:
             863          (i) prohibit a business entity from using a waiver obtained under this section; and
             864          (ii) take any action provided for under Title 34A, Chapter 2, Workers' Compensation
             865      Act, or Title 34A, Chapter 3, Utah Occupational Disease Act, for failure to obtain workers'
             866      compensation coverage for an employee.
             867          Section 16. Section 31A-40-303 is amended to read:
             868           31A-40-303. Licensed through an assurance organization.
             869          (1) (a) A person may comply with Section 31A-40-302 by:

             870          (i) filing with the commissioner:
             871          (A) a certification that an assurance organization certifies the qualifications of the
             872      professional employer organization;
             873          (B) the information required by Subsections 31A-40-302 (2)(a) through (d) and
             874      31A-40-302 (2)(h); and
             875          (C) any changes to the information required by Subsection (1)(a)(i)(B) within 30 days
             876      of the day on which the information changes; and
             877          (ii) paying a license fee determined in accordance with Section 31A-3-103 .
             878          (b) A professional employer organization that meets the requirements of Section
             879      31A-40-302 by complying with this section is not required to:
             880          (i) renew its license until the day on which the assurance organization no longer
             881      certifies the qualifications of the professional employer organization;
             882          (ii) provide the information in Subsections 31A-40-302 (2)(e) through (g); or
             883          (iii) comply with Section 31A-40-205 .
             884          (c) If a professional employer organization that meets the requirements of Section
             885      31A-40-302 by complying with this section receives a new or renewed certification by the
             886      assurance organization, the professional employer organization shall file with the
             887      commissioner a new certification within 30 days from the day on which the professional
             888      employer organization receives the new or renewed certification from the assurance
             889      organization.
             890          (d) (i) If a professional employer organization authorizes an assurance organization to
             891      act on behalf of the professional employer organization for purposes of licensure under this
             892      section, the commissioner shall accept the assurance organization's filing of the information
             893      required by Subsection (1)(a) or (1)(c) if the information otherwise complies with this section
             894      and commission rules.
             895          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(d)(i), if the assurance organization fails to make a
             896      required filing under this section, the commissioner may not accept, not renew, or terminate the
             897      professional employer organization's license.

             898          (2) The commissioner shall designate one or more assurance organizations by rule:
             899          (a) consistent with this section;
             900          (b) made in accordance with Title [63A] 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             901      Rulemaking Act; and
             902          (c) that requires that an assurance organization designated by the commissioner be
             903      licensed by one or more states other than Utah to certify the qualifications of a professional
             904      employer organization.
             905          (3) The qualifications certified by an assurance organization designated by the
             906      commissioner shall include at a minimum that a professional employer organization:
             907          (a) ensure that each controlling person of the professional employer organization:
             908          (i) be competent to manage a professional employer organization;
             909          (ii) be responsible in the controlling person's finances; and
             910          (iii) not have a history of or be engaged in unlawful activities;
             911          (b) has a history that is verifiable that the professional employer organization:
             912          (i) complies with regulatory requirements; and
             913          (ii) engages in financially responsible conduct;
             914          (c) has or is able to obtain audited financial statements;
             915          (d) has an adjusted net worth equal to or in excess of the greater of:
             916          (i) $100,000; or
             917          (ii) 5% of total adjusted liabilities;
             918          (e) has liquid assets that are sufficient to pay short-term liabilities as demonstrated by a
             919      ratio determined by dividing current assets by current liabilities or a similar formula;
             920          (f) has on its books adequate financial reserves for all local, state, and federal
             921      self-insurance and any insurance policy or plan in which the final cost of coverage is affected
             922      by claim losses;
             923          (g) operates in conformity with all applicable laws and regulations including those laws
             924      and regulations in addition to this chapter;
             925          (h) does not engage in deceptive trade practices or misrepresentations of an employer's

             926      obligation or liability;
             927          (i) has a written professional employer agreement with each client;
             928          (j) has or is willing to obtain a written acknowledgment, as part of an existing form or
             929      separately, from each covered employee stating that the covered employee understands and
             930      accepts the nature, terms, and conditions of the coemployment relationship;
             931          (k) establishes and maintains a coemployment relationship by assuming key employer
             932      attributes with respect to covered employees as demonstrated by the professional employer
             933      agreement and employment forms, policies, and procedures;
             934          (l) provides all covered employees with a written copy of the professional employer
             935      organization's employment policies and procedures;
             936          (m) ensures that all covered employees are covered in a regulatory compliant manner
             937      by workers' compensation insurance;
             938          (n) does not knowingly use the coemployment relationship to assist a client to evade or
             939      avoid the client's obligations under:
             940          (i) the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 151 et seq.;
             941          (ii) the federal Railway Labor Act, 45 U.S.C. Sec. 151 et seq.; or
             942          (iii) any collective bargaining agreement;
             943          (o) except through a licensed insurance agent, does not:
             944          (i) represent or imply that it can sell insurance;
             945          (ii) attempt to sell insurance; or
             946          (iii) sell insurance;
             947          (p) markets and provides, or is willing to market and provide professional employer
             948      service under a separate and distinct trade name from any affiliated professional employer
             949      organization that is not certified by the assurance organization;
             950          (q) does not allow any person not certified by the assurance organization to use the
             951      professional employer organization's trade name in the sale or delivery of the professional
             952      employer organization's professional employer service;
             953          (r) does not guarantee, participate in, transfer between, or otherwise share liabilities

             954      with any other professional employer organization that is not certified by the assurance
             955      organization:
             956          (i) in the employment of covered employees; or
             957          (ii) in any employee benefit or insurance policy or plan that is not fully insured and
             958      fully funded; and
             959          (s) has the ability to provide a regulatory agency or insurance carrier upon request with:
             960          (i) a client's name, address, and federal tax identification number;
             961          (ii) payroll data by:
             962          (A) client;
             963          (B) (I) client SIC Code of the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification Manual of the
             964      federal Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget; or
             965          (II) client classification under the 2002 North American Industry Classification System
             966      of the federal Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget; and
             967          (C) workers' compensation classification;
             968          (iii) the names of covered employees by:
             969          (A) the worksite of a client; and
             970          (B) workers' compensation classification; and
             971          (iv) workers' compensation certificates of insurance.
             972          (4) This section does not modify the commissioner's authority or responsibility to
             973      accept, renew, or terminate a license.
             974          Section 17. Section 41-1a-102 is amended to read:
             975           41-1a-102. Definitions.
             976          As used in this chapter:
             977          (1) "Actual miles" means the actual distance a vehicle has traveled while in operation.
             978          (2) "Actual weight" means the actual unladen weight of a vehicle or combination of
             979      vehicles as operated and certified to by a weighmaster.
             980          (3) "Affidavit of Mobile Home Affixture" means the affidavit of affixture described in
             981      [Title 59, Chapter 2, Part 6, Mobile Homes] Section 41-1a-503 .

             982          (4) "All-terrain type I vehicle" has the same meaning provided in Section 41-22-2 .
             983          (5) "All-terrain type II vehicle" has the same meaning provided in Section 41-22-2 .
             984          (6) "Amateur radio operator" means any person licensed by the Federal
             985      Communications Commission to engage in private and experimental two-way radio operation
             986      on the amateur band radio frequencies.
             987          (7) "Branded title" means a title certificate that is labeled:
             988          (a) rebuilt and restored to operation;
             989          (b) flooded and restored to operation; or
             990          (c) not restored to operation.
             991          (8) "Camper" means any structure designed, used, and maintained primarily to be
             992      mounted on or affixed to a motor vehicle that contains a floor and is designed to provide a
             993      mobile dwelling, sleeping place, commercial space, or facilities for human habitation or for
             994      camping.
             995          (9) "Certificate of title" means a document issued by a jurisdiction to establish a record
             996      of ownership between an identified owner and the described vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor.
             997          (10) "Certified scale weigh ticket" means a weigh ticket that has been issued by a
             998      weighmaster.
             999          (11) "Commercial vehicle" means a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer used or
             1000      maintained for the transportation of persons or property that operates:
             1001          (a) as a carrier for hire, compensation, or profit; or
             1002          (b) as a carrier to transport the vehicle owner's goods or property in furtherance of the
             1003      owner's commercial enterprise.
             1004          (12) "Commission" means the State Tax Commission.
             1005          (13) "Dealer" means a person engaged or licensed to engage in the business of buying,
             1006      selling, or exchanging new or used vehicles, vessels, or outboard motors either outright or on
             1007      conditional sale, bailment, lease, chattel mortgage, or otherwise or who has an established
             1008      place of business for the sale, lease, trade, or display of vehicles, vessels, or outboard motors.
             1009          (14) "Division" means the Motor Vehicle Division of the commission, created in

             1010      Section 41-1a-106 .
             1011          (15) "Essential parts" means all integral and body parts of a vehicle of a type required
             1012      to be registered in this state, the removal, alteration, or substitution of which would tend to
             1013      conceal the identity of the vehicle or substantially alter its appearance, model, type, or mode of
             1014      operation.
             1015          (16) "Farm tractor" means every motor vehicle designed and used primarily as a farm
             1016      implement for drawing plows, mowing machines, and other implements of husbandry.
             1017          (17) (a) "Farm truck" means a truck used by the owner or operator of a farm solely for
             1018      his own use in the transportation of:
             1019          (i) farm products, including livestock and its products, poultry and its products,
             1020      floricultural and horticultural products;
             1021          (ii) farm supplies, including tile, fence, and every other thing or commodity used in
             1022      agricultural, floricultural, horticultural, livestock, and poultry production; and
             1023          (iii) livestock, poultry, and other animals and things used for breeding, feeding, or
             1024      other purposes connected with the operation of a farm.
             1025          (b) "Farm truck" does not include the operation of trucks by commercial processors of
             1026      agricultural products.
             1027          (18) "Fleet" means one or more commercial vehicles.
             1028          (19) "Foreign vehicle" means a vehicle of a type required to be registered, brought into
             1029      this state from another state, territory, or country other than in the ordinary course of business
             1030      by or through a manufacturer or dealer, and not registered in this state.
             1031          (20) "Gross laden weight" means the actual weight of a vehicle or combination of
             1032      vehicles, equipped for operation, to which shall be added the maximum load to be carried.
             1033          (21) "Highway" or "street" means the entire width between property lines of every way
             1034      or place of whatever nature when any part of it is open to the public, as a matter of right, for
             1035      purposes of vehicular traffic.
             1036          (22) (a) "Identification number" means the identifying number assigned by the
             1037      manufacturer or by the division for the purpose of identifying the vehicle, vessel, or outboard

             1038      motor.
             1039          (b) "Identification number" includes a vehicle identification number, state assigned
             1040      identification number, hull identification number, and motor serial number.
             1041          (23) "Implement of husbandry" means every vehicle designed or adapted and used
             1042      exclusively for an agricultural operation and only incidentally operated or moved upon the
             1043      highways.
             1044          (24) (a) "In-state miles" means the total number of miles operated in this state during
             1045      the preceding year by fleet power units.
             1046          (b) If fleets are composed entirely of trailers or semitrailers, "in-state miles" means the
             1047      total number of miles that those vehicles were towed on Utah highways during the preceding
             1048      year.
             1049          (25) "Interstate vehicle" means any commercial vehicle operated in more than one
             1050      state, province, territory, or possession of the United States or foreign country.
             1051          (26) "Jurisdiction" means a state, district, province, political subdivision, territory, or
             1052      possession of the United States or any foreign country.
             1053          (27) "Lienholder" means a person with a security interest in particular property.
             1054          (28) "Manufactured home" means a transportable factory built housing unit constructed
             1055      on or after June 15, 1976, according to the Federal Home Construction and Safety Standards
             1056      Act of 1974 (HUD Code), in one or more sections, which, in the traveling mode, is eight body
             1057      feet or more in width or 40 body feet or more in length, or when erected on site, is 400 or more
             1058      square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling
             1059      with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes
             1060      the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems.
             1061          (29) "Manufacturer" means a person engaged in the business of constructing,
             1062      manufacturing, assembling, producing, or importing new or unused vehicles, vessels, or
             1063      outboard motors for the purpose of sale or trade.
             1064          (30) "Mobile home" means a transportable factory built housing unit built prior to June
             1065      15, 1976, in accordance with a state mobile home code which existed prior to the Federal

             1066      Manufactured Housing and Safety Standards Act (HUD Code).
             1067          (31) "Motorboat" has the same meaning as provided in Section 73-18-2 .
             1068          (32) "Motorcycle" means a motor vehicle having a saddle for the use of the rider and
             1069      designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground.
             1070          (33) (a) "Motor vehicle" means a self-propelled vehicle intended primarily for use and
             1071      operation on the highways.
             1072          (b) "Motor vehicle" does not include an off-highway vehicle.
             1073          (34) (a) "Nonresident" means a person who is not a resident of this state as defined by
             1074      Section 41-1a-202 , and who does not engage in intrastate business within this state and does
             1075      not operate in that business any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer within this state.
             1076          (b) A person who engages in intrastate business within this state and operates in that
             1077      business any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer in this state or who, even though engaging in
             1078      interstate commerce, maintains any vehicle in this state as the home station of that vehicle is
             1079      considered a resident of this state, insofar as that vehicle is concerned in administering this
             1080      chapter.
             1081          (35) "Odometer" means a device for measuring and recording the actual distance a
             1082      vehicle travels while in operation, but does not include any auxiliary odometer designed to be
             1083      periodically reset.
             1084          (36) "Off-highway implement of husbandry" has the same meaning as provided in
             1085      Section 41-22-2 .
             1086          (37) "Off-highway vehicle" has the same meaning as provided in Section 41-22-2 .
             1087          (38) "Operate" means to drive or be in actual physical control of a vehicle or to
             1088      navigate a vessel.
             1089          (39) "Outboard motor" means a detachable self-contained propulsion unit, excluding
             1090      fuel supply, used to propel a vessel.
             1091          (40) (a) "Owner" means a person, other than a lienholder, holding title to a vehicle,
             1092      vessel, or outboard motor whether or not the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor is subject to a
             1093      security interest.

             1094          (b) If a vehicle is the subject of an agreement for the conditional sale or installment
             1095      sale or mortgage of the vehicle with the right of purchase upon performance of the conditions
             1096      stated in the agreement and with an immediate right of possession vested in the conditional
             1097      vendee or mortgagor, or if the vehicle is the subject of a security agreement, then the
             1098      conditional vendee, mortgagor, or debtor is considered the owner for the purposes of this
             1099      chapter.
             1100          (c) If a vehicle is the subject of an agreement to lease, the lessor is considered the
             1101      owner until the lessee exercises his option to purchase the vehicle.
             1102          (41) "Personalized license plate" means a license plate that has displayed on it a
             1103      combination of letters, numbers, or both as requested by the owner of the vehicle and assigned
             1104      to the vehicle by the division.
             1105          (42) (a) "Pickup truck" means a two-axle motor vehicle with motive power
             1106      manufactured, remanufactured, or materially altered to provide an open cargo area.
             1107          (b) "Pickup truck" includes motor vehicles with the open cargo area covered with a
             1108      camper, camper shell, tarp, removable top, or similar structure.
             1109          (43) "Pneumatic tire" means every tire in which compressed air is designed to support
             1110      the load.
             1111          (44) "Preceding year" means a period of 12 consecutive months fixed by the division
             1112      that is within 16 months immediately preceding the commencement of the registration or
             1113      license year in which proportional registration is sought. The division in fixing the period shall
             1114      conform it to the terms, conditions, and requirements of any applicable agreement or
             1115      arrangement for the proportional registration of vehicles.
             1116          (45) "Public garage" means every building or other place where vehicles or vessels are
             1117      kept and stored and where a charge is made for the storage and keeping of vehicles and vessels.
             1118          (46) "Reconstructed vehicle" means every vehicle of a type required to be registered in
             1119      this state that is materially altered from its original construction by the removal, addition, or
             1120      substitution of essential parts, new or used.
             1121          (47) "Recreational vehicle" has the same meaning as provided in Section 13-14-102 .

