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H.B. 307





Chief Sponsor: Brad L. Dee

Senate Sponsor: Todd Weiler

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill makes clarifying amendments to factual innocence provisions.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    clarifies the requirement of a hearing if the state does not stipulate to factual
             13      innocence;
             14          .    clarifies that all proceedings are governed by Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule
             15      65C;
             16          .    sets a standard for the court's determination of factual innocence;
             17          .    disallows prejudgment interest on payments made to a person after a finding of
             18      factual innocence; and
             19          .    provides that a claim of factual innocence is extinguished upon the death of the
             20      petitioner.
             21      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          78B-9-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 153

             28          78B-9-404, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 153
             29          78B-9-405, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 131
             31      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             32          Section 1. Section 78B-9-402 is amended to read:
             33           78B-9-402. Petition for determination of factual innocence -- Sufficient
             34      allegations -- Notification of victim.
             35          (1) A person who has been convicted of a felony offense may petition the district court
             36      in the county in which the person was convicted for a hearing to establish that the person is
             37      factually innocent of the crime or crimes of which the person was convicted.
             38          (2) (a) The petition shall contain an assertion of factual innocence under oath by the
             39      petitioner, and shall aver, with supporting affidavits or other credible documents, that:
             40          (i) newly discovered material evidence exists that, if credible, establishes that the
             41      petitioner is factually innocent;
             42          (ii) the specific evidence identified by the petitioner in the petition establishes
             43      innocence;
             44          (iii) the material evidence is not merely cumulative of evidence that was known;
             45          (iv) the material evidence is not merely impeachment evidence; and
             46          (v) viewed with all the other evidence, the newly discovered evidence demonstrates
             47      that the petitioner is factually innocent.
             48          (b) The court shall review the petition in accordance with the procedures in Subsection
             49      (9)(b), and make a finding that the petition has satisfied the requirements of Subsection (2)(a).
             50      If the court finds the petition does not meet all the requirements of Subsection (2)(a), it shall
             51      dismiss the petition without prejudice and send notice of the dismissal to the petitioner and the
             52      attorney general.
             53          (3) (a) The petition shall also contain an averment that:
             54          (i) neither the petitioner nor petitioner's counsel knew of the evidence at the time of
             55      trial or sentencing or in time to include the evidence in any previously filed post-trial motion or
             56      postconviction motion, and the evidence could not have been discovered by the petitioner or
             57      the petitioner's counsel through the exercise of reasonable diligence; or
             58          (ii) a court has found ineffective assistance of counsel for failing to exercise reasonable

             59      diligence in uncovering the evidence.
             60          (b) Upon entry of a finding that the petition is sufficient under Subsection (2)(a), the
             61      court shall then review the petition to determine if Subsection (3)(a) has been satisfied. If the
             62      court finds that the requirements of Subsection (3)(a) have not been satisfied, it may dismiss
             63      the petition without prejudice and give notice to the petitioner and the attorney general of the
             64      dismissal, or the court may enter a finding that based upon the strength of the petition, the
             65      requirements of Subsection (3)(a) are waived in the interest of justice.
             66          (4) If the conviction for which the petitioner asserts factual innocence was based upon
             67      a plea of guilty, the petition shall contain the specific nature and content of the evidence that
             68      establishes factual innocence. The court shall review the evidence and may dismiss the petition
             69      at any time in the course of the proceedings, if the court finds that the evidence of factual
             70      innocence relies solely upon the recantation of testimony or prior statements made by a witness
             71      against the petitioner, and the recantation appears to the court to be equivocal or self-serving.
             72          (5) A person who has already obtained postconviction relief that vacated or reversed
             73      the person's conviction or sentence may also file a petition under this part in the same manner
             74      and form as described above, if no retrial or appeal regarding this offense is pending.
             75          (6) If some or all of the evidence alleged to be exonerating is biological evidence
             76      subject to DNA testing, the petitioner shall seek DNA testing pursuant to Section 78B-9-301 .
             77          (7) Except as provided in Subsection (9), the petition and all subsequent proceedings
             78      shall be in compliance with and governed by Rule 65C, Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, and
             79      shall include the underlying criminal case number.
             80          (8) After a petition is filed under this section, prosecutors, law enforcement officers,
             81      and crime laboratory personnel shall cooperate in preserving evidence and in determining the
             82      sufficiency of the chain of custody of the evidence which is the subject of the petition.
             83          (9) (a) A person who files a petition under this section shall serve notice of the petition
             84      and a copy of the petition upon the office of the prosecutor who obtained the conviction and
             85      upon the Utah attorney general.
             86          (b) The assigned judge shall conduct an initial review of the petition. If it is apparent
             87      to the court that the petitioner is either merely relitigating facts, issues, or evidence presented in
             88      previous proceedings or presenting issues that appear frivolous or speculative on their face, the
             89      court shall dismiss the petition, state the basis for the dismissal, and serve notice of dismissal

