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H.B. 503





Chief Sponsor: Michael T. Morley

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends provisions of the Utah Code relating to construction contracting
             10      methods, contract terms, bond claims, and lien claims.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    defines terms;
             14          .    provides that, unless otherwise specified by contract, the interest rate applicable to a
             15      lien or bond claim is the statutory rate of 10% per annum;
             16          .    provides that the following are not exempt from providing preliminary notice of a
             17      payment bond claim or a lien:
             18              .    a temporary labor service company;
             19              .    a professional employer company or organization;
             20              .    a union trust fund; or
             21              .    any other entity that provides or collects for labor;
             22          .    prohibits government entities, other than the Division of Facilities Construction and
             23      Management and the Utah Department of Transportation, from using a Construction
             24      Manager/General Contractor method of contracting or a design-build method of
             25      contracting; and
             26          .    makes technical changes.
             27      Money Appropriated in this Bill:

             28          None
             29      Other Special Clauses:
             30          None
             31      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             32      AMENDS:
             33          14-1-19, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1987, Chapter 218
             34          14-1-20, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 299
             35          14-2-1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 111
             36          14-2-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 111
             37          14-2-5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 299
             38          38-1-32.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 299
             39          63G-6-501, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             40          63G-6-506, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 299
             41          63G-6-601, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             42      ENACTS:
             43          38-1-41, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44          53A-20-109, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             45          63G-6-506.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             47      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             48          Section 1. Section 14-1-19 is amended to read:
             49           14-1-19. Failure of government entity to obtain payment bond -- Right of action
             50      -- Notice.
             51          (1) If the state or a political subdivision fails to obtain a payment bond, it shall, upon
             52      demand by a person who has furnished labor or supplied materials to the contractor or
             53      subcontractor for the work provided for in a contract which is subject to Section 14-1-18 ,
             54      promptly make payment to that person. [That person]
             55          (2) A person described in Subsection (1):
             56          (a) shall have a direct right of action against the state or the political subdivision in any
             57      court having jurisdiction in any county in which the contract was to be performed, upon giving
             58      written notice to the state or political subdivision within 90 days from the date on which such

             59      person performed the last of the labor or supplied the last of the material for which claim is
             60      made[. The person];
             61          (b) shall state in the notice a designation of the construction project and its location, the
             62      amount claimed, and the name of the party for whom the labor was performed or to whom the
             63      material was supplied[. The notice shall be served]; and
             64          (c) shall serve the notice by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, on the state
             65      agency or political subdivision that is a party to the contract. [No such action may be
             66      commenced after the expiration of]
             67          (3) An action described in this section may not be commenced later than one year after
             68      the day on which the last of the labor was performed or material was supplied by [such] the
             69      person bringing the action.
             70          (4) Unless otherwise specified in a lawful contract between the state or the political
             71      subdivision against which the claim is made and the person demanding payment, the interest
             72      rate applicable to the payment or claim is the rate described in Subsection 15-1-1 (2).
             73          Section 2. Section 14-1-20 is amended to read:
             74           14-1-20. Preliminary notice requirement.
             75          (1) Any person furnishing labor, service, equipment, or material for which a payment
             76      bond claim may be made under this chapter shall provide preliminary notice to the designated
             77      agent as prescribed by Section 38-1-32.5 , except that this section does not apply:
             78          (a) to [a person] an individual performing labor for wages; or
             79          (b) if a notice of commencement is not filed as prescribed in Section 38-1-31.5 for the
             80      project or improvement for which labor, service, equipment, or material is furnished.
             81          (2) Any person who fails to provide the preliminary notice required by Subsection (1)
             82      may not make a payment bond claim under this chapter.
             83          (3) The preliminary notice required by Subsection (1) shall be provided prior to
             84      commencement of any action on the payment bond.
             85          (4) Subsection (1)(a) does not exempt the following from complying with the
             86      requirements of this section:
             87          (a) a temporary labor service company or organization;
             88          (b) a professional employer company or organization;
             89          (c) a union trust fund; or

