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H.B. 348





Chief Sponsor: Ronda Rudd Menlove

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies hazardous waste fees and repeals Title 19, Chapter 9, Hazardous
             10      Waste Facilities Management Act.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    defines "demilitarization waste";
             14          .    establishes a fee for hazardous waste that contains both demilitarization waste and
             15      another hazardous waste component subject to treatment standards;
             16          .    directs the Solid and Hazardous Waste Division to conduct a study and establish a
             17      flat fee schedule by a certain date;
             18          .    provides a transition to the flat fee schedule;
             19          .    repeals Title 19, Chapter 9, Hazardous Waste Facilities Management Act; and
             20          .    makes technical changes.
             21      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          19-6-118, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 17

             28      REPEALS:
             29          19-9-101, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             30          19-9-102, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             31          19-9-103, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             32          19-9-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 286
             33          19-9-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 297
             34          19-9-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 3
             35          19-9-107, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             36          19-9-108, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             37          19-9-109, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 297
             38          19-9-110, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             39          19-9-111, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             40          19-9-112, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             41          19-9-113, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             42          19-9-114, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             43          19-9-115, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             44          19-9-116, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             45          19-9-117, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             46          19-9-118, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 184
             48      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             49          Section 1. Section 19-6-118 is amended to read:
             50           19-6-118. Hazardous waste and treated hazardous waste disposal fees.
             51          (1) As used in this section:
             52          (a) "Demilitarization waste" means:
             53          (i) a nerve, military, or chemical agent, including:
             54          (A) CX;
             55          (B) GA;
             56          (C) GB;
             57          (D) GD;
             58          (E) H;

             59          (F) HD;
             60          (G) HL;
             61          (H) HN-1;
             62          (I) HN-2;
             63          (J) HN-3;
             64          (K) HT;
             65          (L) L; or
             66          (M) VX; or
             67          (ii) waste or residue from demilitarization, treatment, testing, or disposal of an agent
             68      described in Subsection (1)(a)(i).
             69          (b) "Remediation project" means:
             70          (i) a superfund cleanup project;
             71          (ii) a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Corrective Action Site; or
             72          (iii) a voluntary cleanup of:
             73          (A) hazardous debris; or
             74          (B) hazardous waste subject to regulation solely because of removal or remedial action
             75      taken in response to environmental contamination.
             76          (c) "Remediation waste" means waste from a remediation project.
             77          [(1)] (2) (a) An owner or operator of any commercial hazardous waste or mixed waste
             78      disposal or treatment facility that primarily receives hazardous or mixed wastes generated by
             79      off-site sources not owned, controlled, or operated by the facility or site owner or operator, and
             80      that is subject to the requirements of Section 19-6-108 , shall pay the fee under Subsection [(2)]
             81      (3).
             82          (b) The owner or operator of each cement kiln, aggregate kiln, boiler, blender, or
             83      industrial furnace that receives for burning hazardous waste generated by off-site sources not
             84      owned, controlled, or operated by the owner or operator shall pay the fee under Subsection
             85      [(2)] (3).
             86          [(2) (a) Through June 30, 2005, the owner or operator of each facility under Subsection
             87      (1) shall collect from the generators of hazardous waste and mixed waste a fee of $28 per ton
             88      or fraction of a ton on all hazardous waste and mixed waste received at the facility or site for
             89      disposal, treatment, or both.]

             90          [(b) On and after July 1, 2005]
             91          (3) (a) (i) Through June 30, 2013, the owner or operator of each facility under
             92      Subsection [(1)] (2) shall pay a fee of $28 per ton on all hazardous waste and mixed waste
             93      received at the facility for disposal, treatment, or both.
             94          [(c)] (ii) The fee required under Subsection [(2)(b)] (3)(a)(i) shall be calculated by
             95      multiplying the total tonnage of waste, computed to the first decimal place, received during the
             96      calendar month by $28.
             97          [(d) When hazardous waste or mixed waste is received at a facility for treatment or
             98      disposal and the fee required under this Subsection (2) is paid for that treatment or disposal,
             99      any subsequent treatment or disposal of the waste is not subject to additional fees under this
             100      Subsection (2).]
             101          [(e) (i) On and after July 1, 1997 through June 30, 2003, and on and after April 1, 2004
             102      through June 30, 2005, hazardous waste received at a land disposal facility is subject to a fee of
             103      $14 per ton or fraction of a ton, rather than the $28 fee under Subsection (2)(a), if the waste is
             104      treated so that it:]
             105          [(A) meets the state treatment standards required for land disposal at the facility; or]
             106          [(B) is no longer a hazardous waste at the time of disposal at that facility.]
             107          [(ii) On and after July 1, 2003, through March 31, 2004, hazardous waste received at a
             108      land disposal facility for treatment and disposal is subject to the $28 fee imposed under
             109      Subsection (2)(a).]
             110          [(f) (i) On and after July 1, 2005,]
             111          (b) (i) Through June 30, 2013, hazardous waste received at a land disposal facility is
             112      subject to a fee of $14 per ton instead of the fee described in Subsection (3)(a) if the waste is
             113      treated so that it:
             114          (A) meets the state treatment standards required for land disposal at the facility; or
             115          (B) is no longer a hazardous waste at the time of disposal at that facility.
             116          (ii) Through June 30, 2013, demilitarization waste received at a land disposal facility is
             117      subject to the fee described in Subsection (3)(b)(i), if:
             118          (A) the demilitarization waste contains an additional constituent that is not
             119      demilitarization waste and is required by rule to be treated before land disposal; and
             120          (B) the additional constituent meets every applicable state treatment standard required

