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S.B. 3 Enrolled

    Chief Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard
    House Sponsor: Melvin R. Brown

General Description:
    This bill supplements or reduces appropriations previously provided for the use and support of state government for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011 and beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012.
Highlighted Provisions:
    This bill:
    .    provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain state agencies;
    .    provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain institutions of higher education;
    .    provides funds for the bills with fiscal impact passed in the 2011 General Session;
    .    provides budget increases and decreases for other purposes as described;
    .    approves capital acquisition amounts for internal service funds;
    .    authorizes rates and fees;
    .    provides intent language.
Money Appropriated in this Bill:
    This bill appropriates for fiscal year 2011:
    .    ($17,757,200) from the General Fund;
    .    $7,700 from the Education Fund;
    .    $23,509,000 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
    This bill appropriates for fiscal year 2012:
    .    $29,255,200 from the General Fund;
    .    $2,371,300 from the Education Fund;
    .    $157,963,400 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
Other Special Clauses:
    Section 1 of this bill takes effect immediately. Section 2 of this bill takes effect on July 1, 2011.
Utah Code Sections Affected:

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
    Section 1. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code Title 63J, the following sums of money are appropriated from resources not otherwise appropriated, or reduced from amounts previously appropriated, out of the funds or fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2011.
Executive Offices & Criminal Justice
Department of Public Safety
Item 1    To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    464,800
    Schedule of Programs:
CITS Bureau of Criminal Identification    464,800
    To implement the provisions of Driver License Qualification Amendments (Senate Bill 138, 2011 General Session).
Infrastructure & General Government
Department of Administrative Services
Item 2    To Department of Administrative Services - Post Conviction Indigent Defense
From General Fund, One-time    100,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Post Conviction Indigent Defense Fund    100,000
Business, Economic Development, & Labor
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 3    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Administration
From Federal Funds    750,000
From Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act    200,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    950,000
Item 4    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Office of Tourism
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    10,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Operations and Fulfillment    10,000
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

Item 5    To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control - Alcoholic Beverage Control
From Liquor Control Fund    100,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    100,000
    The Legislature intends that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control shall use the $100,000 appropriated in this item to hire a consultant to develop a business plan that minimizes costs while maximizing profits. The Department shall consider all relevant factors in arriving at unbiased recommendations, such as: demand price elasticity, proximity analysis, demand shifting, customer service, monopoly considerations, demographics and products offered. The Department shall report to the Business, Economic Development and Labor Appropriations Subcommittee during the 2011 Interim.
Labor Commission
Item 6    To Labor Commission
    Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations from the Industrial Accidents Restricted Account provided for the Utah Labor Commission line item in Item 57 of Chapter 2 Laws of Utah 2010 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2011.
Item 7    To Labor Commission
From General Fund Restricted - Industrial Accident Restricted Account    10,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Industrial Accidents    10,000
    To implement the provisions of Workers' Compensation Coverage Waivers (Senate Bill 191, 2011 General Session).
Restricted Revenue - Business, Economic Development, & Labor
Item 8    To Intermountain Weatherization Training Fund
From Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act    175,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    204,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Intermountain Weatherization Training Fund    379,000
    To implement the provisions of Intermountain Weatherization Training Fund (Senate Bill 220, 2011 General

Social Services
Department of Health
Item 9    To Department of Health - Executive Director's Operations
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    4,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Center for Health Data    4,100
    To implement the provisions of Health Professional Authority - Death Certificates (House Bill 66, 2011 General Session).
Item 10    To Department of Health - Family Health and Preparedness
From General Fund, One-time    5,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Maternal and Child Health    5,000
Item 11    To Department of Health - Disease Control and Prevention
From General Fund, One-time    500
    Schedule of Programs:
Epidemiology    500
    To implement the provisions of HIV Testing of Alleged Sex Offenders (House Bill 324, 2011 General Session).
Item 12    To Department of Health - Health Care Financing
From General Fund, One-time    4,400
From Federal Funds    4,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office    8,800
    To implement the provisions of Medicaid Reform (Senate Bill 180, 2011 General Session).
Item 13    To Department of Health - Medicaid Mandatory Services
From Hospital Provider Assessment Special Revenue Fund    1,000,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Outpatient Hospital    1,000,000
Department of Human Services
Item 14    To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family Services
    Nothwithstanding the intent language found in Item 82, House Bill 3, Current Fiscal Year Supplemental Appropriations, 2011 General Session, under Section

63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations within the Division of Child and Family Services line item in Item 110, Chapter 2 of the Laws of Utah 2010 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2011. The use of any nonlapsing funds is to Adoption Assistance, Out of Home Care, and Service Delivery.
Department of Workforce Services
Item 15    To Department of Workforce Services - Operations and Policy
From Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act    2,249,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Workforce Investment Act    2,249,200
Higher Education
Utah State University
Item 16    To Utah State University - Education and General
From General Fund, One-time    (17,887,300)
From Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act    17,887,300
Natural Resources, Agriculture, & Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 17    To Department of Environmental Quality - Environmental Quality
    The Legislature intends that funds transferred to the Department of Environmental Quality as a result of passage of House Bill 475 not lapse at the end of Fiscal Year 2011.
Public Education
State Board of Education
Item 18    To State Board of Education - State Office of Education
From Education Fund, One-time    7,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Student Achievement    7,700
    To implement the provisions of School Performance Reporting (Senate Bill 115, 2011 General Session).
Item 19    To State Board of Education - Science Outreach
    The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education distribute any fiscal year 2011 beginning nonlapsing balances in the Science Education Outreach line item to program participants on a pro-rata basis in fiscal year 2011.
Executive Appropriations
Utah National Guard

