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Second Substitute S.B. 180

This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 3:25 PM by lerror. -->

Senator Daniel R. Liljenquist proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Daniel R. Liljenquist

House Sponsor: John Dougall


             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends the Medical Assistance Act and the Budgetary Procedures Act.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .     requires the Department of Health to develop a proposal to modify the Medicaid
             13      program in a way that maximizes replacement of the fee-for-service delivery model
             14      with one or more risk-based delivery models;
             15          .    specifies criteria for the proposal;
             16          .    requires the department, to the extent possible, to develop the proposal with the
             17      input of stakeholder groups representing those who will be affected by the proposal.
             18          .    requires the department to report to the Legislature on the development of the
             19      proposal;
             20          .    requires the department to submit a request to the Centers for Medicare and
             21      Medicaid Services for waivers from federal law to implement the proposal;
             22          .    directs the department to implement the proposal in the fiscal year following the
             23      fiscal year in which the waivers are approved;
             24          .    provides definitions;
             25          .    creates the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account restricted

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             27          .    specifies conditions under which Medicaid growth savings shall be transferred or
             28      appropriated to the account;
             29          .    provides that Medicaid growth savings not transferred into the account shall be
             30      included in the base budget for the second following fiscal year;
             31          .    specifies the priority of the account's claim on General Fund revenue surplus;
             32          .    specifies how money in the account may be used;
             33          .    makes conforming amendments; and
             34          .    makes technical corrections.
             35      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             36          None
             37      Other Special Clauses:
             38          None
             39      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             40      AMENDS:
             41          63J-1-312, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             42          63J-1-314, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 389 and renumbered and
             43      amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             44          63M-1-905, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 245 and 278
             45      ENACTS:
             46          26-18-405, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             47          63J-1-315, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             49      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             50          Section 1. Section 26-18-405 is enacted to read:
             51          26-18-405. Waivers to maximize replacement of fee-for-service delivery model.
             52          (1) The department shall develop a proposal to amend the state plan for the Medicaid
             53      program in a way that maximizes replacement of the fee-for-service delivery model with one or
             54      more risk-based delivery models.
             55          (2) The proposal shall:
             56          (a) restructure the program's provider payment provisions to reward health care

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     providers for delivering the most appropriate services at the lowest cost and in ways that,
             58      compared to services delivered before implementation of the proposal, maintain or improve
             59      recipient health status;
             60          (b) restructure the program's cost sharing provisions and other incentives to reward
             61      recipients for personal efforts to:
             62          (i) maintain or improve their health status; and
             63          (ii) use providers that deliver the most appropriate services at the lowest cost;
             64          (c) identify the evidence-based practices and measures, risk adjustment methodologies,
             65      payment systems, funding sources, and other mechanisms necessary to reward providers for
             66      delivering the most appropriate services at the lowest cost, including mechanisms that:
             67          (i) pay providers for packages of services delivered over entire episodes of illness
             68      rather than for individual services delivered during each patient encounter; and
             69          (ii) reward providers for delivering services that make the most positive contribution to
             70      a recipient's health status;
             71          (d) limit total annual per-patient-per-month expenditures for services delivered through
             72      fee-for-service arrangements to total annual per-patient-per-month expenditures for services
             73      delivered through risk-based arrangements covering similar recipient populations and services;
             74      and
             75          (e) limit the rate of growth in per-patient-per-month General Fund expenditures for the
             76      program to the rate of growth in General Fund expenditures for all other programs, when the
             77      rate of growth in the General Fund expenditures for all other programs is greater than zero.
             78          (3) To the extent possible, the department shall develop the proposal with the input of
             79      stakeholder groups representing those who will be affected by the proposal.
             80          (4) No later than June 1, 2011, the department shall submit a written report on the
             81      development of the proposal to the Legislature's Executive Appropriations Committee, Social
             82      Services Appropriations Subcommittee, and Health and Human Services Interim Committee.
             83          (5) No later than July 1, 2011, the department shall submit to the Centers for Medicare
             84      and Medicaid Services within the United States Department of Health and Human Services a
             85      request for waivers from federal statutory and regulatory law necessary to implement the
             86      proposal.
             87          (6) After the request for waivers has been made, and prior to its implementation, the