             90          (d) any other entity that provides labor or collects for labor.
             91          Section 3. Section 14-2-1 is amended to read:
             92           14-2-1. Definitions -- Payment bond required -- Right of action -- Attorney fees.
             93          (1) For purposes of this chapter:
             94          (a) "Commercial contract" means a contract for the construction, alteration, or repair of
             95      the following if it is not residential construction:
             96          (i) a building;
             97          (ii) a structure; or
             98          (iii) an improvement upon land that is not associated with a single family detached
             99      housing.
             100          (b) "Contractor" means any person who is or may be awarded an original commercial
             101      contract for the construction, alteration, or repair of any building, structure, or improvement
             102      upon land.
             103          (c) "Owner" means any person contracting with the original contractor for construction,
             104      alteration, or repair of the following if it is not residential construction:
             105          (i) a building;
             106          (ii) a structure; or
             107          (iii) an improvement upon land.
             108          (d) (i) "Residential construction" means the construction, alteration, or repair of:
             109          (A) single family detached housing; or
             110          (B) multifamily attached housing up to and including a fourplex.
             111          (ii) "Residential construction" includes rental housing.
             112          (2) Before any original commercial contract exceeding $50,000 in amount for the
             113      construction, alteration, or repair of any building, structure, or improvement upon land is
             114      awarded to any contractor, the owner shall obtain from the contractor a payment bond:
             115          (a) complying with Subsection (3); and
             116          (b) that becomes binding upon the award of the original commercial contract to the
             117      contractor.
             118          (3) The payment bond shall be:
             119          (a) with a surety or sureties satisfactory to the owner for the protection of all persons
             120      supplying labor, services, equipment, or material in the prosecution of the work provided for in

             121      the commercial contract; and
             122          (b) in a sum equal to the original commercial contract price.
             123          (4) A person shall have a right of action on a payment bond under this chapter for any
             124      unpaid amount due that person if that person:
             125          (a) has furnished labor, services, equipment, or material in the prosecution of the work
             126      provided for in the commercial contract for which the payment bond is furnished under this
             127      chapter; and
             128          (b) has not been paid in full within 90 days after the last day on which that person:
             129          (i) performed the labor or service for which a claim is made; or
             130          (ii) supplied the equipment or material for which the claim is made.
             131          (5) (a) An action under this section shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction
             132      in the county where the commercial contract was to be performed and not elsewhere.
             133          (b) An action under this section is barred if not commenced within one year after the
             134      last day on which the claimant:
             135          (i) performed the labor or service on which the claim is based; or
             136          (ii) supplied the equipment or material on which the claim is based.
             137          (c) The obligee named in the payment bond need not be joined as a party to an action
             138      under this section.
             139          (d) In any action upon a payment bond under this section, the court may award
             140      reasonable [attorneys'] attorney fees to the prevailing party, which [attorneys'] attorney fees
             141      shall be taxed as costs in the action.
             142          (6) The payment bond shall be exhibited to any interested person upon request.
             143          (7) In any suit upon a payment bond under this chapter, the court shall award
             144      reasonable [attorneys'] attorney fees to the prevailing party.
             145          (8) Unless otherwise specified in a lawful contract between the owner and the person
             146      making a claim under this section, the interest rate applicable to the claim is the rate described
             147      in Subsection 15-1-1 (2).
             148          Section 4. Section 14-2-2 is amended to read:
             149           14-2-2. Failure of owner to obtain payment bond -- Liability.
             150          (1) An owner who fails to obtain a payment bond required under Section 14-2-1 is
             151      liable to each person who performed labor or service or supplied equipment or materials under

             152      the commercial contract for the reasonable value of the labor or service performed or the
             153      equipment or materials furnished up to but not exceeding the commercial contract price.
             154          (2) An action to recover on the liability described in Subsection (1) may not be
             155      commenced [after the expiration of] later than one year after the day on which:
             156          (a) the last of the labor or service was performed; or
             157          (b) the equipment or material was supplied by the person.
             158          (3) In an action for failure to obtain a bond, the court shall award reasonable
             159      [attorneys'] attorney fees to the prevailing party. These [attorneys'] attorney fees shall be taxed
             160      as costs in the action.
             161          Section 5. Section 14-2-5 is amended to read:
             162           14-2-5. Preliminary notice requirement.
             163          (1) Any person furnishing labor, service, equipment, or material for which a payment
             164      bond claim may be made under this chapter shall provide preliminary notice to the designated
             165      agent as prescribed by Section 38-1-32 , except that this section does not apply to [a person] an
             166      individual performing labor for wages.
             167          (2) Any person who fails to provide the preliminary notice required by Subsection (1)
             168      may not make a payment bond claim under this chapter.
             169          (3) The preliminary notice required by Subsection (1) shall be provided prior to
             170      commencement of any action on the payment bond.
             171          (4) Subsection (1) does not exempt the following from complying with the
             172      requirements of this section:
             173          (a) a temporary labor service company or organization;
             174          (b) a professional employer company or organization;
             175          (c) a union trust fund; or
             176          (d) any other entity that provides labor or collects for labor.
             177          Section 6. Section 38-1-32.5 is amended to read:
             178           38-1-32.5. Preliminary notice on government project.
             179          (1) (a) Except for a person who has a contract with an owner or an owner-builder or a
             180      laborer compensated with wages, a subcontractor on a government project shall file a
             181      preliminary notice with the database by the later of:
             182          [(a)] (i) 20 days after the subcontractor commences the subcontractor's own work or