Item 20    To Utah National Guard
From Federal Funds    529,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Armory Maintenance    529,400
Capitol Preservation Board
Item 21    To Capitol Preservation Board
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (79,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Capitol Preservation Board    (79,200)
    To implement the provisions of State Capitol Preservation Board Fee Revisions (House Bill 41, 2011 General Session).
Item 22    To Legislature - Senate
From General Fund, One-time    8,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    8,400
    To implement the provisions of Water Issues Task Force (House Bill 428, 2011 General Session).
Item 23    To Legislature - House of Representatives
From General Fund, One-time    11,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    11,800
    To implement the provisions of Water Issues Task Force (House Bill 428, 2011 General Session).
    Section 2. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code Title 63J, the following sums of money are appropriated from the funds or fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2012.
Executive Offices & Criminal Justice
Governor's Office
Item 24    To Governor's Office
From General Fund    300,000
From General Fund, One-time    420,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    300,000
Lt. Governor's Office    220,000
Governor's Energy Advisor    200,000

Item 25    To Governor's Office
From General Fund    24,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office    24,700
    To implement the provisions of Campaign and Financial Reporting Amendments (House Bill 32, 2011 General Session).
Item 26    To Governor's Office
From General Fund    15,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office    15,000
    To implement the provisions of Lobbyist Training (Senate Bill 251, 2011 General Session).
Item 27    To Governor's Office - Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
From General Fund, One-time    225,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    225,000
Item 28    To Governor's Office - Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
From General Fund    9,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    9,900
    To implement the provisions of Migrant Workers and Related Commission Amendments (House Bill 466, 2011 General Session).
Attorney General
Item 29    To Attorney General
From General Fund    209,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Civil    209,700
Item 30    To Attorney General - Children's Justice Centers
From General Fund    100,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Children's Justice Centers    100,000
    To implement the provisions of Children's Justice Center Program Amendments (Senate Bill 39, 2011 General Session).
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 31    To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
From General Fund    6,900,000

    Schedule of Programs:
Institutional Operations Draper Facility    6,900,000
Item 32    To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
From General Fund    7,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Institutional Operations Draper Facility    7,000
    To implement the provisions of Enhanced Penalties for HIV Positive Offender Amendments (Senate Bill 50, 2011 General Session).
Item 33    To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
From General Fund    56,000
From General Fund, One-time    (28,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Institutional Operations Draper Facility    28,000
    To implement the provisions of Utah Uniform Securities Act Enforcement (Senate Bill 101, 2011 General Session).
Item 34    To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
From General Fund    280,000
From General Fund, One-time    (140,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Institutional Operations Draper Facility    140,000
    To implement the provisions of Forgery Law Amendments (Senate Bill 147, 2011 General Session).
Item 35    To Utah Department of Corrections - Jail Contracting
From General Fund    4,970,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Jail Contracting    4,970,000
Item 36    To Utah Department of Corrections - Jail Contracting
From General Fund    70,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Jail Contracting    70,000
    To implement the provisions of County Correctional Facilities Funding Amendments (House Bill 153, 2011 General Session).
Board of Pardons and Parole
Item 37    To Board of Pardons and Parole
From General Fund    4,000

From General Fund, One-time    (2,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Board Of Pardons and Parole    2,000
    To implement the provisions of Forgery Law Amendments (Senate Bill 147, 2011 General Session).
Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
Item 38    To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services - Programs and Operations
From General Fund, One-time    3,000,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Community Programs    3,000,000
Item 39    To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services - Programs and Operations
From General Fund    6,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Correctional Facilities    6,000
    To implement the provisions of Fingerprints of Juveniles (House Bill 48, 2011 General Session).
Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
Item 40    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
From General Fund, One-time    200,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Office    200,000
    The Legislature intends to set the District Court Judge Salary at $132,150 for FY 2012.
Item 41    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
From General Fund    169,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Office    169,100
    To implement the provisions of Renewal of Judgment Act (House Bill 10, 2011 General Session).
Item 42    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
From General Fund    6,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Office    6,000
    To implement the provisions of Sexual Solicitation Amendments (House Bill 121, 2011 General Session).