             1122          (48) "Registration" means a document issued by a jurisdiction that allows operation of
             1123      a vehicle or vessel on the highways or waters of this state for the time period for which the
             1124      registration is valid and that is evidence of compliance with the registration requirements of the
             1125      jurisdiction.
             1126          (49) (a) "Registration year" means a 12 consecutive month period commencing with
             1127      the completion of all applicable registration criteria.
             1128          (b) For administration of a multistate agreement for proportional registration the
             1129      division may prescribe a different 12-month period.
             1130          (50) "Repair or replacement" means the restoration of vehicles, vessels, or outboard
             1131      motors to a sound working condition by substituting any inoperative part of the vehicle, vessel,
             1132      or outboard motor, or by correcting the inoperative part.
             1133          (51) "Replica vehicle" means:
             1134          (a) a street rod that meets the requirements under Subsection 41-21-1 (1)(a)(i)(B); or
             1135          (b) a custom vehicle that meets the requirements under Subsection
             1136      41-6a-1507 (1)(a)(i)(B).
             1137          (52) "Road tractor" means every motor vehicle designed and used for drawing other
             1138      vehicles and constructed so it does not carry any load either independently or any part of the
             1139      weight of a vehicle or load that is drawn.
             1140          (53) "Sailboat" has the same meaning as provided in Section 73-18-2 .
             1141          (54) "Security interest" means an interest that is reserved or created by a security
             1142      agreement to secure the payment or performance of an obligation and that is valid against third
             1143      parties.
             1144          (55) "Semitrailer" means every vehicle without motive power designed for carrying
             1145      persons or property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle and constructed so that some part
             1146      of its weight and its load rests or is carried by another vehicle.
             1147          (56) "Special group license plate" means a type of license plate designed for a
             1148      particular group of people or a license plate authorized and issued by the division in accordance
             1149      with Section 41-1a-418 .

             1150          (57) (a) "Special interest vehicle" means a vehicle used for general transportation
             1151      purposes and that is:
             1152          (i) 20 years or older from the current year; or
             1153          (ii) a make or model of motor vehicle recognized by the division director as having
             1154      unique interest or historic value.
             1155          (b) In making his determination under Subsection (57)(a), the division director shall
             1156      give special consideration to:
             1157          (i) a make of motor vehicle that is no longer manufactured;
             1158          (ii) a make or model of motor vehicle produced in limited or token quantities;
             1159          (iii) a make or model of motor vehicle produced as an experimental vehicle or one
             1160      designed exclusively for educational purposes or museum display; or
             1161          (iv) a motor vehicle of any age or make that has not been substantially altered or
             1162      modified from original specifications of the manufacturer and because of its significance is
             1163      being collected, preserved, restored, maintained, or operated by a collector or hobbyist as a
             1164      leisure pursuit.
             1165          (58) (a) "Special mobile equipment" means every vehicle:
             1166          (i) not designed or used primarily for the transportation of persons or property;
             1167          (ii) not designed to operate in traffic; and
             1168          (iii) only incidentally operated or moved over the highways.
             1169          (b) "Special mobile equipment" includes:
             1170          (i) farm tractors;
             1171          (ii) off-road motorized construction or maintenance equipment including backhoes,
             1172      bulldozers, compactors, graders, loaders, road rollers, tractors, and trenchers; and
             1173          (iii) ditch-digging apparatus.
             1174          (c) "Special mobile equipment" does not include a commercial vehicle as defined
             1175      under Section 72-9-102 .
             1176          (59) "Specially constructed vehicle" means every vehicle of a type required to be
             1177      registered in this state, not originally constructed under a distinctive name, make, model, or

             1178      type by a generally recognized manufacturer of vehicles, and not materially altered from its
             1179      original construction.
             1180          (60) "Title" means the right to or ownership of a vehicle, vessel, or outboard motor.
             1181          (61) (a) "Total fleet miles" means the total number of miles operated in all jurisdictions
             1182      during the preceding year by power units.
             1183          (b) If fleets are composed entirely of trailers or semitrailers, "total fleet miles" means
             1184      the number of miles that those vehicles were towed on the highways of all jurisdictions during
             1185      the preceding year.
             1186          (62) "Trailer" means a vehicle without motive power designed for carrying persons or
             1187      property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle and constructed so that no part of its weight
             1188      rests upon the towing vehicle.
             1189          (63) "Transferee" means a person to whom the ownership of property is conveyed by
             1190      sale, gift, or any other means except by the creation of a security interest.
             1191          (64) "Transferor" means a person who transfers his ownership in property by sale, gift,
             1192      or any other means except by creation of a security interest.
             1193          (65) "Travel trailer," "camping trailer," or "fifth wheel trailer" means a portable vehicle
             1194      without motive power, designed as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational, or vacation
             1195      use that does not require a special highway movement permit when drawn by a self-propelled
             1196      motor vehicle.
             1197          (66) "Truck tractor" means a motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing
             1198      other vehicles and not constructed to carry a load other than a part of the weight of the vehicle
             1199      and load that is drawn.
             1200          (67) "Vehicle" includes a motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, off-highway vehicle,
             1201      manufactured home, and mobile home.
             1202          (68) "Vessel" has the same meaning as provided in Section 73-18-2 .
             1203          (69) "Vintage vehicle" has the same meaning as provided in Section 41-21-1 .
             1204          (70) "Waters of this state" has the same meaning as provided in Section 73-18-2 .
             1205          (71) "Weighmaster" means a person, association of persons, or corporation permitted

             1206      to weigh vehicles under this chapter.
             1207          Section 18. Section 48-1-3 is amended to read:
             1208           48-1-3. "Partnership" defined.
             1209          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2), a "partnership" is an association of two or
             1210      more persons to carry on as coowners a business for profit.
             1211          (b) "Partnership," when used in a statute of the state, includes a limited liability
             1212      partnership registered under Section 48-1-42 , unless the context requires otherwise.
             1213          (2) An association formed under any other statute of this state, or any statute adopted
             1214      by authority other than the authority of this state, is not a partnership under this chapter, unless
             1215      such association would have been a partnership in this state prior to the adoption of this
             1216      chapter.
             1217          (3) This chapter shall apply to limited partnerships except in so far as the statutes
             1218      relating to such partnerships are inconsistent herewith.
             1219          Section 19. Section 48-2a-1105 is amended to read:
             1220           48-2a-1105. Rules for cases not provided for in this chapter.
             1221          In any case not provided for in this chapter, the provisions of Title 48, Chapter 1, Part 1,
             1222      [Uniform Partnership Act] General Partnership, govern.
             1223          Section 20. Section 53-2-105 is amended to read:
             1224           53-2-105. Hazardous materials emergency -- Recovery of expenses.
             1225          (1) (a) The director may recover from those persons whose negligent actions caused the
             1226      hazardous materials emergency, expenses incurred by state agencies directly associated with a
             1227      response to a hazardous materials emergency taken under authority of this part, Title 63K,
             1228      Chapter 3, Emergency Management Act, or Title 63K, Chapter [2] 4, Disaster Response and
             1229      Recovery Act.
             1230          (b) The payment of expenses under this Subsection (1) does not constitute an
             1231      admission of liability or negligence in any legal action for damages.
             1232          (c) The director may obtain assistance from the attorney general or a county attorney of
             1233      the affected jurisdiction to assist the director in recovering expenses and legal fees.

             1234          (d) Any recovered costs shall be deposited in the General Fund as dedicated credits to
             1235      be used by the division to reimburse state and local government agencies for the costs they
             1236      have incurred.
             1237          (2) (a) If the cost directly associated with emergency response exceeds all available
             1238      funds of the division within a given fiscal year, the division, with approval from the governor,
             1239      may incur a deficit in its line item budget.
             1240          (b) The Legislature shall provide a supplemental appropriation in the following year to
             1241      cover the deficit.
             1242          (c) The division shall deposit all costs associated with any emergency response that are
             1243      collected in subsequent fiscal years into the General Fund.
             1244          (3) Any political subdivision may enact local ordinances pursuant to existing statutory
             1245      or constitutional authority to provide for the recovery of expenses incurred by the political
             1246      subdivision.
             1247          Section 21. Section 53-2-106 is amended to read:
             1248           53-2-106. Expenditures authorized by "state of emergency" declaration.
             1249          (1) (a) The director may use funds authorized under Title 63K, Chapter [2] 4, Disaster
             1250      Response and Recovery Act, to provide:
             1251          (i) transportation to and from the disaster scene;
             1252          (ii) accommodations at the disaster scene for prolonged incidents; and
             1253          (iii) emergency purchase of response equipment and supplies in direct support of a
             1254      disaster.
             1255          (b) The commissioner may authorize the use of funds accrued under Title 63K, Chapter
             1256      2, Energy Emergency Powers of the Governor Act, only if the governor declares a state of
             1257      emergency as provided in Title 63K, Chapter [2] 4, Disaster Response and Recovery Act.
             1258          (2) These funds may not be allocated to a political subdivision unless the political
             1259      subdivision has demonstrated that it is beyond its capability to respond to the disaster and that
             1260      no other resources are available in sufficient amount to meet the disaster.
             1261          Section 22. Section 53-7-103 is amended to read:

             1262           53-7-103. State Fire Marshal Division -- Creation -- State fire marshal --
             1263      Appointment, qualifications, duties, and compensation.
             1264          (1) There is created within the department the State Fire Marshal Division.
             1265          (2) (a) The director of the division is the state fire marshal, who shall be appointed by
             1266      the commissioner upon the recommendation of the Utah Fire Prevention Board created in
             1267      Section 53-7-203 and with the approval of the governor.
             1268          (b) The state fire marshal is the executive and administrative head of the division, and
             1269      shall be qualified by experience and education to:
             1270          (i) enforce the state fire code;
             1271          (ii) enforce rules made under this chapter; and
             1272          (iii) perform the duties prescribed by the commissioner.
             1273          (3) The state fire marshal acts under the supervision and control of the commissioner
             1274      and may be removed from the position at the will of the commissioner.
             1275          (4) The state fire marshal shall:
             1276          (a) enforce the state fire code and rules made under this chapter in accordance with
             1277      Section 53-7-104 ;
             1278          (b) complete the duties assigned by the commissioner;
             1279          (c) examine plans and specifications for school buildings, as required by Section
             1280      53A-20-104 ;
             1281          (d) approve criteria established by the state superintendent for building inspectors;
             1282          (e) promote and support injury prevention public education programs; and
             1283          (f) perform all other duties provided in this chapter.
             1284          (5) The state fire marshal shall receive compensation as provided by Title 67, Chapter
             1285      19, Utah State Personnel Management Act.
             1286          Section 23. Section 53A-11-102.6 is amended to read:
             1287           53A-11-102.6. Private school and home school students' participation in
             1288      extracurricular activities in a public school.
             1289          (1) As used in this section:

             1290          (a) "Academic eligibility requirements" means the academic eligibility requirements
             1291      that a home school student is required to meet to participate in an extracurricular activity in a
             1292      public school.
             1293          (b) "Principal" means the principal of the school in which a home school student
             1294      participates or intends to participate in an extracurricular activity.
             1295          (2) (a) A minor who is enrolled in a private school or a home school shall be eligible to
             1296      participate in an extracurricular activity at a public school as provided in this section.
             1297          (b) A private school student may only participate in an extracurricular activity at a
             1298      public school that is not offered by the student's private school.
             1299          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(d), a private school student or a home school
             1300      student may only participate in an extracurricular activity at:
             1301          (i) the school within whose attendance boundaries the student's custodial parent or
             1302      legal guardian resides; or
             1303          (ii) the school from which the student withdrew for the purpose of attending a private
             1304      or home school.
             1305          (d) A school other than a school described in Subsection (2)(c)(i) or (ii) may allow a
             1306      private school student or a home school student to participate in an extracurricular activity
             1307      other than:
             1308          (i) an interscholastic competition of athletic teams sponsored and supported by a public
             1309      school; or
             1310          (ii) an interscholastic contest or competition for music, drama, or forensic groups or
             1311      teams sponsored and supported by a public school.
             1312          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (4) through (13), a private school or home
             1313      school student shall be eligible to participate in an extracurricular activity at a public school
             1314      consistent with eligibility standards:
             1315          (i) applied to a fully enrolled public school student;
             1316          (ii) of the public school where the private school or home school student participates in
             1317      an extracurricular activity; and

             1318          (iii) for the extracurricular activity in which the private school or home school student
             1319      participates.
             1320          (b) A school district or public school may not impose additional requirements on a
             1321      private school or home school student to participate in an extracurricular activity that are not
             1322      imposed on a fully enrolled public school student.
             1323          (c) (i) A private school or home school student who participates in an extracurricular
             1324      activity at a public school shall pay the same fees as required of a fully enrolled public school
             1325      student to participate in an extracurricular activity.
             1326          (ii) If a local school board or charter school governing board imposes a mandatory
             1327      student activity fee for a student enrolled in a public school, the fee may be imposed on a
             1328      private school or home school student who participates in an extracurricular activity at the
             1329      public school if the same benefits of paying the mandatory student activity fee that are
             1330      available to a fully enrolled public school student are available to a private school or home
             1331      school student who participates in an extracurricular activity at the public school.
             1332          (4) Eligibility requirements based on school attendance are not applicable to a home
             1333      school student.
             1334          (5) A home school student meets academic eligibility requirements to participate in an
             1335      extracurricular activity if:
             1336          (a) the student is mastering the material in each course or subject being taught; and
             1337          (b) the student is maintaining satisfactory progress towards achievement or promotion.
             1338          (6) (a) To establish a home school student's academic eligibility, a parent, teacher, or
             1339      organization providing instruction to the student shall submit an affidavit to the principal
             1340      indicating the student meets academic eligibility requirements.
             1341          (b) Upon submission of an affidavit pursuant to Subsection (6)(a), a home school
             1342      student shall:
             1343          (i) be considered to meet academic eligibility requirements; and
             1344          (ii) retain academic eligibility for all extracurricular activities during the activity season
             1345      for which the affidavit is submitted, until:

             1346          (A) a panel established under Subsection (10) determines the home school student does
             1347      not meet academic eligibility requirements; or
             1348          (B) the person who submitted the affidavit under Subsection (6)(a) provides written
             1349      notice to the school principal that the student no longer meets academic eligibility
             1350      requirements.
             1351          (7) (a) A home school student who loses academic eligibility pursuant to Subsection
             1352      (6)(b)(ii)(B) may not participate in an extracurricular activity until the person who submitted
             1353      the affidavit under Subsection (6)(a) provides written notice to the school principal that the
             1354      home school student has reestablished academic eligibility.
             1355          (b) If a home school student reestablishes academic eligibility pursuant to Subsection
             1356      (7)(a), the home school student may participate in extracurricular activities for the remainder of
             1357      the activity season for which an affidavit was submitted under Subsection (6)(a).
             1358          (8) A person who has probable cause to believe a home school student does not meet
             1359      academic eligibility requirements may submit an affidavit to the principal:
             1360          (a) asserting the home school student does not meet academic eligibility requirements;
             1361      and
             1362          (b) providing information indicating that the home school student does not meet the
             1363      academic eligibility requirements.
             1364          (9) A principal shall review the affidavit submitted under Subsection (8), and if the
             1365      principal determines it contains information which constitutes probable cause to believe a
             1366      home school student may not meet academic eligibility requirements, the principal shall
             1367      request a panel established pursuant to Subsection (10) to verify the student's compliance with
             1368      academic eligibility requirements.
             1369          (10) (a) A school district superintendent shall:
             1370          (i) appoint a panel of three individuals to verify a home school student's compliance
             1371      with academic eligibility requirements when requested by a principal pursuant to Subsection
             1372      (9); and
             1373          (ii) select the panel members from nominees submitted by national, state, or regional