             183      commences furnishing labor, service, equipment, or material to the construction project; and
             184          [(b)] (ii) 20 days after the filing of a notice of commencement, if the subcontractor's
             185      work commences before the filing of the first notice of commencement.
             186          (b) Subsection (1) does not exempt the following from complying with the
             187      requirements of this section:
             188          (i) a temporary labor service company or organization;
             189          (ii) a professional employer company or organization;
             190          (iii) a union trust fund; or
             191          (iv) any other entity that provides labor or collects for labor.
             192          (2) A preliminary notice filed within the period described in Subsection (1) is effective
             193      as to all labor, service, equipment, and material that the subcontractor furnishes to the
             194      construction project, including labor, service, equipment, and material provided that the
             195      subcontractor furnishes to more than one contractor or subcontractor.
             196          (3) (a) If more than one notice of commencement is filed for a project, a person may
             197      attach a preliminary notice to any notice of commencement filed for the project.
             198          (b) A preliminary notice attached to an untimely notice of commencement is valid if
             199      there is also a valid and timely notice of commencement for the project.
             200          (4) If a person files a preliminary notice after the period prescribed by Subsection (1),
             201      the preliminary notice becomes effective five days after the day on which the preliminary
             202      notice is filed.
             203          (5) Except as provided in Subsection (8), failure to file a preliminary notice within the
             204      period required by Subsection (1) precludes a person from maintaining any claim for
             205      compensation earned for labor, service, material, or equipment furnished to the construction
             206      project before the expiration of five days after the late filing of a preliminary notice, except as
             207      against the person with whom the person contracted.
             208          (6) A preliminary notice on a government project shall include:
             209          (a) the government project-identifying information;
             210          (b) the name, address, and telephone number of the person furnishing the labor,
             211      service, equipment, or material;
             212          (c) the name and address of the person who contracted with the claimant for the
             213      furnishing of the labor, service, equipment, or material;

             214          (d) the name of the record or reputed owner of the project;
             215          (e) the name of the original contractor under which the claimant is performing or will
             216      perform its work; and
             217          (f) the address of the project or a description of the location of the project.
             218          (7) Upon request, an original contractor shall provide a subcontractor with the number
             219      assigned to the project by the designated agent.
             220          (8) A person who provides labor, service, equipment, or material before the filing of a
             221      notice of commencement need not file a preliminary notice to maintain any right the person
             222      would otherwise have, if the notice of commencement is filed more than 15 days after the day
             223      on which the person begins work on the project.
             224          (9) Subsections 38-1-32 (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) apply to a preliminary notice on a
             225      government project under this section to the same extent that those subsections apply to a
             226      preliminary notice on a private project under Section 38-1-32 .
             227          Section 7. Section 38-1-41 is enacted to read:
             228          38-1-41. Interest rate on lien.
             229          Unless otherwise specified in a lawful contract between the owner-builder and the
             230      person claiming a lien under this chapter, the interest rate applicable to the lien is the rate
             231      described in Subsection 15-1-1 (2).
             232          Section 8. Section 53A-20-109 is enacted to read:
             233          53A-20-109. Prohibited contract methods and terms -- Required terms.
             234          (1) As used in this section:
             235          (a) "Differing site conditions clause" means a clause in a construction contract that
             236      provides for an equitable adjustment to the contract in the event that the contractor discovers,
             237      and promptly reports to the government entity that contracted for the construction, the
             238      existence on the construction site of any of the following that were not known by the contractor
             239      at the time the contract was executed:
             240          (i) subsurface or latent physical conditions that differ materially from the conditions
             241      indicated in the contract; or
             242          (ii) physical conditions of an unusual nature that differ materially from those ordinarily
             243      encountered for the type of construction or for the location of the construction site.
             244          (b) "No-damage-for-delay clause" means a clause in a construction contract that

