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Third Substitute S.B. 113

Senator John L. Valentine proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: John L. Valentine

House Sponsor: John Dougall

             6      Cosponsor:Howard A. Stephenson              7     
             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the boundaries of certain United States House of Representatives
             11      districts, State Senate districts, and State House districts and establishes certain review
             12      and evaluation requirements for the lieutenant governor, the Automated Geographic
             13      Reference Center, and county clerks.
             14      Highlighted Provisions:
             15          This bill:
             16          .    modifies a portion of the common boundary between United States House of
             17      Representatives District 2 and District 3;
             18          .    modifies a portion of the common boundary between Senate District 11 and Senate
             19      District 14;
             20          .    modifies a portion of the common boundary between House District 27 and House
             21      District 57;
             22          .    establishes requirements for county clerks to submit certain maps and data to the
             23      lieutenant governor for review and evaluation;
             24          .    requires the Automated Geographic Reference Center to compare certain maps and
             25      data submitted by the county clerks with boundaries of Congressional, State School

             26      Board, Senate, and House districts as established by the Legislature's official maps; and
             27          .    makes technical changes.
             28      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             29          None
             30      Other Special Clauses:
             31          This bill provides an immediate effective date.
             32      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             33      AMENDS:
             34          20A-13-101 (Contingently Superseded), as repealed and reenacted by Laws of Utah
             35      2001, Second Special Session, Chapter 6
             36          20A-13-102, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of Utah 2001, Second Special Session,
             37      Chapter 6
             38          20A-14-102, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of Utah 2001, Second Special Session,
             39      Chapter 2
             40          36-1-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 12
             41          36-1-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 12
             42          36-1-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 12
             43          36-1-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 12
             44      ENACTS:
             45          20A-13-102.2, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             46          20A-14-102.3, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             47          36-1-103.2, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             48          36-1-202.2, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             50      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             51          Section 1. Section 20A-13-101 (Contingently Superseded) is amended to read:
             52           20A-13-101 (Contingently Superseded). Representatives to the United States
             53      Congress -- Three representative districts -- When elected -- District boundaries.
             54          (1) (a) The state of Utah is divided into three districts for the election of representatives
             55      to the Congress of the United States, with one member to be elected from each Congressional
             56      district.

             57          (b) At the general election to be held in 2002, and biennially thereafter, one
             58      representative from each Congressional district shall be elected to serve in the Congress of the
             59      United States.
             60          (2) (a) The Legislature adopts the official census population figures and maps of the
             61      Bureau of the Census of the United States Department of Commerce developed in connection
             62      with the taking of the 2000 national decennial census as the official data for establishing
             63      Congressional district boundaries.
             64          (b) [The] Except as provided in Subsection (3), the numbers and boundaries of the
             65      Congressional districts are designated and established by the maps attached to the bill that
             66      enacts this section.
             67          (3) The following census blocks from the 2000 census are removed from
             68      Congressional District 2 and placed into Congressional District 3: Census Tract 010205,
             69      Blocks 1000, 1001, 3001, 3003, and 3004.
             70          Section 2. Section 20A-13-102 is amended to read:
             71           20A-13-102. Official maps of Congressional districts.
             72          (1) (a) The Legislature shall file copies of the official maps enacted by the Legislature,
             73      and any other relevant materials, with the lieutenant governor's office.
             74          (b) [The] Except as provided in Subsection (2), the legal boundaries of Utah's
             75      Congressional districts are contained in the official maps on file with the lieutenant governor's
             76      office.
             77          (2) The following census blocks from the 2000 census are removed from
             78      Congressional District 2 and placed into Congressional District 3: Census Tract 010205,
             79      Blocks 1000, 1001, 3001, 3003, and 3004.
             80          [(2)] (3) When questions of interpretation of Congressional district boundaries arise,
             81      the official maps on file in the lieutenant governor's office shall serve as the indication of the
             82      legislative intent in drawing the Congressional district boundaries.
             83          [(3) (a) Each county clerk shall obtain copies of the official maps for the clerk's county
             84      from the lieutenant governor's office.]
             85          [(b) Each county clerk shall establish voting precincts and polling places within each
             86      Congressional district according to the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303 .]
             87          (4) Maps identifying the boundaries for Congressional districts may be viewed on the

