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February 7, 2011
Room 445, State Capitol Building
Rep. LaVar Christensen, Vice Chair
Rep. Patrice Arent
Rep. Becky Edwards
Rep. Steve Eliason
Rep. Greg Hughes
Rep. John Mathis
Rep. Kay McIff
Rep. Carol Spackman Moss
Rep. Merlynn Newbold
Rep. Marie Poulson
Rep. Kraig Powell
Rep. Holly Richardson
Rep. Ken Sumsion
MEMBERS ABSENT: Rep. Rebecca Lockhart
STAFF PRESENT: Constance C. Steffen, Policy Analyst
Linda Service, Committee Secretary
Note: List of visitors and copy of handouts are filed with committee minutes.
Rep. Wright called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.
MOTION: Rep. Sumsion moved to approve the minutes of February 3, 2011. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Edwards, Rep. Hughes, and Rep. Poulson were absent for the vote.
H.B. 87 School Finance Amendments (Rep. M. Newbold)
Rep. Newbold introduced the bill which amends provisions of the Minimum School Program Act relating to certain property tax levies and the funding of public school programs.
MOTION: Rep. Newbold moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Hughes, Rep. Poulson, and Rep. Christensen were absent for the vote.
1st Sub. H.J.R. 3 Joint Resolution Promoting Healthy and Energy Efficient Schools (Rep. M. Wheatley)
Rep. Wheatley introduced the resolution which encourages the Utah State Board of Education and Utah's school districts to promote more healthy and energy efficient schools in the state.
Peter Cannon, Davis School Board, spoke on his own behalf in opposition to the resolution.
The following spoke to the resolution:
Lee Brinton, electrical engineer and citizen
Sean Crossland, citizen
MOTION: Rep. Hughes moved to move to the next item on the agenda.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Arent moved to pass the resolution out with a favorable recommendation. The motion failed with Rep. Arent, Rep. Edwards, Rep. McIff, Rep. Moss, and Rep. Powell voting in favor of the motion. Rep. Christensen, Rep. Newbold, and Rep. Poulson were absent for the vote.
A vote was taken on the motion to move to the next item on the agenda. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Christensen, Rep. Newbold, and Rep. Poulson were absent for the vote.
H.J.R. 8 Joint Resolution Regarding School Supplies (Rep. K. Powell)
Rep. Powell introduced the resolution which proposes to amend the Utah Constitution to modify a provision relating to the public education system.
Martell Menlove, Deputy Superintendent, State Office of Education, spoke to the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Mathis moved to pass the resolution out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Christensen, Rep. Poulson, and Rep. Sumsion were absent for the vote.
H.B. 98 Capital Outlay Funding Modifications (Rep. C. Watkins)
Rep. Watkins introduced the bill which expands the permitted uses of proceeds from a capital outlay levy imposed by a local school board. She was assisted by Margaret Hopkins, Superintendent, Grand County School District.
MOTION: Rep. McIff moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 3, Lines 79 through 81 :
79 school board's capital outlay levy for expenditures made within the accounting function
80 classification
Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services, of the
Financial Accounting
for Local and State School Systems guidelines developed by the National Center for
The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Christensen, Rep. Poulson, and Rep. Sumsion were absent for the vote.
The following spoke in support of the bill:
Jim Webster, Grand County School Board
Patti Harrington, Utah School Boards Association and Utah School Superintendents Association
Royce Van Tassell, Vice President, Utah Taxpayers Association, spoke in opposition to the bill.
MOTION: Rep. John Mathis moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed with Rep. Eliason, Rep. Hughes, Rep. Richardson, and Rep. Sumsion voting in opposition to the motion. Rep. Christensen and Rep. Poulson were absent for the vote.
S.B. 115 School Performance Reporting (Sen. H. Stephenson) (Rep. G. Hughes)
Sen. Stephenson introduced the bill which modifies requirements for the collection and reporting of data indicating the performance of school districts and schools.
The following spoke in support of the bill:
Patti Harrington, Utah School Boards Association and Utah School Superintendents Association.
Martel Menlove, Deputy Superintendent, Utah State Office of Education
Sharon Fishbaugh, President, Utah Education Association
MOTION: Rep. Arent moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Edwards and Rep. Poulson were absent for the vote.
H.B. 262 Divided School District Assets and Liabilities (Rep. K. Sumsion)
Rep. Sumsion introduced the bill which modifies provisions pertaining to the allocation of the assets and liabilities of certain divided school districts.
Aleta Taylor, South Jordan City Council, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Newbold moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Edwards and Rep. Powell were absent for the vote.
Rep. Wright relinquished the chair to Rep. Christensen.
H.B. 264 State Board of Education Member Election Process Amendments (Rep. C. Moss)
Rep. Moss introduced the bill which modifies the election process for membership on the State Board of Education.
The following spoke in favor of the bill:
Patti Harrington, Utah School Boards Association and Utah School Superintendents Association
Fred Ash, Utah Retired School Employees Association
Victor Shante, citizen
Holly Langton, Utahns for Public Schools
Sarah Jones, Utah Education Association
Kim Burningham, citizen
The following spoke in opposition to the bill:
Peter Cannon, citizen
Royce Van Tassell, Vice President, Utah Taxpayers Association
MOTION: Rep. Arent moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed with Rep. Christensen voting in opposition to the motion. Rep. Hughes, Rep. Mathis, and Rep. Wright were absent for the vote.
H.J.R. 15 Joint Resolution Amending State Board of Education Provisions (Rep. C. Herrod)
H.J.R. 15 was not considered.
MOTION: Rep. Powell moved to adjourn at 4:40 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Hughes, Rep. Mathis, and Rep. Wright were absent for the vote.
Rep. Bill Wright, Chair