             245      prohibits a contractor from being compensated for damages caused by a delay that is the fault
             246      of the government entity that contracted for the construction.
             247          (2) A school district may not use, directly or indirectly, a Construction
             248      Manager/General Contractor method of contracting, or a design-build method of contracting,
             249      for the construction of a school building.
             250          (3) A contract for the construction of a school building:
             251          (a) may not contain a no-damage-for-delay clause; and
             252          (b) shall contain a differing site conditions clause.
             253          Section 9. Section 63G-6-501 is amended to read:
             254           63G-6-501. Alternative methods of construction contracting management.
             255          (1) (a) Rules shall provide as many alternative methods of construction contracting
             256      management as determined to be feasible.
             257          (b) These rules shall:
             258          (i) grant to the chief procurement officer or the head of the purchasing agency
             259      responsible for carrying out the construction project the discretion to select the appropriate
             260      method of construction contracting management for a particular project; and
             261          (ii) require the procurement officer to execute and include in the contract file a written
             262      statement setting forth the facts which led to the selection of a particular method of
             263      construction contracting management for each project.
             264          (c) Before choosing a construction contracting management method, the chief
             265      procurement officer or the head of the purchasing agency responsible for carrying out the
             266      construction project shall consider the following factors:
             267          (i) when the project must be ready to be occupied;
             268          (ii) the type of project;
             269          (iii) the extent to which the requirements of the procuring agencies and the ways in
             270      which they are to be met are known;
             271          (iv) the location of the project;
             272          (v) the size, scope, complexity, and economics of the project;
             273          (vi) the source of funding and any resulting constraints necessitated by the funding
             274      source;
             275          (vii) the availability, qualification, and experience of state personnel to be assigned to

             276      the project and how much time the state personnel can devote to the project; and
             277          (viii) the availability, qualifications, and experience of outside consultants and
             278      contractors to complete the project under the various methods being considered.
             279          (2) (a) [Rules] Except as provided in Subsection (4), rules adopted by state public
             280      procurement units [and local public procurement units] to implement this section may
             281      authorize the use of a Construction Manager/General Contractor as one method of construction
             282      contracting management.
             283          (b) Those rules shall require that:
             284          (i) the Construction Manager/General Contractor shall be selected using one of the
             285      source selection methods provided for in Part 4, Source Selections and Contract Formation,
             286      and Section 63G-6-502 ; and
             287          (ii) when entering into any subcontract that was not specifically included in the
             288      Construction Manager/General Contractor's cost proposal submitted under the requirements of
             289      Subsection (2)(b)(i), the Construction Manager/General Contractor shall procure that
             290      subcontractor by using one of the source selection methods provided for in Part 4, Source
             291      Selections and Contract Formation, in the same manner as if the subcontract work was
             292      procured directly by the state.
             293          (3) Procurement rules adopted by the State Building Board under Subsection (1) for
             294      state building construction projects may authorize the use of a design-build provider as one
             295      method of construction contracting management.
             296          (4) The only public procurement units that are permitted to use a Construction
             297      Manager/General Contractor method of contracting or a design-build method of contracting are
             298      the Division of Facilities Construction and Management and the Utah Department of
             299      Transportation.
             300          Section 10. Section 63G-6-506 is amended to read:
             301           63G-6-506. Preliminary notice requirement.
             302          (1) Any person furnishing labor, service, equipment, or material for which a payment
             303      bond claim may be made under this chapter shall provide preliminary notice to the designated
             304      agent as prescribed by Section 38-1-32.5 , except that this section does not apply:
             305          (a) to [a person] an individual performing labor for wages; or
             306          (b) if a notice of commencement is not filed as prescribed in Section 38-1-31.5 for the