Item 43    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
From General Fund    53,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Office    53,900
    To implement the provisions of Family Expense Amendments (House Bill 334, 2011 General Session).
Item 44    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
From General Fund    24,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Office    24,900
    To implement the provisions of Alcohol or Drug Related Offense Amendments (Senate Bill 28, 2011 General Session).
Item 45    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
From General Fund    54,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Office    54,300
    To implement the provisions of Forgery Law Amendments (Senate Bill 147, 2011 General Session).
Department of Public Safety
Item 46    To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
From General Fund    1,633,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Highway Patrol - Special Services    1,633,900
Item 47    To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
From General Fund    15,400
    Schedule of Programs:
CITS Bureau of Criminal Identification    15,400
    To implement the provisions of Fingerprints of Juveniles (House Bill 48, 2011 General Session).
Item 48    To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (178,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
CITS Bureau of Criminal Identification    (178,000)
    To implement the provisions of Concealed Firearm Permit Fees (House Bill 214, 2011 General Session).
Item 49    To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (255,000)

    Schedule of Programs:
CITS Bureau of Criminal Identification    (255,000)
    To implement the provisions of Concealed Firearm Act Amendments (Senate Bill 36, 2011 General Session).
Item 50    To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,742,500
    Schedule of Programs:
CITS Bureau of Criminal Identification    1,742,500
    To implement the provisions of Driver License Qualification Amendments (Senate Bill 138, 2011 General Session).
Item 51    To Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and Training
From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    162,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Regional/Inservice Training    162,200
    To implement the provisions of Utah Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act (House Bill 497, 2011 General Session).
Item 52    To Department of Public Safety - Liquor Law Enforcement
From General Fund    (1,633,900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Liquor Law Enforcement    (1,633,900)
Item 53    To Department of Public Safety - Driver License
From General Fund, One-time    6,000
From Transportation Fund - Department of Public Safety Restricted Account    54,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Driver Services    60,000
    To implement the provisions of Veteran's Identification on Driver License or Identification Card (House Bill 86, 2011 General Session).
Item 54    To Department of Public Safety - Driver License
From Transportation Fund - Department of Public Safety Restricted Account    8,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Driver Services    8,700
    To implement the provisions of Approaching Stationary Emergency Vehicle Amendments (House Bill 411, 2011 General Session).

Item 55    To Department of Public Safety - Driver License
From Transportation Fund - Department of Public Safety Restricted Account    4,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Driver Services    4,000
    To implement the provisions of Driver License and Identification Card Amendments (Senate Bill 47, 2011 General Session).
Item 56    To Department of Public Safety - Driver License
From Transportation Fund - Department of Public Safety Restricted Account    140,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Driver Services    140,500
    To implement the provisions of Ignition Interlock System Amendments (Senate Bill 77, 2011 General Session).
Item 57    To Department of Public Safety - Driver License
From Transportation Fund - Department of Public Safety Restricted Account    4,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Driver Services    4,000
    To implement the provisions of Driver License Suspension Amendments (Senate Bill 110, 2011 General Session).
Infrastructure & General Government
Department of Transportation
Item 58    To Department of Transportation - Support Services
From Transportation Fund, One-time    9,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Procurement    9,300
    To implement the provisions of Clean Fuel Vehicle Decal (House Bill 24, 2011 General Session).
Item 59    To Department of Transportation - Construction Management
From Transportation Fund    12,650,000
From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005    (1,332,800)
From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, One-time    1,332,800
From Designated Sales Tax    1,850,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Rehabilitation/Preservation    14,500,000
    The Legislature further intends that the balance of the savings realized from substantial completion of the I-15 CORE Project, and after funding the I-15 south of Spanish Fork Main

Street to Payson project, be used to design, construct, or reconstruct projects in Utah County. Priority should be given to projects prioritized by the Transportation Commission pursuant to section 72-2-125 of the Utah Code, Critical Highway Needs Fund, that were cut or delayed due to budgetary constraints subsequent to the Transportation Commission's prioritization.
Item 60    To Department of Transportation - Construction Management
From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005    13,400
From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, One-time    (13,400)
    To implement the provisions of Classic Car Inspections (House Bill 221, 2011 General Session).
Item 61    To Department of Transportation - B and C Roads
From Transportation Fund    6,999,300
    Schedule of Programs:
B and C Roads    6,999,300
Item 62    To Department of Transportation - Mineral Lease
From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease    4,295,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Mineral Lease Payments    4,295,600
Item 63    To Department of Transportation - Centennial Highway Program
From Transportation Fund    4,237,100
From Centennial Highway Fund Restricted Account    121,006,100
From Debt Service    (4,395,300)
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (21,592,100)
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    68,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Centennial Highway Program    99,324,500
Item 64    To Department of Transportation - Centennial Highway Program
From Centennial Highway Fund Restricted Account    6,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Centennial Highway Program    6,700
    To implement the provisions of Classic Car Inspections (House Bill 221, 2011 General Session).
Item 65    To Department of Transportation - Critical Highway Needs
From Critical Highway Needs Fund    (856,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Critical Highway Needs    (856,200)

