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H.B. 45





Chief Sponsor: James A. Dunnigan

Senate Sponsor: John L. Valentine

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      Committee Note:
             9          The Business and Labor Interim Committee recommended this bill.
             10      General Description:
             11          This bill modifies the State Fire Code Act.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    enacts a definition of "premixed" with respect to an antifreeze and water solution;
             15          .    deletes and replaces a provision relating to hazardous environmental conditions; and
             16          .    modifies provisions relating to antifreeze used in automatic sprinkler systems.
             17      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2012.
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          15A-5-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 14
             24          15A-5-202, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 14
             25          15A-5-204, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 14
             27      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

             28          Section 1. Section 15A-5-102 is amended to read:
             29           15A-5-102. Definitions.
             30          As used in this chapter:
             31          (1) "Appreciable depth" means a depth greater than 1/4 inch.
             32          (2) "AHJ" means "authority having jurisdiction," which is:
             33          (a) the State Fire Marshal;
             34          (b) an authorized deputy of the State Fire Marshal; or
             35          (c) the local fire enforcement authority.
             36          (3) "Division" means the State Fire Marshal Division created in Section 53-7-103 .
             37          (4) (a) "Dwelling Unit" means one or more rooms arranged for the use of one or more
             38      individuals living together, as in a single housekeeping unit normally having cooking, living,
             39      sanitary, and sleeping facilities.
             40          (b) "Dwelling unit" includes a hotel room, dormitory room, apartment, condominium,
             41      sleeping room in a nursing home, or similar living unit.
             42          (5) "IFC" means the edition of the International Fire Code adopted under Section
             43      15A-5-103 .
             44          (6) "NFPA" means the edition of the National Fire Protection Association adopted
             45      under Section 15A-5-103 .
             46          (7) "Premixed" means the state of an antifreeze and water solution that results from the
             47      solution being prepared by the manufacturer with a quality control procedure that ensures that
             48      the antifreeze and water solution does not separate.
             49          [(7)] (8) "UL" means Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
             50          Section 2. Section 15A-5-202 is amended to read:
             51           15A-5-202. Amendments and additions to IFC related to administration, permits,
             52      definitions, general, and emergency planning.
             53          (1) For IFC, Scope and Administration:
             54          (a) IFC, Chapter 1, Section 105.6.16, Flammable and combustible liquids, is amended
             55      to add the following section: "12. The owner of an underground tank that is out of service for
             56      longer than one year shall receive a Temporary Closure Notice from the Department of
             57      Environmental Quality and a copy shall be given to the AHJ."
             58          (b) IFC, Chapter 1, Section 109.2, Notice of violation, is amended as follows: On line

             59      three, after the words "is in violation of this code," insert in the section the phrase "or other
             60      pertinent laws or ordinances".
             61          (2) For IFC, Definitions:
             62          (a) IFC, Chapter 2, Section 202, General Definitions, Occupancy Classification,
             63      Educational Group E, Day care, is amended as follows: On line three delete the word "five"
             64      and replace it with the word "four".
             65          (b) IFC, Chapter 2, Section 202, General Definitions, Occupancy Classification,
             66      Institutional Group I, Group I-1, is amended as follows: On line 10 add "Type I" in front of the
             67      words "Assisted living facilities".
             68          (c) IFC, Chapter 2, Section 202, General Definitions, Occupancy Classification,
             69      Institutional Group I, Group I-2, is amended as follows:
             70          (i) On line three delete the word "for" and insert the following into the sentence "on a
             71      24-hour basis of more than three".
             72          (ii) On line 10, after the words "Nursing homes", add the following: "both intermediate
             73      nursing care and skilled nursing care facilities, ambulatory surgical centers with five or more
             74      operating rooms where care is less than 24 hours, and Type II assisted living facilities. Type II
             75      assisted living facilities with five or fewer persons shall be classified as a Group R-4. Type II
             76      assisted living facilities with at least six and not more than 16 residents shall be classified as a
             77      Group I-1 facility".
             78          (d) IFC, Chapter 2, Section 202, General Definitions, Occupancy Classification,
             79      Institutional Group I, Group I-4, Day care facilities, Child care facility, is amended as follows:
             80          (i) On line three delete the word "five" and replace it with the word "four".
             81          (ii) On line two of the exception delete the word "five" and replace it with the word
             82      "four".
             83          (e) IFC, Chapter 2, Section 202, General Definitions, Occupancy Classification,
             84      Residential Group R, R-2, is amended to add the following: "Exception: Boarding houses
             85      accommodating 10 persons or less shall be classified as Residential Group R-3."
             86          (3) For IFC, General Requirements:
             87          (a) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 304.1.2, Vegetation, is amended as follows: Delete line six
             88      and replace it with: "the Utah Administrative Code, R652-122-200, Minimum Standards for
             89      Wildland Fire Ordinance".