             88      Internet at the lieutenant governor's website.
             89          Section 3. Section 20A-13-102.2 is enacted to read:
             90          20A-13-102.2. County clerk and lieutenant governor responsibilities -- Maps and
             91      voting precinct boundaries.
             92          (1) Each county clerk shall obtain copies of the official maps for the clerk's county
             93      from the lieutenant governor's office.
             94          (2) (a) A county clerk may create one or more county maps that identify the boundaries
             95      of Utah's Congressional districts as shown on the official maps.
             96          (b) Before publishing or distributing any map or data created by the county clerk that
             97      identifies the boundaries of Utah's Congressional districts within the county, the county clerk
             98      shall submit the map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the Automated Geographic
             99      Reference Center for review.
             100          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a map and data from a county clerk, the Automated
             101      Geographic Reference Center shall:
             102          (i) review the map and data to evaluate if the county map and data accurately reflect the
             103      boundaries of Utah's Congressional districts established by the Legislature in the official maps;
             104          (ii) determine whether the map and data are correct or incorrect; and
             105          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
             106          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the map and data
             107      are correct or notify the county clerk that the map and data are incorrect.
             108          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the map and
             109      data submitted are incorrect, the county clerk shall:
             110          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the map and data to the official maps;
             111      and
             112          (ii) resubmit the corrected map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the
             113      Automated Geographic Reference Center for a new review under this Subsection (2).
             114          (3) (a) Subject to the requirements of this Subsection (3), each county clerk shall
             115      establish voting precincts and polling places within each Utah Congressional district according
             116      to the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303 .
             117          (b) Within five working days after approval of voting precincts and polling places by
             118      the county legislative body as required by Section 20A-5-303 , each county clerk shall submit a

             119      voting precinct map identifying the boundaries of each voting precinct within the county to the
             120      lieutenant governor and to the Automated Geographic Reference Center for review.
             121          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a map from a county clerk, the Automated
             122      Geographic Reference Center shall:
             123          (i) review the voting precinct map to evaluate if the county map accurately reflects the
             124      boundaries of Utah's Congressional districts established by the Legislature in the official maps;
             125          (ii) determine whether the map is correct or incorrect; and
             126          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
             127          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the map is correct
             128      or notify the county clerk that the map is incorrect.
             129          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the map is
             130      incorrect, the county clerk shall:
             131          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the voting precinct map to the official
             132      maps; and
             133          (ii) resubmit the corrected map to the lieutenant governor and to the Automated
             134      Geographic Reference Center for a new review under this Subsection (3).
             135          Section 4. Section 20A-14-102 is amended to read:
             136           20A-14-102. Official maps of state board districts.
             137          (1) (a) The Legislature shall file copies of the official maps enacted by the Legislature
             138      with the lieutenant governor's office.
             139          (b) The legal boundaries of State Board of Education districts are contained in the
             140      official maps on file with the lieutenant governor's office.
             141          (2) When questions of interpretation of state board district boundaries arise, the official
             142      maps on file in the lieutenant governor's office shall serve as the indication of the legislative
             143      intent in drawing the state board district boundaries.
             144          [(3) (a) Each county clerk shall obtain copies of the official maps for the clerk's county
             145      from the lieutenant governor's office.]
             146          [(b) Each county clerk shall establish voting precincts and polling places within each
             147      state board district according to the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303 .]
             148          [(4)] (3) Maps identifying the boundaries for state board districts may be viewed on the
             149      Internet at the lieutenant governor's website.

