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H.J.R. 24
8 General Description:
9 This joint resolution of the Legislature gives the Legislative Management Committee
10 items of study it may assign to the appropriate interim committee.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This resolution:
13 . gives the Legislative Management Committee items of study it may assign to the
14 appropriate interim committee during the 2011 legislative interim;
15 . directs interim committees assigned these studies to study and make
16 recommendations for legislative action to the 59th Legislature before the 2012
17 Annual General Session; and
18 . suggests that the Legislative Management Committee, in approving studies, give
19 consideration to the available time of legislators and the budget and capacity of staff
20 to respond to the assigned studies.
21 Special Clauses:
22 None
24 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
25 WHEREAS, the Legislative Management Committee is created by law as a permanent
26 committee to receive and assign matters for the interim study by committees of the Legislature;
27 and
28 WHEREAS, the 59th Legislature has determined that certain legislative issues require
29 additional investigation and study:
30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee
31 is given the following items of study to assign to the appropriate interim committee with the
32 duty to study and make recommendations for legislative action to the 59th Legislature before
33 the 2012 Annual General Session.
34 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee, in
35 making study assignments from this list and in approving study requests for individual
36 committees, give consideration to the available time of legislators and the budget and capacity
37 of staff to respond adequately to the number and complexity of the assignments given.
38 1. Lapsing Funds - to study issues related to money lapsing in restricted accounts.
39 2. Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Fees - to study whether tiered fees under the
40 Alcoholic Beverage Control Act for the renewal of full-service restaurant licenses should be
41 modified to a flat fee.
42 3. Building Energy Codes - to study the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code
43 (IECC) amendments for both residential and commercial buildings and review the 2012 IECC.
44 4. Commercial Breeders - to study issues related to commercial breeder regulations
45 (H.B. 124).
46 5. Condominiums - to study amendments to current law governing condominiums
47 (H.B. 117).
48 6. Construction Trades - to study amendments to the Utah Construction Trades
49 Licensing Act (S.B. 182).
50 7. Exercise Physiologists - to study and review the licensing of exercise physiologists.
51 8. Fit Premises - to study modifications to the Utah Fit Premises Act (S.B. 154).
52 9. Illegal Alien Cost/Benefit Analysis - to study how to quantify the costs and
53 contributions of illegal aliens in Utah.
54 10. In-House Financing Credit Reporting Requirements - to study whether to require
55 companies that do in-house financing, including payday lenders, to report to the three major
56 credit reporting agencies.
57 11. Independent Contractors - to study and review independent contractor
58 classifications.
59 12. Mobile Home Park Law - to study changes to the Mobile Home Park Residency
60 Act.
61 13. Moving the Division of Securities - to study whether to move the Division of
62 Securities into the Department of Insurance.
63 14. Non-Compete Contracts - to study non-compete contracts between employers and
64 employees, how broad their potential scope may be, and whether the state's current statutory
65 process makes it impossible for an employee who has been RIF'd to find gainful employment.
66 15. Sampling of Alcoholic Beverages - to study the sampling of alcoholic beverages
67 by retail licensees (S.B. 81).
68 16. State-owned Liquor Stores - to study the privatization of state-owned liquor stores.
69 17. Test Driving Vehicles - to study issues related to motor vehicle liability coverage
70 on a motor vehicle owned by a motor vehicle dealer (H.B. 227).
71 18. Unemployment Rate Impact - to study the impact of the increasing unemployment
72 rate on businesses.
73 19. Unfair Competition Between School and Government Child Care and Private
74 Child Care - to study unfair competition between school and government-based child care
75 businesses and private, licensed child care providers, who are forced to compete with their own
76 tax dollars while the school and government-based businesses are not required to meet the
77 same regulations.
78 20. Wages - to study prevailing wages and the effect they have on the economy.
79 21. Workers' Compensation Fund Subsidiary Authority - to study whether to permit a
80 subsidiary of the Workers' Compensation Fund to become licensed to write, and to write
81 commercial property or casualty insurance on a risk located in Utah (S.B. 64).
