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H.B. 384 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Tim M. Cosgrove

Senate Sponsor: Peter C. Knudson

             6      Cosponsors:
             7      Jim Bird
             8      Jackie Biskupski
             9      Derek E. Brown
             10      Melvin R. Brown
             11      Jack R. Draxler
             12      Rebecca P. Edwards
             13      Keith Grover
             14      Wayne A. Harper
Lynn N. HemingwayDon L. Ipson
Bradley G. Last
David Litvack
Carol Spackman Moss
Patrick Painter
Lee B. Perry
Val L. Peterson
Kraig Powell
Holly J. RichardsonDouglas Sagers
Stephen E. Sandstrom
Jennifer M. Seelig
Evan J. Vickers
Christine F. Watkins
Mark A. Wheatley
Larry B. Wiley
Bill Wright              15     
             16      LONG TITLE
             17      General Description:
             18          This bill provides exceptions to professional state licensure for veterans and active duty
             19      spouses.
             20      Highlighted Provisions:
             21          This bill:
             22          .    provides an exception to state licensure for active duty spouses for some professions
             23      provided the spouse holds a license in another recognized jurisdiction and the
             24      license is valid and in good standing;
             25          .    allows the Department of Health to take military education, training, and experience
             26      into consideration when certifying or licensing persons under the Emergency
             27      Medical Services System; and

             28          .    adds military education and training programs to programs the Division of
             29      Occupational and Professional Licensing considers for licensing.
             30      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             31          None
             32      Other Special Clauses:
             33          None
             34      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             35      AMENDS:
             36          26-8a-106, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1999, Chapter 141
             37          58-1-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 241
             38          58-1-307, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 242
             40      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             41          Section 1. Section 26-8a-106 is amended to read:
             42           26-8a-106. Waiver of rules.
             43          (1) Upon application, the committee or department may waive the requirements of a
             44      rule it has adopted if:
             45          (a) the person applying for the waiver satisfactorily demonstrates that:
             46          (i) the waiver is necessary for a pilot project to be undertaken by the applicant;
             47          (ii) in the particular situation, the requirement serves no beneficial public purpose; or
             48          (iii) circumstances warrant that waiver of the requirement outweighs the public benefit
             49      to be gained by adherence to the rule; and
             50          (b) for a waiver granted under Subsection (1)(a)(ii) or (iii), the committee or
             51      department:
             52          (i) extends the waiver to similarly situated persons upon application; or
             53          (ii) amends the rule to be consistent with the waiver.
             54          (2) A waiver of education, licensing, or certification requirements may be granted to a
             55      veteran, as defined in Section 71-8-1 , if the veteran:

             56          (a) provides to the committee or department documentation showing military education
             57      and training in the field in which certification or licensure is sought; and
             58          (b) successfully passes any examination required.
             59          [(2)] (3) No waiver may be granted under this section that is inconsistent with the
             60      provisions of this chapter.
             61          Section 2. Section 58-1-203 is amended to read:
             62           58-1-203. Duties, functions, and responsibilities of division in collaboration with
             63      board -- Construction Services Commission.
             64          (1) The following duties, functions, and responsibilities of the division shall be
             65      performed by the division with the collaboration and assistance of the appropriate board:
             66          (a) defining which schools, colleges, universities, departments of universities, military
             67      educational and training programs, or other institutions of learning are reputable and in good
             68      standing with the division;
             69          (b) prescribing license qualifications;
             70          (c) prescribing rules governing applications for licenses;
             71          (d) providing for a fair and impartial method of examination of applicants;
             72          (e) defining unprofessional conduct, by rule, to supplement the definitions under this
             73      chapter or other licensing chapters;
             74          (f) establishing advisory peer committees to the board and prescribing their scope of
             75      authority; and
             76          (g) establishing conditions for reinstatement and renewal of licenses.
             77          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the duties, functions, and responsibilities of the
             78      division outlined in Subsection (1) shall, instead, be performed by the Construction Services
             79      Commission for all purposes of Title 58, Chapter 55, Utah Construction Trades Licensing.
             80          Section 3. Section 58-1-307 is amended to read:
             81           58-1-307. Exemptions from licensure.
             82          (1) Except as otherwise provided by statute or rule, the following individuals may
             83      engage in the practice of their occupation or profession, subject to the stated circumstances and

             84      limitations, without being licensed under this title:
             85          (a) an individual serving in the armed forces of the United States, the United States
             86      Public Health Service, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, or other federal
             87      agencies while engaged in activities regulated under this chapter as a part of employment with
             88      that federal agency if the individual holds a valid license to practice a regulated occupation or
             89      profession issued by any other state or jurisdiction recognized by the division;
             90          (b) a student engaged in activities constituting the practice of a regulated occupation or
             91      profession while in training in a recognized school approved by the division to the extent the
             92      activities are supervised by qualified faculty, staff, or designee and the activities are a defined
             93      part of the training program;
             94          (c) an individual engaged in an internship, residency, preceptorship, postceptorship,
             95      fellowship, apprenticeship, or on-the-job training program approved by the division while
             96      under the supervision of qualified individuals;
             97          (d) an individual residing in another state and licensed to practice a regulated
             98      occupation or profession in that state, who is called in for a consultation by an individual
             99      licensed in this state, and the services provided are limited to that consultation;
             100          (e) an individual who is invited by a recognized school, association, society, or other
             101      body approved by the division to conduct a lecture, clinic, or demonstration of the practice of a
             102      regulated occupation or profession if the individual does not establish a place of business or
             103      regularly engage in the practice of the regulated occupation or profession in this state;
             104          (f) an individual licensed under the laws of this state, other than under this title, to
             105      practice or engage in an occupation or profession, while engaged in the lawful, professional,
             106      and competent practice of that occupation or profession;
             107          (g) an individual licensed in a health care profession in another state who performs that
             108      profession while attending to the immediate needs of a patient for a reasonable period during
             109      which the patient is being transported from outside of this state, into this state, or through this
             110      state;
             111          (h) an individual licensed in another state or country who is in this state temporarily to

