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First Substitute H.B. 6

             1           Representative Eric K. Hutchings proposes the following substitute bill:

             3          2011 GENERAL SESSION
             4          STATE OF UTAH
             5          Chief Sponsor: Eric K. Hutchings
             6          Senate Sponsor: Daniel W. Thatcher
             7      .....................................................................
             8      LONG TITLE

             9      Committee Note:
             10          The Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Appropriations Subcommittee recommended this
             11      bill.
             12      General Description:
             13          This bill appropriates funds for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal
             14      year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012.
             15      Highlighted Provisions:
             16          This bill:
             17          .    provides appropriations for the use and support of certain state agencies;
             18          .    provides appropriations for other purposes as described;
             19      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             20          This bill appropriates for fiscal year 2012:
             21          .    $490,629,550 from the General Fund;
             22          .    $49,000 from the Education Fund;
             23          .    $220,317,800 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2011.
             26      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             27          ENACTS UNCODIFIED MATERIAL
             28      .....................................................................
             29      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             30          Section 1. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code Title 63J, the following sums of

             31      money are appropriated from the funds or fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the
             32      government of the State of Utah for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012.
             33      Governor's Office
             34      Item 1    To Governor's Office
             35      From General Fund    3,906,000
             36      From Federal Funds    100,000
             37      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    782,300
             38      From Revenue Transfers    6,000
             39      From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    980,000
             40      From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (1,048,800)
                  41      Schedule of Programs:
             42      Administration    2,353,600
             43      Governor's Residence    354,800
             44      Washington Funding    100,000
             45      Lt. Governor's Office    1,472,800
             46      Governor's Energy Advisor    444,300
             47      Item 2    To Governor's Office - Public Lands Litigation
             48      From General Fund Restricted - Constitutional Defense    1,000,000
                  49      Schedule of Programs:
             50      Public Lands Litigation    1,000,000
             51      Item 3    To Governor's Office - Emergency Fund
             52      From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    100,000
             53      From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (100,000)
             54      Item 4    To Governor's Office - Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
             55      From General Fund    3,227,200
             56      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    75,000
             57      From Revenue Transfers - Within Agency    48,000
             58      From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    1,047,400
             59      From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (1,047,400)
                  60      Schedule of Programs:
             61      Administration    894,200
             62      Planning and Budget Analysis    1,193,700
             63      Demographic and Economic Analysis    719,300
             64      Information Technology    156,100
             65      State and Local Planning    386,900
             66      Item 5    To Governor's Office - Quality Growth Commission - LeRay
             67      McAllister Program
             68      From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    1,800,000

                  69      Schedule of Programs:
             70      LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program    1,800,000
             71      Item 6    To Governor's Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile
             72      Justice
             73      From General Fund    582,200
             74      From Federal Funds    9,877,600
             75      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    92,000
             76      From General Fund Restricted - Law Enforcement Services    619,000
             77      From General Fund Restricted - Criminal Forfeiture Restricted Account    500,000
             78      From General Fund Restricted - Law Enforcement Operations    1,800,000
             79      From Crime Victim Reparations Fund    3,560,600
                  80      Schedule of Programs:
             81      CCJJ Commission    7,624,200
             82      Crime Victim Reparations    7,514,500
             83      Extraditions    314,200
             84      Substance Abuse Advisory Council    128,900
             85      Sentencing Commission    132,300
             86      Gang Reduction Grant Program    291,600
             87      Crime Reduction Assistance Program    500,000
             88      Sexual Exploitation of Children    170,500
             89      Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission    355,200
             90      State Auditor
             91      Item 7    To State Auditor
             92      From General Fund    3,230,400
             93      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,518,700
             94      From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    222,400
             95      From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (100,700)
                  96      Schedule of Programs:
             97      Administration    345,600
             98      Auditing    4,344,300
             99      State and Local Government    180,900
             100      State Treasurer
             101      Item 8    To State Treasurer
             102      From General Fund    874,400
             103      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    528,400
             104      From Unclaimed Property Trust    1,412,300
                  105      Schedule of Programs:
             106      Treasury and Investment    1,239,300

             107      Unclaimed Property    1,412,300
             108      Money Management Council    86,400
             109      Financial Assistance    77,100
             110      Attorney General
             111      Item 9    To Attorney General
             112      From General Fund    23,290,750
             113      From Federal Funds    1,290,700
             114      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    17,417,500
             115      From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    276,100
             116      From Attorney General Litigation Fund    336,500
             117      From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    586,100
             118      From Revenue Transfers - Federal    320,900
             119      From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    59,900
             120      From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    1,582,900
             121      From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (513,700)
                  122      Schedule of Programs:
             123      Administration    3,979,800
             124      Child Protection    7,465,800
             125      Children's Justice    1,169,100
             126      Criminal Prosecution    14,975,700
             127      Civil    17,057,250
             128      Item 10    To Attorney General - Contract Attorneys
             129      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    300,000
                  130      Schedule of Programs:
             131      Contract Attorneys    300,000
             132      Item 11    To Attorney General - Children's Justice Centers
             133      From General Fund    2,677,000
             134      From Federal Funds    201,500
             135      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    320,700
                  136      Schedule of Programs:
             137      Children's Justice Centers    3,199,200
             138      Item 12    To Attorney General - Prosecution Council
             139      From Federal Funds    25,000
             140      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    34,200
             141      From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    586,600
             142      From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    229,400
                  143      Schedule of Programs:
             144      Prosecution Council    875,200