82 22. Workers' Compensation Insurance - to study workers' compensation insurance for
83 children working under a parent's direction.
84 23. Adult Education - to study and review the funding of adult education.
85 24. Algebra and Geometry Pilot Program - to study whether to provide a pilot program
86 for honors algebra and geometry (S.B. 179).
87 25. Bullying in Elementary and Secondary Schools - to study the impact of bullying,
88 cyber bullying, harassment, sexual battery, sexual exposure, and related behaviors in
89 elementary and secondary schools, and its impact on education (H.J.R. 27, S.B. 304).
90 26. Deaf and Blind Education - to study the education of Utah's deaf and blind
91 children.
92 27. Disparities in Per-FTE Student Funding - to study the disparity in the per-FTE
93 student funding among the institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education and the
94 retention rates, graduation rates, length of time to achieve graduation, and other factors that
95 may impact the disparity.
96 28. Division I Basketball Schedule Requirements - to study whether to require
97 Division I in-state schools to play at least three in-state schools per year in basketball, with at
98 least one in-state game required to be an away game.
99 29. Education Funding Allocation - to study and review ways to change education
100 funding allocation methodology (H.B. 123).
101 30. Education on Federal Government Powers - to study whether instruction in
102 American history and government should include a study of the limited powers of the federal
103 government as provided in the United States Constitution and the Tenth Amendment to the
104 Constitution.
105 31. Education to Prepare for the Workforce - to study methods to correct the
106 misalignment between postsecondary education and employer needs, and examine the
107 development of online tools to assist.
108 32. Financial Literacy - to study the teaching of financial literacy in public schools and
109 the impact of financial and economic literacy legislation in recent years.
110 33. High School Graduation Requirements - to study the effectiveness of core high
111 school graduation requirements.
112 34. Higher Education Remediation - to study whether to provide higher education
113 remediation courses and requirements online prior to college enrollment.
114 35. Independent Schools - to study how a public school may attain greater authority
115 over the school's budget, staffing, and curriculum upon an election of the parents of the
116 school's students.
117 36. International Baccalaureate Program Values - to study and either confirm or dispel
118 concerns regarding whether the curriculum of the International Baccalaureate program teaches
119 values or is not in keeping with or materially differs from Utah's and the nation's values and
120 principles.
121 37. Legislation Implementing Resolution on Education Governance - to study and
122 prepare legislation addressing S.J.R. 9, Joint Resolution - Governance of Public and Higher
123 Education, which would make the Governor responsible for the general control and supervision
124 of public education.
125 38. Math Instruction - to study a proposal to provide a pilot program for incentives for
126 Singapore math instruction.
127 39. Office of Education - to study the functions of the Utah State Office of Education.
128 40. Options Regarding Lowest Performing Schools - to study whether to dissolve the
129 lowest performing schools and provide their management through an RFP, where the top two
130 bidders would then be selected by the parents of the children in that school.
131 41. Preschools in Elementary and Junior High Schools - to study preschools in
132 elementary and junior high schools and whether they compete with private enterprise (H.B.
133 181).
134 42. Professional Development Days - to study and review the cost effectiveness of
135 public school professional development days and activities statewide.
136 43. School Busing - to study whether to base school busing on the age of the student.
137 44. School Districts Increasing Voted Leeway Property Tax Rate - to study whether to
138 allow a school district to increase its voted leeway property tax rate.
139 45. School Funding - to study public and charter school funding and the WPU.
140 46. School Restructuring - to study whether to require the restructuring of a school that
141 receives failing grades for two consecutive years.
142 47. School Seismic Hazard Inventory - to study whether to create a Utah Schools
143 Seismic Hazard Inventory (H.B. 367).
144 48. School Supplies - to study ways to allow a school or teacher to invite students to
145 furnish, on a voluntary basis, school supplies for the student's own use (H.J.R. 8).
146 49. Secondary Math Requirements - to study high school math requirements versus
147 college readiness.
