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S.B. 56 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Jerry W. Stevenson

House Sponsor: Brad J. Galvez

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends provisions relating to the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    clarifies the scope of the de novo district court review of an arbitrator's decision;
             14          .    modifies the time for requesting an advisory opinion from a neutral third party; and
             15          .    makes technical changes.
             16      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             17          None
             18      Other Special Clauses:
             19          None
             20      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             21      AMENDS:
             22          13-43-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 3 and 382
             23          13-43-205, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 258
             24          78B-6-522, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 3
             26      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             27          Section 1. Section 13-43-204 is amended to read:
             28           13-43-204. Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman -- Arbitration or mediation
             29      of disputes.

             30          (1) If requested by the private property owner and if otherwise appropriate, the Office
             31      of the Property Rights Ombudsman shall mediate, or conduct or arrange arbitration for,
             32      [disputes between private property owners and government entities that involve] a dispute
             33      between the owner and a government entity:
             34          (a) [takings] involving taking or eminent domain issues;
             35          (b) [actions] involved in an action for eminent domain under Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part
             36      5, Eminent Domain; or
             37          (c) [disputes about] involving relocation assistance under Title 57, Chapter 12, Utah
             38      Relocation Assistance Act.
             39          (2) If arbitration or mediation is requested by a private property owner under this
             40      section, Section 57-12-14 or 78B-6-522 , and arranged by the Office of the Property Rights
             41      Ombudsman, the government entity or condemning entity shall participate in the mediation or
             42      arbitration as if the matter were ordered to mediation or arbitration by a court.
             43          (3) (a) (i) In conducting or arranging for arbitration under Subsection (1), the Office of
             44      the Property Rights Ombudsman shall follow the procedures and requirements of Title 78B,
             45      Chapter 11, Utah Uniform Arbitration Act.
             46          (ii) In applying Title 78B, Chapter 11, Utah Uniform Arbitration Act, the arbitrator and
             47      parties shall treat the matter as if:
             48          (A) it were ordered to arbitration by a court; and
             49          (B) the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman or other arbitrator chosen as
             50      provided for in this section was appointed as arbitrator by the court.
             51          (iii) For the purpose of an arbitration conducted under this section, if the dispute to be
             52      arbitrated is not already the subject of legal action, the district court having jurisdiction over
             53      the county where the private property involved in the dispute is located is the court referred to
             54      in Title 78B, Chapter 11, Utah Uniform Arbitration Act.
             55          (iv) An arbitration award under this chapter may not be vacated under the provisions of
             56      Subsection 78B-11-124 (1)(e) because of the lack of an arbitration agreement between the
             57      parties.

             58          (b) The Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman shall issue a written statement
             59      declining to arbitrate or to appoint an arbitrator when, in the opinion of the Office of the
             60      Property Rights Ombudsman:
             61          (i) the issues are not ripe for review;
             62          (ii) assuming the alleged facts are true, no cause of action exists under United States or
             63      Utah law;
             64          (iii) all issues raised are beyond the scope of the Office of the Property Rights
             65      Ombudsman's statutory duty to review; or
             66          (iv) the arbitration is otherwise not appropriate.
             67          (c) (i) The Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman shall appoint another person to
             68      arbitrate a dispute when:
             69          (A) either party objects to the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman serving as the
             70      arbitrator and agrees to pay for the services of another arbitrator;
             71          (B) the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman declines to arbitrate the dispute for a
             72      reason other than those stated in Subsection (3)(b) and one or both parties are willing to pay for
             73      the services of another arbitrator; or
             74          (C) the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman determines that it is appropriate to
             75      appoint another person to arbitrate the dispute with no charge to the parties for the services of
             76      the appointed arbitrator.
             77          (ii) In appointing another person to arbitrate a dispute, the Office of the Property Rights
             78      Ombudsman shall appoint an arbitrator who is agreeable to:
             79          (A) both parties; or
             80          (B) the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman and the party paying for the
             81      arbitrator.
             82          (iii) The Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman may, on its own initiative or upon
             83      agreement of both parties, appoint a panel of arbitrators to conduct the arbitration.
             84          (iv) The Department of Commerce may pay an arbitrator per diem and reimburse
             85      expenses incurred in the performance of the arbitrator's duties at the rates established by the