             1374      organizations whose members are home school students and parents.
             1375          (b) Of the members appointed to a panel under Subsection (10)(a):
             1376          (i) one member shall have experience teaching in a public school as a licensed teacher
             1377      and in home schooling high school-age students;
             1378          (ii) one member shall have experience teaching in a higher education institution and in
             1379      home schooling; and
             1380          (iii) one member shall have experience in home schooling high school-age students.
             1381          (11) A panel appointed under Subsection (10):
             1382          (a) shall review the affidavit submitted under Subsection (8);
             1383          (b) may confer with the person who submitted the affidavit under Subsection (8);
             1384          (c) shall request the home school student to submit test scores or a portfolio of work
             1385      documenting the student's academic achievement to the panel;
             1386          (d) shall review the test scores or portfolio of work; and
             1387          (e) shall determine whether the home school student meets academic eligibility
             1388      requirements.
             1389          (12) A home school student who meets academic eligibility requirements pursuant to
             1390      Subsection (11), retains academic eligibility for all extracurricular activities during the activity
             1391      season for which an affidavit is submitted pursuant to Subsection (6).
             1392          (13) (a) A panel's determination that a home school student does not comply with
             1393      academic eligibility requirements is effective for an activity season and all extracurricular
             1394      activities that have academic eligibility requirements.
             1395          (b) A home school student who is not in compliance with academic eligibility
             1396      requirements as determined by a panel appointed under Subsection (11) may seek to establish
             1397      academic eligibility under this section for the next activity season.
             1398          (14) (a) A public school student who has been declared to be academically ineligible to
             1399      participate in an extracurricular activity and who subsequently enrolls in a home school shall
             1400      lose eligibility for participation in the extracurricular activity until the student:
             1401          (i) demonstrates academic eligibility by providing test results or a portfolio of the

             1402      student's work to the school principal, provided that a student may not reestablish academic
             1403      eligibility under this Subsection (14)(a) during the same activity season in which the student
             1404      was declared to be academically ineligible;
             1405          (ii) returns to public school and reestablishes academic eligibility; or
             1406          (iii) enrolls in a private school and establishes academic eligibility.
             1407          (b) A public school student who has been declared to be behaviorally ineligible to
             1408      participate in an extracurricular activity and who subsequently enrolls in a home school shall
             1409      lose eligibility for participation in the extracurricular activity until the student meets eligibility
             1410      standards as provided in Subsection (3).
             1411          (15) When selection to participate in an extracurricular activity at a public school is
             1412      made on a competitive basis, a private school student and a home school student shall be
             1413      eligible to try out for and participate in the activity as provided in this section.
             1414          (16) (a) If a student exits a public school to enroll in a private or home school
             1415      mid-semester or during an activity season, and the student desires to participate in an
             1416      extracurricular activity at the public school, the public school shall issue an interim academic
             1417      assessment based on the student's work in each class.
             1418          (b) A student's academic eligibility to participate in an extracurricular activity under
             1419      the circumstances described in Subsection (16)(a) shall be based on the student meeting public
             1420      school academic eligibility standards at the time of exiting public school.
             1421          (c) A student may appeal an academic eligibility determination made under Subsection
             1422      (16)(b) in accordance with procedures for appealing a public school student's academic
             1423      eligibility.
             1424          Section 24. Section 53A-17a-156 is amended to read:
             1425           53A-17a-156. Teacher Salary Supplement Program.
             1426          (1) As used in this section:
             1427          (a) "Eligible teacher" means a teacher who:
             1428          (i) has an assignment to teach:
             1429          (A) a secondary school level mathematics course;

             1430          (B) integrated science in grade 7 or 8;
             1431          (C) chemistry; or
             1432          (D) physics;
             1433          (ii) holds the appropriate endorsement for the assigned course;
             1434          (iii) has qualifying educational background; and
             1435          (iv) (A) is a new employee; or
             1436          (B) received a satisfactory rating or above on the teacher's most recent evaluation.
             1437          (b) "Qualifying educational background" means:
             1438          (i) for a teacher who is assigned a secondary school level mathematics course, a
             1439      bachelor's degree major, master's degree, or doctoral degree in mathematics; and
             1440          (ii) for a teacher who is assigned a grade 7 or 8 integrated science course, chemistry
             1441      course, or physics course, a bachelor's degree major, master's degree, or doctoral degree in:
             1442          [(I)] (A) integrated science;
             1443          [(II)] (B) chemistry;
             1444          [(III)] (C) physics;
             1445          [(IV)] (D) physical science; or
             1446          [(V)] (E) general science.
             1447          (2) (a) Subject to future budget constraints, the Legislature shall annually appropriate
             1448      money to the Teacher Salary Supplement Restricted Account established in Section
             1449      53A-17a-157 to fund the Teacher Salary Supplement Program.
             1450          (b) Money appropriated for the Teacher Salary Supplement Program shall include
             1451      money for the following employer-paid benefits:
             1452          (i) retirement;
             1453          (ii) workers' compensation;
             1454          (iii) Social Security; and
             1455          (iv) Medicare.
             1456          (3) (a) Beginning in fiscal year 2008-09, the annual salary supplement is $4,100 for an
             1457      eligible teacher who:

             1458          (i) is assigned full-time to teach one or more courses listed in Subsections (1)(a)(i)(A)
             1459      through (D); and
             1460          (ii) meets the requirements of Subsections (1)(a)(ii) and (iii) for each course
             1461      assignment.
             1462          (b) An eligible teacher who has a part-time assignment to teach one or more courses
             1463      listed in Subsections (1)(a)(i)(A) through (D) shall receive a partial salary supplement based on
             1464      the number of hours worked in a course assignment that meets the requirements of Subsections
             1465      (1)(a)(ii) and (iii).
             1466          (4) The Department of Human Resource Management shall:
             1467          (a) create an on-line application system for a teacher to apply to receive a salary
             1468      supplement through the Teacher Salary Supplement Program;
             1469          (b) determine if a teacher:
             1470          (i) is an eligible teacher; and
             1471          (ii) has a course assignment as listed in Subsections (1)(a)(i)(A) through (D);
             1472          (c) verify, as needed, the determinations made under Subsection (4)(b) with school
             1473      district and school administrators; and
             1474          (d) certify a list of eligible teachers and the amount of their salary supplement, sorted
             1475      by school district and charter school, to the Division of Finance.
             1476          (5) (a) An eligible teacher shall apply with the Department of Human Resource
             1477      Management prior to the conclusion of a school year to receive the salary supplement
             1478      authorized in this section.
             1479          (b) An eligible teacher may apply with the Department of Human Resource
             1480      Management, after verification that the requirements under this section have been satisfied, to
             1481      receive a salary supplement after the completion of:
             1482          (i) the school year as an annual award; or
             1483          (ii) a semester or trimester as a partial award based on the portion of the school year
             1484      that has been completed.
             1485          (6) (a) The Division of Finance shall distribute money from the Teacher Salary

             1486      Supplement Restricted Account to school districts and charter schools for the Teacher Salary
             1487      Supplement Program in accordance with the provisions of this section.
             1488          (b) The Department of Human Resource Management shall include the employer-paid
             1489      benefits described under Subsection (2)(b) in the amount of each salary supplement certified to
             1490      the Division of Finance.
             1491          (c) The employer-paid benefits described under Subsection (2)(b) are an addition to the
             1492      salary supplement limits described under Subsection (3).
             1493          (7) (a) Money received from the Teacher Salary Supplement Restricted Account shall
             1494      be used by a school district or charter school to provide a salary supplement equal to the
             1495      amount specified for each eligible teacher.
             1496          (b) The salary supplement is part of the teacher's base pay, subject to the teacher's
             1497      qualification as an eligible teacher every year, semester, or trimester.
             1498          (8) The State Board of Education shall cooperate with the Department of Human
             1499      Resource Management as it administers the Teacher Salary Supplement Program by:
             1500          (a) providing or verifying teacher data, as requested; and
             1501          (b) making information technology resources available.
             1502          (9) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, if the appropriation for the program
             1503      is insufficient to cover the costs associated with salary supplements, the Department of Human
             1504      Resource Management may limit or reduce the salary supplements.
             1505          Section 25. Section 54-3-29 is amended to read:
             1506           54-3-29. Removal, relocation, or alteration of utility facility in public highway
             1507      construction or reconstruction -- Notice -- Cooperation.
             1508          (1) As used in this section:
             1509          (a) "Design-build" means a design-build transportation project for which a design-build
             1510      transportation project contract is issued, within the meaning of Section 63G-6-502 .
             1511          (b) "Municipality" is as defined in Section [ 10-1-4 ] 10-1-104 .
             1512          (c) "Political subdivision" means a:
             1513          (i) county; or

             1514          (ii) municipality.
             1515          (d) "Public agency" means an entity of state government or a political subdivision.
             1516          (e) "Public highway" means a highway, street, road, or alley constructed for public use
             1517      in the state.
             1518          (f) "Utility company" means a privately, cooperatively, or publicly owned utility,
             1519      including a utility owned by a political subdivision, that provides service using a utility facility.
             1520          (g) "Utility facility" means:
             1521          (i) a telecommunications, gas, electricity, cable television, water, sewer, or data
             1522      facility;
             1523          (ii) a video transmission line;
             1524          (iii) a drainage and irrigation system; or
             1525          (iv) a facility similar to those listed in Subsections (1)(g)(i) through (iii) located in, on,
             1526      along, across, over, through, or under any public highway.
             1527          (2) If a public agency engages in or proposes to engage in a construction or
             1528      reconstruction project on a public highway that may require the removal, relocation, or
             1529      alteration of a utility facility, the public agency shall:
             1530          (a) contact an association, established under Title 54, Chapter 8a, Damage to
             1531      Underground Utility Facilities, to identify each utility company that may have a utility facility
             1532      in the area of the construction or reconstruction project;
             1533          (b) identify a utility company that has an above-ground utility facility in the area of the
             1534      proposed construction or reconstruction project; and
             1535          (c) electronically notify each utility company identified in accordance with Subsections
             1536      (2)(a) and (b).
             1537          (3) The notice required by Subsection (2)(c) shall:
             1538          (a) be made as early as practicable and at least 30 days:
             1539          (i) before the preliminary design or project development meeting;
             1540          (ii) before issuance of a request for proposal for a design-build project; or
             1541          (iii) after a change in scope of a design-build project;

             1542          (b) include:
             1543          (i) information concerning the proposed project design;
             1544          (ii) the proposed date of a required removal, relocation, or alteration of a utility facility;
             1545          (iii) the federal identifying project number, if applicable; and
             1546          (c) advise the utility company if the proposed project may qualify for aid for the utility
             1547      company's expense in removing, relocating, or altering a utility facility.
             1548          (4) A public agency shall permit a utility company notified under Subsection (2) to
             1549      participate in the preliminary design or project development meeting, or similar meeting at
             1550      which the project design is addressed.
             1551          (5) (a) A public agency shall, not less than 30 days after providing notice under
             1552      Subsection (2) to each utility company, provide the utility company an opportunity to meet
             1553      with the public agency to allow the utility company to:
             1554          (i) review project plans;
             1555          (ii) understand the objectives and funding sources for the proposed project;
             1556          (iii) provide and discuss recommendations to the public agency that may reasonably
             1557      eliminate or minimize utility removal, relocation, or alteration costs, limit the disruption of
             1558      utility company services, or eliminate or reduce the need for present or future utility facility
             1559      removal, relocation, or alteration; and
             1560          (iv) provide reasonable schedules to enable coordination of the construction project
             1561      and removal, relocation, or alteration of a utility facility.
             1562          (b) If a public agency provides a utility company with reasonable opportunities to meet
             1563      in accordance with Subsection (5)(a), the utility company's failure to meet does not affect the
             1564      public agency's ability to proceed with the project.
             1565          (6) While recognizing the essential goals and objectives of the public highway agency
             1566      in proceeding with and completing a project, the parties shall use their best efforts to find ways
             1567      to:
             1568          (a) eliminate the cost to the utility of relocation of the utility facilities; or
             1569          (b) if elimination of the costs is not feasible, minimize the relocation costs to the extent

             1570      reasonably possible.
             1571          (7) A utility company notified under Subsection (2) shall coordinate with the public
             1572      agency concerning the utility facility removal, relocation, or alteration, including the
             1573      scheduling of the utility facility removal, relocation, or alteration.
             1574          (8) A public agency and a utility company may address the removal, relocation, or
             1575      alteration of a utility facility in relation to a construction or reconstruction project on a public
             1576      highway in a franchise agreement in lieu of this section, if the public agency is otherwise
             1577      permitted to enter into the franchise agreement.
             1578          (9) This chapter does not affect a public agency's authority over a public right-of-way,
             1579      including any rule, ordinance, order to relocate a utility as provided in Section 72-6-116 , or
             1580      other valid provision governing the use of the public right-of-way.
             1581          Section 26. Section 54-8a-11 is amended to read:
             1582           54-8a-11. Applicability of federal law.
             1583          The following persons or entities are subject to the provisions of Title 49, Code of
             1584      Federal Regulations, Part 198, Regulations for Grants to Aid State Pipeline Safety Programs,
             1585      including those provisions relating to damage to underground facilities:
             1586          (1) an operator, to the extent subject to the [Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968,
             1587      49 U.S. Code 1671 et seq. or the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979, 49 App.
             1588      U.S.C. 2001] Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002, 49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq.;
             1589          (2) an excavator; and
             1590          (3) a person who operates an association.
             1591          Section 27. Section 54-13-7 is amended to read:
             1592           54-13-7. Minimum distances for placement of structures and facilities near main
             1593      and transmission lines.
             1594          (1) As used in this section:
             1595          (a) "Main" has the meaning set forth in 49 C.F.R. Section 192.3[;].
             1596          (b) "Minimum distance" means:
             1597          (i) the width of a recorded easement when the width is described;

             1598          (ii) 15 feet when the width of a recorded easement is undefined; or
             1599          (iii) for any underground facility, it means an area measured one foot vertically and
             1600      three feet horizontally from the outer surface of a main or transmission line.
             1601          (c) "Transmission line" has the meaning set forth in 49 C.F.R. Section 192.3[; and].
             1602          (d) "Underground facility" has the meaning set forth in Section 54-8a-2 .
             1603          (2) (a) After April 30, 1995, a building or structure requiring slab support or footings,
             1604      or an underground facility may not be placed within the minimum distance of a main or
             1605      transmission line.
             1606          (b) Subsection (2)(a) does not apply if:
             1607          (i) the building or structure is used for public or railroad transportation, natural gas
             1608      pipeline purposes, or by a public utility subject to the jurisdiction or regulation of the Public
             1609      Service Commission;
             1610          (ii) in order to receive natural gas service, the building or structure must be located
             1611      within the minimum distance of the pipeline;
             1612          (iii) the owner or operator of the main or transmission line has been notified prior to
             1613      construction or placement pursuant to Section 54-8a-4 and has given written permission; or
             1614          (iv) the commission by rule exempts such action from the provisions of Subsection
             1615      (2)(a).
             1616          (3) An owner or operator of a main or transmission line may obtain a mandatory
             1617      injunction from the district court of the judicial district in which the main or transmission line
             1618      is located against any person who violates Subsection (2).
             1619          (4) The penalties specified in Title 54, Chapter 7, Hearings, Practice, and Procedure,
             1620      [and in Section 54-13-6 ] do not apply to a violation of this section.
             1621          Section 28. Section 54-14-303 is amended to read:
             1622           54-14-303. Actions or disputes for which board review may be sought.
             1623          (1) A local government or public utility may seek review by the board, if:
             1624          (a) a local government has imposed requirements on the construction of a facility that
             1625      result in estimated excess costs without entering into an agreement with the public utility to pay