             150          Section 5. Section 20A-14-102.3 is enacted to read:
             151          20A-14-102.3. County clerk and lieutenant governor responsibilities -- Maps and
             152      voting precinct boundaries.
             153          (1) Each county clerk shall obtain copies of the official maps for the clerk's county
             154      from the lieutenant governor's office.
             155          (2) (a) A county clerk may create one or more county maps that identify the boundaries
             156      of state board districts as shown on the official maps.
             157          (b) Before publishing or distributing any map or data created by the county clerk that
             158      identifies the boundaries of state board districts within the county, the clerk shall submit the
             159      map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the Automated Geographic Reference Center for
             160      review.
             161          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a map and data from a county clerk, the Automated
             162      Geographic Reference Center shall:
             163          (i) review the map and data to evaluate if the county map and data accurately reflect the
             164      boundaries of state board districts established by the Legislature in the official maps;
             165          (ii) determine whether the map and data are correct or incorrect; and
             166          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
             167          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the map and data
             168      are correct or inform the county clerk that the map and data are incorrect.
             169          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the map and
             170      data submitted are incorrect, the county clerk shall:
             171          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the map and data to the official maps;
             172      and
             173          (ii) resubmit the corrected map and data to the lieutenant governor for a new review
             174      under this Subsection (2).
             175          (3) (a) Subject to the requirements of this Subsection (3), each county clerk shall
             176      establish voting precincts and polling places within each state board district according to the
             177      procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303 .
             178          (b) Within five working days after approval of voting precincts and polling places by
             179      the county legislative body as required by Section 20A-5-303 , each county clerk shall submit a
             180      voting precinct map identifying the boundaries of each voting precinct within the county to the

             181      lieutenant governor and to the Automated Geographic Reference Center for review.
             182          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a map from a county clerk, the Automated
             183      Geographic Reference Center shall:
             184          (i) review the voting precinct map to evaluate if the county map accurately reflects the
             185      boundaries of state board districts established by the Legislature in the official maps;
             186          (ii) determine whether the map is correct or incorrect; and
             187          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
             188          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the map is correct
             189      or notify the county clerk that the map is incorrect.
             190          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the map is
             191      incorrect, the county clerk shall:
             192          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the voting precinct map to the official
             193      maps; and
             194          (ii) resubmit the corrected map to the lieutenant governor and to the Automated
             195      Geographic Reference Center for a new review under this Subsection (3).
             196          Section 6. Section 36-1-101 is amended to read:
             197           36-1-101. Utah State Senate -- District boundaries.
             198          (1) As used in this chapter:
             199          (a) "New county boundary" means the adjusted common boundary between Salt Lake
             200      County and Utah County as certified by the lieutenant governor on December 29, 2005.
             201          (b) "Old county boundary" means the common boundary between Salt Lake County
             202      and Utah County before the boundary change certified by the lieutenant governor on December
             203      29, 2005.
             204          (c) "Southwestern intersection" means the western-most three way intersection of the
             205      old county boundary, the new county boundary, and the boundary separating Senate District 9
             206      and Senate District 11.
             207          (2) The Utah State Senate shall consist of 29 members, with one member to be elected
             208      from each Utah State Senate district.
             209          (3) (a) The Legislature adopts the official census population figures and maps of the
             210      Bureau of the Census of the United States Department of Commerce developed in connection
             211      with the taking of the 2000 national decennial census as the official data for establishing Senate

             212      district boundaries.
             213          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (4), the numbers and boundaries of the Senate
             214      districts are designated and established by the maps attached to the bill that enacts this section.
             215          (4) (a) Because of the new county boundary separating Salt Lake County and Utah
             216      County, the boundary separating Senate District 9 and Senate District 11 that followed the old
             217      county boundary is changed to follow the new county boundary eastward from the
             218      southwestern intersection to the point where the existing boundary of Senate District 9 turns
             219      north from the old county boundary.
             220          (b) The following census blocks from the 2000 census are removed from Senate
             221      District 11 and placed into Senate District 14: Census Tract 010205, Blocks 1000, 1001, 3001,
             222      3003, and 3004.
             223          Section 7. Section 36-1-103 is amended to read:
             224           36-1-103. Official maps of Senate districts.
             225          (1) (a) The Legislature shall file copies of the official maps enacted by the Legislature,
             226      and any other relevant data, with the lieutenant governor's office.
             227          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2), the legal boundaries of Senate districts are
             228      contained in the official maps on file with the lieutenant governor's office.
             229          (2) (a) Because of the new county boundary separating Salt Lake County and Utah
             230      County, the boundary separating Senate District 9 and Senate District 11 that followed the old
             231      county boundary is changed to follow the new county boundary eastward from the
             232      southwestern intersection to the point where the existing boundary of Senate District 9 turns
             233      north from the old county boundary.
             234          (b) The following census blocks from the 2000 census are removed from Senate
             235      District 11 and placed into Senate District 14: Census Tract 010205, Blocks 1000, 1001, 3001,
             236      3003, and 3004.
             237          (3) When questions of interpretation of Senate district boundaries arise, the official
             238      maps on file in the lieutenant governor's office shall serve as the indication of the legislative
             239      intent in drawing the Senate district boundaries.
             240          [(4) (a) Each county clerk shall obtain copies of the official maps for the clerk's county
             241      from the lieutenant governor's office.]
             242          [(b) Each county clerk shall establish voting precincts and polling places within each

