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Room 450 Utah State Capitol

January 26, 2011

MEMBERS PRESENT:    Rep. R. Curt Webb, Chair
            Rep. Rebecca P. Edwards, Vice Chair
            Rep. Johnny Anderson
            Rep. Jack R. Draxler
            Rep. James A. Dunnigan
            Rep. Michael T. Morley
            Rep. Jeremy A. Peterson
            Rep. Dixon M.Pitcher
            Rep. Marie H. Poulson
            Rep. Stephen E. Sandstrom
            Rep. Jennifer M. Seelig
            Rep. Larry B.Wiley

STAFF PRESENT:        Joseph Wade, Policy Analyst
            Karen Mitchell, Committee Secretary

Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Rep. Edwards called the meeting to order at 2:19 p.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Draxler moved to approve the minutes of January 24, 2011. The motion passed     unanimously with Rep. Anderson, Rep. Morley, Rep. Sandstrom, and Rep. Seelig     absent for the vote.

H.B. 197    Amendments to Municipal and County Powers (Rep. J. Anderson)

This bill was not considered .

H.B. 224    Radio Frequency Identification (Rep. W. Harper)

This bill was not considered .

H.B. 226    Local Government Fee Authority (Rep. W. Harper)

This bill was not considered.

H.B. 46    County Recorder Amendments (Rep. R. C. Webb)

Rep. Webb introduced the bill to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Webb moved to replace 1st Substitute H.B. 46 with 2nd Substitute H.B. 46.     The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Anderson and Rep. Sandstrom absent for     the vote.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Alan Spriggs, Summit County Recorder/Utah Association of Counties

MOTION:    Rep. Peterson moved to pass 2nd Substitute H.B. 46 favorably as substituted. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Anderson, Rep. Sandstrom, and Rep. Seelig absent for the vote.
H.B. 53    Seismic Requirements for Condominium Conversion Projects (Rep. L. Wiley)

Rep. Wiley introduced the bill to the committee and provided a handout.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Barry Welliver, Utah Seismic Safety Commission
            Rolayne Fairclough, AAA of Utah

Spoke to the bill:        John Morris, Utah CAI, LAC

Spoke in opposition to the bill:    Grace Sperry, Utah Association of Realtors
                Taz Biesinger, Utah Home Builders Association

MOTION:    Rep. Wiley moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously with          Rep. Dunnigan and Rep. Morley absent for the vote.

Rep. Edwards adjourned the meeting at 3:40 p.m.

                    Rep. Curt Webb, Chair