             121      for land disposal of that constituent at the facility.
             122          [(ii) The] (iii) A fee required under Subsection [(2)(f)(i)] (3)(b)(i) shall be calculated
             123      by multiplying the tonnage of waste, computed to the first decimal place, received during the
             124      calendar month by $14.
             125          (c) Through June 30, 2013, when hazardous waste or mixed waste is received at a
             126      facility for treatment or disposal and the fee required under Subsection (3) is paid for that
             127      treatment or disposal, any subsequent treatment or disposal of the waste is not subject to
             128      additional fees under Subsection (3).
             129          (d) (i) In accordance with Section 63J-1-504 , on or before July 1, 2013, the department
             130      shall establish a fee schedule for the treatment and land disposal of hazardous waste.
             131          (ii) To create the fee schedule described in Subsection (3)(d)(i), the department shall,
             132      before establishing the fee schedule, complete a review of program costs and indirect costs of
             133      regulating hazardous waste in the state.
             134          (iii) The fee schedule described in Subsection (3)(d)(i) shall:
             135          (A) implement a flat fee not calculated according to the amount of waste treated or
             136      disposed;
             137          (B) provide for reasonable and timely oversight by the department; and
             138          (C) adequately meet the needs of industry and the department, including enabling the
             139      department to employ qualified personnel to appropriately oversee industry regulation.
             140          [(3)] (4) (a) [On or after July 1, 2010, remediation] Through June 30, 2013,
             141      remediation waste received at a hazardous waste land disposal or treatment facility from a
             142      remediation project is subject to a fee in the following amounts:
             143      Amount of Remediation Waste Received
from a Remediation Project
Fee Amount
             144      More than 0, but less than 1,000 tons $28 per ton
             145      Equal to or greater than 1,000 tons, but less than 12,500 tons $10 per ton for all waste
             146      Equal to or greater than 12,500 tons, but less than 25,000 tons $5 per ton for all waste
             147      Equal to or greater than 25,000 tons $2.50 per ton for all waste
             148          (b) [On and after July 1, 2010, emission] Through June 30, 2013, emission control
             149      dust/sludge from the primary production of steel in electric furnaces (K061, as defined in 40

             150      [CFR] C.F.R. Sec. 261.32) received at a hazardous waste land disposal or treatment facility is
             151      subject to a fee of $5 per ton in lieu of the fee established in Subsection [(2)] (3).
             152          (c) [On and after July 1, 2010, nerve, military, and chemical agents and wastes/residues
             153      from demilitarization, treatment, testing and disposal of nerve, military, and chemical agents
             154      CX, GA, GB, GD, H, HD, HL, HN-1, HN-2, HN-3, HT, L, and VX] Through June 30, 2013,
             155      demilitarization waste received at a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility
             156      [are] is subject to a fee of $5 per ton in addition to the fee established in Subsection [(2)] (3).
             157          (d) (i) [On or after July 1, 2010, but on or before June 30, 2011,] Through June 30,
             158      2013, the department may in accordance with this Subsection [(3)] (4)(d) assess a person
             159      required to pay a fee under this section a special assessment if the department determines that
             160      the aggregate of the following fees is insufficient to cover the department's costs of
             161      administering its hazardous waste program:
             162          (A) a fee imposed under this section; and
             163          (B) a fee imposed under Section 19-6-118.5 .
             164          (ii) In determining the amount of a special assessment under this Subsection [(3)]
             165      (4)(d), the department shall calculate the amount of the insufficiency and assess each person
             166      subject to the special assessment a proportion of the insufficiency equal to the proportion of
             167      fees paid by that person.
             168          (iii) The department shall deposit a special assessment collected under this Subsection
             169      [(3)] (4)(d) into the Environmental Quality Restricted Account created in Section 19-1-108 .
             170          (e) [The] Through June 30, 2013, the department shall annually review the fee
             171      established in Subsection [(3)] (4)(a) and make recommendations to the Legislature's Natural
             172      Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee concerning the amount of the fee.
             173          [(4)] (5) (a) [The] Through June 30, 2013, the department shall allocate at least 10% of
             174      the fees received from a facility under this section to the county [in which] where the facility is
             175      located, not including a special assessment.
             176          (b) Beginning on July 1, 2013, the department shall allocate and pay to a county at least
             177      10% of the fee established under Subsection (3)(d)(i) that the department receives from a
             178      facility in that county.
             179          [(b)] (c) The county may use fees allocated under Subsection [(3)] (5) to carry out its
             180      hazardous waste monitoring and response programs.

