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WEDNESDAY, March 2, 2011
ROOM 250

Members Present:        Sen. D. Chris Buttars, Chair
                Sen. Allen M. Christensen
                Sen. Mark B. Madsen
                Sen. Stuart C. Reid
                Sen. Luz Robles

Members Excused:        Sen. Patricia W. Jones
Staff Present:            Mark D. Andrews, Policy Analyst
                Kathy Helgesen, Committee Secretary

Public Speakers Present:    Susan Chasson, SANE Coordinator, Utah Coalition Against Sexual     Assault
                Reed Richards, Utah Council on Victims of Crime
                Jane Doe, mother of crime victim
                Marina Lowe, Legislative and Policy Council, ACLU
                Dr. David Blodgett, Director, Southwest Utah Public Health     Director
                Tabitha Thompson, Board Chair, Utah Chapter of the Lupus     Federation of America
                Dr. Kevin Nelson, Utah Chapter of the American Academy of     Pediatrics
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Sen. Buttars called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m.

Approval of Minutes

     MOTION: Sen. Christensen moved to approve the minutes of February 28, 2011.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Madsen and Sen. Robles absent for the vote.

1.     HB0324 - HIV Testing of Alleged Sex Offenders (R. Greenwood)

    Rep. Greenwood introduced the bill.

    Ms. Chasson, Mr. Richards, and Ms. Doe spoke in favor of this bill.

    Ms. Lowe spoke in opposition to the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Reid moved to pass H.B. 324 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Robles absent for the vote.

2.     HB0336 - Medical Professional Licensing During a Declared Emergency (E. Vickers)

    Rep. Vickers introduced the bill.

    Dr. Blodgett spoke in favor of the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Christensen moved to pass H.B. 336 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously.

3.     HCR009 - Lupus Awareness Month Concurrent Resolution (T. Cosgrove)

Sen. Robles presented the bill.

    Ms. Thompson and Dr. Nelson spoke in favor of the bill.

Sen. Christensen moved to pass H.C.R. 9 out of committee with a favorable recommendation and to place it on the Consent Calendar.

The motion passed unanimously.

Sen. Christensen moved to adjourn.
    The motion passed unanimously.

    The meeting adjourned at 9:03 a.m.

    Minutes reported by Kathy Helgesen, Secretary.

                     Sen. D. Chris Buttars, Committee Chair