             112      attend to the needs of an athletic team or group, except that the practitioner may only attend to
             113      the needs of the athletic team or group, including all individuals who travel with the team or
             114      group in any capacity except as a spectator;
             115          (i) an individual licensed and in good standing in another state, who is in this state:
             116          (i) temporarily, under the invitation and control of a sponsoring entity;
             117          (ii) for a reason associated with a special purpose event, based upon needs that may
             118      exceed the ability of this state to address through its licensees, as determined by the division;
             119      and
             120          (iii) for a limited period of time not to exceed the duration of that event, together with
             121      any necessary preparatory and conclusionary periods; [and]
             122          (j) a law enforcement officer, as defined under Section 53-13-103 , who:
             123          (i) is operating a voice stress analyzer in the course of the officer's full-time
             124      employment with a federal, state, or local law enforcement agency;
             125          (ii) has completed the manufacturer's training course and is certified by the
             126      manufacturer to operate that voice stress analyzer; and
             127          (iii) is operating the voice stress analyzer in accordance with Section 58-64-601 ,
             128      regarding deception detection instruments[.]; and
             129          (k) the spouse of an individual serving in the armed forces of the United States while
             130      the individual is stationed within this state, provided:
             131          (i) the spouse holds a valid license to practice a regulated occupation or profession
             132      issued by any other state or jurisdiction recognized by the division; and
             133          (ii) the license is current and the spouse is in good standing in the state of licensure.
             134          (2) (a) A practitioner temporarily in this state who is exempted from licensure under
             135      Subsection (1) shall comply with each requirement of the licensing jurisdiction from which the
             136      practitioner derives authority to practice.
             137          (b) Violation of a limitation imposed by this section constitutes grounds for removal of
             138      exempt status, denial of license, or other disciplinary proceedings.
             139          (3) An individual who is licensed under a specific chapter of this title to practice or

             140      engage in an occupation or profession may engage in the lawful, professional, and competent
             141      practice of that occupation or profession without additional licensure under other chapters of
             142      this title, except as otherwise provided by this title.
             143          (4) Upon the declaration of a national, state, or local emergency, a public health
             144      emergency as defined in Section 26-23b-102 , or a declaration by the President of the United
             145      States or other federal official requesting public health-related activities, the division in
             146      collaboration with the board may:
             147          (a) suspend the requirements for permanent or temporary licensure of individuals who
             148      are licensed in another state[. Individuals exempt under this Subsection (4)(a) are exempt from
             149      licensure] for the duration of the emergency while engaged in the scope of practice for which
             150      they are licensed in the other state;
             151          (b) modify, under the circumstances described in this Subsection (4) and Subsection
             152      (5), the scope of practice restrictions under this title for individuals who are licensed under this
             153      title as:
             154          (i) a physician under Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act, or Chapter 68, Utah
             155      Osteopathic Medical Practice Act;
             156          (ii) a nurse under Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act, or Chapter 31c, Nurse Licensure
             157      Compact;
             158          (iii) a certified nurse midwife under Chapter 44a, Nurse Midwife Practice Act;
             159          (iv) a pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or pharmacy intern under Chapter 17b,
             160      Pharmacy Practice Act;
             161          (v) a respiratory therapist under Chapter 57, Respiratory Care Practices Act;
             162          (vi) a dentist and dental hygienist under Chapter 69, Dentist and Dental Hygienist
             163      Practice Act; and
             164          (vii) a physician assistant under Chapter 70a, Physician Assistant Act;
             165          (c) suspend the requirements for licensure under this title and modify the scope of
             166      practice in the circumstances described in this Subsection (4) and Subsection (5) for medical
             167      services personnel or paramedics required to be certified under Section 26-8a-302 ;

             168          (d) suspend requirements in Subsections 58-17b-620 (3) through (6) which require
             169      certain prescriptive procedures;
             170          (e) exempt or modify the requirement for licensure of an individual who is activated as
             171      a member of a medical reserve corps during a time of emergency as provided in Section
             172      26A-1-126 ; and
             173          (f) exempt or modify the requirement for licensure of an individual who is registered as
             174      a volunteer health practitioner as provided in Title 26, Chapter 49, Uniform Emergency
             175      Volunteer Health Practitioners Act.
             176          (5) Individuals exempt under Subsection (4)(c) and individuals operating under
             177      modified scope of practice provisions under Subsection (4)(b):
             178          (a) are exempt from licensure or subject to modified scope of practice for the duration
             179      of the emergency;
             180          (b) must be engaged in the distribution of medicines or medical devices in response to
             181      the emergency or declaration; and
             182          (c) must be employed by or volunteering for:
             183          (i) a local or state department of health; or
             184          (ii) a host entity as defined in Section 26-49-102 .

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