             90          (b) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 310.8, Hazardous Environmental Conditions, is deleted and
             91      rewritten as follows: "When the fire code official determines that hazardous environmental
             92      conditions necessitate controlled use of any ignition source, including fireworks, lighters,
             93      matches, and smoking materials, the ignition or use of the source in mountainous,
             94      brush-covered, forest-covered, or other designated areas is prohibited except in approved areas
             95      as allowed by the AHJ."
             96          [(b)] (c) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 311.1.1, Abandoned premises, is amended as follows:
             97      On line 10 delete the words "International Property Maintenance Code and the".
             98          [(c)] (d) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 311.5, Placards, is amended as follows: On line three
             99      delete the word "shall" and replace it with the word "may".
             100          [(d)] (e) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 315.2.1, Ceiling clearance, is amended to add the
             101      following: "Exception: Where storage is not directly below the sprinkler heads, storage is
             102      allowed to be placed to the ceiling on wall-mounted shelves that are protected by fire sprinkler
             103      heads in occupancies meeting classification as light or ordinary hazard."
             104          Section 3. Section 15A-5-204 is amended to read:
             105           15A-5-204. Amendments and additions to IFC related to fire protection systems.
             106          For IFC, Fire Protection Systems:
             107          (1) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 901.2, Construction documents, is amended to add the
             108      following at the end of the section: "The code official has the authority to request record
             109      drawings ("as builts") to verify any modifications to the previously approved construction
             110      documents."
             111          (2) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 902.1, Definitions, RECORD DRAWINGS, is deleted and
             112      rewritten as follows: "Drawings ("as builts") that document all aspects of a fire protection
             113      system as installed."
             114          (3) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.1.2, Group A-2, is amended to add the following
             115      subsection: "4. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided throughout Group A-2
             116      occupancies where indoor pyrotechnics are used."
             117          (4) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.2, Group B ambulatory health care facilities, is
             118      amended as follows: On line three delete the words "all fire areas" and replace with the word
             119      "buildings".
             120          (5) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.4, Group F-1, Subsection 2, is deleted and rewritten

             121      as follows: "A Group F-1 fire area is located more than three stories above the lowest level of
             122      fire department vehicle access."
             123          (6) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.7, Group M, Subsection 2, is deleted and rewritten as
             124      follows: "A Group M fire area is located more than three stories above the lowest level of fire
             125      department vehicle access."
             126          (7) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.8 Group R, is amended to add the following:
             127      "Exception: Detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings
             128      (townhouses) constructed in accordance with the International Residential Code for one- and
             129      two-family dwellings."
             130          (8) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.8, Group R, is amended to add a second exception as
             131      follows: "Exception: Group R-4 fire areas not more than 4,500 gross square feet and not
             132      containing more than 16 residents, provided the building is equipped throughout with an
             133      approved fire alarm system that is interconnected and receives its primary power from the
             134      building wiring and a commercial power system."
             135          (9) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.9, Group S-1, Subsection 2, is deleted and rewritten
             136      as follows: "A Group S-1 fire area is located more than three stories above the lowest level of
             137      fire department vehicle access."
             138          (10) (a) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.10, Group S-2 enclosed parking garages, is
             139      deleted and rewritten as follows: "An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout
             140      buildings classified as parking garages in accordance with Section 406.2 of the International
             141      Building Code or where located beneath other groups."
             142          (b) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.10, Group S-2 enclosed parking garages, the
             143      exception is deleted and rewritten as follows: "Exception: Parking garages of less than 5,000
             144      square feet (464m2) accessory to Group R-3 occupancies."
             145          (c) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.10, Group S-2 enclosed parking garages, is amended
             146      to add a second exception, as follows: "Exception: Open parking garages not located beneath
             147      other groups if one of the following conditions are met:
             148      1. Access is provided for fire fighting operations to within 150 feet (45,720mm) of all portions
             149      of the parking garage as measured from the approved fire department vehicle access, or
             150      2. Class I standpipes are installed throughout the parking garage."
             151          (11) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.10.1, Commercial parking garages, is deleted and

