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Room 450 Utah State Capitol

January 27, 2011

MEMBERS PRESENT:    Rep. R. Curt Webb, Chair
            Rep. Rebecca P. Edwards, Vice Chair            
            Rep. Jack R. Draxler
            Rep. James A. Dunnigan
            Rep. Michael T. Morley
            Rep. Jeremy A. Peterson
            Rep. Dixon M.Pitcher
            Rep. Marie H. Poulson            
            Rep. Jennifer M. Seelig
            Rep. Larry B.Wiley

MEMBERS ABSENT:    Rep. Johnny Anderson
            Rep. Stephen E. Sandstrom

STAFF PRESENT:        Joseph Wade, Policy Analyst
            Karen Mitchell, Committee Secretary

Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Rep. Webb called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of January 26, 2011. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Anderson, Rep. Dunnigan, Rep. Morley, and Rep. Sandstrom absent for the vote.

H.B. 55    Volunteer Search and Rescue Workers' Compensation Claims (Rep. K. Powell)

Rep. Powell introduced the bill to the committee.

Spoke in favor of the bill: Jared Rigby, Wasatch County Sheriff's Office
     Dave Davis, Utah Retail Merchants Association
     Jeff Winterton, Wasatch County Sheriff's Office

Spoke to the bill: Adam Trupp, Utah Association of Counties

MOTION:    Rep. Pitcher moved to pass H.B. 55 with a favorable recommendation.

MOTION:    Rep. Morley moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep.     Anderson and Rep. Sandstrom absent for the vote.

Rep. Webb adjourned the meeting at 5:03 p.m.

                    Rep. Curt Webb, Chair