             90      upon the petitioner and the attorney general. If, upon completion of the initial review, the court
             91      does not dismiss the petition, it shall order the attorney general to file a response to the petition.
             92      The attorney general shall, within 30 days after receipt of the court's order, or within any
             93      additional period of time the court allows, answer or otherwise respond to all proceedings
             94      initiated under this part.
             95          (c) After the time for response by the attorney general under Subsection (9)(b) has
             96      passed, the court shall order a hearing if it finds the petition meets the requirements of
             97      Subsections (2) and (3) and finds there is a bona fide and compelling issue of factual innocence
             98      regarding the charges of which the petitioner was convicted. No bona fide and compelling
             99      issue of factual innocence exists if the petitioner is merely relitigating facts, issues, or evidence
             100      presented in a previous proceeding or if the petitioner is unable to identify with sufficient
             101      specificity the nature and reliability of the newly discovered evidence that establishes the
             102      petitioner's factual innocence.
             103          (d) If the parties stipulate that the evidence establishes that the petitioner is factually
             104      innocent, the court may find the petitioner is factually innocent without holding a hearing. If
             105      the state will not stipulate that the evidence establishes that the petitioner is factually innocent,
             106      no determination of factual innocence may be made by the court without first holding a hearing
             107      under this part.
             108          (10) The court may not grant a petition for a hearing under this part during the period
             109      in which criminal proceedings in the matter are pending before any trial or appellate court,
             110      unless stipulated to by the parties.
             111          (11) Any victim of a crime that is the subject of a petition under this part, and who has
             112      elected to receive notice under Section 77-38-3 , shall be notified by the state's attorney of any
             113      hearing regarding the petition.
             114          (12) A petition to determine factual innocence under this part, or Part 3, Postconviction
             115      Testing of DNA, shall be filed separately from any petition for postconviction relief under Part
             116      1, General Provisions. Separate petitions may be filed simultaneously in the same court.
             117          (13) The procedures governing the filing and adjudication of a petition to determine
             118      factual innocence apply to all petitions currently filed or pending and any new petitions filed on
             119      or after [the effective date of this amendment] March 25, 2010.
             120          (14) A claim for determination of factual innocence under this part is extinguished