Department of Administrative Services
Item 65A    To Department of Administrative Services - DFCM Administration
From General Fund    2,185,500
From General Fund, One-time    (2,185,500)
Item 66    To Department of Administrative Services - Finance Administration
    The Legislature intends that when the Division of Finance calculates termination pool rates for the 2012 General Session, they consult with the Department of Human Resource Management to consider ways to pay down, or address through policies or statutory changes, the long term liability associated with state employee sick leave, and report their suggestions to the Retirement and Independent Entities Appropriations Subcommittee by November of 2011.
Item 67    To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - Mandated
From General Fund    (1,000,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Jail Reimbursement    (1,000,000)
Item 68    To Department of Administrative Services - Purchasing
    The Legislature intends that the Department of Administrative Services and Department of Technology Services not use appropriated funds or nonlapsing balances to award a contract for hosted email communications and collaboration services pending a review and hearing by the Legislative Information Technology Steering Committee.
Department of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds
Item 69    To Department of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds - Division of Finance
    In accordance with Section 63J-1-504, the following fees are approved for the the Department of Administrative Services ISF - Finance - Purchasing Card for FY 2012: Purchases on Contract (P-Card) - funded by contract rebates (FY 2010 Rate: 0.0%; FY 2011 Rate: 0.0%).
Department of Technology Services
Item 70    To Department of Technology Services - Chief Information Officer
    The Legislature intends that the Department of Administrative Services and Department of Technology

Services not use appropriated funds or nonlapsing balances to award a contract for hosted email communications and collaboration services pending a review and hearing by the Legislative Information Technology Steering Committee.
Item 70A    To State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service
From General Fund    3,000,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Debt Service    3,000,000
Capital Budget
Item 70B    To Capital Budget - Capital Development
From Capital Project Fund - Project Reserve    (5,000,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Freeport Warehouse    (5,000,000)
Revenue - Infrastructure and General Government
Item 70C    To General Fund
From Capital Project Fund - Project Reserve    5,000,000
    Schedule of Programs:
General Fund, One-time    5,000,000
Business, Economic Development, & Labor
Department of Community and Culture
Item 71    To Department of Community and Culture - Division of Arts and Museums
From General Fund, One-time    2,610,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Grants to Non-profits    2,600,000
Community Arts Outreach    10,000
Item 72    To Department of Community and Culture - Division of Arts and Museums - Office of Museum Services
From General Fund, One-time    1,550,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Office of Museum Services    1,550,000
Item 73    To Department of Community and Culture - Housing and Community Development
From General Fund    (1,762,100)
From General Fund, One-time    (1,050,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Community Assistance    (2,812,100)

    All General Funds appropriated to the Division of Housing and Community Development line item are contingent upon expenditures from Federal Funds -American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (H.R. 1, 111th United States Congress) not exceeding amounts appropriated from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in all appropriations bills passed for FY 2012. If expenditures in the Division of Housing and Community Development line item exceed amounts appropriated to the Division of Housing and Community Development line item from Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in FY 2012, the Division of Finance shall reduce the General Fund allocations to the Division of Housing and Community Development line item by one dollar for every one dollar in Federal Funds -American Recovery and Reinvestment Act expenditures that exceed Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act appropriations.
Item 74    To Department of Community and Culture - Housing and Community Development
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (301,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Community Assistance    (301,400)
    To implement the provisions of Restructuring of the Department of Community and Culture (House Bill 287, 2011 General Session).
Item 75    To Department of Community and Culture - Housing and Community Development
From Federal Funds    4,000,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    20,000,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Small Business Program    24,000,000
    To implement the provisions of Division of Housing and Community Development Amendments (Senate Bill 198, 2011 General Session).
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 76    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Administration
From General Fund, One-time    3,915,000

From Federal Funds    (750,000)
From Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act    (200,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    2,965,000
Item 77    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Office of Tourism
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (10,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Motion Picture Incentive Account    (500,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Operations and Fulfillment    (10,000)
Film Commission    (500,000)
Item 78    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Business Development
From General Fund, One-time    300,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Business Creation    300,000
Item 79    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Business Development
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    301,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Business Growth    301,400
    To implement the provisions of Restructuring of the Department of Community and Culture (House Bill 287, 2011 General Session).
Utah State Tax Commission
Item 80    To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
From General Fund    58,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Tax Processing Division    58,300
Item 81    To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (1,700)
    Schedule of Programs:
Motor Vehicles    (1,700)
    To implement the provisions of Special Group License Plate Amendments (House Bill 206, 2011 General Session).
Item 82    To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (317,400)

From General Fund Restricted - Sales and Use Tax Administration Fees    (8,628,100)
From General Fund Restricted - Tax Commission Administrative Charge    8,945,500
    To implement the provisions of State Tax Commission Tax, Fee, or Charge Administration and Collection Amendments (Senate Bill 16, 2011 General Session).
Item 83    To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (6,886,300)
From General Fund Restricted - Electronic Payment Fee Restricted Account    6,886,300
    To implement the provisions of Motor Vehicle Division Fee Amendments (Senate Bill 24, 2011 General Session).
Item 84    To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
From General Fund, One-time    18,500
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    4,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Motor Vehicles    22,500
    To implement the provisions of Specialty License Plate Amendments (Senate Bill 287, 2011 General Session).
Item 85    To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    4,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Motor Vehicles    4,300
    To implement the provisions of Prostate Cancer Special Group License Plate (Senate Bill 313, 2011 General Session).
Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority
Item 86    To Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority
From Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act    540,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Research Teams    540,500
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Item 87    To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control - Alcoholic Beverage Control
    The Legislature intends that in the process of implementing FY 2012 reductions for the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the department and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission give attention to geographic closeness and population density, especially in relation to rural areas, where distances between package agencies and stores are greater than