             1626      for the actual excess cost, except any actual excess costs specified in Subsection
             1627      54-14-201 (2)(a) or (2)(b), at least 30 days before the date construction of the facility should
             1628      commence in order to avoid significant risk of impairment of safe, reliable, efficient, and
             1629      adequate service to customers of the public utility;
             1630          (b) there is a dispute regarding:
             1631          (i) the estimated excess cost or standard cost of a facility;
             1632          (ii) when construction of a facility should commence in order to avoid significant risk
             1633      of impairment of safe, reliable, and adequate service to customers of the public utility;
             1634          (iii) whether the public utility has sought a permit, authorization, approval, exception,
             1635      or waiver with respect to a facility sufficiently in advance of the date construction should
             1636      commence, based upon reasonably foreseeable conditions, to allow the local government
             1637      reasonable time to pay for any estimated excess cost;
             1638          (iv) the geographic boundaries of a proposed corridor as set forth in a notice submitted
             1639      by a public utility to a local government pursuant to the provisions of Subsection
             1640      54-18-301 [(1)](2)(a), provided the action is filed by the local government before the public
             1641      utility files an application for a land use permit as set forth in Subsection 54-18-304 (1)(a); or
             1642          (v) a modification proposed by a local government to a utility's proposed corridor that
             1643      is identified in the public utility's notice of intent required pursuant to Subsection
             1644      54-18-301 (3);
             1645          (c) a local government has required construction of a facility in a manner that will not
             1646      permit the utility to provide service to its customers in a safe, reliable, adequate, or efficient
             1647      manner;
             1648          (d) a local government has prohibited construction of a facility which is needed to
             1649      provide safe, reliable, adequate, and efficient service to the customers of the public utility;
             1650          (e) a local government has not made a final decision on the public utility's application
             1651      for a permit, authorization, approval, exception, or waiver with respect to a facility within 60
             1652      days of the date the public utility applied to the local government for the permit, authorization,
             1653      approval, exception, or waiver;

             1654          (f) a facility is located or proposed to be located in more than one local government
             1655      jurisdiction and the decisions of the local governments regarding the facility are inconsistent;
             1656      or
             1657          (g) a facility is proposed to be located within a local government jurisdiction to serve
             1658      customers exclusively outside the jurisdiction of the local government and there is a dispute
             1659      regarding the apportionment of the actual excess cost of the facility between the local
             1660      government and the public utility.
             1661          (2) (a) If an action is filed by a local government pursuant to Subsection (1)(b)(iv) or
             1662      (v) seeking a modification to a target study area or a proposed corridor, the local government
             1663      shall provide written notice of the action to any potentially affected landowner, as defined in
             1664      Section 54-18-102 , or affected entity, as defined in Section 54-18-102 .
             1665          (b) A potentially affected landowner, as defined in Section 54-18-102 , or affected
             1666      entity, as defined in Section 54-18-102 , shall have a right to intervene as a party in the
             1667      proceeding.
             1668          Section 29. Section 54-14-305 is amended to read:
             1669           54-14-305. Written decisions of board.
             1670          (1) The board shall issue a written decision on the review expeditiously and, in any
             1671      event, not later than 45 days following the initial hearing.
             1672          (2) The written decision shall:
             1673          (a) specify whether the facility should be constructed and, if so, whether any
             1674      requirements or conditions imposed by the local government may not be imposed because they
             1675      impair the ability of the public utility to provide safe, reliable, and adequate service to its
             1676      customers; and
             1677          (b) resolve any dispute regarding:
             1678          (i) the standard cost or estimated excess cost of the facility;
             1679          (ii) the date on which construction of the facility should commence in order to avoid a
             1680      significant risk of impairment of safe, reliable, and adequate service to customers of the public
             1681      utility;

             1682          (iii) whether the public utility has sought a permit, authorization, approval, exception,
             1683      or waiver with respect to a facility sufficiently in advance of the date construction should
             1684      commence, based upon reasonably foreseeable conditions, to allow the local government
             1685      reasonable time to pay for any estimated excess cost;
             1686          (iv) apportionment of the actual excess cost of the facility between the local
             1687      government and the public utility pursuant to Subsection 54-14-303 [(7)](1)(g); or
             1688          (v) the proposed location and siting of a facility subject to Title 54, Chapter 18, Siting
             1689      of High Voltage Power Line Act, and in accordance with Section 54-14-102 .
             1690          (3) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (6), the written decision of the board may designate
             1691      the facility route for a high voltage transmission line pursuant to a dispute described under
             1692      Section 54-14-304 .
             1693          (b) The public utility shall be entitled to recover from its ratepayers any actual excess
             1694      costs apportioned to it under Subsection (2)(b)(iv).
             1695          (4) If the board determines that a facility that a local government has prohibited should
             1696      be constructed, the written decision shall specify any general location parameters required to
             1697      provide safe, reliable, adequate, and efficient service to the customers of the public utility.
             1698          (5) The written decision shall leave to the local government any issue that does not
             1699      affect the provision of safe, reliable, adequate, and efficient service to customers of the public
             1700      utility or that does not involve an estimated excess cost.
             1701          (6) With respect to local government requirements or conditions that impose an
             1702      estimated excess cost but do not impair the provision of safe, reliable, and adequate service to
             1703      the customers of the public utility, the written decision shall leave each siting issue to the local
             1704      government except determination of the estimated excess cost and determination of when the
             1705      construction of the facility should commence.
             1706          (7) In determining when the construction of the facility should commence, the board
             1707      shall consider whether the public utility sought a permit, authorization, approval, exception, or
             1708      waiver from the local government in a timely manner based upon reasonably foreseeable
             1709      conditions, and, if the board determines that the public utility did not do so, it shall allow

             1710      sufficient time for the local government to pay any actual excess cost that may be imposed as a
             1711      result of requirements or conditions the local government has imposed that do not impair the
             1712      provision of safe, reliable, and adequate service to customers of the public utility.
             1713          Section 30. Section 57-11-11 is amended to read:
             1714           57-11-11. Rules of division -- Filing advertising material -- Injunctions --
             1715      Intervention by division in suits -- General powers of division.
             1716          (1) (a) The division shall prescribe reasonable rules which shall be adopted, amended,
             1717      or repealed only after a public hearing.
             1718          (b) The division shall:
             1719          (i) publish notice of the public hearing described in Subsection (1)(a):
             1720          (A) once in a newspaper or newspapers with statewide circulation and at least 20 days
             1721      before the hearing; and
             1722          (B) on the Utah Public Notice Website created in Section 63F-1-701 , for at least 20
             1723      days before the hearing; and
             1724          (ii) send a notice to a nonprofit organization which files a written request for notice
             1725      with the division at least 20 days prior to the hearing.
             1726          (2) The rules shall include but need not be limited to:
             1727          (a) provisions for advertising standards to assure full and fair disclosure; and
             1728          (b) provisions for escrow or trust agreements, performance bonds, or other means
             1729      reasonably necessary to assure that all improvements referred to in the application for
             1730      registration and advertising will be completed and that purchasers will receive the interest in
             1731      land contracted for.
             1732          (3) These provisions, however, shall not be required if the city or county in which the
             1733      subdivision is located requires similar means of assurance of a nature and in an amount no less
             1734      adequate than is required under said rules:
             1735          (a) provisions for operating procedures;
             1736          (b) provisions for a shortened form of registration in cases where the division
             1737      determines that the purposes of this act do not require a subdivision to be registered pursuant to

             1738      an application containing all the information required by Section 57-11-6 or do not require that
             1739      the public offering statement contain all the information required by Section 57-11-7 ; and
             1740          (c) other rules necessary and proper to accomplish the purpose of this chapter.
             1741          (4) The division by rule or order, after reasonable notice, may require the filing of
             1742      advertising material relating to subdivided lands prior to its distribution, provided that the
             1743      division must approve or reject any advertising material within 15 days from the receipt thereof
             1744      or the material shall be considered approved.
             1745          (5) If it appears that a person has engaged or is about to engage in an act or practice
             1746      constituting a violation of a provision of this [act] chapter or a rule or order hereunder, the
             1747      agency, with or without prior administrative proceedings, may bring an action in the district
             1748      court of the district where said person maintains his residence or a place of business or where
             1749      said act or practice has occurred or is about to occur, to enjoin the acts or practices and to
             1750      enforce compliance with this chapter or any rule or order hereunder. Upon proper showing,
             1751      injunctive relief or temporary restraining orders shall be granted, and a receiver or conservator
             1752      may be appointed. The division shall not be required to post a bond in any court proceedings.
             1753          (6) The division shall be allowed to intervene in a suit involving subdivided lands,
             1754      either as a party or as an amicus curiae, where it appears that the interpretation or
             1755      constitutionality of any provision of law will be called into question. In any suit by or against a
             1756      subdivider involving subdivided lands, the subdivider promptly shall furnish the agency notice
             1757      of the suit and copies of all pleadings. Failure to do so may, in the discretion of the division,
             1758      constitute grounds for the division withholding any approval required by this chapter.
             1759          (7) The division may:
             1760          (a) accept registrations filed in other states or with the federal government;
             1761          (b) contract with public agencies or qualified private persons in this state or other
             1762      jurisdictions to perform investigative functions; and
             1763          (c) accept grants-in-aid from any source.
             1764          (8) The division shall cooperate with similar agencies in other jurisdictions to establish
             1765      uniform filing procedures and forms, uniform public offering statements, advertising standards,

             1766      rules, and common administrative practices.
             1767          Section 31. Section 57-16-15 , which is renumbered from Section 57-16-15.1 is
             1768      renumbered and amended to read:
             1769           [57-16-15.1].     57-16-15. Eviction proceeding.
             1770          (1) Eviction proceedings commenced under this chapter and based on causes of action
             1771      set forth in Subsections 57-16-5 (1)(a), (b), and (e), and eviction proceedings commenced under
             1772      this chapter based on causes of action set forth in Subsections 57-16-5 (1)(c) and (d), in which a
             1773      landlord elects to bring an action under this chapter and not under the unlawful detainer
             1774      provisions of Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part 8, Forcible Entry and Detainer, shall comply with the
             1775      following:
             1776          (a) A judgment may be entered upon the merits or upon default. A judgment entered in
             1777      favor of the plaintiff may:
             1778          (i) include an order of restitution of the premises; and
             1779          (ii) declare the forfeiture of the lease or agreement.
             1780          (b) The jury, or the court if the proceedings are tried without a jury or upon the
             1781      defendant's default, shall assess the damages resulting to the plaintiff from any of the
             1782      following:
             1783          (i) waste of the premises during the resident's tenancy, if waste is alleged in the
             1784      complaint and proved; and
             1785          (ii) the amount of rent due.
             1786          (c) If the lease or agreement provides for reasonable attorney fees, the court shall order
             1787      reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party.
             1788          (d) Whether or not the lease or agreement provides for court costs and attorney fees, if
             1789      the proceeding is contested, the court shall order court costs and attorney fees to the prevailing
             1790      party.
             1791          (e) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(f), after judgment has been entered under this
             1792      section, judgment and restitution may be enforced no sooner than 15 days from the date the
             1793      judgment is entered. The person who commences the action shall mail through registered or

             1794      certified mail a copy of the judgment to the resident or the resident's agent or attorney as
             1795      required by the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
             1796          (f) If a resident tenders to the mobile home park postjudgment rent, in the form of cash,
             1797      cashier's check, or certified funds, then restitution may be delayed for the period of time
             1798      covered by the postjudgment rent, which time period shall not exceed 15 days from the date of
             1799      the judgment unless a longer period is agreed to in writing by the mobile home park.
             1800          (2) Eviction proceedings commenced under this chapter and based on causes of action
             1801      set forth in Subsections 57-16-5 (1)(c) and (d), in which the mobile home park has elected to
             1802      treat as actions also brought under the unlawful detainer provisions of Title 78B, Chapter 6,
             1803      Part 8, Forcible Entry and Detainer, shall be governed by Sections 78B-6-811 and 78B-6-812
             1804      with respect to judgment for restitution, damages, rent, enforcement of the judgment and
             1805      restitution.
             1806          (3) The provisions in Section 78B-6-812 shall apply to this section except the
             1807      enforcement time limits in Subsections (1)(e) and (f) shall govern.
             1808          Section 32. Section 58-31b-503 is amended to read:
             1809           58-31b-503. Penalties and administrative actions for unlawful conduct and
             1810      unprofessional conduct.
             1811          (1) Any person who violates the unlawful conduct provision specifically defined in
             1812      Subsection 58-1-501 (1)(a) is guilty of a third degree felony.
             1813          (2) Any person who violates any of the unlawful conduct provisions specifically
             1814      defined in Subsections 58-1-501 (1)(b) through (f) and 58-31b-501 (1)(d) is guilty of a class A
             1815      misdemeanor.
             1816          (3) Any person who violates any of the unlawful conduct provisions specifically
             1817      defined in this chapter and not set forth in Subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of a class B
             1818      misdemeanor.
             1819          (4) (a) Subject to Subsection (6) and in accordance with Section 58-31b-401 , for acts
             1820      of unprofessional or unlawful conduct, the division may:
             1821          (i) assess administrative penalties; and

             1822          (ii) take any other appropriate administrative action.
             1823          (b) An administrative penalty imposed pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the
             1824      "Nurse Education and Enforcement Account" as provided in Section 58-31b-103 .
             1825          (5) If a licensee has been convicted of violating Section 58-31b-501 prior to an
             1826      administrative finding of a violation of the same section, the licensee may not be assessed an
             1827      administrative fine under this chapter for the same offense for which the conviction was
             1828      obtained.
             1829          (6) (a) If upon inspection or investigation, the division concludes that a person has
             1830      violated the provisions of [Sections] Section 58-31b-401 , 58-31b-501 , or 58-31b-502 , Chapter
             1831      1, Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing Act, Chapter 37, Utah Controlled
             1832      Substances Act, or any rule or order issued with respect to these provisions, and that
             1833      disciplinary action is appropriate, the director or the director's designee from within the
             1834      division shall:
             1835          (i) promptly issue a citation to the person according to this chapter and any pertinent
             1836      administrative rules;
             1837          (ii) attempt to negotiate a stipulated settlement; or
             1838          (iii) notify the person to appear before an adjudicative proceeding conducted under
             1839      Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
             1840          (b) Any person who is in violation of a provision described in Subsection (6)(a), as
             1841      evidenced by an uncontested citation, a stipulated settlement, or a finding of violation in an
             1842      adjudicative proceeding may be assessed a fine:
             1843          (i) pursuant to this Subsection (6) of up to $10,000 per single violation or up to $2,000
             1844      per day of ongoing violation, whichever is greater, in accordance with a fine schedule
             1845      established by rule; and
             1846          (ii) in addition to or in lieu of the fine imposed under Subsection (6)(b)(i), be ordered
             1847      to cease and desist from violating a provision of Sections 58-31b-501 and 58-31b-502 , Chapter
             1848      1, Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing Act, Chapter 37, Utah Controlled
             1849      Substances Act, or any rule or order issued with respect to those provisions.