             121      upon the death of the petitioner.
             122          Section 2. Section 78B-9-404 is amended to read:
             123           78B-9-404. Hearing upon petition -- Procedures -- Court determination of factual
             124      innocence.
             125          (1) (a) In any hearing conducted under this part, the Utah attorney general shall
             126      represent the state.
             127          (b) The burden is upon the petitioner to establish the petitioner's factual innocence by
             128      clear and convincing evidence.
             129          (2) The court may consider:
             130          (a) evidence that was suppressed or would be suppressed at a criminal trial; and
             131          (b) hearsay evidence, and may consider that the evidence is hearsay in evaluating its
             132      weight and credibility.
             133          (3) In making its determination the court shall consider, in addition to the evidence
             134      presented at the hearing under this part, the record of the original criminal case and at any
             135      postconviction proceedings in the case.
             136          (4) If the court, after considering all the evidence, determines by clear and convincing
             137      evidence that the petitioner:
             138          (a) is factually innocent of one or more offenses of which the petitioner was convicted,
             139      the court shall order that those convictions:
             140          (i) be vacated with prejudice; and
             141          (ii) be expunged from the petitioner's record; or
             142          (b) did not commit one or more offenses of which the petitioner was convicted, but the
             143      court does not find by clear and convincing evidence that the petitioner did not commit any
             144      lesser included offenses relating to those offenses, the court shall modify the original
             145      conviction and sentence of the petitioner as appropriate for the lesser included offense, whether
             146      or not the lesser included offense was originally submitted to the trier of fact.
             147          (5) (a) If the court, after considering all the evidence, does not determine by clear and
             148      convincing evidence that the petitioner is factually innocent of the offense or offenses the
             149      petitioner is challenging and does not find that Subsection (4)(b) applies, the court shall deny
             150      the petition regarding the offense or offenses.
             151          (b) If the court finds that the petition was brought in bad faith, it shall enter the finding

             152      on the record, and the petitioner may not file a second or successive petition under this section
             153      without first applying to and obtaining permission from the court which denied the prior
             154      petition.
             155          (6) At least 30 days prior to a hearing on a petition to determine factual innocence, the
             156      petitioner and the respondent shall exchange information regarding the evidence each intends
             157      to present at the hearing. This information shall include:
             158          (a) a list of witnesses to be called at the hearing; and
             159          (b) a summary of the testimony or other evidence to be introduced through each
             160      witness, including any expert witnesses.
             161          (7) Each party is entitled to a copy of any expert report to be introduced or relied upon
             162      by that expert or another expert at least 30 days prior to hearing.
             163          (8) The court, after considering all the evidence, may not find the petitioner to be
             164      factually innocent unless:
             165          (a) the court determines by clear and convincing evidence that the petitioner did not
             166      commit one or more of the offenses of which the petitioner was convicted, as defined in
             167      Subsection 78B-9-401.5 (2); and
             168          (b) the determination is based upon the newly discovered material evidence described
             169      in the petition, pursuant to Subsection 78B-9-402 (2)(a), and as defined in Subsection
             170      78B-9-401.5 (3).
             171          Section 3. Section 78B-9-405 is amended to read:
             172           78B-9-405. Judgment and assistance payment.
             173          (1) (a) If a court finds a petitioner factually innocent under [Title 78B, Chapter 9,] Part
             174      3, Postconviction Testing of DNA, or under this part, and if the petitioner has served a period
             175      of incarceration, the court shall order that, as provided in Subsection (2), the petitioner shall
             176      receive for each year or portion of a year the petitioner was incarcerated, up to a maximum of
             177      15 years, the monetary equivalent of the average annual nonagricultural payroll wage in Utah,
             178      as determined by the data most recently published by the Department of Workforce Services at
             179      the time of the petitioner's release from prison.
             180          (b) As used in this Subsection (1), "petitioner" means a United States citizen or an
             181      individual who was otherwise lawfully present in this country at the time of the incident that
             182      gave rise to the underlying conviction.