those for urban areas. In addition, the Legislature intends that the department and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission give particular consideration to keeping open the following rural package agencies: Parowan, Gunnison, Helper, Richmond, and Eureka.
Labor Commission
Item 88    To Labor Commission
From Employers' Reinsurance Fund    600
From Uninsured Employers' Fund    (600)
Item 89    To Labor Commission
From General Fund Restricted - Industrial Accident Restricted Account    90,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Industrial Accidents    90,000
    To implement the provisions of Workers' Compensation Coverage Waivers (Senate Bill 191, 2011 General Session).
Department of Commerce
Item 90    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund, One-time    3,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Occupational & Professional Licensing    3,500
    To implement the provisions of Abortion Clinic Licensing (House Bill 171, 2011 General Session).
Item 91    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account    800
    Schedule of Programs:
Occupational & Professional Licensing    800
    To implement the provisions of Controlled Substances Advisory Committee Amendments (House Bill 192, 2011 General Session).
Item 92    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account    4,200
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund, One-time    2,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Occupational & Professional Licensing    6,900
    To implement the provisions of Radiology Technologist and Radiology Practical Technician Licensing Act (House Bill 238, 2011 General Session).

Item 93    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account    (2,600)
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund, One-time    2,600
    To implement the provisions of Occupations and Professions Amendments (House Bill 243, 2011 General Session).
Item 94    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account    (1,400)
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund, One-time    1,400
    To implement the provisions of Security Personnel Licensing Act Amendments (House Bill 375, 2011 General Session).
Item 95    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account    20,000
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund, One-time    80,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Occupational & Professional Licensing    100,000
    To implement the provisions of Construction Licensees Related Amendments (Senate Bill 35, 2011 General Session).
Item 96    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account    2,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Occupational & Professional Licensing    2,200
    To implement the provisions of Regulation of Sign Companies (Senate Bill 42, 2011 General Session).
Item 97    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account    70,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Real Estate    70,000
    To implement the provisions of Homeowner Association Amendments (House Bill 104, 2011 General Session).
Item 98    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account    400
    Schedule of Programs:
Occupational & Professional Licensing    400
    To implement the provisions of Licensing of Physician-educators (Senate Bill 129, 2011 General Session).

Item 99    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account    78,200
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund, One-time    9,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Occupational & Professional Licensing    87,800
    To implement the provisions of Unincorporated Business Entity Uniform Acts (Senate Bill 131, 2011 General Session).
Item 100    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Account    133,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Consumer Protection    133,200
    To implement the provisions of Utah Postsecondary Proprietary School Act Amendments (Senate Bill 210, 2011 General Session).
Insurance Department
Item 101    To Insurance Department - Insurance Department Administration
From General Fund    (5,894,900)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (2,074,500)
From General Fund Restricted - Insurance Department Account    5,894,900
From General Fund Restricted - Insurance Fraud Investigation Account    1,984,500
From General Fund Restricted - Relative Value Study Account    90,000
    To implement the provisions of Insurance Law Related Amendments (House Bill 19, 2011 General Session).
Item 102    To Insurance Department - Risk Adjuster
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (150,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Health Insurance Actuarial Review Account    147,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Risk Adjuster    (3,000)
    To implement the provisions of Health Reform Amendments (House Bill 128, 2011 General Session).
Item 103    To Insurance Department - Title Insurance Program
From General Fund Restricted - Title Licensee    5,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Title Insurance Program    5,000
    To implement the provisions of Insurance Law Related Amendments (House Bill 19, 2011 General Session).
Restricted Revenue - Business, Economic Development, & Labor

Item 104    To Intermountain Weatherization Training Fund
From Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act    175,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    204,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Intermountain Weatherization Training Fund    379,000
    To implement the provisions of Intermountain Weatherization Training Fund (Senate Bill 220, 2011 General Session).
Item 105    To General Fund Restricted - Motion Picture Incentive Fund
From General Fund    (500,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Motion Picture Incentive Fund    (500,000)
Social Services
Department of Health
Item 106    To Department of Health - Executive Director's Operations
From General Fund Restricted - Cat and Dog Community Spay and Neuter Program Restricted Account    (80,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    (80,000)
    To implement the provisions of Animal Control Modifications (House Bill 495, 2011 General Session).
Item 107    To Department of Health - Family Health and Preparedness
From General Fund    25,000
From General Fund, One-time    200,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Maternal and Child Health    25,000
Primary Care    200,000
Item 108    To Department of Health - Family Health and Preparedness
From General Fund, One-time    10,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    6,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Facility Licensure, Certification, and Resident Assessment    16,000
    To implement the provisions of Abortion Clinic Licensing (House Bill 171, 2011 General Session).
Item 109    To Department of Health - Disease Control and Prevention
From General Fund    3,100
    Schedule of Programs:

Epidemiology    3,100
    To implement the provisions of HIV Testing of Alleged Sex Offenders (House Bill 324, 2011 General Session).
Item 110    To Department of Health - Disease Control and Prevention
From General Fund Restricted - Prostate Cancer Support Account    26,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Health Promotion    26,600
    To implement the provisions of Prostate Cancer Special Group License Plate (Senate Bill 313, 2011 General Session).
Item 111    To Department of Health - Health Care Financing
From General Fund    60,100
From General Fund, One-time    (60,100)
From Federal Funds    48,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    12,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Medicaid Operations    60,000
    To implement the provisions of Children's Health Insurance and Medicaid Administrative Simplification (House Bill 256, 2011 General Session).
Item 112    To Department of Health - Medicaid Mandatory Services
From General Fund    (991,400)
From Federal Funds    (2,430,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Other Mandatory Services    (3,421,600)
    The Legislature intends that when the Department of Health moves to Medicare-like outpatient payment methodologies beginning July 1, 2011 that hospital outpatient payments not be stopped or held pending adoption of this new methodology but rather that payments continue at the current rate until the department fully implements this new payment methodology so that no payment disruptions occur.
Item 113    To Department of Health - Medicaid Optional Services
From General Fund    (508,600)
From General Fund, One-time    60,000
From Federal Funds    (1,246,700)
    Schedule of Programs:
Other Optional Services    (1,695,300)

    The Legislature intends that the Department of Health not adjust Medicaid pharmacy rates as a result of the Legislature not providing new funding for new pharmacy inflation in FY 2012. Additionally, the Legislature intends that the Department of Health report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by December 1, 2011 on pharmacy inflation experienced during fiscal year 2012.
    The Legislature intends that the Department of Health fund the $485,600 one-time General Fund costs of changing to a capitated dental service program in Medicaid within existing appropriations. If existing appropriations prove to be insufficient, the Legislature intends that the Department of Health request funding in future years to cover the one-time costs of changing to a capitated dental service program in Medicaid.
Department of Human Services
Item 114    To Department of Human Services - Executive Director Operations
From General Fund, One-time    80,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Office of Licensing    80,000
Item 115    To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
From General Fund, One-time    40,000
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (40,000)
Item 116    To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
From General Fund    25,000
From General Fund, One-time    1,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    26,400
    To implement the provisions of Alcoholic Beverage Amendments (Senate Bill 314, 2011 General Session).
Item 117    To Department of Human Services - Division of Services for People with Disabilities
From General Fund, One-time    356,600
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (356,600)
Item 118    To Department of Human Services - Office of Recovery Services

From General Fund, One-time    156,000
From Federal Funds    302,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Child Support Services    458,800
Item 119    To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family Services
From General Fund    4,170,000
From General Fund, One-time    51,100
From Federal Funds    1,390,000
From General Fund Restricted - Domestic Violence    118,800
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (51,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Service Delivery    5,560,000
Domestic Violence    118,800
Item 120    To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family Services
From General Fund Restricted - Choose Life Adoption Support Account    25,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Adoption Assistance    25,000
    To implement the provisions of Specialty License Plate Amendments (Senate Bill 287, 2011 General Session).
Item 121    To Department of Human Services - Division of Aging and Adult Services
From General Fund, One-time    8,000
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (8,000)
Department of Workforce Services
Item 122    To Department of Workforce Services - Operations and Policy
From General Fund, One-time    (1,000,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Special Administrative Expense Account    1,700,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Workforce Investment Act    700,000
Item 123    To Department of Workforce Services - Operations and Policy
From General Fund    600
From General Fund, One-time    (600)
    To implement the provisions of Community Service Medicaid Pilot Program (House Bill 211, 2011 General Session).

Item 124    To Department of Workforce Services - Unemployment Compensation Fund
From General Fund Restricted - Special Administrative Expense Account    (700,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Unemployment Compensation Fund    (700,000)
State Board of Education
Item 125    To State Board of Education - State Office of Rehabilitation
From Education Fund, One-time    20,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Blind and Visually Impaired    20,000
Higher Education
University of Utah
Item 126    To University of Utah - Education and General
From Education Fund    337,100
From General Fund Restricted - Cigarette Tax Restricted Account    (4,284,500)
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    (4,000,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Education and General    (7,947,400)
Item 127    To University of Utah - Educationally Disadvantaged
From Education Fund    700
    Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged    700
Item 128    To University of Utah - School of Medicine
From Education Fund    26,200
    Schedule of Programs:
School of Medicine    26,200
Item 129    To University of Utah - Health Sciences
From General Fund    1,762,100
From General Fund, One-time    1,300,000
From General Fund Restricted - Cigarette Tax Restricted Account    4,284,500
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    4,000,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Health Sciences    11,346,600
Item 130    To University of Utah - University Hospital
From Education Fund    7,600
    Schedule of Programs:
University Hospital    7,000

