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Room C445, State Capitol, State Capitol Complex

February 1, 2011

Members Present:    Rep. Roger E. Barrus, Chair
    Rep. Joel Briscoe
    Rep. Mel Brown
    Rep. Jack Draxler
    Rep. Brad Galvez
    Rep. Neal Hendrickson
    Rep. John Mathis
    Rep. Mike Noel
    Rep. Doug Sagers
    Rep. Christine Watkins
Members Absent:    Rep. Stephen Sandstrom, Vice Chair
    Rep. Brad Dee
    Rep. Patrick Painter
    Rep. Ryan Wilcox

Staff Present:    Brian Allred, Policy Analyst
            Joanna MacKay, Committee Secretary
Note:    A List of visitors is filed with committee minutes

Rep. Barrus called the meeting to order at 4:09 p.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Galvez moved to approve the minutes of the January 31, 2011 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown, Rep. Mathis and Rep. Sagers absent for the vote.

1st Sub. H.B. 51    School and Institutional Trust Lands (Rep. R. Barrus)

MOTION:    Rep. Draxler moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 7, Lines 194 through 198 :    

             194          (6) In connection with joint ventures [for the development of] and other transactions
             195      involving trust lands and minerals approved
{   by the board   } under Sections 53C-1-303 and

             196      53C-2-401 , the administration
  , with board approval,       may become a member of a limited liability company under

     Title 48, Chapter 2c, Utah Revised Limited Liability Company Act, and is considered a person
             198      under Section 48-2c-102 .

2.    Page 7, Lines 209 through 211 :    

             209          (3) (a) Except for the appointment made pursuant to Subsection (5), all appointments
             210      to the board shall be for a non-consecutive term of six years, or until a replacement has been
             211      appointed and confirmed pursuant to
{   Subsection (2)   }        this section       .

The motion to amend the bill passed unanimously with Rep. Brown, Rep. Mathis and Rep. Sagers absent for the vote.

Rep. Barrus explained the bill to the committee, assisted by Kevin Carter, Director, School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration.

Spoke in favor of the bill: Martell Menlove, Deputy Superintendent, Utah State Office of              Education
             Margaret Bird, Utah State Office of Education

MOTION:    Rep. Noel moved to pass the bill with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Mathis absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Watkins moved to place the bill on the Consent Calendar. The motion failed with Rep. Briscoe, Rep. Draxler, Rep. Watkins, and Rep. Barrus voting for the motion. Rep. Mathis was absent for the vote.

H.C.R. 4    Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board Concurrent Resolution (Rep. M. Brown)

Rep. Brown explained the bill to the committee, assisted by Ken Brown, Field Director, Western Counties Alliance.

Spoke in favor of the bill: Robin Thomas, Division of Wildlife Resources
             Sterling Brown, Utah Farm Bureau

MOTION:    Rep. Mathis moved to pass the bill with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously.

H.B. 247    Water Development Amendments (Rep. M. Noel)

Rep. Noel explained the bill to the committee, assisted by Ken Bousfield, Director, Division of Drinking Water.

Spoke in favor of the bill: Dale Pierson, Executive Director, Rural Water Association of Utah

MOTION:    Rep. Mathis moved to pass the bill with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Hendrickson moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.

Rep. Barrus adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m.

    Rep. Roger E. Barrus, Chair