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H.C.R. 11






Chief Sponsor: Patrice M. Arent

Senate Sponsor: Peter C. Knudson

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor recognizes the Rotarians
             11      of Utah, and especially Club 24, on its 100 year anniversary.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This resolution:
             14          .    recognizes the Rotarians of Utah, and especially Club 24, on its 100 year
             15      anniversary, and commends the organization for its good works and service over the
             16      last 100 years.
             17      Special Clauses:
             18          None
             20      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
             21          WHEREAS, the Salt Lake Rotary Club held its first meeting on January 31, 1911;
             22          WHEREAS, the Salt Lake Rotary Club was admitted as the 24th Rotary Club in Rotary
             23      International, which now boasts more than 33,000 clubs worldwide and a membership of
             24      humanitarians of just over 1,200,000;
             25          WHEREAS, the Salt Lake Rotary Club provided a valuable service in 1911 by bringing
             26      the LDS Church and other religious and non-religious organizations together in Utah to foster
             27      peace, understanding, and service above self;

             28          WHEREAS, through the efforts of Utah Rotarians, the face of Utah has been
             29      transformed with trees, baseball fields, skate parks, family parks, clean water facilities on Utah
             30      Indian reservations, sanitation projects, and countless international projects whose impact for
             31      good has changed the lives of Utahns and many others throughout the world;
             32          WHEREAS, many of Utah's key government, political, religious, community, and
             33      business members have been, and are, Rotarians, including Richard L. Evans, who became a
             34      beloved President of Rotary International in 1966-67 and today is still one of the most
             35      frequently quoted Presidents in the history of Rotary;
             36          WHEREAS, in both 1917 and 2007, Rotary International selected Salt Lake City as its
             37      convention city, bringing millions of dollars into Utah's economy and introducing such high
             38      minded principals as "Service Above Self", "Mankind is our Business", "Lend a Hand", and
             39      "Rotary, Building Communities, Bridging Continents";
             40          WHEREAS, Utah Rotarians have been actively participating in the efforts of Rotary
             41      International to eradicate polio from the face of the earth and when the campaign is
             42      accomplished, it will mark only the second time in history, the first being small pox, that such a
             43      disease has been eradicated;
             44          WHEREAS, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has recently joined with Rotary to
             45      eradicate polio and donated $355,000,000 to the campaign; and
             46          WHEREAS, Utah Rotary has agreed to match over $300,000 of those funds and
             47      Rotarians worldwide have agreed to match the full amount for the "The Final Inch" campaign
             48      to accomplish the task of eliminating polio from the face of the world:
             49          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
             50      Governor concurring therein, recognize the Rotarians of Utah, and especially Club 24, on its
             51      100 year anniversary, and commends the organization for its good works and service over the
             52      last 100 years.
             53          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to Rotary
             54      International, the Rotarians of Utah, and to Rotarians of Utah Club 24.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-7-11 2:40 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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