Miners' Hospital    600
Item 131    To University of Utah - Regional Dental Education Program
From Education Fund    700
    Schedule of Programs:
Regional Dental Education Program    700
Item 132    To University of Utah - Public Service
From Education Fund    2,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Seismograph Stations    900
Museum of Natural History    1,600
State Arboretum    100
Item 133    To University of Utah - Statewide TV Administration
From Education Fund    4,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Public Broadcasting    4,400
Item 134    To University of Utah - Utah Tele-Health Network
From General Fund    400
    Schedule of Programs:
Utah Tele-Health Network    400
Utah State University
Item 135    To Utah State University - Education and General
From General Fund    (18,100)
From General Fund, One-time    2,040,000
From Education Fund    257,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Education and General    2,279,000
Item 136    To Utah State University - CEU - Education and General
From General Fund    (28,600)
From General Fund, One-time    (15,700)
From Education Fund    21,500
    Schedule of Programs:
CEU - Education and General    (22,800)
Item 137    To Utah State University - Educationally Disadvantaged
From Education Fund    400
    Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged    400
Item 138    To Utah State University - CEU - Career and Technical Education

From Education Fund    2,300
    Schedule of Programs:
CEU - Career and Technical Education    2,300
Item 139    To Utah State University - Uintah Basin Regional Campus
From Education Fund    7,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Uintah Basin Regional Campus    7,700
Item 140    To Utah State University - Southeastern Continuing Education Center
From Education Fund    1,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Southeastern Continuing Education Center    1,800
Item 141    To Utah State University - Brigham City Regional Campus
From Education Fund    14,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Brigham City Regional Campus    14,900
Item 142    To Utah State University - Tooele Regional Campus
From Education Fund    10,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Tooele Regional Campus    10,500
Item 143    To Utah State University - Water Research Laboratory
From Education Fund    6,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Water Research Laboratory    6,700
Item 144    To Utah State University - Agriculture Experiment Station
From Education Fund    25,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Agriculture Experiment Station    25,000
Item 145    To Utah State University - Cooperative Extension
From General Fund, One-time    10,000
From Education Fund    31,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Cooperative Extension    41,900
Item 146    To Utah State University - Prehistoric Museum
From Education Fund    600
    Schedule of Programs:
Prehistoric Museum    600

Item 147    To Utah State University - San Juan Center
From Education Fund    5,700
    Schedule of Programs:
San Juan Center    5,700
Weber State University
Item 148    To Weber State University - Education and General
From General Fund    (145,500)
From General Fund, One-time    (80,100)
From Education Fund    163,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Education and General    (62,500)
Item 149    To Weber State University - Educationally Disadvantaged
From Education Fund    1,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged    1,000
Southern Utah University
Item 150    To Southern Utah University - Education and General
From General Fund    (38,600)
From General Fund, One-time    (21,300)
From Education Fund    83,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Education and General    23,500
Item 151    To Southern Utah University - Educationally Disadvantaged
From Education Fund    200
    Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged    200
Item 152    To Southern Utah University - Shakespeare Festival
From General Fund, One-time    500,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Shakespeare Festival    500,000
Utah Valley University
Item 153    To Utah Valley University - Education and General
From General Fund    (187,300)
From General Fund, One-time    (103,100)
From Education Fund    213,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Education and General    (76,700)

Item 154    To Utah Valley University - Educationally Disadvantaged
From Education Fund    300
    Schedule of Programs:
Educationally Disadvantaged    300
Snow College
Item 155    To Snow College - Education and General
From General Fund    (34,200)
From General Fund, One-time    (18,900)
From Education Fund    36,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Education and General    (16,600)
Item 156    To Snow College - Career and Technology Education
From General Fund    (9,200)
From Education Fund    12,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Career and Technology Education    3,600
Dixie State College of Utah
Item 157    To Dixie State College of Utah - Education and General
From General Fund    (35,100)
From General Fund, One-time    (19,300)
From Education Fund    50,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Education and General    (4,300)
Item 158    To Dixie State College of Utah - Zion Park Amphitheater
From Education Fund    100
    Schedule of Programs:
Zion Park Amphitheater    100
Salt Lake Community College
Item 159    To Salt Lake Community College - Education and General
From General Fund    (301,300)
From General Fund, One-time    (165,900)
From Education Fund    167,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Education and General    (300,000)
Item 160    To Salt Lake Community College - School of Applied Technology
From Education Fund    15,000
    Schedule of Programs:

School of Applied Technology    15,000
State Board of Regents
Item 161    To State Board of Regents - Education Excellence
From General Fund, One-time    4,539,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Education Excellence    4,539,700
Utah College of Applied Technology
Item 162    To Utah College of Applied Technology - Administration
From General Fund    64,500
From Education Fund    31,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    31,200
Equipment    11,300
Custom Fit    53,200
Item 163    To Utah College of Applied Technology - Bridgerland Applied Technology College
From General Fund    78,100
From General Fund, One-time    (10,600)
From Education Fund    63,800
From Education Fund, One-time    (8,600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Bridgerland Applied Technology College    122,700
Item 164    To Utah College of Applied Technology - Davis Applied Technology College
From General Fund    68,900
From General Fund, One-time    (12,200)
From Education Fund    71,400
From Education Fund, One-time    (12,700)
    Schedule of Programs:
Davis Applied Technology College    115,400
Item 165    To Utah College of Applied Technology - Dixie Applied Technology College
From Education Fund    32,600
From Education Fund, One-time    (4,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Dixie Applied Technology College    28,300
Item 166    To Utah College of Applied Technology - Mountainland Applied