             243      Senate district according to the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303 .]
             244          [(5)] (4) Maps identifying the boundaries for Senate districts may be viewed on the
             245      Internet at the lieutenant governor's website.
             246          Section 8. Section 36-1-103.2 is enacted to read:
             247          36-1-103.2. County clerk and lieutenant governor responsibilities -- Maps and
             248      voting precinct boundaries.
             249          (1) Each county clerk shall obtain copies of the official maps for the clerk's county
             250      from the lieutenant governor's office.
             251          (2) (a) A county clerk may create one or more county maps that identify the boundaries
             252      of Senate districts as shown on the official maps.
             253          (b) Before publishing or distributing any map or data created by the county clerk that
             254      identifies the boundaries of Senate districts within the county, the clerk shall submit the map
             255      and data to the lieutenant governor and to the Automated Geographic Reference Center for
             256      review.
             257          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a map and data from a county clerk, the Automated
             258      Geographic Reference Center shall:
             259          (i) review the map and data to evaluate if the county map and data accurately reflect the
             260      boundaries of Senate districts established by the Legislature in the official maps;
             261          (ii) determine whether the map and data are correct or incorrect; and
             262          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
             263          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the map and data
             264      are correct or notify the county clerk that the map and data are incorrect.
             265          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the map and
             266      data submitted are incorrect, the county clerk shall:
             267          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the map and data to the official maps;
             268      and
             269          (ii) resubmit the corrected map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the
             270      Automated Geographic Reference Center for review a new review under this Subsection (2).
             271          (3) (a) Subject to the requirements of this Subsection (3), each county clerk shall
             272      establish voting precincts and polling places within each Senate district according to the
             273      procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303 .

             274          (b) Within five working days after approval of voting precincts and polling places by
             275      the county legislative body as required by Section 20A-5-303 , each county clerk shall submit a
             276      voting precinct map identifying the boundaries of each voting precinct within the county to the
             277      lieutenant governor and to the Automated Geographic Reference Center for review.
             278          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a map from a county clerk, the Automated
             279      Geographic Reference Center shall:
             280          (i) review the voting precinct map to evaluate if the county map accurately reflects the
             281      boundaries of Senate districts established by the Legislature in the official maps;
             282          (ii) determine whether the map is correct or incorrect; and
             283          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
             284          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the map is correct
             285      or notify the county clerk that the map is incorrect.
             286          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the map is
             287      incorrect, the county clerk shall:
             288          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the voting precinct map to the official
             289      maps; and
             290          (ii) resubmit the corrected map to the lieutenant governor and to the Automated
             291      Geographic Reference Center for a new review under this Subsection (3).
             292          Section 9. Section 36-1-201 is amended to read:
             293           36-1-201. Utah House of Representatives -- District boundaries.
             294          (1) The Utah House of Representatives shall consist of 75 members, with one member
             295      to be elected from each Utah House of Representatives district.
             296          (2) (a) The Legislature adopts the official census population figures and maps of the
             297      Bureau of the Census of the United States Department of Commerce developed in connection
             298      with the taking of the 2000 national decennial census as the official data for establishing House
             299      district boundaries.
             300          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the numbers and boundaries of the House
             301      districts are designated and established by the maps attached to the bill that enacts this section.
             302          (3) (a) Because of the new county boundary separating Salt Lake County and Utah
             303      County, the boundary separating House District 51 and House District 27 that follows the old
             304      county boundary is changed to follow the new county boundary.