             183          (2) Payments pursuant to this section shall be made as follows:
             184          (a) The Utah Office for Victims of Crime shall pay from the Crime Victim Reparations
             185      Fund to the petitioner within 45 days of the court order under Subsection (1) an initial sum
             186      equal to either 20% of the total financial assistance payment as determined under Subsection
             187      (1) or an amount equal to two years of incarceration, whichever is greater, but not to exceed the
             188      total amount owed.
             189          (b) The Legislature shall appropriate as nonlapsing funds from the General Fund, and
             190      no later than the next general session following the issuance of the court order under
             191      Subsection (1):
             192          (i) to the Crime Victim Reparations Fund, the amount that was paid out of the fund
             193      under Subsection (2)(a); and
             194          (ii) to the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, as a separate line item, the
             195      amount ordered by the court for payments under Subsection (1), minus the amount reimbursed
             196      to the Crime Victim Reparations Fund under Subsection (2)(b)(i).
             197          (c) Payments to the petitioner under this section, other than the payment under
             198      Subsection (2)(a), shall be made by the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice quarterly
             199      on or before the last day of the month next succeeding each calendar quarterly period.
             200          (d) Payments under Subsection (2)(c) shall:
             201          (i) commence no later than one year after the effective date of the appropriation for the
             202      payments;
             203          (ii) be made to the petitioner for the balance of the amount ordered by the court after
             204      the initial payment under Subsection (2)(a); and
             205          (iii) be allocated so that the entire amount due to the petitioner under this section has
             206      been paid no later than 10 years after the effective date of the appropriation made under
             207      Subsection (2)(b).
             208          (3) (a) Payments pursuant to this section shall be reduced to the extent that the period
             209      of incarceration for which the petitioner seeks payment was attributable to a separate and
             210      lawful conviction.
             211          (b) (i) Payments pursuant to this section shall be tolled upon the commencement of any
             212      period of incarceration due to the petitioner's subsequent conviction of a felony and shall
             213      resume upon the conclusion of that period of incarceration.

             214          (ii) As used in this section, "felony" means a criminal offense classified as a felony
             215      under Title 76, Chapter 3, Punishments, or conduct that would constitute a felony if committed
             216      in Utah.
             217          (c) The reduction of payments pursuant to Subsection (3)(a) or the tolling of payments
             218      pursuant to Subsection (3)(b) shall be determined by the same court that finds a petitioner to be
             219      factually innocent under [Title 78B, Chapter 9,] Part 3, Postconviction Testing of DNA, or this
             220      part.
             221          (4) (a) A person is ineligible for any payments under this part if the person was already
             222      serving a prison sentence in another jurisdiction at the time of the conviction of the crime for
             223      which that person has been found factually innocent pursuant to [Title 78B, Chapter 9,] Part 3,
             224      Postconviction Testing of DNA, or this part, and that person is to be returned to that other
             225      jurisdiction upon release for further incarceration on the prior conviction.
             226          (b) Ineligibility for any payments pursuant to this Subsection (4) shall be determined by
             227      the same court that finds a person to be factually innocent under [Title 78B, Chapter 9,] Part 3,
             228      Postconviction Testing of DNA, or this part.
             229          (5) Payments pursuant to this section:
             230          (a) are not subject to any Utah state taxes; and
             231          (b) may not be offset by any expenses incurred by the state or any political subdivision
             232      of the state, including expenses incurred to secure the petitioner's custody, or to feed, clothe, or
             233      provide medical services for the petitioner.
             234          (6) If a court finds a petitioner to be factually innocent under [Title 78B, Chapter 9,]
             235      Part 3, Postconviction Testing of DNA, or this part, the court shall also:
             236          (a) issue an order of expungement of the petitioner's criminal record for all acts in the
             237      charging document upon which the payment under this part is based; and
             238          (b) provide a letter to the petitioner explaining that the petitioner's conviction has been
             239      vacated on the grounds of factual innocence and indicating that the petitioner did not commit
             240      the crime or crimes for which the petitioner was convicted and was later found to be factually
             241      innocent under [Title 78B, Chapter 9,] Part 3, Postconviction Testing of DNA, or this part.
             242          (7) A petitioner found to be factually innocent under [Title 78B, Chapter 9,] Part 3,
             243      Postconviction Testing of DNA, or this part shall have access to the same services and
             244      programs available to Utah citizens generally as though the conviction for which the petitioner

             245      was found to be factually innocent had never occurred.
             246          (8) Payments pursuant to this part constitute a full and conclusive resolution of the
             247      petitioner's claims on the specific issue of factual innocence. Pre-judgment interest may not be
             248      awarded in addition to the payments provided under this part.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-24-12 2:57 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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