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Members Present: Sen. Peter C. Knudson, Chair
Sen. Margaret Dayton
Sen. Scott K. Jenkins
Sen. Luz Robles
Member Absent: Sen. Daniel Thatcher
Staff Present: Rich North, Policy Analyst
Karen Allred, Committee Secretary
Public Speakers Present: Dan Deuel, Legislative Liason, Weber County
Tab L. Uno, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, MPA, Reporter,
Examiner. Com
Ronald Mortensen, Senior Advisor, Davis County 9/12 Project
Matthew Piccolo, Policy Analyst, Sutherland Institute
Le Grand Bitter, Executive Director, Utah Association of Special Districts
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Committee Chair Knudson called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to approve the minutes of the January 31, 2011 meeting.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Robles absent for the vote.
1. S.J.R. 8 Ronald Regan Day Joint Resolution (D. Liljenquist)
Sen. Liljenquist explained the bill.
Dan Deuel, Legislative Liason, Weber County spoke in support of the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Jenkins moved to transmit S.J.R. 8 with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously.
2. S.B. 142 Public Official Contact Information (H. Stephenson)
Sen. Stephenson explained the bill.
Tab L. Uno, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, MPA, Reporter, Examiner. Com
spoke to the bill.
Sen. Dayton proposed the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 17 After "reached" insert "directly"
2. Page 2, Line 47: After "reached" insert "directly"
3. Page 5, Line 148: After "reached" insert "directly"
4. Page 8, Line 224: After "reached" insert "directly"
MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to adopt the amendments.
The motion passed unanimously.
Ronald Mortensen, Senior Advisor, Davis County 9/12 Project; Matthew Piccolo, Policy Analyst, Sutherland Institute and Le Grand Bitter, Executive Director, Utah Association of Special Districts spoke in support of the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to transmit S.B. 142, as amended, with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to adjourn.
The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
Minutes reported by Karen Allred, Secretary.
Sen. Peter Knudson, Committee Chair