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H.J.R. 45 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: John Dougall

Senate Sponsor: Wayne L. Niederhauser

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This resolution amends budgeting provisions for the Legislature.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This resolution:
             13          .    establishes base budgets by formula based on the previous fiscal year budgets and
             14      revenue estimates for the new fiscal year; and
             15          .    makes technical changes.
             16      Special Clauses:
             17          None
             18      Legislative Rules Affected:
             19      AMENDS:
             20          JR3-2-402
             22      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             23          Section 1. JR3-2-402 is amended to read:
             24           JR3-2-402. Executive Appropriations -- Duties -- Base budgets.
             25          (1) As used in this rule[,]:
             26          (a) "Base budget" means[: (a)] amounts appropriated by the Legislature for each item
             27      of appropriation for the current fiscal year that:
             28          (i) are not designated as one-time in an appropriation, regardless of whether or not the
             29      appropriations is covered by ongoing or one-time revenue sources; and

             30          (ii) were not vetoed by the governor, unless the Legislature overrode the veto[; and].
             31          (b) "Base budget" includes:
             32          [(b)] (i) any changes to those amounts approved by the Executive Appropriations
             33      Committee[.]; and
             34          (ii) amounts appropriated for debt service.
             35          (2) (a) The Executive Appropriations Committee shall meet no later than the third
             36      Wednesday in December to:
             37          (i) direct staff as to what revenue estimate to use in preparing budget
             38      recommendations;
             39          (ii) decide whether or not to set aside special allocations for the end of the session;
             40          (iii) approve the appropriate amount for each subcommittee to use in preparing its
             41      budget;
             42          (iv) set a budget figure; and
             43          (v) [adopt base budgets] adopt a base budget in accordance with Subsection (2)(b) and
             44      direct the Legislative Fiscal Analyst to prepare one or more appropriations acts appropriating
             45      [base] one or more base budgets for the next fiscal year.
             46          (b) In a base budget adopted under Subsection (2)(a), appropriations from the General
             47      Fund, the Education Fund, and the Uniform School Fund shall be set as follows:
             48          (i) if the next fiscal year ongoing revenue estimates set under Subsection (2)(a)(i) are
             49      equal to or greater than the current fiscal year ongoing appropriations, the new fiscal year base
             50      budget is not changed;
             51          (ii) if the next fiscal year ongoing revenue estimates set under Subsection (2)(a)(i) are
             52      less than the current fiscal year ongoing appropriations, the new fiscal year base budget is
             53      reduced by the same percentage that projected next fiscal year ongoing revenue estimates are
             54      lower than the total of current fiscal year ongoing appropriations; and
             55          (iii) in making a reduction under Subsection (2)(b)(ii), appropriated debt service shall
             56      not be reduced and other ongoing appropriations shall be reduced in an amount sufficient to
             57      make the total ongoing appropriations, including the unadjusted debt service, equal to the

             58      percentage calculated under Subsection (2)(b)(ii).
             59          [(b)] (c) The chairs of each appropriation subcommittee are invited to attend this
             60      meeting.
             61          (3) Appropriations subcommittees may not meet while the Senate or House is in
             62      session without special leave from the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.
             63          (4) All proposed items of expenditure to be included in the appropriations bills shall be
             64      submitted to one of the subcommittees named in JR3-2-302 for consideration and
             65      recommendation.
             66          (5) (a) After receiving and reviewing subcommittee reports, the Executive
             67      Appropriations Committee may refer the report back to an appropriations subcommittee with
             68      any guidelines the Executive Appropriations Committee considers necessary to assist the
             69      subcommittee in producing a balanced budget.
             70          (b) The subcommittee shall meet to review the new guidelines and report the
             71      adjustments to the chairs of the Executive Appropriations Committee as soon as possible.
             72          (6) (a) After receiving the reports, the Executive Appropriations Committee chairs will
             73      report them to the Executive Appropriations Committee.
             74          (b) That committee shall:
             75          (i) make any further adjustments necessary to balance the budget; and
             76          (ii) complete all decisions necessary to draft the final appropriations bill no later than
             77      the 38th day of the annual general session.

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