             307      project or improvement for which labor, service, equipment, or material is furnished.
             308          (2) Any person who fails to provide the preliminary notice required by Subsection (1)
             309      may not make a payment bond claim under this chapter.
             310          (3) The preliminary notice required by Subsection (1) must be provided before
             311      commencement of any action on the payment bond.
             312          (4) Subsection (1)(a) does not exempt the following from complying with the
             313      requirements of this section:
             314          (a) a temporary labor service company or organization;
             315          (b) a professional employer company or organization;
             316          (c) a union trust fund; or
             317          (d) any other entity that provides labor or collects for labor.
             318          Section 11. Section 63G-6-506.5 is enacted to read:
             319          63G-6-506.5. Interest rate for bond claim.
             320          Unless otherwise specified in a lawful contract between a public procurement unit and
             321      the person making a bond claim against the public procurement unit, the interest rate applicable
             322      to the bond claim is the rate described in Subsection 15-1-1 (2).
             323          Section 12. Section 63G-6-601 is amended to read:
             324           63G-6-601. Required and prohibited contract clauses -- Computation of price
             325      adjustments -- Use of rules and regulations.
             326          (1) Rules and regulations shall require for state construction contracts and may permit
             327      or require for state contracts for supplies and services the inclusion of clauses providing for
             328      adjustments in prices, time of performance, or other appropriate contract provisions, and
             329      covering the following subjects:
             330          (a) the unilateral right of the state to order in writing changes in the work within the
             331      scope of the contract and changes in the time of performance of the contract that do not alter
             332      the scope of the contract work;
             333          (b) variations occurring between estimated quantities of work in a contract and actual
             334      quantities;
             335          (c) suspension of work ordered by the state; and
             336          (d) site conditions differing from those indicated in the construction contract, or
             337      ordinarily encountered, except that differing site conditions clauses required by the rules and

             338      regulations need not be included in a construction contract when the contract is negotiated,
             339      when the contractor provides the site or design, or when the parties have otherwise agreed with
             340      respect to the risk of differing site conditions.
             341          (2) Adjustments in price pursuant to clauses promulgated under Subsection (1) shall be
             342      computed in one or more of the following ways:
             343          (a) by agreement on a fixed price adjustment before commencement of the pertinent
             344      performance or as soon thereafter as practicable;
             345          (b) by unit prices specified in the contract or subsequently agreed upon;
             346          (c) by the costs attributable to the events or situations under the clauses with
             347      adjustment of profit or fee, all as specified in the contract or subsequently agreed upon;
             348          (d) in any other manner as the contracting parties may mutually agree; or
             349          (e) in the absence of agreement by the parties, by a unilateral determination by the state
             350      of the costs attributable to the events or situations under the clauses with adjustment of profit
             351      or fee, all as computed by the state in accordance with applicable sections of the rules and
             352      regulations issued under Subsection 63G-6-415 (1) and subject to the provisions of Part 8,
             353      Legal and Contractual Remedies.
             354          (3) A contractor shall be required to submit cost or pricing data if any adjustment in
             355      contract price is subject to the provisions of Section 63G-6-415 .
             356          (4) Rules and regulations shall require for state construction contracts and may permit
             357      or require for state contracts for supplies and services the inclusion of clauses providing for
             358      appropriate remedies and covering at least the following subjects:
             359          (a) liquidated damages as appropriate;
             360          (b) specified excuses for delay or nonperformance;
             361          (c) termination of the contract for default; and
             362          (d) termination of the contract in whole or in part for the convenience of the state.
             363          (5) The contract clauses promulgated under this section shall be set forth in rules and
             364      regulations. However, the chief procurement officer or the head of a purchasing agency may
             365      modify the clauses for inclusion in any particular contract. Any variations shall be supported
             366      by a written determination that describes the circumstances justifying the variations, and notice
             367      of any material variation shall be included in the invitation for bids or request for proposals.
             368          (6) (a) As used in this Subsection (6):

             369          (i) "Differing site conditions clause" means a clause in a construction contract that
             370      provides for an equitable adjustment to the contract in the event that the contractor discovers,
             371      and promptly reports to the public procurement unit that contracted for the construction, the
             372      existence on the construction site of any of the following that were not known by the contractor
             373      at the time the contract was executed:
             374          (A) subsurface or latent physical conditions that differ materially from the conditions
             375      indicated in the contract; or
             376          (B) physical conditions of an unusual nature that differ materially from those ordinarily
             377      encountered for the type of construction or for the location of the construction site.
             378          (ii) "No-damage-for-delay clause" means a clause in a construction contract that
             379      prohibits a contractor from being compensated for damages caused by a delay that is the fault
             380      of the public procurement unit that contracted for the construction.
             381          (b) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, a contract for
             382      construction entered into by a public procurement unit:
             383          (i) may not contain a no-damage-for-delay clause; and
             384          (ii) shall contain a differing site conditions clause.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-21-12 1:45 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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