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H.B. 91





Chief Sponsor: Kenneth W. Sumsion

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill requires the attorney general to file an action to enforce the Utah Enabling Act
             10      if the United States does not comply with certain demands.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    requires the attorney general to file an action for a declaratory judgment to enforce
             14      Section 9 of the Utah Enabling Act if the United States does not comply with
             15      certain demands;
             16          .    amends provisions relating to the appropriation of money from the Land Exchange
             17      Distribution Account; and
             18          .    makes technical changes.
             19      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             20          This bill appropriates to the Attorney General - Enabling Act Litigation line item:
             21          .    as an one-time appropriation from the Land Exchange Distribution Account,
             22      $1,000,000, subject to intent language stating that the appropriation is to be used to
             23      file certain actions; and
             24          .    the unexpended nonlapsing balance of up to $2,000,000 that was appropriated in
             25      fiscal years 2010-11 and 2011-12 to the Governor's Office - Public Lands Litigation
             26      from the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account, subject to intent language
             27      stating that the appropriation is to be used to file certain actions.

             28      Other Special Clauses:
             29          This bill provides revisor instructions.
             30      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             31      AMENDS:
             32          53C-3-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapters 247, 252, 303 and last
             33      amended by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 252
             34          67-5-29, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 262
             36      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             37          Section 1. Section 53C-3-203 is amended to read:
             38           53C-3-203. Land Exchange Distribution Account.
             39          (1) As used in this section, "account" means the Land Exchange Distribution Account
             40      created in Subsection (2)(a).
             41          (2) (a) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the Land
             42      Exchange Distribution Account.
             43          (b) The account shall consist of revenue deposited in the account as required by
             44      Section 53C-3-202 .
             45          (3) (a) The state treasurer shall invest money in the account according to Title 51,
             46      Chapter 7, State Money Management Act.
             47          (b) The Division of Finance shall deposit interest or other earnings derived from
             48      investment of account money into the General Fund.
             49          (4) The Legislature shall annually appropriate from the account in the following order:
             50          (a) (i) for fiscal year 2011-12 only, $1,000,000 to the Constitutional Defense Restricted
             51      Account created in Section 63C-4-103 ;
             52          (ii) for fiscal year 2012-13 only, $1,000,000 to the Office of the Attorney General, to
             53      be used to file an action in accordance with Section 67-5-29 ; and
             54          [(a)] (iii) beginning fiscal year 2013-14, $1,000,000 to the Constitutional Defense
             55      Restricted Account created in Section 63C-4-103 ; and
             56          (b) from the deposits to the account remaining after the appropriation in Subsection
             57      (4)(a), the following amounts:
             58          (i) 55% of the deposits to counties in amounts proportionate to the amounts of mineral

             59      revenue generated from the acquired land, exchanged land, acquired mineral interests, or
             60      exchanged mineral interests located in each county, to be used to mitigate the impacts caused
             61      by mineral development;
             62          (ii) 25% of the deposits to counties in amounts proportionate to the total surface and
             63      mineral acreage within each county that was conveyed to the United States under the agreement
             64      or an exchange, to be used to mitigate the loss of mineral development opportunities resulting
             65      from the agreement or exchange;
             66          (iii) 1.68% of the deposits to the State Board of Education, to be used for education
             67      research and experimentation in the use of staff and facilities designed to improve the quality
             68      of education in Utah;
             69          (iv) 1.66% of the deposits to the Geological Survey, to be used for natural resources
             70      development in the state;
             71          (v) 1.66% of the deposits to the Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University, to
             72      be used for water development in the state;
             73          (vi) 11% of the deposits to the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account created in
             74      Section 63C-4-103 ;
             75          (vii) 1% of the deposits to the Geological Survey, to be used for test wells, other
             76      hydrologic studies, and air quality monitoring in the West Desert; and
             77          (viii) 3% of the deposits to the Permanent Community Impact Fund created in Section
             78      9-4-303 , to be used for grants to political subdivisions of the state to mitigate the impacts
             79      resulting from the development or use of school and institutional trust lands.
             80          (5) The administration shall make recommendations to the Permanent Community
             81      Impact Fund Board for its consideration when awarding the grants described in Subsection
             82      (4)(b)(viii).
             83          Section 2. Section 67-5-29 is amended to read:
             84           67-5-29. Duty to file legal actions.
             85          (1) (a) Unless the United States substantially complies with the demands referenced in
             86      2012 General Session, H.C.R. 1, Concurrent Resolution - Letter to Federal Government, the
             87      attorney general shall file an action on or before October 1, 2012, in United States district court
             88      to obtain a declaratory judgment to enforce the Utah Enabling Act, Section 9.
             89          [(1)] (b) The attorney general may file an action in addition to the action described in

