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Members Present: Sen. Kevin Van Tassell, Chair
Sen. Stuart Adams
Sen. Scott Jenkins
Sen. Peter Knudson
Sen. Karen Mayne
Staff Present: Leif Elder, Policy Analyst
Karen C. Allred, Secretary
Public Speakers Present: Nanette Rolfe, Director, Driver License Division, Utah Department of Public Safety
Ronald Mortensen, Utah Coalition on Illegal Immigration
Greg Summerhays, Public Relations Director, Workers Compensation Fund
Robert Wren, Chairman, UFIRE, Utah Forensic and Incident Response Environment
Tony Yapias, Director, Protecto Latino de Utah
Fred Downy, Citizen
Richard Kasteller, Executive Director, Insure-Rite
Frank Wheeler, Husband of Nurse Virginia Wheeler
Linda Hull, Legislative Director, Utah Department of Transportation
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Committee Chair Van Tassell called the meeting to order at 2:17 p.m.
Approval of Minutes.
MOTION: Sen. Mayne moved to approve the minutes of the February 7, 2011 meeting.
The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Jenkins and Knudson absent for the vote.
1. S.B. 138 Driver License Qualification Amendments (S. Urquhart)
Sen. Urquhart explained the bill.
Nanette Rolfe, Director, Driver License Division answered questions about Driving Privilege
intentionally access, use, disclose, or disseminate a record created or maintained by
the division or any information contained in a record created or maintained by the
division for a purpose not permitted or prohibited by statute, rule, regulation, or
policy of a governmental entity.
Speaking in support of the bill were Ronald Mortensen, Utah Coalition on Illegal
Immigration; Greg Summerhays, Public Relations Director, Workers Compensation Fund
and Fred Downy, Citizen.
Speaking in opposition to the bill were Sen. Curtis Bramble; Robert Wren, Utah
Forensic and Incident Response Environment and Tony Yapias, Director, Protecto Latino de
MOTION: Sen. Adams moved to transmit S.B.138 with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed with Sens. Van Tassell, Adams, Jenkins and Knudson voting in favor of
the bill and Sen. Mayne voting in opposition.
2. S.J.R. 14 Communications Device Usage Joint Resolution (C. Bramble)
Sen. Bramble explained the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Mayne moved to transmit S.J.R. 14 with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Jenkins absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Adams moved that the bill be placed on the Consent Calendar.
The motion passed unanimously.
3. H.B. 28 Penalties for Unauthorized Use of Records (R. Greenwood)
Rep. Greenwood explained the bill.
The following amendments were proposed:
1. Page
1, Lines 15 through 17
. provides that the
Vehicle Division, the Driver License Division, or the Criminal Investigations and
Technical Services Division is a class B misdemeanor;
2. Page
3, Lines 88 through 89
(10) (a) Unauthorized use of records created or maintained by the division
is a class B
3. Page
6, Lines 168 through 169
(8) (a)
Unauthorized use of records created or maintained by the division is
a class B
4. Page
9, Lines 268 through 270
(11) (a) [Misuse of access to criminal history record information]
use of
records created or maintained, or to which access is granted by the division is a class
MOTION: Sen. Adams moved to adopt the amendments.
The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Sen. Knudson moved to transmit H.B. 28 with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Sen. Adams moved that the bill be placed on the Consent Calendar.
The motion passed unanimously.
4. H.B. 193 Public Highway Designation (C. Watkins)
Rep. Watkins explained the bill.
Frank Wheeler, husband of Nurse Virginia Wheeler (whose motto was to forget herself and
serve others) spoke in support of the bill.
Linda Hull, Legislative Director, Utah Department of Transportation answered questions
from the committee.
MOTION: Sen. Mayne moved to transmit H.B. 193 with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed with Sens. Van Tassell, Adams, Knudson and Mayne voting in favor of
the motion and Sen. Jenkins voting in opposition.
MOTION: Sen Mayne moved to adjourn.
The motion passed unanimously.
Chair Van Tassell adjourned the meeting at 3:42 p.m.
Minutes reported by Karen Allred, Secretary.