148 50. Small School Funding - to study public education funding for smaller schools.
149 51. State Board of Education and Local School Board Election Process - to study and
150 investigate whether to change the year in which the election takes place and investigate
151 methods for nomination to the primary or general ballot, including direct election or
152 nominating committees consisting of members of school community councils, for each district.
153 52. Student ID - to study the consolidation of student identification numbers.
154 53. Technology as an Educational Tool - to study technology as an education teaching
155 tool, how and when it should be used, how many children it should serve per dollar spent, at
156 what age or grade it is best used, and how often it should be reviewed to make sure it is
157 working.
158 54. Textbook Fairness - to study competition among publishers for higher education
159 textbooks (H.B. 377).
160 55. Advisory Opinions - to study advisory opinions issued by the Independent
161 Legislative Ethics Commission (H.J.R. 5).
162 56. Public Officers' and Employees' Ethics - to study Title 67, Chapter 16, Utah Public
163 Officers' and Employees' Ethics Act.
164 57. Attorney General Appointment - to study whether to change the Utah Constitution
165 to have the position of Utah Attorney General be an appointed position.
166 58. Ballot Bias - to study how to change statewide elections to eliminate ballot bias
167 through a rotation of different ballots by precinct.
168 59. Birth Date as Private Record - to study whether the month and day of a date of
169 birth on a voter registration record should be classified as a private record.
170 60. Campaign Contributions - to study whether to impose limits on campaign
171 contributions (H.B. 164).
172 61. Candidate Party Affiliation - to study issues related to a candidate for public office
173 being nominated by more than one political party (H.B. 176).
174 62. Cost Savings in State Government - to study cost savings in state government,
175 including allowing state agencies to use sources other than the Division of Technology
176 Services and the Division of Fleet Services if they can show that they can save money through
177 using their own employees and/or the private sector to save money.
178 63. County Classification - to study the classification of urban and rural counties (S.B.
179 264).
180 64. Daylight Savings Time - to study whether to eliminate daylight savings time.
181 65. Election Law - to study annual clean up election law legislation.
182 66. Gold and Silver as Legal Tender - to study the implementation of gold and silver
183 coins as legal tender (H.B. 17).
184 67. Government Records - to study and review access to government records,
185 including what constitutes a government record (H.B. 477).
186 68. GRAMA - to study issues related to the Government Records Access and
187 Management Act.
188 69. Information Sharing Related to Immigration - to study issues related to state
189 employees sharing immigration-related information within and across state agencies.
190 70. Legal Notices - to study issues related to the publication of statutorily required
191 legal notices (S.B. 85).
192 71. Listing Candidates on a Ballot - to study current and alternative methods used to
193 determine the order that candidates are listed on a ballot.
194 72. Municipal and County Powers Related to Advertising - to study whether to modify
195 a municipal or a county legislative body's power to prohibit or regulate a temporary
196 advertisement sign (H.B. 197).
197 73. Municipal Service Funds - to study constitutional concerns with counties setting
198 different rates for incorporated and unincorporated areas including police services.
199 74. National Popular Vote - to study whether to enter into a compact with other states
200 that would recognize the outcome of a presidential election as determined by a national popular
201 vote (H.B. 252).
202 75. Nullification Laws - to study the rights of state nullification laws.
203 76. Online Public and Legal Notices - to study and review ways to simplify and
204 centralize online public and legal notices and make a report of findings to the Business and
205 Labor Interim Committee.
206 77. Party Election Qualification Window - to study whether to expand the party
207 qualification window for general elections from two years to four years in Utah Code
208 Subsections 20A-8-101(1), 20A-8-101(4)(a), and 20A-8-102(1).
209 78. Payment Methods Accepted by the Utah Housing Corporation - to study payment
210 methods accepted by the Utah Housing Corporation and whether they should be expanded to
211 include wire transfers.
212 79. PILT Money Distribution - to study the appropriate distribution of state and federal
213 PILT money to counties.
214 80. Post Employment Benefits for Elected Officials - to study the post employment
215 benefits available to certain elected officials (2nd Substitute H.B. 331).