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     department shall report to the Legislature in accordance with Section 26-18-3 on any
             89      modifications to the request proposed by the department or made by the Centers for Medicare
             90      and Medicaid Services.
             91          (7) The department shall implement the proposal in the fiscal year that follows the
             92      fiscal year in which the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services approves the
             93      request for waivers.
             94          Section 2. Section 63J-1-312 is amended to read:
             95           63J-1-312. Establishing a General Fund Budget Reserve Account -- Providing for
             96      deposits and expenditures from the account -- Providing for interest generated by the
             97      account.
             98          (1) As used in this section:
             99          (a) "Education Fund budget deficit" means a situation where appropriations made by
             100      the Legislature from the Education Fund for a fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues
             101      adopted by the Executive Appropriations Committee of the Legislature for the Education Fund
             102      in that fiscal year.
             103          (b) "General Fund appropriations" means the sum of the spending authority for a fiscal
             104      year that is:
             105          (i) granted by the Legislature in all appropriation acts and bills; and
             106          (ii) identified as coming from the General Fund.
             107          (c) "General Fund budget deficit" means a situation where General Fund appropriations
             108      made by the Legislature for a fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues adopted by the
             109      Executive Appropriations Committee of the Legislature for the General Fund in that fiscal year.
             110          (d) "General Fund revenue surplus" means a situation where actual General Fund
             111      revenues collected in a completed fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues for the General
             112      Fund for that fiscal year that were adopted by the Executive Appropriations Committee of the
             113      Legislature.
             114          (e) "Operating deficit" means that, at the end of the fiscal year, the [unreserved and
             115      undesignated] unassigned fund balance in the General Fund is less than zero.
             116          (2) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account to be known as the
             117      General Fund Budget Reserve Account, which is designated to receive the legislative
             118      appropriations, investment earnings, and the surplus revenue required to be deposited into the

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     account by this section.
             120          (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(a)(ii), at the end of any fiscal year in
             121      which the Division of Finance, in consultation with the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and in
             122      conjunction with the completion of the annual audit by the state auditor, determines that there
             123      is a General Fund revenue surplus, the Division of Finance shall transfer 25% of the General
             124      Fund revenue surplus to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account.
             125          (ii) If the transfer of 25% of the General Fund revenue surplus to the General Fund
             126      Budget Reserve Account would cause the balance in the account to exceed 6% of General Fund
             127      appropriations for the fiscal year in which the revenue surplus occurred, the Division of
             128      Finance shall transfer only those funds necessary to ensure that the balance in the account
             129      equals 6% of General Fund appropriations for the fiscal year in which the General Fund
             130      revenue surplus occurred.
             131          (iii) The Division of Finance shall calculate the amount to be transferred under this
             132      Subsection (3)(a):
             133          (A) after making the transfer of General Fund revenue surplus to the Medicaid Budget
             134      Stabilization Restricted Account, as provided in Section 63J-1-315 ;
             135          [(A)] (B) before transferring from the General Fund revenue surplus any other year-end
             136      contingency appropriations, year-end set-asides, or other year-end transfers required by law;
             137      and
             138          [(B)] (C) excluding the investment earnings for the fiscal year and excluding any direct
             139      legislative appropriation made to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account for the fiscal year.
             140          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b)(ii), in addition to Subsection (3)(a)(i), if
             141      a General Fund revenue surplus exists and if, within the last 10 years, the Legislature has
             142      appropriated any money from the General Fund Budget Reserve Account that has not been
             143      replaced by appropriation or as provided in this Subsection (3)(b), the Division of Finance shall
             144      transfer up to 25% more of the General Fund revenue surplus to the General Fund Budget
             145      Reserve Account to replace the amounts appropriated, until direct legislative appropriations, if
             146      any, and transfers from the General Fund revenue surplus under this Subsection (3)(b) have
             147      replaced the appropriations from the account.
             148          (ii) If the transfer under Subsection (3)(b)(i) would cause the balance in the account to
             149      exceed 6% of General Fund appropriations for the fiscal year in which the revenue surplus