             1850          (c) Except for an administrative fine and a cease and desist order, the licensure
             1851      sanctions cited in Section 58-31b-401 may not be assessed through a citation.
             1852          (d) Each citation issued under this section shall:
             1853          (i) be in writing; and
             1854          (ii) clearly describe or explain:
             1855          (A) the nature of the violation, including a reference to the provision of the chapter,
             1856      rule, or order alleged to have been violated;
             1857          (B) that the recipient must notify the division in writing within 20 calendar days of
             1858      service of the citation in order to contest the citation at a hearing conducted under Title 63G,
             1859      Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act; and
             1860          (C) the consequences of failure to timely contest the citation or to make payment of
             1861      any fines assessed by the citation within the time specified in the citation; and
             1862          (iii) be served upon any person upon whom a summons may be served:
             1863          (A) in accordance with the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure;
             1864          (B) personally or upon the person's agent by a division investigator or by any person
             1865      specially designated by the director; or
             1866          (C) by mail.
             1867          (e) If within 20 calendar days from the service of a citation, the person to whom the
             1868      citation was issued fails to request a hearing to contest the citation, the citation becomes the
             1869      final order of the division and is not subject to further agency review. The period to contest the
             1870      citation may be extended by the division for cause.
             1871          (f) The division may refuse to issue or renew, suspend, revoke, or place on probation
             1872      the license of a licensee who fails to comply with the citation after it becomes final.
             1873          (g) The failure of an applicant for licensure to comply with a citation after it becomes
             1874      final is a ground for denial of license.
             1875          (h) No citation may be issued under this section after the expiration of six months
             1876      following the occurrence of any violation.
             1877          Section 33. Section 58-37f-102 is amended to read:

             1878           58-37f-102. Definitions.
             1879          (1) The definitions in Section 58-37-2 apply to this chapter.
             1880          (2) As used in this chapter:
             1881          (a) "Board" means the Utah State Board of Pharmacy created in Section 58-17b-201 .
             1882          (b) "Database" means the controlled substance database created in [this section]
             1883      Section 58-37f-201 .
             1884          (c) "Health care facility" is as defined in Section 26-21-2 .
             1885          (d) "Mental health therapist" is as defined in Section 58-60-102 .
             1886          (e) "Pharmacy" or "pharmaceutical facility" is as defined in Section 58-17b-102 .
             1887          (f) "Prospective patient" means an individual who:
             1888          (i) is seeking medical advice, medical treatment, or medical services from a
             1889      practitioner; and
             1890          (ii) the practitioner described in Subsection (2)(f)(i) is considering accepting as a
             1891      patient.
             1892          (g) "Substance abuse treatment program" is as defined in Section 62A-2-101 .
             1893          Section 34. Section 58-38a-203 is amended to read:
             1894           58-38a-203. Duties of the committee.
             1895          (1) The committee serves as a consultative and advisory body to the Legislature
             1896      regarding:
             1897          (a) the movement of a controlled substance from one schedule to another;
             1898          (b) the removal of a controlled substance from any schedule; and
             1899          (c) the designation of a substance as a controlled substance and the placement of the
             1900      substance in a designated schedule.
             1901          (2) On or before September 30 of each year, the committee shall submit to the Health
             1902      and Human Services Interim Committee a written report:
             1903          (a) listing any substances recommended by the committee for scheduling, rescheduling,
             1904      or deletion from the schedules by the Legislature; and
             1905          (b) stating the reasons for the recommendation.

             1906          (3) In advising the Legislature regarding the need to add, delete, or reschedule a
             1907      substance, the committee shall consider:
             1908          (a) the actual or probable abuse of the substance, including:
             1909          (i) the history and current pattern of abuse both in Utah and in other states;
             1910          (ii) the scope, duration, and significance of abuse;
             1911          (iii) the degree of actual or probable detriment to public health which may result from
             1912      abuse of the substance; and
             1913          (iv) the probable physical and social impact of widespread abuse of the substance;
             1914          (b) the biomedical hazard of the substance, including:
             1915          (i) its pharmacology, including the effects and modifiers of the effects of the substance;
             1916          (ii) its toxicology, acute and chronic toxicity, interaction with other substances,
             1917      whether controlled or not, and the degree to which it may cause psychological or physiological
             1918      dependence; and
             1919          (iii) the risk to public health and the particular susceptibility of segments of the
             1920      population;
             1921          (c) whether the substance is an immediate precursor, as defined in Section 58-37-2 , of
             1922      a substance that is currently a controlled substance;
             1923          (d) the current state of scientific knowledge regarding the substance, including whether
             1924      there is any acceptable means to safely use the substance under medical supervision;
             1925          (e) the relationship between the use of the substance and criminal activity, including
             1926      whether:
             1927          (i) persons engaged in illicit trafficking of the substance are also engaged in other
             1928      criminal activity;
             1929          (ii) the nature and relative profitability of manufacturing or delivering the substance
             1930      encourages illicit trafficking in the substance;
             1931          (iii) the commission of other crimes is one of the recognized effects of abuse of the
             1932      substance; and
             1933          (iv) addiction to the substance relates to the commission of crimes to facilitate the

             1934      continued use of the substance;
             1935          (f) whether the substance has been scheduled by other states; and
             1936          (g) whether the substance has any accepted medical use in treatment in the United
             1937      States.
             1938          (4) The committee's duties under this chapter do not include tobacco products as
             1939      defined in Section 59-14-102 or alcoholic beverages as defined in Section [ 32A-1-105 ]
             1940      32B-1-102 .
             1941          Section 35. Section 58-55-503 is amended to read:
             1942           58-55-503. Penalty for unlawful conduct -- Citations.
             1943          (1) (a) (i) A person who violates Subsection 58-55-308 (2), Subsection 58-55-501 (1),
             1944      (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (9), (10), (12), (14), (15), (22), or (23), or Subsection 58-55-504 (2), or
             1945      who fails to comply with a citation issued under this section after it is final, is guilty of a class
             1946      A misdemeanor.
             1947          (ii) As used in this section in reference to Subsection 58-55-504 (2), "person" means an
             1948      individual and does not include a sole proprietorship, joint venture, corporation, limited
             1949      liability company, association, or organization of any type.
             1950          (b) A person who violates the provisions of Subsection 58-55-501 (8) may not be
             1951      awarded and may not accept a contract for the performance of the work.
             1952          (2) A person who violates the provisions of Subsection 58-55-501 (13) is guilty of an
             1953      infraction unless the violator did so with the intent to deprive the person to whom money is to
             1954      be paid of the money received, in which case the violator is guilty of theft, as classified in
             1955      Section 76-6-412 .
             1956          (3) Grounds for immediate suspension of the licensee's license by the division and the
             1957      commission include the issuance of a citation for violation of Subsection 58-55-308 (2), Section
             1958      58-55-501 , or Subsection 58-55-504 (2), or the failure by a licensee to make application to,
             1959      report to, or notify the division with respect to any matter for which application, notification, or
             1960      reporting is required under this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter, including applying
             1961      to the division for a new license to engage in a new specialty classification or to do business

             1962      under a new form of organization or business structure, filing with the division current
             1963      financial statements, notifying the division concerning loss of insurance coverage, or change in
             1964      qualifier.
             1965          (4) (a) If upon inspection or investigation, the division concludes that a person has
             1966      violated the provisions of Subsection 58-55-308 (2) or Subsections 58-55-501 (1), (2), (3), (9),
             1967      (10), (12), (14), (19), (21), (22), or (23), or Subsection 58-55-504 (2), or any rule or order issued
             1968      with respect to these subsections, and that disciplinary action is appropriate, the director or the
             1969      director's designee from within the division shall promptly issue a citation to the person
             1970      according to this chapter and any pertinent rules, attempt to negotiate a stipulated settlement, or
             1971      notify the person to appear before an adjudicative proceeding conducted under Title 63G,
             1972      Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
             1973          (i) A person who is in violation of the provisions of Subsection 58-55-308 (2),
             1974      Subsection 58-55-501 (1), (2), (3), (9), (10), (12), (14), (19), (21), (22), or (23), or Subsection
             1975      58-55-504 (2), as evidenced by an uncontested citation, a stipulated settlement, or by a finding
             1976      of violation in an adjudicative proceeding, may be assessed a fine pursuant to this Subsection
             1977      (4) and may, in addition to or in lieu of, be ordered to cease and desist from violating
             1978      Subsection 58-55-308 (2), Subsection 58-55-501 (1), (2), (3), (9), (10), (12), (14), (19), or (21),
             1979      or Subsection 58-55-504 (2).
             1980          (ii) Except for a cease and desist order, the licensure sanctions cited in Section
             1981      58-55-401 may not be assessed through a citation.
             1982          [(iii) (A) A person who receives a citation or is fined for violating Subsection
             1983      58-55-501 (21) may also be issued a cease and desist order from engaging in work to be
             1984      performed by a contractor licensed under this chapter unless the person meets the continuing
             1985      education requirement within 30 days after receipt of the citation or fine.]
             1986          [(B) The order, if issued, shall be removed upon the person's completion of the
             1987      continuing education requirement.]
             1988          [(C) This Subsection (4)(a)(iii) is repealed effective July 1, 2010.]
             1989          (b) (i) Each citation shall be in writing and describe with particularity the nature of the

             1990      violation, including a reference to the provision of the chapter, rule, or order alleged to have
             1991      been violated.
             1992          (ii) The citation shall clearly state that the recipient must notify the division in writing
             1993      within 20 calendar days of service of the citation if the recipient wishes to contest the citation
             1994      at a hearing conducted under Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
             1995          (iii) The citation shall clearly explain the consequences of failure to timely contest the
             1996      citation or to make payment of any fines assessed by the citation within the time specified in
             1997      the citation.
             1998          (c) Each citation issued under this section, or a copy of each citation, may be served
             1999      upon a person upon whom a summons may be served:
             2000          (i) in accordance with the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure;
             2001          (ii) personally or upon the person's agent by a division investigator or by a person
             2002      specially designated by the director; or
             2003          (iii) by mail.
             2004          (d) (i) If within 20 calendar days from the service of a citation, the person to whom the
             2005      citation was issued fails to request a hearing to contest the citation, the citation becomes the
             2006      final order of the division and is not subject to further agency review.
             2007          (ii) The period to contest a citation may be extended by the division for cause.
             2008          (e) The division may refuse to issue or renew, suspend, revoke, or place on probation
             2009      the license of a licensee who fails to comply with a citation after it becomes final.
             2010          (f) The failure of an applicant for licensure to comply with a citation after it becomes
             2011      final is a ground for denial of license.
             2012          (g) No citation may be issued under this section after the expiration of six months
             2013      following the occurrence of any violation.
             2014          (h) Fines shall be assessed by the director or the director's designee according to the
             2015      following:
             2016          (i) for a first offense handled pursuant to Subsection (4)(a), a fine of up to $1,000;
             2017          (ii) for a second offense handled pursuant to Subsection (4)(a), a fine of up to $2,000;

             2018      and
             2019          (iii) for any subsequent offense handled pursuant to Subsection (4)(a), a fine of up to
             2020      $2,000 for each day of continued offense.
             2021          (i) (i) For purposes of issuing a final order under this section and assessing a fine under
             2022      Subsection (4)(h), an offense constitutes a second or subsequent offense if:
             2023          (A) the division previously issued a final order determining that a person committed a
             2024      first or second offense in violation of Subsection 58-55-308 (2), Subsection 58-55-501 (1), (2),
             2025      (3), (9), (10), (12), (14), or (19), or Subsection 58-55-504 (2); or
             2026          (B) (I) the division initiated an action for a first or second offense;
             2027          (II) no final order has been issued by the division in the action initiated under
             2028      Subsection (4)(i)(i)(B)(I);
             2029          (III) the division determines during an investigation that occurred after the initiation of
             2030      the action under Subsection (4)(i)(i)(B)(I) that the person committed a second or subsequent
             2031      violation of the provisions of Subsection 58-55-308 (2), Subsection 58-55-501 (1), (2), (3), (9),
             2032      (10), (12), (14), or (19), or Subsection 58-55-504 (2); and
             2033          (IV) after determining that the person committed a second or subsequent offense under
             2034      Subsection (4)(i)(i)(B)(III), the division issues a final order on the action initiated under
             2035      Subsection (4)(i)(i)(B)(I).
             2036          (ii) In issuing a final order for a second or subsequent offense under Subsection
             2037      (4)(i)(i), the division shall comply with the requirements of this section.
             2038          (5) (a) A penalty imposed by the director under Subsection (4)(h) shall be deposited
             2039      into the Commerce Service Account created by Section 13-1-2 .
             2040          (b) A penalty which is not paid may be collected by the director by either referring the
             2041      matter to a collection agency or bringing an action in the district court of the county in which
             2042      the person against whom the penalty is imposed resides or in the county where the office of the
             2043      director is located.
             2044          (c) A county attorney or the attorney general of the state is to provide legal assistance
             2045      and advice to the director in any action to collect the penalty.

             2046          (d) In an action brought to enforce the provisions of this section, reasonable attorney's
             2047      fees and costs shall be awarded.
             2048          Section 36. Section 58-57-7 is amended to read:
             2049           58-57-7. Exemptions from licensure.
             2050          (1) (a) For purposes of Subsection (2)(b), "qualified" means an individual who is a
             2051      registered polysomnographic technologist or a Diplomate certified by the American Board of
             2052      Sleep Medicine.
             2053          (b) For purposes of Subsections (2)(f) and (g), "supervision" means one of the
             2054      following will be immediately available for consultation in person or by phone:
             2055          (i) a practitioner;
             2056          (ii) a respiratory therapist;
             2057          (iii) a Diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine; or
             2058          (iv) a registered polysomnographic technologist.
             2059          (2) In addition to the exemptions from licensure in Section 58-1-307 , the following
             2060      persons may engage in the practice of respiratory therapy subject to the stated circumstances
             2061      and limitations without being licensed under this chapter:
             2062          (a) any person who provides gratuitous care for a member of his immediate family
             2063      without representing himself as a licensed respiratory care practitioner;
             2064          (b) any person who is a licensed or qualified member of another health care profession,
             2065      if this practice is consistent with the accepted standards of the profession and if the person does
             2066      not represent himself as a respiratory care practitioner;
             2067          (c) any person who serves in the Armed Forces of the United States or any other
             2068      agency of the federal government and is engaged in the performance of his official duties;
             2069          (d) any person who acts under a certification issued pursuant to Title 26, Chapter 8a,
             2070      Utah Emergency Medical Services System Act, while providing emergency medical services;
             2071          (e) any person who delivers, installs, or maintains respiratory related durable medical
             2072      equipment and who gives instructions regarding the use of that equipment in accordance with
             2073      Subsections 58-57-2 (3) and (6), except that this exemption does not include any clinical

             2074      evaluation or treatment of the patient;
             2075          (f) any person who is working in a practitioner's office, acting under supervision; and
             2076          (g) a polysomnographic technician or trainee, acting under supervision, as long as [they
             2077      only administer] the technician or trainee administers the following only in a sleep lab, sleep
             2078      center, or sleep facility:
             2079          (i) oxygen titration; and
             2080          (ii) positive airway pressure that does not include mechanical ventilation.
             2081          (3) Nothing in this chapter permits a respiratory care practitioner to engage in the
             2082      unauthorized practice of other health disciplines.
             2083          Section 37. Section 61-1-10 is amended to read:
             2084           61-1-10. Registration by qualification.
             2085          (1) Application may be made to register any security by qualification.
             2086          (2) A registration statement under this section shall contain the following information
             2087      and be accompanied by the following documents in addition to the information specified in
             2088      Subsection 61-1-11 (3) and the consent to service of process required by Section 61-1-26 :
             2089          (a) with respect to the issuer and any significant subsidiary:
             2090          (i) its name, address, and form of organization;
             2091          (ii) the state or foreign jurisdiction and date of its organization;
             2092          (iii) the general character and location of its business;
             2093          (iv) a description of its physical properties and equipment; and
             2094          (v) a statement of the general competitive conditions in the industry or business in
             2095      which it is or will be engaged;
             2096          (b) with respect to every director and officer of the issuer or person occupying a similar
             2097      status or performing similar functions:
             2098          (i) his name, address, and principal occupation for the past five years;
             2099          (ii) the amount of securities of the issuer held by him as of a specified date within 30
             2100      days of the filing of the registration statement;
             2101          (iii) the amount of the securities covered by the registration statement to which he has