216 81. Preferential Balloting - to study issues related to preferential balloting.
217 82. Rural Programs - to study rural definitions for state programs and functions.
218 83. State Agency Consolidation - to study whether state agencies should be
219 consolidated and, if so, to study which ones should be consolidated.
220 84. State Agency Cost Savings - to study whether to allow state agencies to use goods
221 and services not provided by the state if the state agency can show cost savings to the state
222 agency (H.B. 461).
223 85. State Contracts Awarded to Out-of-State Companies - to study the effects on the
224 state budget of state contracts being awarded to out-of-state companies.
225 86. State Employee Immigration Information - to study whether to require state
226 employees to notify an employer of immigration information.
227 87. State Political Parties - to study whether state political parties should retain their
228 political party status with the state for a longer period than the two years currently provided by
229 statute.
230 88. State Sovereignty Intrusions - to study and review federal intrusions into the
231 sovereignty and jurisdiction of the state of Utah over the past decade, including major
232 intrusions prior to that time frame.
233 89. State Use Program - to study the benefits of the State Use Program outlined in
234 Utah Code Section 63G-6-425.
235 90. Verification of Candidate Qualifications - to study whether to require an election
236 filing officer to ensure that a person who files a declaration of candidacy for an elected office
237 meets the legal qualifications for the elective office (H.B. 472).
238 91. Voted Leeway Program - to study changes to the state supported voted leeway
239 program.
240 92. Voter Information Pamphlet - to study whether there are better, more cost effective
241 ways to distribute the voter information pamphlet and to study the type of information in the
242 pamphlet and if changes would be helpful.
243 93. Voter Registration - to study whether to purge voter rolls of non-voting citizens
244 (H.B. 310).
245 94. Voter Registration Records - to study the privacy of voter registration information,
246 notice on forms, etc.
247 95. Voting Equipment - to study changes to election voting equipment.
248 96. Amendment to Health Waiver - to study whether to seek an amendment to the
249 New Choices Waiver that will not require individuals to leave their current residence to be
250 evaluated for the receipt of benefits under the waiver (H.B. 357).
251 97. Asbestos Rules - to study and review the Division of Air Quality's asbestos rules.
252 98. Chemical Restrictions - to study whether to ban the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA).
253 99. Community Mental Health Treatment - to study issues related to assertive
254 community mental health treatment pilot program (H.B. 234).
255 100. Controlled Substances Database - to study the feasibility of allowing doctors and
256 pharmacists to add notes on a patient to the controlled substances database.
257 101. Coordinating Medicaid Program - to study consolidating and better coordinating
258 the Medicaid program for the agencies involved, including health, human services, and
259 workforce services.
260 102. Costs and Resources for Serving the Mentally Disabled - to study the detailed per
261 person cost for residents of the Utah State Development Center, private intermediate care
262 facilities for the mentally retarded, and a range of community-based providers of programs and
263 services for the disabled.
264 103. Double Counting Due to Transfers Between Departments - to study and identify a
265 budgeting method to remove the double counting in Medicaid due to transfers between the
266 Department of Health and other state agencies.
267 104. Health Care Quality - to study and explore whether to move away from
268 fee-for-service payments to pay for quality.
269 105. Health Care Related Infections - to study whether to require health care facilities
270 to provide data on health care associated infections (1st Sub. H.B. 355).
271 106. Health Disparities Among Population Groups - to study the impact of health
272 disparities, including the differences in incidence, prevalence, mortality, and the burden of
273 disease and other adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups, social
274 determinants of health, including the condition in which people are born, grow, live, work, and
275 age, and health care systems used for different groups in Utah.
276 107. High Medicaid System Use - to study the geo mapping of those who frequently
277 utilize the Medicaid system and use the information for preventative purposes.
278 108. Immunizations - to study issues related to RSV immunizations.