             152      rewritten as follows: "An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings
             153      used for storage of commercial trucks or buses."
             154          (12) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.3.1.1 is amended by adding the following subsection:
             155      "903. Antifreeze Limitations. [The use of antifreeze] Antifreeze used in a new
             156      automatic sprinkler [systems in new construction in the dwelling unit portion of an occupancy,]
             157      system installed in accordance with NFPA 13[, is allowed up to 20 heads. The number of
             158      sprinkler heads can be expanded as permitted by the AHJ. The mixture of the antifreeze shall
             159      be limited to] may not exceed a maximum concentration of [40%] 38% premixed propylene
             160      glycol or [50%] 48% premixed glycerin, and the capacity of the system may not exceed 150
             161      gallons. [The AHJ can allow the concentration of antifreeze to be increased due to temperature
             162      concerns.]"
             163          (13) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.3.1.2 is amended by adding the following subsection:
             164      "903. Antifreeze Limitations. [The use of antifreeze] Antifreeze used in a new
             165      automatic sprinkler [systems in new construction in the dwelling unit portion of an occupancy,]
             166      system installed in accordance with NFPA 13R[, is allowed up to 20 heads. The number of
             167      sprinkler heads can be expanded as permitted by the AHJ. The mixture of the antifreeze shall
             168      be limited to] may not exceed a maximum concentration of [40%] 38% premixed propylene
             169      glycol or [50%] 48% premixed glycerin, and the capacity of the system may not exceed 150
             170      gallons. [The AHJ can allow the concentration of antifreeze to be increased due to temperature
             171      concerns.]"
             172          (14) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.3.1.3 is amended by adding the following subsection:
             173      "903. Antifreeze Limitations. [The use of antifreeze] Antifreeze used in a new
             174      automatic sprinkler [systems in new construction] system installed in accordance with NFPA
             175      13D [is allowed up to 20 heads. The number of sprinkler heads can be expanded as permitted
             176      by the AHJ. The mixture of the antifreeze shall be limited to] may not exceed a maximum
             177      concentration of [40%] 38% premixed propylene glycol or [50%] 48% premixed glycerin, and
             178      the capacity of the system may not exceed 150 gallons. [The AHJ can allow the concentration
             179      of antifreeze to be increased due to temperature concerns.]"
             180          (15) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.3.5, Water supplies, is amended as follows: On line
             181      six, after the word "Code", add "and as amended in Utah's State Construction Code".
             182          [(16) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.5 is amended to add the following subsection:

             183      "903.5.1 Antifreeze Replacement. Whenever the automatic sprinkler system protecting
             184      residences and dwelling units of mixed occupancies that use antifreeze is drained, the
             185      replacement antifreeze shall be properly mixed and tested, but shall not exceed a maximum
             186      concentration of 40% propylene glycol or a maximum concentration of 50% glycerin. The
             187      AHJ can allow the concentration of antifreeze to be increased due to temperature concerns."]
             188          (16) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.5 is amended to add the following subsection:
             189      "903.5.1 Tag and Information. A tag shall be attached to the riser indicating the date the
             190      antifreeze solution was tested. The tag shall also indicate the type and concentration of
             191      antifreeze solution by volume with which the system is filled, the date the antifreeze was
             192      replaced, if applicable, the name of the contractor that tested or replaced the antifreeze solution,
             193      the contractor's license number, a statement indicating if the entire system was drained and
             194      replaced with antifreeze, and a warning to test the concentration of the antifreeze solutions at
             195      yearly intervals."
             196          (17) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.6, Existing Buildings, and Chapter 46, Section
             197      4603.4, Sprinkler systems, are amended to add the following subsection to each section:
             198      "903.6.3 Group A-2 and 4603.4.3 Group A-2. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be
             199      provided throughout existing Group A-2 occupancies where indoor pyrotechnics are used."
             200          (18) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 904.11, Commercial cooking systems, is deleted and
             201      rewritten as follows: "The automatic fire extinguishing system for commercial cooking systems
             202      shall be of a type recognized for protection of commercial cooking equipment and exhaust
             203      systems. Pre-engineered automatic extinguishing systems shall be tested in accordance with
             204      UL300 and listed and labeled for the intended application. The system shall be installed in
             205      accordance with this code, its listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions. The
             206      exception in Section 904.11 is not deleted and shall remain as currently written in the IFC."
             207          (19) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 904.11.3, Carbon dioxide systems, and Section
             208      904.11.3.1, Ventilation system, are deleted and rewritten as follows:
             209          (a) "Existing automatic fire extinguishing systems used for commercial cooking that
             210      use dry chemical are prohibited and shall be removed from service."
             211          (b) "Existing wet chemical fire extinguishing systems used for commercial cooking
             212      that are not UL300 listed and labeled are prohibited and shall be either removed or upgraded to
             213      a UL300 listed and labeled system."

             214          (20) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 904.11.4, Special provisions for automatic sprinkler
             215      systems, is amended to add the following subsection: "904.11.4.2 Existing automatic fire
             216      sprinkler systems protecting commercial cooking equipment, hood, and exhaust systems that
             217      generate appreciable depth of cooking oils shall be replaced with a UL300 system that is listed
             218      and labeled for the intended application."
             219          (21) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 904.11.6.2, Extinguishing system service, is amended to
             220      add the following: "Exception: Automatic fire extinguishing systems located in occupancies
             221      where usage is limited and less than six consecutive months may be serviced annually if the
             222      annual service is conducted immediately before the period of usage, and approval is received
             223      from the AHJ."
             224          (22) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 905.11, Existing buildings, and IFC, Chapter 46, Section
             225      4603.5, Standpipes, are deleted.
             226          (23) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 907.3, Where required in existing buildings and
             227      structures, is deleted, and IFC, Chapter 46, Section 4603.6, Fire alarm systems, is deleted and
             228      rewritten as follows: "An approved automatic fire detection system shall be installed in
             229      accordance with the provisions of this code and NFPA 72. Devices, combinations of devices,
             230      appliances, and equipment shall be approved. The automatic fire detectors shall be smoke
             231      detectors, except an approved alternative type of detector shall be installed in spaces such as
             232      boiler rooms where, during normal operation, products of combustion are present in sufficient
             233      quantity to actuate a smoke detector."
             234          (24) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 907.9.5, Maintenance, inspection, and testing, is amended
             235      to add the following sentences at the end of the section: "Increases in nuisance alarms shall
             236      require the fire alarm system to be tested for sensitivity. Fire alarm systems that continue after
             237      sensitivity testing with unwarranted nuisance alarms shall be replaced as directed by the AHJ."
             238          (25) IFC, Chapter 9, Section 907.10, Carbon monoxide alarms, is added as follows:
             239      "Carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed on each habitable level of a dwelling unit or
             240      sleeping unit in Groups R-2, R-3, R-4, and I-1 equipped with fuel burning appliances.
             241      901.10.21.1. If more than one carbon monoxide detector is required, they shall be
             242      interconnected as required in IFC, Chapter 9, Section 907.2.11.3.
             243      901.10.21.2. In new construction, carbon monoxide detectors shall receive their primary power
             244      as required in IFC, Chapter 9, Section 907.2.11.4.

             245      901.10.21.3. Upon completion of the installation, the carbon monoxide detector system will
             246      meet the requirements listed in NFPA 720, Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detection and
             247      Warning Equipment and UL2034, Standard for Single and Multiple Station Carbon Monoxide
             248      Alarms."
             249          Section 4. Effective date.
             250          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2012.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-21-11 7:00 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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