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     occurred, the Division of Finance shall transfer only those funds necessary to ensure that the
             151      balance in the account equals 6% of General Fund appropriations for the fiscal year in which
             152      the revenue surplus occurred.
             153          (iii) The Division of Finance shall calculate the amount to be transferred under this
             154      Subsection (3)(b):
             155          (A) after making the transfer of General Fund revenue surplus to the Medicaid Budget
             156      Stabilization Restricted Account, as provided in Section 63J-1-315 ;
             157          [(A)] (B) before transferring from the General Fund revenue surplus any other year-end
             158      contingency appropriations, year-end set-asides, or other year-end transfers required by law;
             159      and
             160          [(B)] (C) excluding the investment earnings for the fiscal year and excluding any direct
             161      legislative appropriation made to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account for the fiscal year.
             162          (c) For appropriations made by the Legislature to the General Fund Budget Reserve
             163      Account, the Division of Finance shall treat those appropriations, unless otherwise specified in
             164      the appropriation, as replacement funds for appropriations made from the account if funds were
             165      appropriated from the General Fund Budget Reserve Account within the past 10 years and have
             166      not yet been replaced.
             167          [(4) (a) If, at the close of any fiscal year, there appear to be insufficient monies to pay
             168      additional debt service for any bonded debt authorized by the Legislature, the Division of
             169      Finance may hold back from any General Fund revenue surplus monies sufficient to pay the
             170      additional debt service requirements resulting from issuance of bonded debt that was
             171      authorized by the Legislature.]
             172          [(b) The Division of Finance may not spend the hold back amount for debt service
             173      under Subsection (4)(a) unless and until it is appropriated by the Legislature.]
             174          [(c) If, after calculating the amount for transfers to the General Fund Budget Reserve
             175      Account, the remaining General Fund revenue surplus is insufficient to cover the hold back for
             176      debt service required by Subsection (4)(a), the Division of Finance shall reduce the transfer to
             177      the General Fund Budget Reserve Account by the amount necessary to cover the debt service
             178      hold back.]
             179          [(d) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), the Division of Finance shall hold back the
             180      General Fund balance for debt service authorized by this Subsection (4) before making any

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     transfers to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account or any other designation or allocation of
             182      General Fund revenue surplus.]
             183          [(5) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), if, at the end of a fiscal year, the Division of
             184      Finance determines that an operating deficit exists and that holding back the transfers to the
             185      State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account under Section 63J-1-314 does not eliminate the
             186      operating deficit, the Division of Finance may reduce the transfer to the General Fund Budget
             187      Reserve Account by the amount necessary to eliminate the operating deficit.]
             188          [(6)] (4) The Legislature may appropriate [monies] money from the General Fund
             189      Budget Reserve Account only to:
             190          (a) resolve a General Fund budget deficit, for the fiscal year in which the General Fund
             191      budget deficit occurs;
             192          (b) pay some or all of state settlement agreements approved under Title 63G, Chapter
             193      10, State Settlement Agreements Act;
             194          (c) pay retroactive tax refunds; or
             195          (d) resolve an Education Fund budget deficit.
             196          [(7)] (5) Interest generated from investments of money in the General Fund Budget
             197      Reserve Account shall be deposited into the General Fund.
             198          Section 3. Section 63J-1-314 is amended to read:
             199           63J-1-314. Deposits related to the Disaster Recovery Funding Act.
             200          (1) As used in this section, "operating deficit" means that, at the end of the fiscal year,
             201      the [unreserved and undesignated] unassigned fund balance in the General Fund is less than
             202      zero.
             203          (2) Except as provided under Subsection (3), [beginning with the fiscal year ending
             204      June 30, 2007,] at the end of each fiscal year and after the transfer of surplus General Fund
             205      revenues has been made to the Medicaid Budget Stabilization Restricted Account, as provided
             206      in Section 63J-1-315 , and the General Fund Budget Reserve Account, as provided in Section
             207      63J-1-312 , the Division of Finance shall deposit an amount into the State Disaster Recovery
             208      Restricted Account, created in Section 53-2-403 , calculated by:
             209          (a) determining the amount of surplus General Fund revenues after the transfer to the
             210      Medicaid Budget Stabilization Restricted Account under Section 63J-1-315 and the General
             211      Fund Budget Reserve Account under Section 63J-1-312 [that is unrestricted and undesignated];