279 109. Increasing Office of Recovery Services Collections - to study the role and
280 efficiency of the Office of Recovery Services and whether to direct the Department of Health
281 and the Department of Workforce Services to develop a list of options for expansions in the
282 areas of collections, such as requiring insurers to share benefit information for all medical
283 assistance to increase collections and cost avoidance.
284 110. Interagency Committee on Health Disparities - to study whether to establish an
285 interagency coordinating advisory committee on health disparities and economic
286 self-sufficiency (S.B. 192).
287 111. Lyme Disease Risk in Utah - to study whether to have the Department of Health
288 review the threats and risks of lyme disease in Utah, report on the current status of the disease
289 in the state, and what potential preventive measures or preparations the state may want to
290 implement.
291 112. Medicaid Statute Review and Consolidation - to study and review Medicaid
292 statutes for clarification in assigned responsibilities, desired policy direction, and agency
293 interactions and consider raising all the statutes relating to Medicaid from chapter level in
294 statute to a separate title and consolidate all related statutes within that title.
295 113. Medical Harm Disclosure - to study the development of a Medical Harm
296 Disclosure Act.
297 114. Medical Insurance Coverage for Older Disabled Children - to study whether to
298 provide medical insurance coverage requirements for parents of a child age 18-26 with a
299 disability.
300 115. Medicare Recommendations - to study the five recommendations from the Henry
301 J. Kaiser Foundation's September 2009 report on Medicare and provide options for
302 implementation in the Medicaid program.
303 116. Miners Hospital Trust Fund - to study the specific use of the Miners Hospital
304 Trust Fund related to benefits provided to disabled miners, and to study optimum uses of the
305 distribution from that trust.
306 117. Patient Access - to study issues related to patient access reform (S.B. 294).
307 118. Pharmacy Practices Related to Substitutions - to study in what circumstances a
308 therapeutic substitution may be substituted for a therapeutic prescription drug and whether to
309 require the purchaser and the prescribing practitioner to authorize the substitution (H.B. 321).
310 119. Physician Self-Referral - to study the practice of physicians engaged in
311 "self-referrals" for imaging, including MRI, CAT Scans, etc., to facilities in which they own a
312 financial investment (S.B. 91).
313 120. Prescription Drug Misuse - to study prescription drug misuse and abuse, its
314 impact on the state, and methods to reduce negative impacts.
315 121. Second Parent Adoption - to study second parent adoption in limited
316 circumstances (H.B. 108).
317 122. Serving Deaf and Blind Children - to study the best methods for serving deaf and
318 blind children.
319 123. Supervision of Cosmetic Procedures - to study the medical supervision of
320 cosmetic medical procedures.
321 124. Utah State Hospital Issues - to study the relationship between the Utah State
322 Hospital and local mental health authorities, the privatization of the Utah State Hospital, the
323 future of the children's wing at the Utah State Hospital, and gaps in the community-based
324 mental health system.
325 125. 911 Calls - to study restrictions on the release of 911 calls.
326 126. Arbitration - to study issues related to arbitration reform.
327 127. Bail Bond Process - to study the bail bond process and sureties qualifications
328 (H.B. 370).
329 128. Cell Phone Use While Driving - to study restrictions on those under 18 using a
330 cell phone while driving.
331 129. Convict Releases - to study the release of convicts without proper identification
332 and other critical documents.
333 130. Criminal Procedures - to study and review potential changes to criminal
334 procedures (H.B. 442).
335 131. Custody Evaluations - to study custody evaluations and the impact of their
336 prohibitive costs.
337 132. Debt Penalties - to study penalties for persons who incur debt with a number of
338 vendors within a limited period of time and do not repay the vendors.
339 133. Determining Professional Competency to Testify in a Criminal Trial - to study
340 the process for determining the professional competency of persons who testify regarding the
341 mental competency or incompetency of a defendant in a criminal trial.
342 134. Divorce and Custody Cases - to study ways to streamline the handling of divorce
343 and custody cases in the courts to save time and taxpayer dollars.