             145      Item 13    To Attorney General - Domestic Violence
             146      From General Fund Restricted - Domestic Violence    78,300
                  147      Schedule of Programs:
             148      Domestic Violence    78,300
             149      Utah Department of Corrections
             150      Item 14    To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
             151      From General Fund    170,136,500
             152      From Education Fund    49,000
             153      From Federal Funds    424,600
             154      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    4,007,100
             155      From General Fund Restricted - DNA Specimen Account    515,000
             156      From G.F.R. - Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision    29,000
             157      From General Fund Restricted - Prison Telephone Surcharge Account    1,500,000
             158      From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    120,000
             159      From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    207,600
                  160      Schedule of Programs:
             161      Department Executive Director    5,922,900
             162      Department Administrative Services    10,891,900
             163      Department Training    1,433,000
             164      Adult Probation and Parole Administration    1,606,400
             165      Adult Probation and Parole Programs    47,532,300
             166      Institutional Operations Administration    2,970,200
             167      Institutional Operations Draper Facility    53,746,800
             168      Institutional Operations Central Utah/Gunnison    34,600,900
             169      Institutional Operations Inmate Placement    2,240,600
             170      Institutional Operations Support Services    4,105,300
             171      Programming Administration    487,200
             172      Programming Treatment    3,119,200
             173      Programming Skill Enhancement    6,310,400
             174      Programming Education    2,021,700
             175      Item 15    To Utah Department of Corrections - Department Medical
             176      Services
             177      From General Fund    25,080,300
             178      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    422,200
                  179      Schedule of Programs:
             180      Medical Services    25,502,500
             181      Item 16    To Utah Department of Corrections - Utah Correctional Industries
             182      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    20,999,600

             183      From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (1,235,100)
                  184      Schedule of Programs:
             185      Utah Correctional Industries    19,764,500
             186      Item 17    To Utah Department of Corrections - Jail Contracting
             187      From General Fund    20,125,200
             188      From Federal Funds    50,000
                  189      Schedule of Programs:
             190      Jail Contracting    20,175,200
             191      Board of Pardons and Parole
             192      Item 18    To Board of Pardons and Parole
             193      From General Fund    3,779,900
             194      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,200
                  195      Schedule of Programs:
             196      Board Of Pardons and Parole    3,782,100
             197      Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
             198      Item 19    To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice
             199      Services - Programs and Operations
             200      From General Fund    75,115,300
             201      From Federal Funds    2,903,300
             202      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,830,000
             203      From Revenue Transfers - Child Nutrition    913,900
             204      From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    882,900
             205      From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (1,544,400)
             206      From Revenue Transfers - Within Agency    116,600
                  207      Schedule of Programs:
             208      Administration    4,151,100
             209      Early Intervention Services    11,314,100
             210      Community Programs    23,004,000
             211      Correctional Facilities    21,157,900
             212      Rural Programs    21,223,600
             213      Youth Parole Authority    366,900
             214      Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
             215      Item 20    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
             216      From General Fund    79,779,600
             217      From Federal Funds    327,500
             218      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,873,100
             219      From General Fund Restricted - Dispute Resolution Account    415,300
             220      From General Fund Restricted - Children's Legal Defense    361,500

             221      From General Fund Restricted - Court Reporter Technology    250,000
             222      From General Fund Restricted - Court Security Account    7,556,400
             223      From General Fund Restricted - Court Trust Interest    795,000
             224      From General Fund Restricted - DNA Specimen Account    250,300
             225      From General Fund Restricted - Justice Court Technology, Security & Training    1,105,000
             226      From General Fund Restricted - Non-Judicial Assessment    936,200
             227      From General Fund Restricted - Online Court Assistance    151,000
             228      From General Fund Restricted - State Court Complex Account    300,000
             229      From General Fund Restricted - Substance Abuse Prevention    513,500
             230      From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    352,800
             231      From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    578,500
             232      From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    279,000
                  233      Schedule of Programs:
             234      Supreme Court    2,497,400
             235      Law Library    718,000
             236      Court of Appeals    3,824,200
             237      District Courts    35,216,500
             238      Juvenile Courts    35,455,500
             239      Justice Courts    1,311,900
             240      Courts Security    7,556,400
             241      Administrative Office    3,765,600
             242      Judicial Education    525,000
             243      Data Processing    5,188,800
             244      Grants Program    765,400
             245      Item 21    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Grand Jury
             246      From General Fund    800
                  247      Schedule of Programs:
             248      Grand Jury    800
             249      Item 22    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and
             250      Leases
             251      From General Fund    15,179,100
             252      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    250,000
             253      From General Fund Restricted - State Court Complex Account    4,400,000
                  254      Schedule of Programs:
             255      Contracts and Leases    19,829,100
             256      Item 23    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Jury and Witness
             257      Fees
             258      From General Fund    1,530,000