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         (b) calculating an amount equal to the lesser of:
             213          (i) 25% of the amount determined under Subsection (2)(a); or
             214          (ii) 6% of the total of the General Fund appropriation amount for the fiscal year in
             215      which the surplus occurs; and
             216          (c) adding to the amount calculated under Subsection (2)(b) an amount equal to the
             217      lesser of:
             218          (i) 25% more of the amount described in Subsection (2)(a); or
             219          (ii) the amount necessary to replace, in accordance with this Subsection (2)(c), any
             220      amount appropriated from the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account within 10 fiscal
             221      years before the fiscal year in which the surplus occurs if:
             222          (A) a surplus exists; and
             223          (B) the Legislature appropriates money from the State Disaster Recovery Restricted
             224      Account that is not replaced by appropriation or as provided in this Subsection (2)(c).
             225          (3) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)[: (a) if], if at the end of a fiscal year, the Division
             226      of Finance determines that an operating deficit exists, the [Division of Finance] division shall
             227      reduce the transfer to the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account by the amount necessary
             228      to eliminate the operating deficit[; and].
             229          [(b) for FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10 only, the Division of Finance shall suspend the
             230      deposit provided under Subsection (2) to the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account
             231      created under Section 53-2-403 .]
             232          Section 4. Section 63J-1-315 is enacted to read:
             233          63J-1-315. Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Restricted
             234      Account --Transfers of Medicaid growth savings -- Base budget adjustments.
             235          (1) As used in this section:
             236          (a) "Department" means the Department of Health created in Section 26-1-4 .
             237          (b) "Division" means the Division of Health Care Financing created within the
             238      department under Section 26-18-2.1 .
             239          (c) "General Fund revenue surplus" means a situation where actual General Fund
             240      revenues collected in a completed fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues for the General
             241      Fund for that fiscal year that were adopted by the Executive Appropriations Committee of the
             242      Legislature.

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         (d) "Medicaid growth savings" means the Medicaid growth target minus Medicaid
             244      program expenditures, if Medicaid program expenditures are less than the Medicaid growth
             245      target.
             246          (e) "Medicaid growth target" means Medicaid program expenditures for the previous
             247      year multiplied by 1.08.
             248          (f) "Medicaid program" is as defined in Section 26-18-2 .
             249          (g) "Medicaid program expenditures" means total state revenue expended for the
             250      Medicaid program from the General Fund, including restricted accounts within the General
             251      Fund, during a fiscal year.
             252          (h) "Medicaid program expenditures for the previous year" means total state revenue
             253      expended for the Medicaid program from the General Fund, including restricted accounts
             254      within the General Fund, during the fiscal year immediately preceding a fiscal year for which
             255      Medicaid program expenditures are calculated.
             256          (i) "Operating deficit" means that, at the end of the fiscal year, the unassigned fund
             257      balance in the General Fund is less than zero.
             258          (j) "State revenue" means revenue other than federal revenue.
             259          (k) "State revenue expended for the Medicaid program" includes money transferred or
             260      appropriated to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account only to the
             261      extent the money is appropriated for the Medicaid program by the Legislature.
             262          (2) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account to be known as the
             263      Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account.
             264          (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (6), if, at the end of a fiscal year, there is a
             265      General Fund revenue surplus, the Division of Finance shall transfer an amount equal to
             266      Medicaid growth savings from the General Fund to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and
             267      Budget Stabilization Account.
             268          (ii) If the amount transferred is reduced to prevent an operating deficit, as provided in
             269      Subsection (6), the Legislature shall include, to the extent revenue is available, an amount
             270      equal to the reduction as an appropriation from the General Fund to the account in the base
             271      budget for the second fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the reduction was made.
             272          (b) If, at the end of a fiscal year, there is not a General Fund revenue surplus, the
             273      Legislature shall include, to the extent revenue is available, an amount equal to Medicaid