             181          [(5)] (6) The department shall deposit the state portion of [the fees] a fee received
             182      under this section into the Environmental Quality Restricted Account created in Section
             183      19-1-108 .
             184          [(6)] (7) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection [(6)] (7)(a)(ii), the owner or operator
             185      shall pay [the fees imposed] a fee, accrued under this section before June 30, 2013, to the
             186      department on or before the 15th day of the month following the month in which the fee
             187      accrued.
             188          (ii) [For a fee to be paid on remediation waste,] If a fee accrues on remediation waste
             189      under this section before June 30, 2013, the fee shall be paid in accordance with a schedule
             190      determined by the department:
             191          (A) made in consultation with the person paying the fee; and
             192          (B) considering any contractual schedule for payment between the person paying the
             193      fee and another person with whom the person paying the fee has contracted.
             194          (b) With the monthly fee[,] described in Subsection (7)(a)(i), the owner or operator
             195      shall submit a completed form, as prescribed by the department, specifying information
             196      required by the department to verify the amount of waste received and the fee amount for
             197      which the owner or operator is liable.
             198          (c) Beginning on July 1, 2013, an owner or operator shall submit payment of the fee
             199      established in (3)(d)(i) to the department:
             200          (i) in accordance with a schedule provided by the department; and
             201          (ii) using forms provided by the department.
             202          [(7)] (8) (a) The department shall oversee and monitor hazardous waste treatment,
             203      disposal, and incineration facilities, including federal government facilities located within the
             204      state.
             205          (b) The department may determine facility oversight priorities.
             206          [(8)] (9) (a) The department, in preparing its budget for the governor and the
             207      Legislature, shall separately indicate the amount necessary to administer the hazardous waste
             208      program established by this part.
             209          (b) The Legislature shall appropriate the costs of administering this program.
             210          [(9)] (10) The Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall monitor [the fees] a fee
             211      collected under this part.

             212          [(10)] (11) Mixed waste subject to a fee under this section is not subject to a fee under
             213      Section 19-3-106 .
             214          [(11) As used in this section:]
             215          [(a) "Remediation project" means:]
             216          [(i) a Superfund cleanup project;]
             217          [(ii) a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Corrective Action Site; or]
             218          [(iii) a voluntary cleanup of:]
             219          [(A) hazardous debris; or]
             220          [(B) hazardous waste subject to regulation solely because of removal or remedial
             221      action taken in response to environmental contamination.]
             222          [(b) "Remediation waste" means waste from a remediation project.]
             223          Section 2. Repealer.
             224          This bill repeals:
             225          Section 19-9-101, Title.
             226          Section 19-9-102, Definitions.
             227          Section 19-9-103, Petition for creation of hazardous waste facilities authority --
             228      Recommendation to governor -- Action by governor.
             229          Section 19-9-104, Creation of authority -- Members.
             230          Section 19-9-105, Powers of authority.
             231          Section 19-9-106, Acquisition of sites by authority -- Property vested in state on
             232      disincorporation of authority.
             233          Section 19-9-107, Fees.
             234          Section 19-9-108, Obligations of authority -- Limitation -- Issuance.
             235          Section 19-9-109, Security for obligations -- Provisions of security instruments.
             236          Section 19-9-110, Application of proceeds from sale of obligations.
             237          Section 19-9-111, Cost of acquisition or improvement of facility.
             238          Section 19-9-112, Validity of signatures on obligations.
             239          Section 19-9-113, Obligations as negotiable instruments.
             240          Section 19-9-114, Personal liability on obligations.
             241          Section 19-9-115, Tax exemption of property, income, and obligations of authority.
             242          Section 19-9-116, Obligations as authorized investments and securities.

             243          Section 19-9-117, Publication of resolution authorizing obligations -- Contesting
             244      validity -- Action to compel signing of obligations.
             245          Section 19-9-118, Legal, accounting, and auditing services for authority.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-6-12 1:03 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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