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S.B. 17 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Peter C. Knudson

House Sponsor: R. Curt Webb

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends Title 20A, Election Code, to address candidate vacancy.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    authorizes a political party to replace a candidate who resigns because of a disability
             13      that prevents the candidate from continuing the candidacy; and
             14          .    amends a requirement that the political party have a bylaw that establishes a
             15      procedure for replacing a candidate.
             16      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             17          None
             18      Other Special Clauses:
             19          None
             20      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             21      AMENDS:
             22          20A-1-501, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 366
             23          20A-8-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapters 35 and 366
             25      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             26          Section 1. Section 20A-1-501 is amended to read:
             27           20A-1-501. Candidate vacancies -- Procedure for filling.
             28          (1) The state central committee of a political party, for candidates for United States
             29      senator, United States representative, governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state

             30      treasurer, and state auditor, and for legislative candidates whose legislative districts encompass
             31      more than one county, and the county central committee of a political party, for all other party
             32      candidates seeking an office elected at a regular general election, may certify the name of
             33      another candidate to the appropriate election officer if:
             34          (a) after the close of the period for filing declarations of candidacy and continuing
             35      through the date 15 days before the date of the primary election:
             36          (i) only one or two candidates from that party have filed a declaration of candidacy for
             37      that office; and
             38          (ii) one or both:
             39          (A) dies;
             40          (B) resigns because of acquiring a physical or mental disability [as], certified by a
             41      physician, that prevents the candidate from continuing the candidacy; or
             42          (C) is disqualified by an election officer for improper filing or nominating procedures;
             43      or
             44          (b) after the close of the primary election and continuing through the date of the voter
             45      registration deadline for the general election as established in Section 20A-2-102.5 , the party's
             46      candidate:
             47          (i) dies;
             48          (ii) resigns because of acquiring a physical or mental disability as certified by a
             49      physician;
             50          (iii) is disqualified by an election officer for improper filing or nominating procedures;
             51      or
             52          (iv) resigns to become a candidate for President or Vice President of the United States.
             53          (2) If no more than two candidates from a political party have filed a declaration of
             54      candidacy for an office elected at a regular general election and one resigns to become the party
             55      candidate for another position, the state central committee of that political party, for candidates
             56      for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state treasurer, and state auditor, and for
             57      legislative candidates whose legislative districts encompass more than one county, and the

             58      county central committee of that political party, for all other party candidates, may certify the
             59      name of another candidate to the appropriate election officer.
             60          (3) Each replacement candidate shall file a declaration of candidacy as required by
             61      Title 20A, Chapter 9, Part 2, Candidate Qualifications and Declarations of Candidacy.
             62          (4) A replacement candidate may not be certified for an election during the period
             63      beginning on the day after the date of the voter registration deadline and continuing through the
             64      date of the election.
             65          Section 2. Section 20A-8-401 is amended to read:
             66           20A-8-401. Registered political parties -- Bylaws.
             67          (1) (a) Each registered state political party shall file a copy of its constitution and
             68      bylaws with the lieutenant governor by January 1, 1995.
             69          (b) Each new or unregistered state political party that seeks to become a registered
             70      political party under the authority of this chapter shall file a copy of its proposed constitution
             71      and bylaws at the time it files its registration information.
             72          (c) Each registered state political party shall file revised copies of its constitution or
             73      bylaws with the lieutenant governor within 15 days after the constitution or bylaws are adopted
             74      or amended.
             75          (2) Each state political party, each new political party seeking registration, and each
             76      unregistered political party seeking registration shall ensure that its constitution or bylaws
             77      contain:
             78          (a) provisions establishing party organization, structure, membership, and governance
             79      that include:
             80          (i) a description of the position, selection process, qualifications, duties, and terms of
             81      each party officer and committees defined by constitution and bylaws;
             82          (ii) a provision requiring a designated party officer to serve as liaison with:
             83          (A) the lieutenant governor on all matters relating to the political party's relationship
             84      with the state; and
             85          (B) each county legislative body on matters relating to the political party's relationship

             86      with a county;
             87          (iii) a description of the requirements for participation in party processes;
             88          (iv) the dates, times, and quorum of any regularly scheduled party meetings,
             89      conventions, or other conclaves; and
             90          (v) a mechanism for making the names of delegates, candidates, and elected party
             91      officers available to the public shortly after they are selected;
             92          (b) a procedure for selecting party officers that allows active participation by party
             93      members;
             94          (c) a procedure for selecting party candidates at the federal, state, and county levels that
             95      allows active participation by party members;
             96          (d) (i) a procedure for selecting electors who are pledged to cast their votes in the
             97      electoral college for the party's candidates for president and vice president of the United States;
             98      and
             99          (ii) a procedure for filling vacancies in the office of presidential elector because of
             100      death, refusal to act, failure to attend, ineligibility, or any other cause;
             101          (e) a procedure for filling vacancies in the office of representative or senator or a
             102      county office, as described in Section 20A-1-508 , because of death, resignation, or ineligibility;
             103          (f) a provision requiring the governor and lieutenant governor to run as a joint ticket;
             104          (g) a procedure for replacing party candidates who die, acquire a disability that
             105      prevents the candidate from continuing the candidacy, or are disqualified before a primary or
             106      regular general election;
             107          (h) provisions governing the deposit and expenditure of party funds, and governing the
             108      accounting for, reporting, and audit of party financial transactions;
             109          (i) provisions governing access to party records;
             110          (j) a procedure for amending the constitution or bylaws that allows active participation
             111      by party members or their representatives;
             112          (k) a process for resolving grievances against the political party; and
             113          (l) if desired by the political party, a process for consulting with, and obtaining the

             114      opinion of, the political party's Utah Senate and Utah House members about:
             115          (i) the performance of the two United States Senators from Utah, including
             116      specifically:
             117          (A) their views and actions regarding the defense of state's rights and federalism; and
             118          (B) their performance in representing Utah's interests;
             119          (ii) the members' opinion about, or rating of, and support or opposition to the policy
             120      positions of any candidates for United States Senate from Utah, including incumbents,
             121      including specifically:
             122          (A) their views and actions regarding the defense of state's rights and federalism; and
             123          (B) their performance in representing Utah's interests; and
             124          (iii) the members' collective or individual endorsement or rating of a particular
             125      candidate for United States Senate from Utah.

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