             90      Subsection (1)(a) to enforce the Utah Enabling Act, Section 9.
             91          (2) In accordance with Title 78B, Chapter 6, Particular Proceedings, the attorney
             92      general shall file an eminent domain action or quiet title action on property possessed by the
             93      federal government:
             94          (a) (i) that facilitates the state's ability to manage the school and institutional trust lands
             95      consistent with the state's fiduciary responsibilities towards the beneficiaries of the trust lands;
             96      and
             97          (ii) (A) that provides access to school and institutional trust lands; or
             98          (B) that increases the profitability of the school and institutional trust lands; or
             99          (b) for a public use that increases the ability of the state to generate revenue.
             100          (3) The attorney general shall file, by no later than July 1, 2011, an eminent domain
             101      action or quiet title action described in Subsection (2) on property possessed by the federal
             102      government for:
             103          (a) a highway on Spring Creek Road located in the western half of section 3, township
             104      38 south, range 12 west to provide access to section 2, township 38 south, range 12 west;
             105          (b) a highway off of Old Canyon Road located in the northeast quarter of the southeast
             106      quarter of section 5, township 10 north, range 5 east to provide access to the southeast quarter
             107      of the southeast quarter of section 32, township 11 north, range 5 east; or
             108          (c) the purposes described in Subsection (2).
             109          Section 3. Fiscal Year 2012 Supplemental Appropriation.
             110          Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the
             111      following sums of money are appropriated from resources not otherwise appropriated, or
             112      reduced from amounts previously appropriated, out of the funds or accounts indicated for the
             113      fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012. These are additions to amounts
             114      previously appropriated for fiscal year 2012.
             115          Item 1 To Governor's Office - Public Lands Litigation
             116              From General Fund Restricted - Constitutional Defense

             117              From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriations Balances

             118              Schedule of Programs:
             119                  Public Lands Litigation            ($2,000,000)
             120          The Legislature intends that the Division of Finance shall transfer to the Attorney

             121      General - Enabling Act Litigation line item up to $1,000,000 in unexpended, unobligated
             122      balances of the appropriation made to the Governor's Office - Public Lands Litigation by
             123      Chapter 262, Laws of Utah 2010.
             124          Item 2 To Attorney General - Enabling Act Litigation
             125              From General Fund Restricted - Constitutional Defense

             126              From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances - Governor's
             127              Office - Public Lands Litigation

             128              Schedule of Programs:
             129                  Enabling Act Litigation            $2,000,000
             130          The Legislature intends that the Attorney General use this appropriation only to file an
             131      action in accordance with Section 67-5-29 .
             132          The Legislature intends that the Division of Finance shall transfer to the Attorney
             133      General - Enabling Act Litigation line item up to $1,000,000 in unexpended, unobligated
             134      balances of the appropriation made to the Governor's Office - Public Lands Litigation by
             135      Chapter 262, Laws of Utah 2010.
             136          Section 4. Fiscal Year 2013 Appropriation.
             137          Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the
             138      following sums of money are appropriated from resources not otherwise appropriated, or
             139      reduced from amounts previously appropriated, out of the funds or accounts indicated for the
             140      fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013. These are additions to amounts
             141      previously appropriated for fiscal year 2013.
             142          Item 1 To Governor's Office - Public Lands Litigation
             143              From General Fund Restricted - Constitutional Defense

             144              Schedule of Programs:
             145                  Public Lands Litigation            ($1,000,000)
             146          Item 2 To Attorney General - Enabling Act Litigation
             147              From General Fund Restricted - Land Exchange
             148              Distribution Account

             149              Schedule of Programs:
             150                  Enabling Act Litigation            $1,000,000
             151          The Legislature intends that the appropriation of $1,000,000 from the General Fund

             152      Restricted - Land Exchange Distribution Account to the Attorney General - Enabling Act
             153      Litigation line item be one-time in fiscal year 2013 in accordance with Section 53C-3-203 .
             154          The Legislature intends that the Attorney General use this appropriation only to file an
             155      action in accordance with Section 67-5-29 .
             156          Item 3 To General Fund Restricted - Constitutional Defense Restricted Account
             157              From General Fund Restricted - Land Exchange
             158              Distribution Account

             159          Schedule of Programs:
             160              Constitutional Defense Restricted Account        ($1,000,000)
             161          Section 5. Revisor instructions.
             162          The Legislature intends that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, in
             163      preparing the Utah Code database for publication, replace the reference in Subsection
             164      67-5-29(1)(a) from "2012 General Session, H.C.R. 1, Concurrent Resolution - Letter to Federal
             165      Government" to the resolution's designated chapter number in the Laws of Utah.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-23-12 10:54 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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