344 135. Divorce Orientation - to study whether to require completion of a divorce
345 orientation class before a couple is allowed to file for divorce.
346 136. Domestic Violence - to study and review the elements of the offense of domestic
347 violence, how to ensure opportunities for a preliminary hearing or mediation, and to assess the
348 actual impact of a domestic violence situation on children.
349 137. Domestic Violence in the Presence of a Minor - to study changes to current law
350 regarding domestic violence in the presence of a minor (2011FL0742).
351 138. False Claims Act Changes - to study changes to the False Claims Act to provide
352 for qui tam actions for Medicaid fraud prevention in accordance with the Federal Deficit
353 Reduction Act of 2005 (S.B. 103).
354 139. Family Law - to study and conduct a comprehensive review of family law.
355 140. Foreclosure - to study how to address foreclosure-related issues, including
356 mediation (S.B. 80).
357 141. Funding for DUI Lab Testing - to study funding mechanisms for laboratory
358 testing in cases involving driving under the influence violations.
359 142. Gas Drive Off Law - to study how to change the law governing those who drive
360 away without paying for gasoline to the same approach as the bounced check law.
361 143. Gas Pumping Law - to study whether vehicles must be turned off when filling or
362 refilling with gasoline.
363 144. Guardianship - to study issues related to guardianship (H.B. 284).
364 145. Inmate Health Care Partnership - to study the development of a partnership on
365 inmate health care between University Hospital and the Department of Corrections.
366 146. Inmate Health Insurance - to study coverage by an individual's private health and
367 dental policies while the individual is an inmate or while the individual is in the custody of the
368 Department of Corrections or a county jail (H.B. 11).
369 147. Investigation Report Distribution - to study whether to provide presentence
370 investigation reports to victims, including process, content, and related victim services.
371 148. Jail Reimbursement and Contracting - to study issues related to jail
372 reimbursement and jail contracting (H.B. 153).
373 149. Medicaid Fraud Control Unit Resources - to study the return on investment for
374 resources provided to the attorney general's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and the feasibility of
375 increased recoveries if the unit is provided with more resources.
376 150. National Instant Check System - to study and clarify standards relating to the
377 National Instant Check System, including state and federal standards that seem to differ on who
378 can be determined to be mentally ill and still be eligible at some point to receive a firearm.
379 151. No Fault Divorce - to study whether to eliminate no fault divorce, including the
380 impact of divorce on children, school performance, overall physical health, propensity for
381 criminal behavior, and propensity to marry and have children.
382 152. Parent Time/Shared Parenting - to study issues related to parent time and shared
383 parenting.
384 153. Peace Officer Due Process and Accountability - to study issues related to
385 investigations of peace officers to ensure that they are receiving due process, accountability,
386 and rights under Garrity v. New Jersey, 385 U.S. 493, 1967 (H.B. 383).
387 154. Protective Orders - to study the issuance, modification, and enforcement of
388 protective orders between certain individuals who are, or have been, in a dating relationship
389 (H.B. 205).
390 155. Qualifying for Legal Aid - to study ways that an individual may still receive legal
391 aid even if the individual's court opponent has already received help from Legal Aid, and not
392 have it considered a conflict of interest for the state to provide the aid.
393 156. Registry for Those Convicted of Murdering a Police Officer - to study whether to
394 require anyone who has ever been convicted of murdering a police officer and is paroled to
395 register with the state so that future officers who may come in contact with these individuals
396 can be made aware and better protect themselves.
397 157. Removing Names from Registry - to study removal of names from the Sex
398 Offender and Kidnap Offender Registry (1st Sub. H.B. 389).
399 158. Sexual Contact with a Student - to study criminal penalties for sexual contact
400 with a student (2011FL0742).
401 159. Signature of Attending Physician - to study requirements related to obtaining the
402 signature of the attending physician in cases involving motor vehicle deaths.
403 160. Substances Posing a Risk to Public Health - to study the regulation of substances
404 whose use poses a risk to human health when the substances become known during the interim
405 between legislative sessions.