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     growth savings as an appropriation from the General Fund to the account in the base budget for
             275      the second fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the reduction was made.
             276          (c) Subsections (3)(a) and (3)(b) apply only to the fiscal year in which the department
             277      implements the proposal developed under Section 26-18-405 to reduce the long-term growth in
             278      state expenditures for the Medicaid program, and to each fiscal year after that year.
             279          (4) The Division of Finance shall calculate the amount to be transferred under
             280      Subsection (3):
             281          (a) before transferring revenue from the General Fund revenue surplus to:
             282          (i) the General Fund Budget Reserve Account under Section 63J-1-312 and;
             283          (ii) the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account under Section 63J-1-314 ;
             284          (b) before earmarking revenue from the General Fund revenue surplus to the Industrial
             285      Assistance Account under Section 63M-1-905 ; and
             286          (c) before making any other year-end contingency appropriations, year-end set-asides,
             287      or other year-end transfers required by law.
             288          (5) (a) If, at the close of any fiscal year, there appears to be insufficient money to pay
             289      additional debt service for any bonded debt authorized by the Legislature, the Division of
             290      Finance may hold back from any General Fund revenue surplus money sufficient to pay the
             291      additional debt service requirements resulting from issuance of bonded debt that was
             292      authorized by the Legislature.
             293          (b) The Division of Finance may not spend the hold back amount for debt service
             294      under Subsection (5)(a) unless and until it is appropriated by the Legislature.
             295          (c) If, after calculating the amount for transfer under Subsection (3), the remaining
             296      General Fund revenue surplus is insufficient to cover the hold back for debt service required by
             297      Subsection (5)(a), the Division of Finance shall reduce the transfer to the Medicaid Growth
             298      Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account by the amount necessary to cover the debt service
             299      hold back.
             300          (d) Notwithstanding Subsections (3) and (4), the Division of Finance shall hold back
             301      the General Fund balance for debt service authorized by this Subsection (5) before making any
             302      transfers to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account or any other
             303      designation or allocation of General Fund revenue surplus.
             304          (6) Notwithstanding Subsections (3) and (4), if, at the end of a fiscal year, the Division

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House Floor Amendments 3-9-2011 le/cjd
     of Finance determines that an operating deficit exists and that holding back earmarks to the
             306      Industrial Assistance Account under Section H. [ 63J-1-314 ] 63M-1-905 .H , transfers to the
             306a      State Disaster
             307      Recovery Restricted Account under Section 63J-1-314 , transfers to the General Fund Budget
             308      Reserve Account under Section 63J-1-312 , or earmarks and transfers to more than one of those
             309      accounts, in that order, does not eliminate the operating deficit, the Division of Finance may
             310      reduce the transfer to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account by the
             311      amount necessary to eliminate the operating deficit.
             312          (7) The Legislature may appropriate money from the Medicaid Growth Reduction and
             313      Budget Stabilization Account only:
             314          (a) if Medicaid program expenditures for the fiscal year for which the appropriation is
             315      made are estimated to be 108% or more of Medicaid program expenditures for the previous
             316      year; and
             317          (b) for the Medicaid program.
             318          (8) The Division of Finance shall deposit interest or other earnings derived from
             319      investment of Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account money into the
             320      General Fund.
             321          Section 5. Section 63M-1-905 is amended to read:
             322           63M-1-905. Loans, grants, and assistance -- Repayment -- Earned credits.
             323          (1) (a) A company that qualifies under Section 63M-1-906 may receive loans, grants,
             324      or other financial assistance from the Industrial Assistance Account for expenses related to
             325      establishment, relocation, or development of industry in Utah.
             326          (b) A company creating an economic impediment that qualifies under Section
             327      63M-1-908 may in accordance with this part receive loans, grants, or other financial assistance
             328      from the restricted account for the expenses of the company creating an economic impediment
             329      related to:
             330          (i) relocation to a rural area in Utah of the company creating an economic impediment;
             331      and
             332          (ii) the siting of a replacement company.
             333          (c) An entity offering an economic opportunity that qualifies under Section 63M-1-909
             334      may:
             335          (i) receive loans, grants, or other financial assistance from the restricted account for