             2102      indicated his intention to subscribe; and
             2103          (iv) a description of any material interest in any material transaction with the issuer or
             2104      any significant subsidiary affected within the past three years or proposed to be affected;
             2105          (c) with respect to persons covered by Subsection (2)(b), the remuneration paid during
             2106      the past 12 months and estimated to be paid during the next 12 months, directly or indirectly,
             2107      by the issuer, together with all predecessors, parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, to all those
             2108      persons in the aggregate;
             2109          (d) with respect to any person owning of record, or beneficially if known, 10% or more
             2110      of the outstanding shares of any class of equity security of the issuer, the information specified
             2111      in Subsection (2)(b) other than the person's occupation;
             2112          (e) with respect to every promoter if the issuer was organized within the past three
             2113      years, the information specified in Subsection (2)(b), any amount paid to the promoter within
             2114      that period or intended to be paid to the promoter, and the consideration for any such payment;
             2115          (f) with respect to any person on whose behalf any part of the offering is to be made in
             2116      a nonissuer distribution:
             2117          (i) the person's name and address;
             2118          (ii) the amount of securities of the issuer held by the person as of the date of filing of
             2119      the registration statement;
             2120          (iii) a description of any material interest in any material transaction with the issuer or
             2121      any significant subsidiary effected within the past three years or proposed to be effected; and
             2122          (iv) a statement of the person's reasons for making the offering;
             2123          (g) the capitalization and long-term debt, on both a current and pro forma basis, of the
             2124      issuer and any significant subsidiary, including a description of each security outstanding or
             2125      being registered or otherwise offered, and a statement of the amount and kind of consideration,
             2126      whether in the form of cash, physical assets, services, patents, goodwill, or anything else, for
             2127      which the issuer or any subsidiary has issued any of its securities within the past two years or is
             2128      obligated to issue any of its securities;
             2129          (h) (i) the kind and amount of securities to be offered;

             2130          (ii) the proposed offering price or the method by which it is to be computed;
             2131          (iii) any variation therefrom at which any proportion of the offering is to be made to
             2132      any person or class of persons other than the underwriters, with a specification of any such
             2133      person or class;
             2134          (iv) the basis upon which the offering is to be made if otherwise than for cash;
             2135          (v) the estimated aggregate underwriting and selling discounts or commissions and
             2136      finders' fees, including separately cash, securities, contracts, or anything else of value to accrue
             2137      to the underwriters or finders in connection with the offering, or, if the selling discounts or
             2138      commissions are variable, the basis of determining them and their maximum and minimum
             2139      amounts;
             2140          (vi) the estimated amounts of other selling expenses, including legal, engineering, and
             2141      accounting charges;
             2142          (vii) the name and address of every underwriter and every recipient of a finder's fee;
             2143          (viii) a copy of any underwriting or selling-group agreement under which the
             2144      distribution is to be made, or the proposed form of any such agreement whose terms have not
             2145      yet been determined; and
             2146          (ix) a description of the plan of distribution of any securities which are to be offered
             2147      otherwise than through an underwriter;
             2148          (i) (i) the estimated cash proceeds to be received by the issuer from the offering;
             2149          (ii) the purposes for which the proceeds are to be used by the issuer;
             2150          (iii) the amount to be used for each purpose;
             2151          (iv) the order or priority in which the proceeds will be used for the purposes stated;
             2152          (v) the amounts of any funds to be raised from other sources to achieve the purposes
             2153      stated[;] and the sources of any such funds; and
             2154          (vi) if any part of the proceeds is to be used to acquire any property, including
             2155      goodwill, otherwise than in the ordinary course of business, the names and addresses of the
             2156      vendors, the purchase price, the names of any persons who have received commissions in
             2157      connection with the acquisition, and the amounts of any such commissions and any other

             2158      expense in connection with the acquisition, including the cost of borrowing money to finance
             2159      the acquisition;
             2160          (j) a description of any stock options or other security options outstanding, or to be
             2161      created in connection with the offering, together with the amount of any such option held or to
             2162      be held by every person required to be named in Subsection (2)(b), (d), (e), (f), or (h) and by
             2163      any person who holds or will hold 10% or more in the aggregate of any such options;
             2164          (k) (i) the dates of, parties to, and general effect concisely stated of, every management
             2165      or other material contract made or to be made otherwise than in the ordinary course of business
             2166      if it is to be performed in whole or in part at or after the filing of the registration statement or
             2167      was made within the past two years, together with a copy of every such contract; and
             2168          (ii) a description of any pending litigation or proceeding to which the issuer is a party
             2169      and which materially affects its business or assets, including any such litigation or proceeding
             2170      known to be contemplated by governmental authorities;
             2171          (l) a copy of any prospectus, pamphlet, circular, form letter, advertisement, or other
             2172      sales literature intended as of the effective date to be used in connection with the offering;
             2173          (m) (i) a specimen copy of the security being registered;
             2174          (ii) a copy of the issuer's articles of incorporation, and bylaws, if any, or their
             2175      substantial equivalents, as currently in effect; and
             2176          (iii) a copy of any indenture or other instrument covering the security to be registered;
             2177          (n) a signed or conformed copy of an opinion of counsel as to the legality of the
             2178      security being registered, with an English translation if it is in a foreign language, which shall
             2179      state whether the security when sold will be legally issued, fully paid, and nonassessable, and if
             2180      a debt security, a binding obligation of the issuer;
             2181          (o) the written consent of any accountant, engineer, appraiser, or other person whose
             2182      profession gives authority to a statement made by him, if that person is named as having
             2183      prepared or certified a report or valuation, other than a public and official document or
             2184      statement, which is used in connection with the registration statement;
             2185          (p) (i) a balance sheet of the issuer as of a date within four months prior to the filing of

             2186      the registration statement;
             2187          (ii) a profit and loss statement and analysis of retained earnings for each of the three
             2188      fiscal years preceding the date of the balance sheet and for any period between the close of the
             2189      last fiscal year and the date of the balance sheet, or for the period of the issuer's and any
             2190      predecessors' existence if less than three years; and
             2191          (iii) if any part of the proceeds of the offering is to be applied to the purchase of any
             2192      business, the same financial statements which would be required if that business were the
             2193      registrant; and
             2194          (q) such additional information or verification of any statement as the division requires
             2195      by rule or order.
             2196          (3) A registration statement under this section becomes effective when the division so
             2197      orders.
             2198          (4) As a condition of registration under this section, a prospectus containing the
             2199      information, but not containing copies of contracts or agreements specified in Subsections
             2200      (2)(a) through (k) and (p) shall be sent or given to each person to whom an offer is made before
             2201      or concurrently with:
             2202          (a) the first written offer made to the person, otherwise than by means of a public
             2203      advertisement, by or for the account of the issuer or any other person on whose behalf the
             2204      offering is being made, or by any underwriter or broker-dealer who is offering part of an unsold
             2205      allotment or subscription taken by the person as a participant in the distribution;
             2206          (b) the confirmation of any sale made by or for the account of any such person;
             2207          (c) payment pursuant to any such sale; or
             2208          (d) delivery of the security pursuant to any such sale, whichever occurs first.
             2209          Section 38. Section 63G-2-204 is amended to read:
             2210           63G-2-204. Requests -- Time limit for response and extraordinary circumstances.
             2211          (1) A person making a request for a record shall furnish the governmental entity with a
             2212      written request containing:
             2213          (a) the person's name, mailing address, and daytime telephone number, if available;

             2214      and
             2215          (b) a description of the record requested that identifies the record with reasonable
             2216      specificity.
             2217          (2) (a) Subject to Subsection (2)(b), a person making a request for a record shall submit
             2218      the request to the governmental entity that prepares, owns, or retains the record.
             2219          (b) In response to a request for a record, a governmental entity may not provide a
             2220      record that it has received under Section 63G-2-206 as a shared record if the record was shared
             2221      for the purpose of auditing, if the governmental entity is authorized by state statute to conduct
             2222      an audit.
             2223          (c) If a governmental entity is prohibited from providing a record under Subsection
             2224      (2)(b), it shall:
             2225          (i) deny the records request; and
             2226          (ii) inform the person making the request that records requests must be submitted to the
             2227      governmental entity that prepares, owns, or retains the record.
             2228          (d) A governmental entity may make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
             2229      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, specifying where and to whom requests for access shall
             2230      be directed.
             2231          (3) After receiving a request for a record, a governmental entity shall:
             2232          (a) review each request that seeks an expedited response and notify, within five
             2233      business days after receiving the request, each requester that has not demonstrated that their
             2234      record request benefits the public rather than the person that their response will not be
             2235      expedited; and
             2236          (b) as soon as reasonably possible, but no later than 10 business days after receiving a
             2237      written request, or five business days after receiving a written request if the requester
             2238      demonstrates that expedited response to the record request benefits the public rather than the
             2239      person:
             2240          (i) approve the request and provide a copy of the record;
             2241          (ii) deny the request in accordance with the procedures and requirements of Section

             2242      63G-2-205 ;
             2243          (iii) notify the requester that it does not maintain the record requested and provide, if
             2244      known, the name and address of the governmental entity that does maintain the record; or
             2245          (iv) notify the requester that because of one of the extraordinary circumstances listed in
             2246      Subsection (5), it cannot immediately approve or deny the request, and include with the notice:
             2247          (A) a description of the circumstances that constitute the extraordinary circumstances;
             2248      and
             2249          (B) the date when the records will be available, consistent with the requirements of
             2250      Subsection (6).
             2251          (4) Any person who requests a record to obtain information for a story or report for
             2252      publication or broadcast to the general public is presumed to be acting to benefit the public
             2253      rather than a person.
             2254          (5) The following circumstances constitute "extraordinary circumstances" that allow a
             2255      governmental entity to delay approval or denial by an additional period of time as specified in
             2256      Subsection (6) if the governmental entity determines that due to the extraordinary
             2257      circumstances it cannot respond within the time limits provided in Subsection (3):
             2258          (a) another governmental entity is using the record, in which case the originating
             2259      governmental entity shall promptly request that the governmental entity currently in possession
             2260      return the record;
             2261          (b) another governmental entity is using the record as part of an audit, and returning the
             2262      record before the completion of the audit would impair the conduct of the audit;
             2263          (c) (i) the request is for a voluminous quantity of records or a record series containing a
             2264      substantial number of records; or
             2265          (ii) the requester seeks a substantial number of records or records series in requests
             2266      filed within five working days of each other;
             2267          (d) the governmental entity is currently processing a large number of records requests;
             2268          (e) the request requires the governmental entity to review a large number of records to
             2269      locate the records requested;

             2270          (f) the decision to release a record involves legal issues that require the governmental
             2271      entity to seek legal counsel for the analysis of statutes, rules, ordinances, regulations, or case
             2272      law;
             2273          (g) segregating information that the requester is entitled to inspect from information
             2274      that the requester is not entitled to inspect requires extensive editing; or
             2275          (h) segregating information that the requester is entitled to inspect from information
             2276      that the requester is not entitled to inspect requires computer programming.
             2277          (6) If one of the extraordinary circumstances listed in Subsection (5) precludes
             2278      approval or denial within the time specified in Subsection (3), the following time limits apply
             2279      to the extraordinary circumstances:
             2280          (a) for claims under Subsection (5)(a), the governmental entity currently in possession
             2281      of the record shall return the record to the originating entity within five business days of the
             2282      request for the return unless returning the record would impair the holder's work;
             2283          (b) for claims under Subsection (5)(b), the originating governmental entity shall notify
             2284      the requester when the record is available for inspection and copying;
             2285          (c) for claims under Subsections (5)(c), (d), and (e), the governmental entity shall:
             2286          (i) disclose the records that it has located which the requester is entitled to inspect;
             2287          (ii) provide the requester with an estimate of the amount of time it will take to finish
             2288      the work required to respond to the request;
             2289          (iii) complete the work and disclose those records that the requester is entitled to
             2290      inspect as soon as reasonably possible; and
             2291          (iv) for any person that does not establish a right to an expedited response as
             2292      authorized by Subsection (3)[(a)], a governmental entity may choose to:
             2293          (A) require the person to provide for copying of the records as provided in Subsection
             2294      63G-2-201 (9); or
             2295          (B) treat a request for multiple records as separate record requests, and respond
             2296      sequentially to each request;
             2297          (d) for claims under Subsection (5)(f), the governmental entity shall either approve or

             2298      deny the request within five business days after the response time specified for the original
             2299      request has expired;
             2300          (e) for claims under Subsection (5)(g), the governmental entity shall fulfill the request
             2301      within 15 business days from the date of the original request; or
             2302          (f) for claims under Subsection (5)(h), the governmental entity shall complete its
             2303      programming and disclose the requested records as soon as reasonably possible.
             2304          (7) (a) If a request for access is submitted to an office of a governmental entity other
             2305      than that specified by rule in accordance with Subsection (2), the office shall promptly forward
             2306      the request to the appropriate office.
             2307          (b) If the request is forwarded promptly, the time limit for response begins when the
             2308      record is received by the office specified by rule.
             2309          (8) If the governmental entity fails to provide the requested records or issue a denial
             2310      within the specified time period, that failure is considered the equivalent of a determination
             2311      denying access to the record.
             2312          Section 39. Section 63G-2-502 is amended to read:
             2313           63G-2-502. State Records Committee -- Duties.
             2314          (1) The records committee shall:
             2315          (a) meet at least once every three months;
             2316          (b) review and approve schedules for the retention and disposal of records;
             2317          (c) hear appeals from determinations of access as provided by Section 63G-2-403 ; and
             2318          (d) appoint a chairman from among its members.
             2319          (2) The records committee may:
             2320          (a) make rules to govern its own proceedings as provided by Title 63G, Chapter 3,
             2321      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
             2322          (b) by order, after notice and hearing, reassign classification and designation for any
             2323      record series by a governmental entity if the governmental entity's classification or designation
             2324      is inconsistent with this chapter.
             2325          (3) The records committee shall annually appoint an executive secretary to the records

             2326      committee. The executive secretary may not serve as a voting member of the committee.
             2327          (4) Five members of the records committee are a quorum for the transaction of
             2328      business.
             2329          (5) The state archives shall provide staff and support services for the records
             2330      committee.
             2331          [(6) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
             2332      may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:]
             2333          [(a) Section 63A-3-106 ;]
             2334          [(b) Section 63A-3-107 ; and]
             2335          [(c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
             2336      63A-3-107 .]
             2337          [(7)] (6) If the records committee reassigns the classification or designation of a record
             2338      or record series under Subsection (2)(b), any affected governmental entity or any other
             2339      interested person may appeal the reclassification or redesignation to the district court. The
             2340      district court shall hear the matter de novo.
             2341          [(8)] (7) The Office of the Attorney General shall provide counsel to the records
             2342      committee and shall review proposed retention schedules.
             2343          Section 40. Section 67-5a-8 is amended to read:
             2344           67-5a-8. Administration.
             2345          (1) (a) The administration costs of this chapter, including council staff compensation,
             2346      shall be funded from appropriations made by the Legislature to the Office of the Attorney
             2347      General for the support of the council from the Public Safety Support Account established in
             2348      Section 51-9-404 .
             2349          (b) Funds available from other sources may also be appropriated by the Legislature to
             2350      the Office of the Attorney General for the administration of this chapter.
             2351          (2) In exercising its duties, the council shall minimize costs of administration and
             2352      utilize existing training facilities and resources where possible so the greatest portion of the
             2353      funds available are expended for training prosecuting attorneys.

