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S.C.R. 15





Chief Sponsor: Allen M. Christensen

House Sponsor: Michael E. Noel

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor urges the United States
             10      Congress to exempt wolves from the Endangered Species Act in every state.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This resolution:
             13          .    urges the United States Congress to take action to maintain the integrity of the
             14      Endangered Species Act by exempting wolves from the Act in every state and
             15      allowing each state to protect its rural economies, game herds, livestock, and pets.
             16      Special Clauses:
             17          None
             19      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
             20          WHEREAS, with a population of 60,000 in North America, wolves are no longer an
             21      endangered species;
             22          WHEREAS, the agreed-upon recovery goals of 15 packs and 150 wolves in the
             23      Northern Rocky Mountains has been exceeded since 2002;
             24          WHEREAS, wolf populations currently exceed by more than 400% recovery goals
             25      agreed upon by all parties, yet extremist groups and courts block management as all parties had
             26      previously agreed upon;
             27          WHEREAS, excessive wolf populations are causing tremendous negative impacts to

             28      game populations, livestock, and pets at the cost of tens of millions of dollars each year to state
             29      economies, and the problem is growing exponentially;
             30          WHEREAS, excessive wolf populations are costing rural economies many jobs;
             31          WHEREAS, wolves are beginning to threaten and challenge people;
             32          WHEREAS, the experiences of Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Minnesota prove that
             33      the administrative and legal process is broken and does not serve the people, private property,
             34      wildlife, or rural economies;
             35          WHEREAS, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has repeatedly failed to listen
             36      to Utah's entire elected body of Governors, Senators, and bipartisan Congressman to include
             37      the entire state of Utah in the Northern Rockies population;
             38          WHEREAS, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service only included a small portion
             39      of northern Utah in the potential delisting zone, leaving nearly the entire state of Utah as an
             40      Endangered Species classification with no hope or promise of a solution to the wolf problem
             41      for decades into the future;
             42          WHEREAS, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service proposes to spend
             43      $25,000,000 to monitor and watch wolf populations grow while they eliminate jobs and destroy
             44      game populations, livestock, and pets;
             45          WHEREAS, the court system has failed to allow the United States Fish and Wildlife
             46      Service to delist wolves in spite of scientific data, costing over $40,000,000 to gather,
             47      justifying delisting, with national experts inside and outside the government providing sworn
             48      testimony that wolves should be removed from the Endangered Species list;
             49          WHEREAS, 32 state wildlife agencies have requested wolves to be removed from the
             50      Endangered Species Act through congressional action;
             51          WHEREAS, state game and fish agencies are much better prepared and capable of
             52      managing wolves than the federal government;
             53          WHEREAS, western states face many habitat conservation challenges, and the focus of
             54      investment of limited wildlife funds should be to protect habitats and abundant herds that
             55      provide hundreds of millions of dollars each year to rural economies and food for tens of
             56      thousands of families; and
             57          WHEREAS, the state of Utah, in consultation with the United States Fish and Wildlife
             58      Service, and based on extensive professional wildlife management input and a two-year public

             59      process, has adopted a wolf management plan:
             60          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
             61      Governor concurring therein, urge the United States Congress to take action to maintain the
             62      integrity of the Endangered Species Act by exempting wolves from the Act in every state and
             63      allowing each state to protect its rural economies, game herds, livestock, and pets.
             64          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Majority
             65      Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives,
             66      the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Utah Department of Natural Resources, and to
             67      the members of Utah's congressional delegation.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-7-11 5:55 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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