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S.B. 197 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Jerry W. Stevenson

House Sponsor: Paul Ray

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends provisions related to the retirement of an attorney general.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    repeals a provision that requires an attorney in career service status to retire at the
             13      age of 70; and
             14          .    makes conforming amendments.
             15      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             16          None
             17      Other Special Clauses:
             18          None
             19      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             20      AMENDS:
             21          34A-5-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 65
             22          67-5-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapters 138 and 439
             24      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             25          Section 1. Section 34A-5-106 is amended to read:
             26           34A-5-106. Discriminatory or prohibited employment practices -- Permitted
             27      practices.
             28          (1) It is a discriminatory or prohibited employment practice to take any action
             29      described in Subsections (1)(a) through (f).

             30          (a) (i) An employer may not refuse to hire, promote, discharge, demote, or terminate
             31      any person, or to retaliate against, harass, or discriminate in matters of compensation or in
             32      terms, privileges, and conditions of employment against any person otherwise qualified,
             33      because of:
             34          (A) race;
             35          (B) color;
             36          (C) sex;
             37          (D) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
             38          (E) age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older;
             39          (F) religion;
             40          (G) national origin; or
             41          (H) disability.
             42          (ii) A person may not be considered "otherwise qualified," unless that person possesses
             43      the following required by an employer for any particular job, job classification, or position:
             44          (A) education;
             45          (B) training;
             46          (C) ability, with or without reasonable accommodation;
             47          (D) moral character;
             48          (E) integrity;
             49          (F) disposition to work;
             50          (G) adherence to reasonable rules and regulations; and
             51          (H) other job related qualifications required by an employer.
             52          (iii) (A) As used in this chapter, "to discriminate in matters of compensation" means
             53      the payment of differing wages or salaries to employees having substantially equal experience,
             54      responsibilities, and skill for the particular job.
             55          (B) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a)(iii)(A):
             56          (I) nothing in this chapter prevents increases in pay as a result of longevity with the
             57      employer, if the salary increases are uniformly applied and available to all employees on a

             58      substantially proportional basis; and
             59          (II) nothing in this section prohibits an employer and employee from agreeing to a rate
             60      of pay or work schedule designed to protect the employee from loss of Social Security payment
             61      or benefits if the employee is eligible for those payments.
             62          (b) An employment agency may not:
             63          (i) refuse to list and properly classify for employment, or refuse to refer an individual
             64      for employment, in a known available job for which the individual is otherwise qualified,
             65      because of:
             66          (A) race;
             67          (B) color;
             68          (C) sex;
             69          (D) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
             70          (E) religion;
             71          (F) national origin;
             72          (G) age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older; or
             73          (H) disability; or
             74          (ii) comply with a request from an employer for referral of applicants for employment
             75      if the request indicates either directly or indirectly that the employer discriminates in
             76      employment on account of:
             77          (A) race;
             78          (B) color;
             79          (C) sex;
             80          (D) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
             81          (E) religion;
             82          (F) national origin;
             83          (G) age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older; or
             84          (H) disability.
             85          (c) A labor organization may not exclude any individual otherwise qualified from full

             86      membership rights in the labor organization, expel the individual from membership in the labor
             87      organization, or otherwise discriminate against or harass any of the labor organization's
             88      members in full employment of work opportunity, or representation, because of:
             89          (i) race;
             90          (ii) sex;
             91          (iii) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
             92          (iv) religion;
             93          (v) national origin;
             94          (vi) age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older; or
             95          (vii) disability.
             96          (d) Unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, or required by and given
             97      to an agency of government for security reasons, an employer, employment agency, or labor
             98      organization may not print, or circulate, or cause to be printed or circulated, any statement,
             99      advertisement, or publication, use any form of application for employment or membership, or
             100      make any inquiry in connection with prospective employment or membership that expresses,
             101      either directly or indirectly:
             102          (i) any limitation, specification, or discrimination as to:
             103          (A) race;
             104          (B) color;
             105          (C) religion;
             106          (D) sex;
             107          (E) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
             108          (F) national origin;
             109          (G) age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older; or
             110          (H) disability;
             111          (ii) the intent to make any limitation, specification, or discrimination described in
             112      Subsection (1)(d)(i).
             113          (e) A person, whether or not an employer, an employment agency, a labor organization,