             2354          (3) [Common] Council staff may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance
             2355      with:
             2356          (a) Section 63A-3-106 ;
             2357          (b) Section 63A-3-107 ; and
             2358          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
             2359      63A-3-107 .
             2360          Section 41. Section 67-19-6.7 is amended to read:
             2361           67-19-6.7. Overtime policies for state employees.
             2362          (1) As used in this section:
             2363          (a) "Accrued overtime hours" means:
             2364          (i) for nonexempt employees, overtime hours earned during a fiscal year that, at the end
             2365      of the fiscal year, have not been paid and have not been taken as time off by the nonexempt
             2366      state employee who accrued them; and
             2367          (ii) for exempt employees, overtime hours earned during an overtime year.
             2368          (b) "Appointed official" means:
             2369          (i) each department executive director and deputy director, each division director, and
             2370      each member of a board or commission; and
             2371          (ii) any other person employed by a department who is appointed by, or whose
             2372      appointment is required by law to be approved by, the governor and who:
             2373          (A) is paid a salary by the state; and
             2374          (B) who exercises managerial, policy-making, or advisory responsibility.
             2375          (c) "Department" means the Department of Administrative Services, the Department of
             2376      Corrections, the Department of Financial Institutions, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage
             2377      Control, the Insurance Department, the Public Service Commission, the Labor Commission,
             2378      the Department of Agriculture and Food, the Department of Human Services, the State Board
             2379      of Education, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Technology Services,
             2380      the Department of Transportation, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Workforce
             2381      Services, the State Tax Commission, the Department of Community and Culture, the

             2382      Department of Health, the National Guard, the Department of Environmental Quality, the
             2383      Department of Public Safety, the Department of Human Resource Management, the
             2384      Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, all merit employees except attorneys in the
             2385      Office of the Attorney General, merit employees in the Office of the State Treasurer, merit
             2386      employees in the Office of the State Auditor, Department of Veterans' Affairs, and the Board of
             2387      Pardons and Parole.
             2388          (d) "Elected official" means any person who is an employee of the state because the
             2389      person was elected by the registered voters of Utah to a position in state government.
             2390          (e) "Exempt employee" means a state employee who is exempt as defined by the Fair
             2391      Labor Standards Act of 1978, 29 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.
             2392          (f) "FLSA" means the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1978, 29 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.
             2393          (g) "FLSA agreement" means the agreement authorized by the Fair Labor Standards
             2394      Act of 1978, 29 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq., by which a nonexempt employee elects the form of
             2395      compensation the nonexempt employee will receive for overtime.
             2396          (h) "Nonexempt employee" means a state employee who is nonexempt as defined by
             2397      the Department of Human Resource Management applying FLSA requirements.
             2398          (i) "Overtime" means actual time worked in excess of the employee's defined work
             2399      period.
             2400          (j) "Overtime year" means the year determined by a department under Subsection
             2401      (4)(b) at the end of which an exempt employee's accrued overtime lapses.
             2402          (k) "State employee" means every person employed by a department who is not:
             2403          (i) an appointed official;
             2404          (ii) an elected official;
             2405          (iii) a member of a board or commission who is paid only [on a] for per diem or travel
             2406      expenses [basis]; or
             2407          (iv) employed on a contractual basis at the State Office of Education.
             2408          (l) "Uniform annual date" means the date when an exempt employee's accrued
             2409      overtime lapses.

             2410          (m) "Work period" means:
             2411          (i) for all nonexempt employees, except law enforcement and hospital employees, a
             2412      consecutive seven day 24 hour work period of 40 hours;
             2413          (ii) for all exempt employees, a 14 day, 80 hour payroll cycle; and
             2414          (iii) for nonexempt law enforcement and hospital employees, the period established by
             2415      each department by rule for those employees according to the requirements of the Fair Labor
             2416      Standards Act of 1978, 29 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.
             2417          (2) Each department shall compensate each state employee who works overtime by
             2418      complying with the requirements of this section.
             2419          (3) (a) Each department shall negotiate and obtain a signed FLSA agreement from each
             2420      nonexempt employee.
             2421          (b) In the FLSA agreement, the nonexempt employee shall elect either to be
             2422      compensated for overtime by:
             2423          (i) taking time off work at the rate of one and one-half hour off for each overtime hour
             2424      worked; or
             2425          (ii) being paid for the overtime worked at the rate of one and one-half times the rate per
             2426      hour that the state employee receives for nonovertime work.
             2427          (c) Any nonexempt employee who elects to take time off under this Subsection (3)
             2428      shall be paid for any overtime worked in excess of the cap established by the Department of
             2429      Human Resource Management.
             2430          (d) Before working any overtime, each nonexempt employee shall obtain authorization
             2431      to work overtime from the employee's immediate supervisor.
             2432          (e) Each department shall:
             2433          (i) for employees who elect to be compensated with time off for overtime, allow
             2434      overtime earned during a fiscal year to be accumulated; and
             2435          (ii) for employees who elect to be paid for overtime worked, pay them for overtime
             2436      worked in the paycheck for the pay period in which the employee worked the overtime.
             2437          (f) If the department pays a nonexempt employee for overtime, the department shall

             2438      charge that payment to the department's budget.
             2439          (g) At the end of each fiscal year, the Division of Finance shall total all the accrued
             2440      overtime hours for nonexempt employees and charge that total against the appropriate fund or
             2441      subfund.
             2442          (4) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(a)(ii), each department shall
             2443      compensate exempt employees who work overtime by granting them time off at the rate of one
             2444      hour off for each hour of overtime worked.
             2445          (ii) The executive director of the Department of Human Resource Management may
             2446      grant limited exceptions to this requirement, where work circumstances dictate, by authorizing
             2447      a department to pay employees for overtime worked at the rate per hour that the employee
             2448      receives for nonovertime work, if the department has funds available.
             2449          (b) (i) Each department shall:
             2450          (A) establish in its written human resource policies a uniform annual date for each
             2451      division that is at the end of any pay period; and
             2452          (B) communicate the uniform annual date to its employees.
             2453          (ii) If any department fails to establish a uniform annual date as required by this
             2454      Subsection (4), the executive director of the Department of Human Resource Management, in
             2455      conjunction with the director of the Division of Finance, shall establish the date for that
             2456      department.
             2457          (c) (i) Any overtime earned under this Subsection (4) is not an entitlement, is not a
             2458      benefit, and is not a vested right.
             2459          (ii) A court may not construe the overtime for exempt employees authorized by this
             2460      Subsection (4) as an entitlement, a benefit, or as a vested right.
             2461          (d) At the end of the overtime year, upon transfer to another department at any time,
             2462      and upon termination, retirement, or other situations where the employee will not return to
             2463      work before the end of the overtime year:
             2464          (i) any of an exempt employee's overtime that is more than the maximum established
             2465      by the Department of Human Resource Management rule lapses; and

             2466          (ii) unless authorized by the executive director of the Department of Human Resource
             2467      Management under Subsection (4)(a)(ii), a department may not compensate the exempt
             2468      employee for that lapsed overtime by paying the employee for the overtime or by granting the
             2469      employee time off for the lapsed overtime.
             2470          (e) Before working any overtime, each exempt employee shall obtain authorization to
             2471      work overtime from the exempt employee's immediate supervisor.
             2472          (f) If the department pays an exempt employee for overtime under authorization from
             2473      the executive director of the Department of Human Resource Management, the department
             2474      shall charge that payment to the department's budget in the pay period earned.
             2475          (5) The Department of Human Resource Management shall:
             2476          (a) ensure that the provisions of the FLSA and this section are implemented throughout
             2477      state government;
             2478          (b) determine, for each state employee, whether that employee is exempt, nonexempt,
             2479      law enforcement, or has some other status under the FLSA;
             2480          (c) in coordination with modifications to the systems operated by the Division of
             2481      Finance, make rules:
             2482          (i) establishing procedures for recording overtime worked that comply with FLSA
             2483      requirements;
             2484          (ii) establishing requirements governing overtime worked while traveling and
             2485      procedures for recording that overtime that comply with FLSA requirements;
             2486          (iii) establishing requirements governing overtime worked if the employee is "on call"
             2487      and procedures for recording that overtime that comply with FLSA requirements;
             2488          (iv) establishing requirements governing overtime worked while an employee is being
             2489      trained and procedures for recording that overtime that comply with FLSA requirements;
             2490          (v) subject to the FLSA, establishing the maximum number of hours that a nonexempt
             2491      employee may accrue before a department is required to pay the employee for the overtime
             2492      worked;
             2493          (vi) subject to the FLSA, establishing the maximum number of overtime hours for an

             2494      exempt employee that do not lapse; and
             2495          (vii) establishing procedures for adjudicating appeals of any FLSA determinations
             2496      made by the Department of Human Resource Management as required by this section;
             2497          (d) monitor departments for compliance with the FLSA; and
             2498          (e) recommend to the Legislature and the governor any statutory changes necessary
             2499      because of federal government action.
             2500          (6) In coordination with the procedures for recording overtime worked established in
             2501      rule by the Department of Human Resource Management, the Division of Finance shall modify
             2502      its payroll and human resource systems to accommodate those procedures.
             2503          (a) Notwithstanding the procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 4,
             2504      Administrative Procedures Act, Section 67-19-31 , and Section 67-19a-301 , any employee who
             2505      is aggrieved by the FLSA designation made by the Department of Human Resource
             2506      Management as required by this section may appeal that determination to the executive director
             2507      of the Department of Human Resource Management by following the procedures and
             2508      requirements established in Department of Human Resource Management rule.
             2509          (b) Upon receipt of an appeal under this section, the executive director shall notify the
             2510      executive director of the employee's department that the appeal has been filed.
             2511          (c) If the employee is aggrieved by the decision of the executive director of the
             2512      Department of Human Resource Management, the employee shall appeal that determination to
             2513      the Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, according to the procedures and
             2514      requirements of federal law.
             2515          Section 42. Section 67-19-15 is amended to read:
             2516           67-19-15. Career service -- Exempt positions -- Schedules for civil service
             2517      positions -- Coverage of career service provisions.
             2518          (1) Except as otherwise provided by law or by rules and regulations established for
             2519      federally aided programs, the following positions are exempt from the career service provisions
             2520      of this chapter and are designated under the following schedules:
             2521          (a) schedule AA includes the governor, members of the Legislature, and all other

             2522      elected state officers;
             2523          (b) schedule AB includes appointed executives and board or commission executives
             2524      enumerated in Section 67-22-2 ;
             2525          (c) schedule AC includes all employees and officers in:
             2526          (i) the office and at the residence of the governor;
             2527          (ii) the Utah Science Technology and Research Initiative (USTAR);
             2528          (iii) the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Council;
             2529          (iv) the Office of the State Auditor; and
             2530          (v) the Office of the State Treasurer;
             2531          (d) schedule AD includes employees who:
             2532          (i) are in a confidential relationship to an agency head or commissioner; and
             2533          (ii) report directly to, and are supervised by, a department head, commissioner, or
             2534      deputy director of an agency or its equivalent;
             2535          (e) schedule AG includes employees in the Office of the Attorney General who are
             2536      under their own career service pay plan under Sections 67-5-7 through 67-5-13 ;
             2537          (f) schedule AH includes:
             2538          (i) teaching staff of all state institutions; and
             2539          (ii) employees of the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind who are:
             2540          (A) educational interpreters as classified by the department; or
             2541          (B) educators as defined by Section 53A-25b-102 ;
             2542          (g) schedule AN includes employees of the Legislature;
             2543          (h) schedule AO includes employees of the judiciary;
             2544          (i) schedule AP includes all judges in the judiciary;
             2545          (j) schedule AQ includes:
             2546          (i) members of state and local boards and councils appointed by the governor and
             2547      governing bodies of agencies;
             2548          (ii) other local officials serving in an ex officio capacity; and
             2549          (iii) officers, faculty, and other employees of state universities and other state

             2550      institutions of higher education;
             2551          (k) schedule AR includes employees in positions [which] that involve responsibility:
             2552          (i) for determining policy;
             2553          (ii) for determining the way in which a policy is carried out; or
             2554          (iii) of a type not appropriate for career service, as determined by the agency head with
             2555      the concurrence of the executive director;
             2556          (l) schedule AS includes any other employee:
             2557          (i) whose appointment is required by statute to be career service exempt;
             2558          (ii) whose agency is not subject to this chapter; or
             2559          (iii) whose agency has authority to make rules regarding the performance,
             2560      compensation, and bonuses for its employees;
             2561          (m) schedule AT includes employees of the Department of Technology Services,
             2562      designated as executive/professional positions by the executive director of the Department of
             2563      Technology Services with the concurrence of the executive director;
             2564          (n) schedule AU includes patients and inmates employed in state institutions;
             2565          (o) schedule IN includes employees who are:
             2566          (i) hired to work part time on an indefinite basis; and
             2567          (ii) considered to be temporary noncareer employees; and
             2568          (p) schedule TL includes employees who are:
             2569          (i) hired to work on a time-limited basis; and
             2570          (ii) considered to be temporary noncareer employees.
             2571          (2) The civil service shall consist of two schedules as follows:
             2572          (a) (i) Schedule A is the schedule consisting of positions under Subsection (1).
             2573          (ii) Removal from any appointive position under schedule A, unless otherwise
             2574      regulated by statute, is at the pleasure of the appointing officers without regard to tenure.
             2575          (b) Schedule B is the competitive career service schedule, consisting of:
             2576          (i) all positions filled through competitive selection procedures as defined by the
             2577      executive director; or

             2578          (ii) positions filled through a department approved on the job examination intended to
             2579      appoint a qualified person with a disability.
             2580          (3) (a) The executive director, after consultation with the heads of concerned executive
             2581      branch departments and agencies and with the approval of the governor, shall allocate positions
             2582      to the appropriate schedules under this section.
             2583          (b) Agency heads shall make requests and obtain approval from the executive director
             2584      before changing the schedule assignment and tenure rights of any position.
             2585          (c) Unless the executive director's decision is reversed by the governor, when the
             2586      executive director denies an agency's request, the executive director's decision is final.
             2587          (4) (a) Compensation for employees of the Legislature shall be established by the
             2588      directors of the legislative offices in accordance with Section 36-12-7 .
             2589          (b) Compensation for employees of the judiciary shall be established by the state court
             2590      administrator in accordance with Section 78A-2-107 .
             2591          (c) Compensation for officers, faculty, and other employees of state universities and
             2592      institutions of higher education shall be established as provided in Title 53B, Chapters 1,
             2593      Governance, Powers, Rights, and Responsibilities, and 2, Institutions of Higher Education.
             2594          (d) Unless otherwise provided by law, compensation for all other schedule A
             2595      employees shall be established by their appointing authorities, within ranges approved by, and
             2596      after consultation with the executive director of the Department of Human Resource
             2597      Management.
             2598          (5) An employee who is in a position designated schedule AC and who holds career
             2599      service status on June 30, 2010, shall retain the career service status if the employee:
             2600          (a) remains in the position that the employee is in on June 30, 2010; and
             2601          (b) does not elect to convert to career service exempt status in accordance with a rule
             2602      made by the department.
             2603          Section 43. Section 73-29-202 is amended to read:
             2604           73-29-202. Public right to float on public waters.
             2605          (1) There is a public right to float on public water that has sufficient width, depth, and

