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First Substitute H.J.R. 13

Representative Wayne A. Harper proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

Senate Sponsor: Scott K. Jenkins

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This resolution of the Legislature modifies joint and interim rules.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This resolution:
             13          .    modifies definitions;
             14          .    provides that lodging expenses are only paid to a legislator as a reimbursement for
             15      actual expenses incurred by the legislator when attending an authorized legislative
             16      meeting;
             17          .    limits lodging expense reimbursements to the federal per diem rates for Salt Lake
             18      City;
             19          .    provides that meals and incidental expenses are only paid to a legislator as a
             20      reimbursement for actual expenses incurred by the legislator when attendance at an
             21      authorized legislative meeting necessitates overnight lodging;
             22          .    limits meals and incidental expense reimbursements to the federal per diem rates for
             23      Salt Lake City;
             24          .    provides that transportation costs are only paid to a legislator as a reimbursement
             25      for actual expenses incurred by the legislator for travel to and from an authorized

             26      legislative meeting;
             27          .    requires transportation cost reimbursements to be based on the federal privately
             28      owned vehicle mileage reimbursement rate or on the actual cost incurred for
             29      commercial or public transportation;
             30          .    requires legislators to submit supporting documentation with each reimbursement
             31      request;
             32          .    requires the Legislative Expenses Oversight Committee to ensure that procedures
             33      are established for the purpose of avoiding duplicate or improper reimbursements;
             34          .    permits a legislator to decline to request or receive reimbursement for costs or
             35      expenses;
             36          .    permits a legislator to request and receive a partial or reduced reimbursement
             37      amount;
             38          .    modifies provisions governing out-of-state reimbursements for consistency with
             39      legislative meeting expense reimbursement procedures;
             40          .    repeals provisions that apply different expense policies for the general session,
             41      including reimbursement for meals and incidentals as opposed to other sessions and
             42      meetings; and
             43          .    makes technical changes.
             44      Special Clauses:
             45          None
             46      Legislative Rules Affected:
             47      AMENDS:
             48          IR1-1-202
             49          IR1-1-203
             50          IR3-1-102
             51          JR5-1-101
             52          JR5-1-102
             53          JR5-2-102
             54          JR5-4-101
             55      ENACTS:
             56          JR5-2-103

             57          JR5-2-104
             58          JR5-4-102
             59          JR5-4-103
             60      REPEALS AND REENACTS:
             61          JR5-2-101
             62      REPEALS:
             63          JR5-3-101
             64          JR5-3-102
             65          JR5-3-103
             67      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             68          Section 1. IR1-1-202 is amended to read:
             69           IR1-1-202. Interim Committees -- Creation and Organization of Subcommittees.
             70          (1) An interim committee may establish one or more subcommittees if:
             71          (a) a majority of the interim committee votes to create the subcommittee;
             72          (b) the [per diem and] lodging, meals and incidental expenses, and travel expenses of
             73      the subcommittee members can be adequately covered within the budget of the interim
             74      committee; and
             75          (c) the interim committee solicits and receives approval from the Legislative
             76      Management Committee to create the subcommittee.
             77          (2) The interim committee shall establish the powers and duties of the subcommittee.
             78          (3) The cochairs of the interim committee shall:
             79          (a) appoint at least four legislators to serve on the subcommittee from the membership
             80      of the interim committee that created the subcommittee; and
             81          (b) appoint at least one additional legislator who is a member of the interim committee
             82      that created the subcommittee as chair of the subcommittee.
             83          Section 2. IR1-1-203 is amended to read:
             84           IR1-1-203. Special Committees -- Creation and Organization of Subcommittees.
             85          (1) A special committee may not create a subcommittee unless:
             86          (a) the legislation creating the special committee authorizes the creation of a
             87      subcommittee; and

