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H.B. 52





Chief Sponsor: R. Curt Webb

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends the Profits From Crime Memorabilia Act to include any profits
             10      received from criminal activity.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    changes the Profits From Crime Memorabilia Act to allow for the forfeiture to the
             14      state of any profit derived from criminal activity;
             15          .    requires the prosecutor who obtained the conviction or the attorney general to bring
             16      a motion in the district court to request that any funds gained from criminal activity
             17      be paid to the Department of Corrections; and
             18          .    provides that the Department of Corrections shall pay:
             19              .    any victim restitution still owed out of the profit; and
             20              .    if no restitution is still owed, or after all restitution is paid, the remainder into
             21      the Crime Victim Reparations Fund.
             22      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          None
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          None
             26      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             27      AMENDS:

             28          77-38-301, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 3
             29          77-38-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 366
             30          77-38-303, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 3
             31      REPEALS:
             32          77-18-8.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 366
             33          77-18-8.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 366
             35      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             36          Section 1. Section 77-38-301 is amended to read:
Part 3. Profits from Criminal Activity Act

             38           77-38-301. Title.
             39          This part is known as the "Profits from [Crime Memorabilia] Criminal Activity Act."
             40          Section 2. Section 77-38-302 is amended to read:
             41           77-38-302. Definitions.
             42          As used in this part:
             43          (1) "Conviction" means an adjudication of a first degree or capital felony by a federal
             44      or state court resulting from a trial or plea, including a plea of no contest, nolo contendere, a
             45      finding of not guilty due to insanity, or not guilty but having a mental illness regardless of
             46      whether the sentence was imposed or suspended.
             47          (2) "Department" means the Department of Corrections.
             48          [(2)] (3) "Fund" means the Crime Victim Reparations Fund created in Section
             49      51-9-404 .
             50          [(3)] (4) "Memorabilia" means any tangible property of a person [convicted of a first
             51      degree or capital felony], the value of which is enhanced by the notoriety gained from the
             52      [conviction] criminal activity for which the person was convicted.
             53          [(4)] (5) "Profit" means any income or benefit:
             54          (a) over and above the fair market value of [the] tangible property that is received upon
             55      the sale or transfer of memorabilia[.]; or
             56          (b) any proceeds traceable to a conviction or the criminal activity which led to the
             57      conviction including monies, negotiable instruments, securities, or other property gained
             58      because of the conviction.

             59          Section 3. Section 77-38-303 is amended to read:
             60           77-38-303. Profit from sale of memorabilia -- Deposit in Crime Victim
             61      Reparation Fund -- Penalty.
             62          (1) Any person who receives a profit from the sale or transfer of memorabilia shall
             63      remit to the fund:
             64          (a) a complete, itemized accounting of the transaction, including:
             65          (i) a description of each item sold;
             66          (ii) the amount received for each item;
             67          (iii) the estimated fair market value of each item; and
             68          (iv) the name and address of the purchaser of each item; and
             69          (b) a check or money order for the amount of the profit, which shall be the difference
             70      between the amount received for the item and the estimated fair market value of the item.
             71          (2) Any person who willfully violates Subsection (1) may be assessed a civil penalty of
             72      up to $1,000 per item sold or transferred or three times the amount of the unremitted profit,
             73      whichever is greater.
             74          (3) (a) Upon the motion of the prosecutor who obtained the conviction or the attorney
             75      general the court shall, if the court determines that a defendant has profited or will profit from a
             76      conviction or the criminal activity which led to the conviction through means other than the
             77      sale of memorabilia, order the defendant to forfeit to the department any or all profit received
             78      or promised from any source.
             79          (b) An order under this Subsection (3) shall require that any person who has contracted
             80      with or promised to pay the defendant remit any proceeds directly to the department.
             81          (4) Upon receipt of funds under Subsection (3), the department shall distribute the
             82      funds:
             83          (a) first, to the victim of the crime from which the profits are derived if restitution is
             84      still owed; or
             85          (b) if no restitution is outstanding, to the fund.
             86          Section 4. Repealer.
             87          This bill repeals:
             88          Section 77-18-8.3, Special condition of sentence during incarceration -- Penalty.
             89          Section 77-18-8.5, Special condition of probation -- Penalty.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-2-11 4:35 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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