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S.J.R. 21
9 General Description:
10 This joint resolution of the Legislature encourages the creation of a Utahn-Turkish
11 Friendship Task Force to further long standing Utah-Republic of Turkey relations.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This resolution:
14 . encourages the creation of a Utahn-Turkish Friendship Task Force by members of
15 the Utah Legislature to further long standing Utah-Republic of Turkey relations,
16 build upon time-honored friendships, and promote the cultural, educational,
17 academic, political, and economic relations between Utah and Turkey.
18 Special Clauses:
19 None
21 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
22 WHEREAS, the Republic of Turkey and the United States of America are
23 long-standing allies, both dearly cherishing the universal values of freedom, democracy, and
24 human rights;
25 WHEREAS, in its alliances with the United States, the Republic of Turkey has
26 demonstrated its commitment to world peace and liberty as well as its secular and religious
27 tolerance of others;
28 WHEREAS, the Republic of Turkey has the world's fifteenth largest economy and
29 Europe's sixth largest economy, is a valued trading partner with the state of Utah, and is to be
30 commended on its contributions to the global economy;
31 WHEREAS, the state of Utah and the Republic of Turkey have enjoyed a strong,
32 vibrant, and mutually beneficial economic relationship with the prospect of further growth;
33 WHEREAS, it is the custom of the state of Utah to welcome all who come to the state,
34 especially those who come in the interest of friendship and commerce;
35 WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the state of Utah to further cultivate the good
36 relationship between Utah and the Republic of Turkey and other Turkish nations; and
37 WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Utah Legislature to recognize the contributions of
38 our nation's allies and the value of maintaining beneficial relationships with allies of the state
39 of Utah, such as the contributions made by the Republic of Turkey and the value of the positive
40 relationship with this ally:
41 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
42 encourages the creation of a Utahn-Turkish Friendship Task Force by members of the Utah
43 Legislature to further long standing Utah-Republic of Turkey relations, build upon
44 time-honored friendships, and promote the cultural, educational, academic, political, and
45 economic relations between Utah and Turkey.
46 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the West
47 America Turkic Council and to the Pacifica Institute-Utah.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-7-11 1:11 PM