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     expenses related to the establishment, relocation, retention, or development of industry in the
             337      state; and
             338          (ii) include infrastructure or other economic development precursor activities that act
             339      as a catalyst and stimulus for economic activity likely to lead to the maintenance or
             340      enlargement of the state's tax base.
             341          (2) (a) Subject to Subsection (2)(b), the administrator has authority to determine the
             342      structure, amount, and nature of any loan, grant, or other financial assistance from the restricted
             343      account.
             344          (b) Loans made under Subsection (2)(a) shall be structured so the intended repayment
             345      or return to the state, including cash or credit, equals at least the amount of the assistance
             346      together with an annual interest charge as negotiated by the administrator.
             347          (c) Payments resulting from grants awarded from the restricted account shall be made
             348      only after the administrator has determined that the company has satisfied the conditions upon
             349      which the payment or earned credit was based.
             350          (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), the administrator may provide for a
             351      system of earned credits that may be used to support grant payments or in lieu of cash
             352      repayment of a restricted account loan obligation.
             353          (ii) The value of the credits described in Subsection (3)(a)(i) shall be based on factors
             354      determined by the administrator, including:
             355          (A) the number of Utah jobs created;
             356          (B) the increased economic activity in Utah; or
             357          (C) other events and activities that occur as a result of the restricted account assistance.
             358          (b) (i) The administrator shall provide for a system of credits to be used to support
             359      grant payments or in lieu of cash repayment of a restricted account loan when loans are made to
             360      a company creating an economic impediment.
             361          (ii) The value of the credits described in Subsection (3)(b)(i) shall be based on factors
             362      determined by the administrator, including:
             363          (A) the number of Utah jobs created;
             364          (B) the increased economic activity in Utah; or
             365          (C) other events and activities that occur as a result of the restricted account assistance.
             366          (4) (a) A cash loan repayment or other cash recovery from a company receiving

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     assistance under this section, including interest, shall be deposited into the restricted account.
             368          (b) The administrator and the Division of Finance shall determine the manner of
             369      recognizing and accounting for the earned credits used in lieu of loan repayments or to support
             370      grant payments as provided in Subsection (3).
             371          (5) (a) (i) At the end of each fiscal year, the [unrestricted, undesignated] General Fund
             372      revenue surplus balance after the transfers of surplus of General Fund revenues described in
             373      this Subsection (5)(a) shall be earmarked to the Industrial Assistance Account in an amount
             374      equal to any credit that has accrued under this part.
             375          (ii) The earmark under Subsection (5)(a)(i) shall be capped at $50,000,000, at which
             376      time no subsequent contributions may be made and any interest accrued above the $50,000,000
             377      cap shall be deposited into the General Fund.
             378          (b) The earmark required by Subsection (5)(a) shall be made after the transfer of
             379      surplus General Fund revenues is made:
             380          (i) to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Restricted Account, as
             381      provided in Section 63J-1-315 ;
             382          [(i)] (ii) to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account, as provided in Section
             383      63J-1-312 ; and
             384          [(ii) beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007]
             385          (iii) to the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account, as provided in Section
             386      63J-1-314 .
             387          (c) These credit amounts may not be used for purposes of the restricted account as
             388      provided in this part until appropriated by the Legislature.

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