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H.B. 60
9 General Description:
10 This bill extends the prohibition on a campaign contribution during a special session to
11 include a special session convened after July 1 during a general election year.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 . extends the prohibition on campaign contributions during a special session to
15 include a special session convened after July 1 during a general election year.
16 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17 None
18 Other Special Clauses:
19 None
20 Utah Code Sections Affected:
22 36-11-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 286
24 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
25 Section 1. Section 36-11-305 is amended to read:
26 36-11-305. Campaign contribution during session prohibited.
27 (1) It is unlawful for a person, lobbyist, principal, or political committee to make a
28 campaign contribution or contract, promise, or agree to make a campaign contribution to a
29 legislator or a legislator's personal campaign committee, or a political action committee
30 controlled by a legislator during the time the Legislature is convened in annual general [
31 session, veto override session, or [
33 (2) It is unlawful for a person, lobbyist, principal, or political committee to make a
34 campaign contribution, or contract, promise, or agree to make a campaign contribution, to the
35 governor, the governor's personal campaign committee, or a political action committee
36 controlled by the governor during the time the Legislature is convened in annual general [
37 session, veto override session, [
39 Section 8, for the governor to approve or veto bills passed by the Legislature in the annual
40 general session.
41 (3) Any person who violates this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-4-11 4:20 PM