             305          (b) The following census blocks from the 2000 census are removed from House
             306      District 27 and placed into House District 57: Census Tract 010205, Blocks 1000, 1001, 3001,
             307      3003, and 3004.
             308          Section 10. Section 36-1-202 is amended to read:
             309           36-1-202. Official maps of House districts.
             310          (1) (a) The Legislature shall file copies of the official maps enacted by the Legislature,
             311      and any other relevant materials, with the lieutenant governor's office.
             312          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2), the legal boundaries of House districts are
             313      contained in the official maps on file with the lieutenant governor's office.
             314          (2) (a) Because of the new county boundary separating Salt Lake County and Utah
             315      County, the boundary separating House District 51 and House District 27 that follows the old
             316      county boundary is changed to follow the new county boundary.
             317          (b) The following census blocks from the 2000 census are removed from House
             318      District 27 and placed into House District 57: Census Tract 010205, Blocks 1000, 1001, 3001,
             319      3003, and 3004.
             320          (3) When questions of interpretation of House district boundaries arise, the official
             321      maps on file in the lieutenant governor's office shall serve as the indication of the legislative
             322      intent in drawing the House district boundaries.
             323          [(4) (a) Each county clerk shall obtain copies of the official maps for the clerk's county
             324      from the lieutenant governor's office.]
             325          [(b) Each county clerk shall establish voting precincts and polling places within each
             326      House district according to the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303 .]
             327          [(5)] (4) Maps identifying the boundaries for House districts may be viewed on the
             328      Internet at the lieutenant governor's website.
             329          Section 11. Section 36-1-202.2 is enacted to read:
             330          36-1-202.2. County clerk and lieutenant governor responsibilities -- Maps and
             331      voting precinct boundaries.
             332          (1) Each county clerk shall obtain copies of the official maps for the clerk's county
             333      from the lieutenant governor's office.
             334          (2) (a) A county clerk may create one or more county maps that identify the boundaries
             335      of House districts as shown on the official maps.

             336          (b) Before publishing or distributing any map or data created by the county clerk that
             337      identifies the boundaries of House districts within the county, the clerk shall submit the map
             338      and data to the lieutenant governor and to the Automated Geographic Reference Center for
             339      review.
             340          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a map and data from a county clerk, the Automated
             341      Geographic Reference Center shall:
             342          (i) review the map and data to evaluate if the county map and data accurately reflect the
             343      boundaries of House districts established by the Legislature in the official maps;
             344          (ii) determine whether the map and data are correct or incorrect; and
             345          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.
             346          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the map and data
             347      are correct or notify the county clerk that the map and data are incorrect.
             348          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the map and
             349      data submitted are incorrect, the county clerk shall:
             350          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the map and data to the official maps;
             351      and
             352          (ii) resubmit the corrected map and data to the lieutenant governor and to the
             353      Automated Geographic Reference Center for a new review under this Subsection (2).
             354          (3) (a) Subject to the requirements of this Subsection (3), each county clerk shall
             355      establish voting precincts and polling places within each House district according to the
             356      procedures and requirements of Section 20A-5-303 .
             357          (b) Within five working days after approval of voting precincts and polling places by
             358      the county legislative body as required by Section 20A-5-303 , each county clerk shall submit a
             359      voting precinct map identifying the boundaries of each voting precinct within the county to the
             360      lieutenant governor and to the Automated Geographic Reference Center for review.
             361          (c) Within 30 days after receipt of a map from a county clerk, the Automated
             362      Geographic Reference Center shall:
             363          (i) review the voting precinct map to evaluate if the county map accurately reflects the
             364      boundaries of House districts established by the Legislature in the official maps;
             365          (ii) determine whether the map is correct or incorrect; and
             366          (iii) communicate those findings to the lieutenant governor.

             367          (d) The lieutenant governor shall either notify the county clerk that the map is correct
             368      or notify the county clerk that the map is incorrect.
             369          (e) If the county clerk receives notice from the lieutenant governor that the map is
             370      incorrect, the county clerk shall:
             371          (i) make the corrections necessary to conform the voting precinct map to the official
             372      maps; and
             373          (ii) resubmit the corrected map to the lieutenant governor and to the Automated
             374      Geographic Reference Center for a new review under this Subsection (3).
             375          Section 12. Effective date.
             376          If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect
             377      upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
             378      Constitution Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto,
             379      the date of veto override.

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