             88          (b) the [per diem and] lodging, meals and incidental expenses, and travel expenses of
             89      the subcommittee members can be adequately covered from the budget of the special
             90      committee.
             91          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), a special committee may create a subcommittee if:
             92          (a) the legislation creating the special committee does not explicitly prohibit the
             93      creation of a subcommittee;
             94          (b) the Legislative Management Committee approves creation of the subcommittee;
             95      and
             96          (c) the [per diem and] lodging, meals and incidental expenses, and travel expenses of
             97      the subcommittee members can be adequately covered from the budget of the special
             98      committee.
             99          Section 3. IR3-1-102 is amended to read:
             100           IR3-1-102. Rights of Members to Attend Meetings -- Nonmembers of the
             101      Committee or Subcommittee May Not Vote.
             102          (1) Any member of the Legislature may:
             103          (a) attend any meeting of an interim committee or any of its subcommittees; and
             104          (b) if recognized by the chair, present the member's views on any subject under
             105      consideration by the committee or subcommittee.
             106          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), a legislator must be a member of the committee or
             107      subcommittee in order to:
             108          (a) vote on any decision of the committee or subcommittee; or
             109          (b) receive [per diem] reimbursement for lodging, meals and incidental expenses, or
             110      travel expenses for attending the meeting unless approval for receiving [per diem] the
             111      reimbursement is obtained from the Legislative Expenses Oversight Committee of the chamber
             112      in which the legislator is a member.
             113          Section 4. JR5-1-101 is amended to read:
             114           JR5-1-101. Definitions.
             115          As used in this title[: (1) "Authorized] "authorized legislative meeting" means:
             116          (1) the annual general session;
             117          [(a)] (2) special sessions;
             118          [(b)] (3) veto override sessions;

             119          [(c)] (4) interim committee and subcommittee meetings;
             120          [(d)] (5) management committee and subcommittee meetings;
             121          [(e)] (6) executive appropriation and subcommittee meetings; and
             122          [(f)] (7) the meetings of any other body where legislative participation is required by
             123      law or authorized by the Legislative Management Committee.
             124          [(2) "Mileage" means the mileage reimbursement allowance approved by the Division
             125      of Finance for state employees.]
             126          Section 5. JR5-1-102 is amended to read:
             127           JR5-1-102. Legislative Expenses Oversight Committee.
             128          (1) The presiding officer and the majority leader and minority leader of each house are
             129      the Legislative Expenses Oversight Committee for that house.
             130          (2) Each committee shall:
             131          (a) establish procedures to implement the rules on legislative expenses, including
             132      establishing vouchering systems and procedures for the disbursement of legislative expenses;
             133      [and]
             134          (b) ensure that legislators do not receive duplicate or improper reimbursements; and
             135          [(b)] (c) meet at least annually, or at the request of a majority of the committee, to
             136      review legislative expenses and travel budgets.
             137          (3) The presiding officer may authorize temporary emergency legislative expenses.
             138          Section 6. JR5-2-101 is repealed and reenacted to read:


             141          JR5-2-101. Reimbursement of Lodging Expenses -- Reimbursement of Meals and
             142      Incidental Expenses.
             143          If attendance at an authorized legislative meeting necessitates overnight lodging, a
             144      legislator is entitled to receive reimbursement for any actual:
             145          (1) lodging expenses incurred by the legislator, not to exceed the federal per diem
             146      lodging rates for Salt Lake City; and
             147          (2) meals and incidental expenses incurred by the legislator, not to exceed the federal
             148      per diem meals and incidental expenses rates for Salt Lake City.
             149          Section 7. JR5-2-102 is amended to read:

             150           JR5-2-102. Reimbursement of Travel Expenses.
             151          [(1) This rule governs transportation costs incurred by legislators when the Legislature
             152      is in annual general session.]
             153          [(2) (a) Each legislator shall receive transportation costs to and from the session.]
             154          [(b) These costs] (1) A legislator is entitled to receive reimbursement for any travel
             155      expenses incurred by the legislator in association with the legislator's attendance at an
             156      authorized legislative meeting.
             157          (2) Any travel expenses reimbursed under this section shall be computed on the basis
             158      of:
             159          (a) the actual mileage [for private automobile use] incurred by the legislator for the
             160      legislator's non-commercial travel to and from the authorized legislative meeting, to be
             161      calculated in accordance with the mileage reimbursement allowance approved by the Division
             162      of Finance for state employees; or
             163          (b) the actual cost [of alternative commercial transportation] incurred by the legislator
             164      for commercial or public transportation to and from the authorized legislative meeting.
             165          Section 8. JR5-2-103 is enacted to read:
             166          JR5-2-103. Verification -- Procedures.
             167          (1) Each legislator shall provide supporting documentation for each cost or expense for
             168      which the legislator seeks reimbursement under this chapter.
             169          (2) The Legislative Expenses Oversight Committee shall ensure that procedures are
             170      established for the purpose of avoiding duplicate or improper reimbursements.
             171          Section 9. JR5-2-104 is enacted to read:
             172          JR5-2-104. Declining Reimbursement and Reduced Reimbursement.
             173          (1) A legislator may decline to request or receive reimbursement for any expense or
             174      cost that is reimbursable under this chapter.
             175          (2) A legislator may request and receive a partial or reduced reimbursement for any
             176      expense or cost that is reimbursable under this chapter.
             177          Section 10. JR5-4-101 is amended to read:
             178           JR5-4-101. Reimbursement for Costs of Out-of-State Travel.
             179          The following rules govern reimbursement for out-of-state travel by legislators:
             180          (1) [(a)] Subject to [Subsections (1)(b) and (1)(c), legislators shall] the requirements of

             181      this section, a legislator is entitled to receive reimbursement for all approved actual and
             182      necessary expenses associated with the legislator's out-of-state travel on legislative business.
             183          [(b)] (2) The presiding officer, the majority leader, and the minority leader shall meet
             184      annually to establish a policy governing out-of-state travel, including the process for [them to
             185      approve out of state] approving out-of-state travel and [approve] authorizing reimbursement of
             186      expenses for that travel as required under Utah Code Section 36-12-17 .
             187          [(c)] (3) If a legislator elects to travel to an out-of-state destination by private
             188      automobile, the legislator shall receive the lesser of:
             189          (a) the actual mileage incurred by the legislator for the legislator's private automobile
             190      use, to be calculated in accordance with the mileage reimbursement allowance approved by the
             191      Division of Finance for state employees; or
             192          (b) the actual cost [of alternative commercial transportation, whichever is less]
             193      incurred by the legislator for commercial or public transportation to and from the location of
             194      the out-of-state legislative business.
             195          [(2)] (4) Each legislator shall provide supporting documentation for each expense for
             196      which the legislator seeks reimbursement under this chapter.
             197          Section 11. JR5-4-102 is enacted to read:
             198          JR5-4-102. Verification -- Procedures.
             199          (1) Each legislator shall provide supporting documentation for each cost or expense for
             200      which the legislator seeks reimbursement under this chapter.
             201          (2) The Legislative Expenses Oversight Committee shall ensure that procedures are
             202      established for the purpose of avoiding duplicate or improper reimbursements.
             203          Section 12. JR5-4-103 is enacted to read:
             204          JR5-4-103. Declining Reimbursement and Reduced Reimbursement.
             205          (1) A legislator may decline to request or receive reimbursement for any expense or
             206      cost that is reimbursable under this chapter.
             207          (2) A legislator may request and receive a partial or reduced reimbursement for any
             208      expense or cost that is reimbursable under this chapter.
             209          Section 13. Repealer.
             210          This resolution repeals:
             211           JR5-3-101, Meals and Incidental Expense Reimbursement for Authorized

             212      Legislative Meetings, Special Sessions, and Veto Override Sessions.
             213           JR5-3-102, Lodging Expense Reimbursement for Authorized Legislative
             214      Meetings, Special Sessions, and Veto Override Sessions.
             215           JR5-3-103, Travel Expense Reimbursement for Authorized Legislative Meetings,
             216      Special Sessions, and Veto Override Sessions.

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