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S.J.R. 13 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson

House Sponsor: David G. Butterfield

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This joint resolution of the Legislature enacts provisions relating to the process of
             10      issuing a request for proposals, analyzing responses, awarding a contract, and
             11      evaluating results.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This resolution:
             14          .    requires that the determination to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for the
             15      legislative branch is the responsibility of the Legislative Management Committee;
             16          .    provides that, upon approving the issuance of an RFP, the Legislative Management
             17      Committee:
             18              .    shall assign the drafting of the RFP to the Office of Legislative Research and
             19      General Counsel (OLRGC);
             20              .    may assign another staff office to work with the OLRGC;
             21              .    shall assign a person, committee, group of people, or staff office to review and
             22      issue the RFP;
             23              .    may assign a committee, person, group of people, or staff office to review RFP
             24      responses;
             25              .    shall assign a committee, person, group of people, or staff office to make a final
             26      decision regarding award of the contract; and
             27              .    if the RFP is for an analysis, report, recommendation, or consultation, may
             28      assign a committee, person, group of people, or staff office to review the
             29      analysis, report, recommendation, or consultation, determine whether the

             30      contractor fulfilled its obligations, and authorize payment to the contractor;
             31          .    provides that OLRGC is responsible for providing legal advice and assistance in
             32      relation to the legal requirements of the RFP process; and
             33          .    provides that this rule does not apply to an RFP issued by a staff office to obtain a
             34      good or service solely for a staff office.
             35      Special Clauses:
             36          None
             37      Legislative Rules Affected:
             38      ENACTS:
             39          JR1-4-101
             41      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             42          Section 1. JR1-4-101 is enacted to read:

Part 1. Procurement

             45          JR1-4-101. Request for proposals.
             46          (1) A legislator, a legislative committee, the House, the Senate, or a staff office may
             47      request that the Legislative Management Committee issue a request for proposals to obtain a
             48      good or service for the Legislature, a legislative committee, the House, or the Senate.
             49          (2) A person may not issue, on behalf of the Legislature, a legislative committee, the
             50      House, or the Senate, a request for proposals, unless authorized by the Legislative Management
             51      Committee.
             52          (3) Upon approving the issuance of a request for proposals, the Legislative
             53      Management Committee:
             54          (a) shall assign the drafting of the request for proposals to the Office of Legislative
             55      Research and General Counsel;
             56          (b) may assign another staff office to work with the Office of Legislative Research and
             57      General Counsel in drafting the request for proposals;

             58          (c) shall assign a person, committee, group of people, or staff office to review the draft
             59      request for proposals and give final approval for the request for proposals to be issued as
             60      drafted;
             61          (d) may assign a committee, person, group of people, or staff office to review
             62      responses to the request for proposals and to make a recommendation regarding award of a
             63      contract;
             64          (e) shall assign a committee, person, group of people, or staff office to make a final
             65      decision regarding whether to award a contract and to whom the contract shall be awarded; and
             66          (f) if the request for proposals is for an analysis, report, recommendation, or
             67      consultation, may assign a committee, person, group of people, or staff office to:
             68          (i) review the analysis, report, recommendation, or consultation;
             69          (ii) determine whether the contractor fulfilled its obligations in a satisfactory manner;
             70      and
             71          (iii) authorize payment to the contractor.
             72          (4) The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel is responsible for advising
             73      and assisting a person or entity described in this rule in relation to the legal requirements of the
             74      request for proposals process.
             75          (5) This rule does not apply to a request for proposals issued by a staff office to obtain
             76      a good or service solely for a staff office.

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