406 161. Tobacco and Nicotine Candy - to study whether to ban tobacco and nicotine
407 candy (H.B. 170).
408 162. Visitation Rights of Grandparents - to study Utah Code Section 30-5-2, Visitation
409 Rights of Grandparents, to determine how to strengthen parental rights so that grandparents
410 cannot cause undo hardship and burdens on a parent who has lost a spouse and is trying to raise
411 children properly.
412 163. Clean Air - to study clean air and emissions issues.
413 164. Fusion Centers - to study oversight of fusion centers.
414 165. Injection of Greenhouse Gases - to study the ownership and operation of
415 subsurface pore space for injection of greenhouse gases.
416 166. Interbasin Transfers - to study issues related to interbasin transfers of water.
417 167. Petroleum Storage Tank Fund - to study issues related to the Petroleum Storage
418 Tank Fund, including how to move everyone in the plan to private insurance.
419 168. Predator Control - to study funding issues related to predator control (S.B. 84).
420 169. Rainwater Harvesting - to study whether to regulate the types of underground and
421 above ground storage containers that can be used when collecting rainwater.
422 170. Regulation of Fuel Manufactured and Sold in Utah - to study whether to require
423 that if fuel is manufactured and sold in Utah, it is not subject to federal tax and regulation.
424 171. Reports to the Environmental Protection Agency - to study the process for
425 reviewing Total Maximum Daily Load reports before submission to the Environmental
426 Protection Agency.
427 172. Snow Canyon State Park Transfer - to study the transfer of Snow Canyon State
428 Park to Washington County.
429 173. State Air Quality - to study what has been done by the state in the past, what is
430 being done now, and what can be done in the future to improve statewide air quality, including
431 an analysis of what has been done by other governmental and nonprofit organizations, to
432 include possible legislative action.
433 174. Use of Canal or Ditch - to study whether to require a person to negotiate in good
434 faith to form a contract before using or enlarging another person's canal or ditch to convey
435 water (S.B. 108).
436 175. Utah Lands Protection - to study whether to prohibit the Division of Forestry,
437 Fire and State Lands from materially changing the management of or selling of sovereign lands
438 (H.B. 380).
439 176. Electric Generation Capacity - to study the state's electric generation capacity for
440 the next five to ten years, including expected new load, expected new transmission line needs,
441 and other factors.
442 177. Energy Cost Recovery - to study issues related to energy cost recovery and
443 renewable energy (S.B. 190).
444 178. Infrastructure Expansion Fund - to study ways to provide renewable electrical
445 energy to underserved communities and to provide electrical capacity for large commercial
446 projects when communities don't currently have the infrastructure.
447 179. Natural Gas Infrastructure Expansion - to study ways to fund natural gas
448 infrastructure expansion (S.B. 74).
449 180. Office of Energy Development - to study and review the proposed organization of
450 the Office of Energy Development.
451 181. Pipeline Safety - to study improvements to state pipeline safety law.
452 182. Power Lines - to study ways to fund the burying of power lines (H.B. 286).
453 183. Siting of Utility Facilities - to study and review the process for siting utility
454 facilities (H.B. 49).
455 184. Utility Payment Assistance - to study whether to require that a gas or electric
456 corporation obtain a customer's permission before billing the customer for low-income
457 assistance program funding (H.B. 332).
458 185. Utility Revisions - to study utility revisions on service areas between parties (S.B.
459 211).
460 186. Exemption from Personal Use Tax - to study whether to provide an exemption
461 from personal use tax so that individuals would only need to declare and pay taxes on amounts
462 greater than $400.
463 187. Exemption from Use Taxes - to study an exemption from filing or paying use
464 taxes on the first $200 in use tax liability.
465 188. Hiring Homeless Tax Credit - to study whether a state tax credit for hiring
466 homeless people will increase hiring of homeless people and reduce reliance on public
467 assistance.
468 189. Income Tax Brackets - to study whether to adjust the income tax brackets (H.B.
