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H.C.R. 18
9 General Description:
10 This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor gives approval for the
11 operation of a landfill to receive specified nonhazardous solid waste.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This resolution:
14 . addresses the proposed commercial Weber County C&D Landfill that is currently
15 owned and managed as a Class IVb noncommercial, nonhazardous solid waste
16 landfill by Weber County and located in the county; and
17 . grants statutorily required approval of the operating plan and allows the owner and
18 operator of Weber County C&D Landfill to change classification to a Class VI
19 commercial, nonhazardous solid waste landfill and receive nonhazardous
20 construction and demolition waste and other waste as approved in the operating
21 plan issued by the executive secretary of the Solid and Hazardous Waste Control
22 Board for the Weber County C&D Landfill in Weber County.
23 Special Clauses:
24 None
26 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
27 WHEREAS, Weber County, as the owner of the Weber County C&D Landfill, and
28 Moulding and Sons, LLC, as operator of the landfill, desire to change the classification of the
29 landfill to a Class VI commercial landfill to receive nonhazardous construction and demolition
30 waste for treatment, storage, or disposal, and other waste allowed under the approved operating
31 plan issued by the executive secretary of the Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board;
32 WHEREAS, the facility is located on approximately 116 acres in Section 19, Township
33 6 North, Range 3 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and is located at 10485 West 900 South
34 in Ogden, within the borders of Weber County, Utah;
35 WHEREAS, the landfill owner and operator are currently permitted to operate a Class
36 IVb noncommercial, nonhazardous solid waste facility at this site that receives construction
37 and demolition waste and other waste as allowed under the approved operating plan;
38 WHEREAS, Utah Code Annotated Section 19-6-108 requires that an applicant for a
39 commercial, nonhazardous solid waste landfill receive approval from the Utah State
40 Legislature and the Governor of the state as a part of the approval process;
41 WHEREAS, Utah Code Annotated Section 19-6-108 also requires that an applicant for
42 a commercial, nonhazardous solid waste landfill receive approval from the executive secretary
43 of the Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board within the Department of Environmental
44 Quality prior to receiving legislative and gubernatorial approval;
45 WHEREAS, the owner and operator of the Weber County C&D Landfill's proposed
46 operating plan for the landfill to operate as a commercial, nonhazardous solid waste landfill to
47 the Department of Environmental Quality may be approved by the executive secretary of the
48 Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board on March 1, 2011; and
49 WHEREAS, the operating plan for the Weber County C&D Landfill allows the landfill
50 to operate as a commercial facility and receive nonhazardous construction and demolition
51 waste and other waste as approved in the operating plan issued by the executive secretary of the
52 Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board:
53 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
54 Governor concurring therein, that Weber County, as the owner of Weber County C&D
55 Landfill, and Moulding and Sons, LLC, as operator of the landfill, are granted approval to
56 change classification from a Class IVb noncommercial, nonhazardous solid waste facility to a
57 Class VI commercial, nonhazardous solid waste facility known as the Weber County C&D
58 Landfill located in Weber County, Utah.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-23-11 11:25 AM