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S.B. 26 Enrolled
8 General Description:
9 This bill addresses the filing of a certificate of appropriation of water.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 . makes the filing of a certificate of appropriation of water with the county recorder
13 permissive, rather than mandatory; and
14 . makes technical changes.
15 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
16 None
17 Other Special Clauses:
18 None
19 Utah Code Sections Affected:
21 73-3-17, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 108
23 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
24 Section 1. Section 73-3-17 is amended to read:
25 73-3-17. Certificate of appropriation -- Evidence.
26 (1) Upon [
27 appropriation, a permanent change of point of diversion, place or purpose of use, or a fixed
28 time change authorized by Section 73-3-30 has been perfected in accordance with the
29 application, and that the water appropriated or affected by the change has been put to a
30 beneficial use, as required by Section 73-3-16 or 73-3-30 , the state engineer shall issue a
31 certificate, in duplicate, setting forth:
32 (a) the name and post-office address of the person by whom the water is used;
33 (b) the quantity of water in acre-feet or the flow in second-feet appropriated;
34 (c) the purpose for which the water is used;
35 (d) the time during which the water is to be used each year;
36 (e) the name of the stream or water source:
37 (i) from which the water is diverted; or
38 (ii) within which an instream flow is maintained;
39 (f) the date of the appropriation or change; and
40 (g) other information that defines the extent and conditions of actual application of the
41 water to a beneficial use.
42 (2) A certificate issued on an application for one of the following types of projects need
43 show no more than the facts shown in the proof submitted under Section 73-3-16 :
44 (a) [
45 Resources - Division of Water Resources;
46 (b) a federal [
47 referred to in Section 73-3-16 ; and
48 (c) a surface water storage facility in excess of 1,000 acre-feet constructed by a public
49 water supplier.
50 (3) A certificate under this section does not extend the rights described in the
51 application.
52 (4) Failure to file proof of appropriation or proof of change of the water on or before
53 the date set therefor [
54 (5) One copy of a certificate issued under this section shall be filed in the office of the
55 state engineer and the other shall be delivered to the appropriator or to the person making the
56 change who [
57 the office of the county recorder of the county in which the water is diverted from the natural
58 stream or source.
59 (6) The certificate issued [
60 owner's right to [
61 during the time specified therein, subject to prior rights.
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