             114      or the employees or members of an employer, employment agency, or labor organization, may
             115      not:
             116          (i) aid, incite, compel, or coerce the doing of an act defined in this section to be a
             117      discriminatory or prohibited employment practice;
             118          (ii) obstruct or prevent any person from complying with this chapter, or any order
             119      issued under this chapter; or
             120          (iii) attempt, either directly or indirectly, to commit any act prohibited in this section.
             121          (f) (i) An employer, labor organization, joint apprenticeship committee, or vocational
             122      school, providing, coordinating, or controlling apprenticeship programs, or providing,
             123      coordinating, or controlling on-the-job-training programs, instruction, training, or retraining
             124      programs may not:
             125          (A) deny to, or withhold from, any qualified person, the right to be admitted to, or
             126      participate in any apprenticeship training program, on-the-job-training program, or other
             127      occupational instruction, training or retraining program because of:
             128          (I) race;
             129          (II) color;
             130          (III) sex;
             131          (IV) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
             132          (V) religion;
             133          (VI) national origin;
             134          (VII) age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older; or
             135          (VIII) disability;
             136          (B) discriminate against or harass any qualified person in that person's pursuit of
             137      programs described in Subsection (1)(f)(i)(A), or to discriminate against such a person in the
             138      terms, conditions, or privileges of programs described in Subsection (1)(f)(i)(A), because of:
             139          (I) race;
             140          (II) color;
             141          (III) sex;

             142          (IV) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
             143          (V) religion;
             144          (VI) national origin;
             145          (VII) age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older; or
             146          (VIII) disability; or
             147          (C) except as provided in Subsection (1)(f)(ii), print, publish, or cause to be printed or
             148      published, any notice or advertisement relating to employment by the employer, or membership
             149      in or any classification or referral for employment by a labor organization, or relating to any
             150      classification or referral for employment by an employment agency, indicating any preference,
             151      limitation, specification, or discrimination based on:
             152          (I) race;
             153          (II) color;
             154          (III) sex;
             155          (IV) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
             156          (V) religion;
             157          (VI) national origin;
             158          (VII) age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older; or
             159          (VIII) disability.
             160          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(f)(i)(C), if the following is a bona fide
             161      occupational qualification for employment, a notice or advertisement described in Subsection
             162      (1)(f)(i)(C) may indicate a preference, limitation, specification, or discrimination based on:
             163          (A) race;
             164          (B) color;
             165          (C) religion;
             166          (D) sex;
             167          (E) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
             168          (F) age;
             169          (G) national origin; or

             170          (H) disability.
             171          (2) Nothing contained in Subsections (1)(a) through (1)(f) shall be construed to
             172      prevent:
             173          (a) the termination of employment of an individual who, with or without reasonable
             174      accommodation, is physically, mentally, or emotionally unable to perform the duties required
             175      by that individual's employment;
             176          (b) the variance of insurance premiums or coverage on account of age; or
             177          (c) a restriction on the activities of individuals licensed by the liquor authority with
             178      respect to persons under 21 years of age.
             179          (3) (a) It is not a discriminatory or prohibited employment practice:
             180          (i) for an employer to hire and employ employees, for an employment agency to
             181      classify or refer for employment any individual, for a labor organization to classify its
             182      membership or to classify or refer for employment any individual or for an employer, labor
             183      organization, or joint labor-management committee controlling apprenticeship or other training
             184      or retraining programs to admit or employ any individual in any such program, on the basis of
             185      religion, sex, pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions, age, national origin, or
             186      disability in those certain instances where religion, sex, pregnancy, childbirth, or
             187      pregnancy-related conditions, age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older, national origin,
             188      or disability is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal
             189      operation of that particular business or enterprise;
             190          (ii) for a school, college, university, or other educational institution to hire and employ
             191      employees of a particular religion if:
             192          (A) the school, college, university, or other educational institution is, in whole or in
             193      substantial part, owned, supported, controlled, or managed by a particular religious corporation,
             194      association, or society; or
             195          (B) the curriculum of the school, college, university, or other educational institution is
             196      directed toward the propagation of a particular religion;
             197          (iii) for an employer to give preference in employment to:

             198          (A) the employer's:
             199          (I) spouse;
             200          (II) child; or
             201          (III) son-in-law or daughter-in-law;
             202          (B) any person for whom the employer is or would be liable to furnish financial
             203      support if those persons were unemployed;
             204          (C) any person to whom the employer during the preceding six months has furnished
             205      more than one-half of total financial support regardless of whether or not the employer was or
             206      is legally obligated to furnish support; or
             207          (D) any person whose education or training was substantially financed by the employer
             208      for a period of two years or more.
             209          (b) Nothing in this chapter applies to any business or enterprise on or near an Indian
             210      reservation with respect to any publicly announced employment practice of the business or
             211      enterprise under which preferential treatment is given to any individual because that individual
             212      is a native American Indian living on or near an Indian reservation.
             213          (c) Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted to require any employer, employment
             214      agency, labor organization, vocational school, joint labor-management committee, or
             215      apprenticeship program subject to this chapter to grant preferential treatment to any individual
             216      or to any group because of the race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability of the
             217      individual or group on account of an imbalance which may exist with respect to the total
             218      number or percentage of persons of any race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or
             219      disability employed by any employer, referred or classified for employment by an employment
             220      agency or labor organization, admitted to membership or classified by any labor organization,
             221      or admitted to or employed in, any apprenticeship or other training program, in comparison
             222      with the total number or percentage of persons of that race, color, religion, sex, age, national
             223      origin, or disability in any community or county or in the available work force in any
             224      community or county.
             225          (4) It is not a discriminatory or prohibited practice with respect to age to observe the

             226      terms of a bona fide seniority system or any bona fide employment benefit plan such as a
             227      retirement, pension, or insurance plan that is not a subterfuge to evade the purposes of this
             228      chapter, except that no such employee benefit plan shall excuse the failure to hire an individual.
             229          (5) Notwithstanding Subsection (4), or any other statutory provision to the contrary, a
             230      person may not be subject to involuntary termination or retirement from employment on the
             231      basis of age alone, if the individual is 40 years of age or older, except:
             232          (a) under Subsection (6); and
             233          [(b) under Section 67-5-8 ; and]
             234          [(c)] (b) when age is a bona fide occupational qualification.
             235          (6) Nothing in this section prohibits compulsory retirement of an employee who has
             236      attained at least 65 years of age, and who, for the two-year period immediately before
             237      retirement, is employed in a bona fide executive or a high policymaking position, if:
             238          (a) that employee is entitled to an immediate nonforfeitable annual retirement benefit
             239      from the employee's employer's pension, profit-sharing, savings, or deferred compensation
             240      plan, or any combination of those plans; and
             241          (b) the benefit described in Subsection (6)(a) equals, in the aggregate, at least $44,000.
             242          Section 2. Section 67-5-8 is amended to read:
             243           67-5-8. Eligibility for career service status.
             244          (1) (a) The attorney general has sole authority to determine who may be employed with
             245      the Office of the Attorney General.
             246          (b) An employee of the state or any of its departments or agencies has no claim or right
             247      to a position in the attorney general's office by virtue of that employment.
             248          (2) (a) An employee of the Office of the Attorney General shall be placed in a career
             249      service status if:
             250          (i) for an employee who is an attorney, the attorney is a member in good standing of
             251      the Utah State Bar Association; and
             252          (ii) except as provided in Subsection (3), the employee has been employed by the
             253      Office of the Attorney General as a probationary employee for a period of:

             254          (A) at least one year but no more than 18 months; or
             255          (B) in the case of investigators, at least 18 months, but no more than two years.
             256          (b) An employee now employed by the attorney general's office in career service may
             257      not be terminated under this chapter except for cause.
             258          (3) (a) The attorney general shall determine whether an employee should be granted
             259      career service status.
             260          (b) If, at the end of the probationary period established under Subsection (2), the
             261      attorney general determines that an employee should be granted career service status, the
             262      attorney general shall notify the employee in writing of that decision and place a copy of the
             263      notification in the employee's personnel file.
             264          (c) If the attorney general determines that career service status should not be granted,
             265      the attorney general may either terminate the employee or extend the probationary period for a
             266      period not to exceed one year.
             267          (d) The attorney general shall notify the employee in writing of that decision and place
             268      a copy of the notification in the employee's personnel file.
             269          (e) An employee terminated under this section has no appeal rights under this chapter.
             270          [(4) (a) An attorney in career service status under this chapter shall retire upon attaining
             271      the age of 70 years.]
             272          [(b) Subject to the provisions of Sections 49-11-504 and 49-11-505 , an attorney
             273      required to retire under this section may be employed by the attorney general, after retirement,
             274      as a special assistant attorney general.]
             275          [(c) An attorney employed in the capacity of a special assistant under Subsection (4)(b)
             276      is not in career service status and is subject to termination in accordance with Section 67-5-12 .]

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