469 90, 2010 General Session).
470 190. Local Option Sales Tax Distribution - to study the distribution of local option
471 sales tax revenues (H.B. 135).
472 191. Off-highway Vehicle Tax Exemption - to study whether to exempt off-highway
473 vehicles that are used for agricultural purposes from property taxes even if the off-highway
474 vehicle is registered for recreational purposes.
475 192. Oil and Gas Taxes - to study issues related to oil and gas severance taxes.
476 193. Property Tax Certificates - to study issues related to delinquent property tax
477 certificates (H.B. 105).
478 194. Rental Car Taxes - to study tax rates on rental cars.
479 195. Report on Tax Provisions - to study the State Tax Commission Report on Tax
480 Provisions (H.B. 126).
481 196. Tax Commission Levy Process - to study whether to enact a depository institution
482 data match system and a State Tax Commission levy process to collect certain amounts owed
483 by a delinquent taxpayer through the depository institution data match system (S.B. 17).
484 197. Tax Credit for Donation - to study whether to provide income tax credits for
485 donations to the Community Foundation Permanent Endowment Fund (H.B. 120).
486 198. Tax Exemption on Motor and Special Fuel Taxes - to study whether to exempt
487 certain transactions on Cedar Band reservation land from motor and special fuel taxes imposed
488 under state law (S.B. 122).
489 199. Tax Impact of Immigration Legislation - to study the net tax impact, including net
490 education funding impact, from immigration bills passed this session.
491 200. Taxing Services - to study whether to broaden the sales tax base by taxing certain
492 services.
493 201. Use Tax on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles - to study whether to impose a highway
494 use tax for hybrid electric vehicles in lieu of a gas tax.
495 202. Driver Education Improvements - to study how to improve driver education
496 statewide to heavily emphasize the dangers and consequences of driving under the influence.
497 203. Ignition Interlocks - to study the effectiveness of ignition interlocks.
498 204. Motor Vehicle Registration and Insurance - to study issues related to motor
499 vehicle registration and insurance (H.B. 352).
500 205. Protecting Emergency and Highway Workers - to study proposals to better
501 protect emergency and highway workers.
502 206. Public Transit District Conflict of Interest - to study issues related to public
503 transit district conflicts of interest (H.B. 146).
504 207. Traffic Code - to study modifications to the traffic code (S.B. 240).
505 208. UTA Audit - to study whether to conduct an audit of the Utah Transit Authority.
506 209. UTA Board Elections - to study the election of UTA board members.
507 210. Waiting Times at DMV - to study how to address the waiting times for customers
508 at the state's branches of the Division of Motor Vehicles.
509 211. Arts and Culture Funding - to study the statewide funding of heritage arts and
510 culture.
511 212. Business Costs in Utah - to study what changes are needed for Utah to be ranked
512 #1 in the nation for business costs and thus attract more high paying jobs.
513 213. Division of Housing and Community Development - to study the placement
514 within state government of the Division of Housing and Community Development.
515 214. Economic Development Regulatory Environment - to study what steps need to be
516 taken for Utah to rank as the nation's #1 economic development regulatory environment.
517 215. Eliminating the Department of Community and Culture - to study whether to
518 eliminate the Department of Community and Culture and how to consolidate and realign its
519 functions.
520 216. Enterprise Zone Funding - to study funding for a recycling enterprise zone.
521 217. Food Stamp Option - to study whether to provide a state food stamp food
522 program for a farmer's market.
523 218. Serving Ethnic/Minority Communities - to study how to serve Utah's
524 ethnic/minority community as the Office of Ethnic Affairs is transitioned.
525 219. Impact of Legislation on Families - to study Family Impact Statements, such as
526 fiscal notes and legal review notes, and analyze the impact of proposed legislation on families
527 and attach the statements to bills prior to consideration on the floor.
528 220. Legislative Session Format - to study the current legislative session format and
529 ways to increase effectiveness.
Legislative Review Note
as of 3-10-11 12:05 PM