             86      Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             87          (d) In arbitrating a dispute, the arbitrator shall apply the relevant statutes, case law,
             88      regulations, and rules of Utah and the United States in conducting the arbitration and in
             89      determining the award.
             90          (e) The property owner and government entity may agree in advance of arbitration that
             91      the arbitration is binding and that no de novo review may occur.
             92          (f) Arbitration by or through the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman is not
             93      necessary before bringing legal action to adjudicate any claim.
             94          (g) The lack of arbitration by or through the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman
             95      does not constitute, and may not be interpreted as constituting, a failure to exhaust available
             96      administrative remedies or as a bar to bringing legal action.
             97          (h) Arbitration under this section is not subject to Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
             98      Procedures Act, or Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part 2, Alternative Dispute Resolution Act.
             99          (i) Within 30 days after an arbitrator issues a final award, and except as provided in
             100      Subsection (3)(e), any party may submit the dispute, the award, or any issue upon which the
             101      award is based, to the district court for [de novo] review by trial de novo.
             102          (4) The filing with the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman of a request for
             103      mediation or arbitration of a constitutional taking issue does not stay any county or municipal
             104      land use decision, including the decision of a board of adjustment.
             105          (5) Members of the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman may not be compelled
             106      to testify in a civil action filed concerning the subject matter of any review, mediation, or
             107      arbitration by the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman.
             108          Section 2. Section 13-43-205 is amended to read:
             109           13-43-205. Advisory opinion.
             110          [At any time before a final decision on a land use application by a local appeal authority
             111      under Section 10-9a-708 or 17-27a-708 , a]
             112          A local government or a potentially aggrieved person may, in accordance with Section
             113      13-43-206 , request a written advisory opinion:

             114          (1) from a neutral third party to determine compliance with:
             115          [(1)] (a) Sections 10-9a-507 through 10-9a-511 ;
             116          [(2)] (b) Sections 17-27a-506 through 17-27a-510 ; and
             117          [(3)] (c) Title 11, Chapter 36, Impact Fees Act[.]; and
             118          (2) (a) at any time before a final decision on a land use application by a local appeal
             119      authority under Section 10-9a-708 or 17-27a-708 ; or
             120          (b) at any time before the deadline for filing an appeal with the district court under
             121      Section 10-9a-801 or 17-27a-801 , if no local appeal authority is designated to hear the issue
             122      that is the subject of the request for an advisory opinion.
             123          Section 3. Section 78B-6-522 is amended to read:
             124           78B-6-522. Dispute resolution.
             125          (1) In any dispute between a condemner and a private property owner arising out of this
             126      chapter, the private property owner may submit the dispute for mediation or arbitration to the
             127      [private property ombudsman] Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman under Section
             128      13-43-204 .
             129          (2) An action submitted to the [private property ombudsman] Office of the Property
             130      Rights Ombudsman under authority of this section does not bar or stay any action for
             131      occupancy of premises authorized by Section 78B-6-510 .
             132          (3) (a) (i) A mediator or arbitrator, acting at the request of the property owner under
             133      Section 13-43-204 , has standing in an action brought in district court under this chapter to file
             134      with the court a motion to stay the action during the pendency of the mediation or arbitration.
             135          (ii) A mediator or arbitrator may not file a motion to stay under Subsection (3)(a)(i)
             136      unless the mediator or arbitrator certifies at the time of filing the motion that a stay is
             137      reasonably necessary to reach a resolution of the case through mediation or arbitration.
             138          (b) If a stay is granted pursuant to a motion under Subsection (3)(a) and the order
             139      granting the stay does not specify when the stay terminates, the mediator or arbitrator shall file
             140      with the district court a motion to terminate the stay within 30 days after:
             141          (i) the resolution of the dispute through mediation;

             142          (ii) the issuance of a final arbitration award; or
             143          (iii) a determination by the mediator or arbitrator that mediation or arbitration is not
             144      appropriate.
             145          (4) (a) The private property owner or displaced person may request that the mediator or
             146      arbitrator authorize an additional appraisal.
             147          (b) If the mediator or arbitrator determines that an additional appraisal is reasonably
             148      necessary to reach a resolution of the case, the mediator or arbitrator may:
             149          (i) have an additional appraisal of the property prepared by an independent appraiser;
             150      and
             151          (ii) require the condemnor to pay the costs of the first additional appraisal.

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