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S.B. 87
This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 2:37 PM by lerror. --> 1
8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies a marketable record title provision.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 . modifies a provision indicating interests and rights that marketable record title
13 provisions may not be applied to bar or extinguish;
14 . expands a provision prohibiting the extinguishment of certain easement rights to
15 apply to any right, title, or interest;
16 . expands a provision prohibiting the extinguishment of specified state property to
17 apply to any right, title, or interest of the state or political subdivision of the state;
18 and
19 . makes technical changes.
20 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
21 None
22 Other Special Clauses:
23 None
24 Utah Code Sections Affected:
26 57-9-6, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1999, Chapter 241
House Committee Amendments 2-24-2011 le/rhr
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:28
29 Section 1. Section 57-9-6 is amended to read:
30 57-9-6. Applicability of provisions.
31 This [
32 (1) [
33 possession on the expiration of any lease; [
34 (2) extinguish any right, title, or interest H. [
35 of an easement
37 (3) extinguish an easement or interest in the nature of an easement, the existence of
38 which is clearly observable by physical evidence of its use; [
39 [
40 appropriation, by diligence claims to the use of surface or underground water, or by water
41 users' claims filed in general determination proceedings; [
42 [
43 development, mining, production or other rights or easements related to the minerals or
44 exercisable in connection with the minerals; [
45 [
47 [
48 to file the notice [
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-3-11 1:15 PM