Technology College
From Education Fund    78,400
From Education Fund, One-time    (12,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Mountainland Applied Technology College    66,300
Item 167    To Utah College of Applied Technology - Ogden/Weber Applied Technology College
From General Fund    96,400
From General Fund, One-time    (13,000)
From Education Fund    70,600
From Education Fund, One-time    (9,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Ogden/Weber Applied Technology College    144,500
Item 168    To Utah College of Applied Technology - Southwest Applied Technology College
From Education Fund    36,600
From Education Fund, One-time    (4,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Southwest Applied Technology College    32,400
Item 169    To Utah College of Applied Technology - Tooele Applied Technology College
From General Fund    5,700
From General Fund, One-time    (400)
From Education Fund    10,900
From Education Fund, One-time    (900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Tooele Applied Technology College    15,300
Item 170    To Utah College of Applied Technology - Uintah Basin Applied Technology College
From General Fund    10,000
From General Fund, One-time    (1,300)
From Education Fund    69,600
From Education Fund, One-time    (8,600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Uintah Basin Applied Technology College    69,700
Natural Resources, Agriculture, & Environmental Quality
Department of Natural Resources

Item 171    To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire and State Lands
From General Fund, One-time    (1,600,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land Management    1,600,000
Item 172    To Department of Natural Resources - Oil, Gas and Mining
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (6,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Minerals Reclamation    (6,300)
    To implement the provisions of Small Mining Operations (Senate Bill 282, 2011 General Session).
Item 173    To Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation
From General Fund    1,200,000
From General Fund, One-time    (1,200,000)
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 174    To Department of Environmental Quality - Environmental Quality
From Water Development Security Fund - Drinking Water Loan Program    (90,000)
From Water Development Security Fund - Drinking Water Origination Fee    90,000
Item 175    To Department of Environmental Quality - Environmental Quality
From Water Development Security Fund - Drinking Water Origination Fee    35,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Drinking Water    35,000
    To implement the provisions of Water Development Amendments (House Bill 247, 2011 General Session).
Item 176    To Department of Environmental Quality - Environmental Quality
From General Fund Restricted - Used Oil Collection Administration    155,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Solid and Hazardous Waste    155,300
    To implement the provisions of State Tax Commission Tax, Fee, or Charge Administration and Collection Amendments (Senate Bill 16, 2011 General Session).
Department of Agriculture and Food
Item 177    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Administration
From General Fund Restricted - Cat and Dog Community Spay and Neuter Program Restricted Account    80,000
    Schedule of Programs:
General Administration    80,000
    To implement the provisions of Animal Control

Modifications (House Bill 495, 2011 General Session).
Item 178    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Resource Conservation
From Utah Rural Rehabilitation Loan    122,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Resource Conservation    122,700
Item 179    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Rangeland Improvement
From General Fund Restricted - Rangeland Improvement Account    187,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Rangeland Improvement    187,000
School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
Item 180    To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
From Land Grant Management Fund    312,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Oil and Gas    8,100
Mining    8,100
Surface    97,000
Development - Operating    149,200
Legal/Contracts    50,000
Public Education
State Board of Education
Item 181    To State Board of Education - State Office of Education
From Education Fund    40,800
From Education Fund, One-time    377,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Student Achievement    418,300
    To implement the provisions of School Grading System (Senate Bill 59, 2011 General Session).
Item 182    To State Board of Education - State Office of Education
From Education Fund    20,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Student Achievement    20,000
    To implement the provisions of Economic Development Through Education / Career Alignment (Senate Bill 305, 2011 General Session).
Retirement & Independent Entities
Department of Human Resource Management
Item 183    To Department of Human Resource Management - Human

Resource Management
From General Fund    27,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Teacher Salary Supplement    27,400
    To implement the provisions of Teacher Salary Supplement Program Amendments (House Bill 110, 2011 General Session).
Executive Appropriations
Utah National Guard
Item 184    To Utah National Guard
From General Fund, One-time    500,000
From Federal Funds    940,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    500,000
Armory Maintenance    940,800
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Item 185    To Department of Veterans' Affairs - Veterans' Affairs
From General Fund, One-time    200,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    200,000
Item 186    To Department of Veterans' Affairs - Veterans' Affairs
From General Fund, One-time    20,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    20,000
    To implement the provisions of Veteran's Identification on Driver License or Identification Card (House Bill 86, 2011 General Session).
Item 187    To Legislature - Senate
From General Fund, One-time    1,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    1,400
    To implement the provisions of Health Reform Amendments (House Bill 128, 2011 General Session).
Item 188    To Legislature - House of Representatives
From General Fund, One-time    2,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    2,400

    To implement the provisions of Health Reform Amendments (House Bill 128, 2011 General Session).
    Section 3. Effective Date.
    If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, Section 1 of this bill takes effect upon approval by the Governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah Constitution Article VII, Section 8 without the Governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of override. Section 2 of this bill takes effect on July 1, 2011.

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