             2606      flow to allow free passage of the chosen vessel at the time of floating.
             2607          (2) Subsection (1) includes the right to:
             2608          (a) incidentally touch private property as required for safe passage and continued
             2609      movement;
             2610          (b) portage around a dangerous obstruction in the water, if portage is made in a manner
             2611      that is:
             2612          (i) most direct;
             2613          (ii) least invasive; and
             2614          (iii) closest to the water; and
             2615          (c) fish while floating.
             2616          (3) A person exercising the right that this section recognizes:
             2617          (a) shall enter and exit the water at a point on public property or private property with
             2618      permission of the owner; and
             2619          (b) may not stop on private property.
             2620          (4) (a) The right this section recognizes does not prevent the establishment of broader
             2621      public recreational access in accordance with this chapter.
             2622          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), the right this section recognizes does not
             2623      establish broader public recreational access.
             2624          Section 44. Section 76-5-107.5 is amended to read:
             2625           76-5-107.5. Prohibition of "hazing" -- Definitions -- Penalties.
             2626          (1) A person is guilty of hazing if that person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly
             2627      commits an act or causes another to commit an act that:
             2628          (a) (i) endangers the mental or physical health or safety of another;
             2629          (ii) involves any brutality of a physical nature such as whipping, beating, branding,
             2630      calisthenics, bruising, electric shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or
             2631      exposure to the elements;
             2632          (iii) involves consumption of any food, alcoholic product, drug, or other substance or
             2633      any other physical activity that endangers the mental or physical health and safety of an

             2634      individual; or
             2635          (iv) involves any activity that would subject the individual to extreme mental stress,
             2636      such as sleep deprivation, extended isolation from social contact, or conduct that subjects
             2637      another to extreme embarrassment, shame, or humiliation; and
             2638          (b) (i) is for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, holding office in,
             2639      or as a condition for continued membership in any organization; or
             2640          (ii) if the actor knew that the victim is a member of or candidate for membership with a
             2641      school team or school organization to which the actor belongs or did belong within the
             2642      preceding two years.
             2643          (2) It is not a defense to prosecution of hazing that a person under 21, against whom
             2644      the hazing was directed, consented to or acquiesced in the hazing activity.
             2645          (3) An actor who hazes another is guilty of a:
             2646          (a) class B misdemeanor except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), (c), (d), or (e);
             2647          (b) class A misdemeanor if the act involves:
             2648          (i) the operation or other use of a motor vehicle;
             2649          (ii) the consumption of an alcoholic product as defined in Section [ 32A-1-105 ]
             2650      32B-1-102 ; or
             2651          (iii) the consumption of a drug or a substance as defined in Section 76-5-113 ;
             2652          (c) third degree felony if the act involves the use of a dangerous weapon as defined in
             2653      Section 76-1-601 ;
             2654          (d) third degree felony if the hazing results in serious bodily injury to a person; or
             2655          (e) second degree felony if hazing under Subsection (3)(d) involves the use of a
             2656      dangerous weapon as defined in Section 76-1-601 .
             2657          (4) A person who in good faith reports or participates in reporting of an alleged hazing
             2658      is not subject to any civil or criminal liability regarding the reporting.
             2659          (5) (a) This section does not apply to military training or other official military
             2660      activities.
             2661          (b) Military conduct is governed by Title 39, Chapter 6, Utah Code of Military Justice.

             2662          (6) (a) A prosecution under this section does not bar a prosecution of the actor for:
             2663          (i) any other offense for which the actor may be liable as a party for conduct committed
             2664      by the person hazed; or
             2665          (ii) any offense, caused in the course of the hazing, that the actor commits against the
             2666      person who is hazed.
             2667          (b) Under Subsection (6)(a)(i) a person may be separately punished, both for the hazing
             2668      offense and the conduct committed by the person hazed.
             2669          (c) Under Subsection (6)(a)(ii) a person may not be punished both for hazing and for
             2670      the other offense, but shall be punished for the offense carrying the greater maximum penalty.
             2671          Section 45. Section 76-6-101 is amended to read:
             2672           76-6-101. Definitions.
             2673          (1) For purposes of this chapter:
             2674          [(6)] (a) "Fire" means a flame, heat source capable of combustion, or material capable
             2675      of combustion that is caused, set, or maintained by a person for any purpose.
             2676          [(2)] (b) "Habitable structure" means any building, vehicle, trailer, railway car, aircraft,
             2677      or watercraft used for lodging or assembling persons or conducting business whether a person
             2678      is actually present or not.
             2679          [(1)] (c) "Property" means:
             2680          (i) any form of real property or tangible personal property which is capable of being
             2681      damaged or destroyed and includes a habitable structure[.]; and
             2682          [(3) "Property" is that] (ii) the property of another, if anyone other than the actor has a
             2683      possessory or proprietary interest in any portion [thereof] of the property.
             2684          [(4)] (d) "Value" means:
             2685          [(a)] (i) the market value of the property, if totally destroyed, at the time and place of
             2686      the offense, or where cost of replacement exceeds the market value; or
             2687          [(b)] (ii) where the market value cannot be ascertained, the cost of repairing or
             2688      replacing the property within a reasonable time following the offense.
             2689          [(5)] (2) If the property damaged has a value that cannot be ascertained by the criteria

             2690      set forth in [Subsections (4)(a) and (b)] Subsection (1)(d), the property shall be considered to
             2691      have a value less than $500.
             2692          Section 46. Section 77-23a-4 is amended to read:
             2693           77-23a-4. Offenses -- Criminal and civil -- Lawful interception.
             2694          (1) (a) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, any person who
             2695      violates Subsection (1)(b) is guilty of an offense and is subject to punishment under Subsection
             2696      (10), or when applicable, the person is subject to civil action under Subsection (11).
             2697          (b) A person commits a violation of this subsection who:
             2698          (i) intentionally or knowingly intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other
             2699      person to intercept or endeavor to intercept any wire, electronic, or oral communication;
             2700          (ii) intentionally or knowingly uses, endeavors to use, or procures any other person to
             2701      use or endeavor to use any electronic, mechanical, or other device to intercept any oral
             2702      communication, when the device is affixed to, or otherwise transmits a signal through a wire,
             2703      cable, or other like connection used in wire communication or when the device transmits
             2704      communications by radio, or interferes with the transmission of the communication;
             2705          (iii) intentionally or knowingly discloses or endeavors to disclose to any other person
             2706      the contents of any wire, electronic, or oral communication, knowing or having reason to know
             2707      that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, electronic, or oral
             2708      communication in violation of this section; or
             2709          (iv) intentionally or knowingly uses or endeavors to use the contents of any wire,
             2710      electronic, or oral communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was
             2711      obtained through the interception of a wire, electronic, or oral communication in violation of
             2712      this section.
             2713          (2) The operator of a switchboard, or an officer, employee, or agent of a provider of
             2714      wire or electronic communication service whose facilities are used in the transmission of a wire
             2715      communication may intercept, disclose, or use that communication in the normal course of his
             2716      employment while engaged in any activity which is a necessary incident to the rendition of his
             2717      service or to the protection of the rights or property of the provider of that service. However, a

             2718      provider of wire communications service to the public may not utilize service observing or
             2719      random monitoring except for mechanical or service quality control checks.
             2720          (3) (a) Providers of wire or electronic communications service, their officers,
             2721      employees, or agents, and any landlords, custodians, or other persons may provide information,
             2722      facilities, or technical assistance to persons authorized by law to intercept wire, oral, or
             2723      electronic communications or to conduct electronic surveillance if the provider and its officers,
             2724      employees, or agents, and any landlords, custodians, or other specified persons have been
             2725      provided with:
             2726          (i) a court order directing the assistance signed by the authorizing judge; or
             2727          (ii) a certification in writing by a person specified in Subsection 77-23a-10 (7), or by
             2728      the attorney general or an assistant attorney general, or by a county attorney or district attorney
             2729      or his deputy that no warrant or court order is required by law, that all statutory requirements
             2730      have been met, and that the specified assistance is required.
             2731          (b) The order or certification under this subsection shall set the period of time during
             2732      which the provision of the information, facilities, or technical assistance is authorized and shall
             2733      specify the information, facilities, or technical assistance required.
             2734          (4) (a) The providers of wire or electronic communications service, their officers,
             2735      employees, or agents, and any landlords, custodians, or other specified persons may not
             2736      disclose the existence of any interception or surveillance or the device used to accomplish the
             2737      interception or surveillance regarding which the person has been furnished an order or
             2738      certification under this section except as is otherwise required by legal process, and then only
             2739      after prior notification to the attorney general or to the county attorney or district attorney of the
             2740      county in which the interception was conducted, as is appropriate.
             2741          (b) Any disclosure in violation of this subsection renders the person liable for civil
             2742      damages under Section 77-23a-11 .
             2743          (5) A cause of action does not lie in any court against any provider of wire or electronic
             2744      communications service, its officers, employees, or agents, or any landlords, custodians, or
             2745      other specified persons for providing information, facilities, or assistance in accordance with

             2746      the terms of a court order or certification under this chapter.
             2747          (6) Subsections (3), (4), and (5) supersede any law to the contrary.
             2748          (7) (a) A person acting under color of law may intercept a wire, electronic, or oral
             2749      communication if that person is a party to the communication or one of the parties to the
             2750      communication has given prior consent to the interception.
             2751          (b) A person not acting under color of law may intercept a wire, electronic, or oral
             2752      communication if that person is a party to the communication or one of the parties to the
             2753      communication has given prior consent to the interception, unless the communication is
             2754      intercepted for the purpose of committing any criminal or tortious act in violation of state or
             2755      federal laws.
             2756          (c) An employee of a telephone company may intercept a wire communication for the
             2757      sole purpose of tracing the origin of the communication when the interception is requested by
             2758      the recipient of the communication and the recipient alleges that the communication is obscene,
             2759      harassing, or threatening in nature. The telephone company and its officers, employees, and
             2760      agents shall release the results of the interception, made under this subsection, upon request of
             2761      the local law enforcement authorities.
             2762          (8) A person may:
             2763          (a) intercept or access an electronic communication made through an electronic
             2764      communications system that is configured so that the electronic communication is readily
             2765      accessible to the general public;
             2766          (b) intercept any radio communication transmitted by:
             2767          (i) any station for the use of the general public, or that relates to ships, aircraft,
             2768      vehicles, or persons in distress;
             2769          (ii) any government, law enforcement, civil defense, private land mobile, or public
             2770      safety communications system, including police and fire, readily accessible to the general
             2771      public;
             2772          (iii) a station operating on an authorized frequency within the bands allocated to the
             2773      amateur, citizens' band, or general mobile radio services; or

             2774          (iv) by a marine or aeronautics communications system;
             2775          (c) intercept any wire or electronic communication, the transmission of which is
             2776      causing harmful interference to any lawfully operating station or consumer electronic
             2777      equipment, to the extent necessary to identify the source of the interference; or
             2778          (d) as one of a group of users of the same frequency, intercept any radio
             2779      communication made through a system that utilizes frequencies monitored by individuals
             2780      engaged in the provision or the use of the system, if the communication is not scrambled or
             2781      encrypted.
             2782          (9) (a) Except under Subsection (9)(b), a person or entity providing an electronic
             2783      communications service to the public may not intentionally divulge the contents of any
             2784      communication, while in transmission of that service, to any person or entity other than an
             2785      addressee or intended recipient of the communication or his agent.
             2786          (b) A person or entity providing electronic communications service to the public may
             2787      divulge the contents of any communication:
             2788          (i) as otherwise authorized under this section or Section 77-23a-9 ;
             2789          (ii) with lawful consent of the originator or any addressee or intended recipient of the
             2790      communication;
             2791          (iii) to a person employed or authorized or whose facilities are used to forward the
             2792      communication to its destination; or
             2793          (iv) that is inadvertently obtained by the service provider and appears to pertain to the
             2794      commission of a crime, if the divulgence is made to a law enforcement agency.
             2795          (10) (a) Except under Subsection (10)(b) or (11), a violation of Subsection (1) is a third
             2796      degree felony.
             2797          (b) If the offense is a first offense under this section and is not for a tortious or illegal
             2798      purpose or for purposes of direct or indirect commercial advantage or private commercial gain,
             2799      and the wire or electronic communication regarding which the offense was committed is a
             2800      radio communication that is not scrambled or encrypted:
             2801          (i) if the communication is not the radio portion of a cellular telephone communication,

             2802      a public land mobile radio service communication, or paging service communication, and the
             2803      conduct is not under Subsection (11), the offense is a class A misdemeanor; and
             2804          (ii) if the communication is the radio portion of a cellular telephone communication, a
             2805      public land mobile radio service communication, or a paging service communication, the
             2806      offense is a class B misdemeanor.
             2807          (c) Conduct otherwise an offense under this section is not an offense if the conduct was
             2808      not done for the purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage or private financial gain,
             2809      and consists of or relates to the interception of a satellite transmission that is not encrypted or
             2810      scrambled, and is either transmitted:
             2811          (i) to a broadcasting station for purposes of retransmission to the general public; or
             2812          (ii) as an audio subcarrier intended for redistribution to facilities open to the public, but
             2813      in any event not including data transmissions or telephone calls.
             2814          (11) (a) A person is subject to civil suit initiated by the state in a court of competent
             2815      jurisdiction when his conduct is prohibited under Subsection (1) and the conduct involves a:
             2816          (i) private satellite video communication that is not scrambled or encrypted, and the
             2817      conduct in violation of this chapter is the private viewing of that communication and is not for
             2818      a tortious or illegal purpose or for purposes of direct or indirect commercial advantage or
             2819      private commercial gain; or
             2820          (ii) radio communication that is transmitted on frequencies allocated under Subpart D,
             2821      Part 74, Rules of the Federal Communication Commission, that is not scrambled or encrypted
             2822      and the conduct in violation of this chapter is not for a tortious or illegal purpose or for
             2823      purposes of direct or indirect commercial advantage or private commercial gain.
             2824          (b) In an action under Subsection (11)(a):
             2825          (i) if the violation of this chapter is a first offense under this section and the person is
             2826      not found liable in a civil action under Section 77-23a-11 , the state may seek appropriate
             2827      injunctive relief; or
             2828          (ii) if the violation of this chapter is a second or subsequent offense under this section,
             2829      or the person has been found liable in any prior civil action under Section 77-23a-11 , the

             2830      person is subject to a mandatory $500 civil penalty.
             2831          (c) The court may use any means within its authority to enforce an injunction issued
             2832      under Subsection (11)(b)(i), and shall impose a civil fine of not less than $500 for each
             2833      violation of the injunction.
             2834          Section 47. Section 78B-4-515 is amended to read:
             2835           78B-4-515. Limitation on liability for greenhouse gases.
             2836          (1) "Greenhouse gas" means water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
             2837      ozone, and chlorofluorocarbons.
             2838          (2) A person residing or doing business in this state may not be held liable for damage
             2839      or injury to another arising out of any actual or potential effect on climate caused by
             2840      contributions to emissions of greenhouse gases unless it can be proved by clear and convincing
             2841      evidence that the person has:
             2842          (a) violated an enforceable statutory limitation or restriction against emissions of a
             2843      specific greenhouse gas originating within this state; or
             2844          (b) violated the express terms of a valid, enforceable operating, air, or other permit
             2845      issued by a state or federal regulatory agency that has jurisdiction over the greenhouse gas
             2846      emissions of the person or business.
             2847          (3) The person bringing the action shall:
             2848          (a) specify each greenhouse gas emitted by the defendant which is asserted to give rise
             2849      to the cause of action; and
             2850          (b) show by clear and convincing evidence that unavoidable[,] and identifiable damage
             2851      or injury has resulted or will result as a direct cause of the defendant's violation of statutory and
             2852      permitting limits.
             2853          Section 48. Repealer.
             2854          This bill repeals:
             2855          Section 53A-20c-101, Title.
             2856          Section 73-2-22.1, Assistance of state engineer in management of flood waters.

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