             259      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    10,000
             260      From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    600,000
                  261      Schedule of Programs:
             262      Jury, Witness, and Interpreter    2,140,000
             263      Item 24    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Guardian ad Litem
             264      From General Fund    4,833,100
             265      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    20,000
             266      From General Fund Restricted - Children's Legal Defense    451,300
             267      From General Fund Restricted - Guardian Ad Litem Services    365,300
                  268      Schedule of Programs:
             269      Guardian ad Litem    5,669,700
             270      Department of Public Safety
             271      Item 25    To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
             272      From General Fund    56,777,000
             273      From Transportation Fund    5,495,500
             274      From Federal Funds    1,939,100
             275      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    13,228,100
             276      From General Fund Restricted - DNA Specimen Account    932,900
             277      From General Fund Restricted - Statewide Unified E-911 Emergency Account    3,891,300
             278      From General Fund Restricted - Fire Academy Support    5,524,900
             279      From General Fund Restricted - Firefighter Support Account    132,000
             280      From General Fund Restricted - Nuclear Oversight    376,900
             281      From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Honoring Heroes Account    15,500
             282      From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    3,300
             283      From General Fund Restricted - Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity & Firefighter
             284      Protection Account    75,000
             285      From General Fund Restricted - State Law Enforcement Forfeiture Account    25,000
             286      From General Fund Restricted - Statewide Warrant Operations    568,200
             287      From Transportation Fund - Department of Public Safety Restricted Account    1,419,800
             288      From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    604,500
             289      From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    1,073,800
             290      From Pass-through    3,363,800
             291      From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    346,400
             292      From Lapsing Balance    (376,900)
                  293      Schedule of Programs:
             294      Department Commissioner's Office    4,735,200
             295      Aero Bureau    822,400
             296      Department Intelligence Center    537,600

             297      Department Grants    3,064,000
             298      Department Fleet Management    502,900
             299      Enhanced 911 Program    3,891,300
             300      CITS Administration    374,500
             301      CITS Bureau of Criminal Identification    10,344,500
             302      CITS Communications    6,975,100
             303      CITS State Crime Labs    3,386,400
             304      CITS State Bureau of Investigation    2,442,200
             305      Highway Patrol - Administration    853,100
             306      Highway Patrol - Field Operations    33,766,100
             307      Highway Patrol - Commercial Vehicle    3,494,800
             308      Highway Patrol - Safety Inspections    2,054,000
             309      Highway Patrol - Federal Projects    1,935,400
             310      Highway Patrol - Protective Services    2,813,900
             311      Highway Patrol - Special Services    3,352,100
             312      Highway Patrol - Special Enforcement    1,451,500
             313      Highway Patrol - Technology Services    749,700
             314      Information Management - Operations    1,887,700
             315      Fire Marshall - Fire Operations    2,399,600
             316      Fire Marshall - Fire Fighter Training    3,582,100
             317      Item 26    To Department of Public Safety - Emergency Services and
             318      Homeland Security
             319      From General Fund    451,100
             320      From Federal Funds    35,404,400
             321      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    293,300
             322      From General Fund Restricted - Nuclear Oversight    1,416,400
             323      From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    27,800
             324      From Lapsing Balance    (1,416,400)
                  325      Schedule of Programs:
             326      Emergency Services and Homeland Security    36,176,600
             327      Item 27    To Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and
             328      Training
             329      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    33,900
             330      From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    3,522,000
                  331      Schedule of Programs:
             332      Basic Training    1,762,500
             333      Regional/Inservice Training    714,600
             334      Post Administration    1,078,800

             335      Item 28    To Department of Public Safety - Liquor Law Enforcement
             336      From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    431,500
             337      From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (201,200)
                  338      Schedule of Programs:
             339      Liquor Law Enforcement    230,300
             340      Item 29    To Department of Public Safety - Driver License
             341      From Federal Funds    1,255,000
             342      From Dedicated Credits Revenue    6,000
             343      From Transportation Fund Restricted - Motorcycle Education    323,200
             344      From Transportation Fund - Department of Public Safety Restricted Account    27,481,000
             345      From Transportation Fund Restricted - Uninsured Motorist I.D.    2,360,100
             346      From Pass-through    68,100
             347      From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    320,200
             348      From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (640,400)
                  349      Schedule of Programs:
             350      Driver License Administration    3,248,000
             351      Driver Services    16,012,800
             352      Driver Records    8,311,200
             353      Motorcycle Safety    325,100
             354      Uninsured Motorist    2,039,900
             355      DL Federal Grants    1,236,200
             356      Item 30    To Department of Public Safety - Highway Safety
             357      From General Fund    53,700
             358      From Federal Funds    7,138,000
             359      From Transportation Fund - Department of Public Safety Restricted Account    400,600
             360      From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    123,400
             361      From Pass-through    140,200
                  362      Schedule of Programs:
             363      Highway Safety    7,855,900
             364          Section 2. Effective Date.
             365          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2011.

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